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Beautiful Disaster

Page 58

by Rye Hart


  Two days later, I was once again at the hospital with my little brother. Daniel wasn’t doing well. His entire body was failing and the longer we waited, the worse he got. I was desperate to find someone, anyone who would be a match for him but it looked grim. As I sat by his bed, watching him drift in and out of sleep, I thought back to my night with Caroline.

  We’d finally slept together and now, I wasn’t sure what it meant. I loved her. I always had. But my head was full of so many conflicting things that I didn’t know where to begin. I felt guilty when I wasn’t with Daniel but when I was, I was distracted by thoughts of Caroline. Not to mention my mother, who hadn’t yet made it through a single day without a drink.

  Ever since I had come home, she seemed to use my presence as an excuse to lose control. She knew that I would step right back into my role as protector. She left the hospital after only a couple of hours, saying she needed to rest, just to return wasted and angry a few hours later. The hospital staff was on strict orders not to let her inside if she was drunk. That was the case more often than not.

  My anger toward her grew stronger every day. This, all of this, was her fault. I left Daniel with her for just a few years and even that was too much for her. I knew Daniel was an adult and therefore, he should have taken care of himself, but she was his fucking mother! It was her job to look after him, to make sure he had his insulin, and took care of his diabetes. Instead, she drank herself stupid and became a useless pile of shit. I hated her.

  Still, I tried to remember that she was scared. Faced with the reality of losing her son was killing her. I saw it every time I looked in her eyes. She was scared to death, but so was I.

  As I sat by Daniel’s bedside, I reached for his hand and blinked away tears. He was only getting worse and no amount of time would change that. We hadn’t yet found a donor and I was beginning to think we never would.

  “Hey,” a soft voice said from behind me. I whipped around to see Caroline and Stephanie step inside the room.

  “Hi,” I said. I jumped up and hugged Caroline, breathing in the scent of her hair.

  “I hope it’s okay that we came,” Caroline said. “I was just worried and Stephanie suggested we come by.”

  “Of course, it’s okay,” I said. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Especially since Daniel’s probably your brother too,” Stephanie said.

  I snorted but Caroline shot her an angry look.

  “Shut up,” Caroline said, her voice low. “Daniel doesn’t know about any of that.”

  “He’s asleep,” I said, gesturing toward my brother. “He won’t hear you.”

  Still, I motioned for them to follow me to the hallway. Daniel was asleep and I didn’t think he’d wake anytime soon but I still didn’t want to risk anything.

  We stepped outside and I instinctively moved closer to Caroline. I resisted the urge to touch her again but my entire body was calling out to her. She brushed my hand with hers but didn’t hold it.

  “How are you holding up?” she asked softly, her eyes searching my face.

  “I don’t know,” I said honestly. “Things are insane right now. It’s like we’re all just sitting around, waiting for him to die. None of this feels real.”

  “Isn’t there anything the doctors can do in the meantime?” Stephanie asked with concern. “Something that will buy him some time while they can find a donor?”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “Right now, his only hope is a transplant. Dr. Henfield keeps telling us about all these different transplant success stories but they don’t mean anything right now. Not when we don’t have any hope of finding him a donor.”

  “My dad still hasn’t heard yet,” Caroline said softly. “So, there’s a chance.”

  I nodded. “I know, but we don’t know if he’ll donate even if he is a match.”

  “I’ll make him,” Caroline said, glowering.

  “You can’t,” I said, chuckling softly. “It’s illegal.”

  “Whatever,” she said. “I don’t care.”

  “Besides,” I said. “The chances of him being a match are so slim that it’s almost not worth talking about.”

  Caroline and Stephanie glanced at each other, pain in their eyes. I knew how much they wanted to help but there wasn’t anything for them to do. There wasn’t anything for anyone to do right now.

  “Where’s your mom?” Caroline asked, looking around with a frown.

  “She hasn’t been by today,” I said. “Probably drunk somewhere.”

  Caroline’s face tightened but she didn’t say anything. She’d never been a fan of my mother’s and now, after everything, I knew she liked her even less.

  “She should be here,” Stephanie said coldly.

  “I just wish there was a way I could search for a donor myself,” I said. “I’d round up everyone in town if I could.”

  Stephanie frowned thoughtfully, her eyebrows pulling together in concentration.

  “What?” Caroline asked her.

  “Well, that’s not exactly a crazy idea,” Stephanie said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “This is a small town,” Stephanie said. “Organizing something like that wouldn’t be that hard.”

  “No one will do it.” I shook my head. “Not for a poor kid from the wrong side of town.”

  “You don’t know that—” Caroline began, but I shot her a look and she quickly fell silent.

  “I do,” I said. “This town is made up of mostly rich people. The elite of the elite. People like me? Like Daniel? The rich and famous don’t want to have anything to do with us.”

  “You aren’t exactly poor anymore,” Stephanie reminded me. “You have money now, Dean.”

  Caroline eyed me closely and I realized I hadn’t yet told her about my fortune. She knew I’d been working out of town but she didn’t know what I did, or how successful I was.

  Thankfully, I had an amazing number two who was holding down the fort so that I could be here for Daniel. If only I had someone who could run my life for me so that I could lose myself in Caroline for a while, I would be a much happier man.


  My dad called me when he received his test results. They came in the mail first thing Friday morning. I drove straight to their house and flew through the back door. My heart was racing as I fell into my usual chair at the kitchen table. Dad was standing by the counter, two envelopes in his hand. I stared at them both, feeling a huge weight settle on my shoulders.

  These test results would tell us so much. If my father was also Daniel’s dad, then that made Daniel my brother. That thought made me slightly queasy but not as much as the other envelope.

  If my father was a match for Daniel, then he could donate his kidney and save Daniel’s life. If he wasn’t, then we were back to square one. Either way, I knew things would change forever and I wasn’t sure I was ready for that to happen. I clenched my fists in my lap as I stared at my father. He was looking from the envelopes to me and then back again. He actually looked scared, but I didn’t know of what. Scared that Daniel was his and he’d have to give a shit? Or scared that he was a match and would have to give a kidney?

  “Where’s Mom?” I asked as I realized she wasn’t there.

  “She’s out this morning,” he said. “She had an event at the club.”

  I nodded. “Well,” I said. “Let’s get this over with.”

  He slit open the first envelope and read it quickly, his eyes scanning back and forth across the page. I held my breath while I waited for him to relay the news.

  “I’m not a match,” he said.

  My heart sunk and my shoulders slumped. I put my head in my hands and tried to fight back the tears that threatened to pour. I didn’t realize how much I wanted my father to be a match for Daniel until that very moment. Hearing that the news was negative sent a wave of sadness through me. My stomach ached as I shook my head and looked back at my dad.

>   “I am sorry,” he said, and for a second, I thought he might have meant it.

  “Let’s just find out the rest,” I said, motioning toward the other envelope.

  Dad nodded and picked up the envelope. He slit it open and read it quickly. I watched with bated breath while he took in the news. Slowly, he lowered the paper and his eyes found mine.

  “I’m not his father either,” he said softly. “The paternity test is negative too. He’s not my son.”

  We were back to square one with the kidney transplant. With my father not being a match, we had to find someone soon or Daniel would die. As I sat in my parent’s kitchen, torn between relief and sorrow, I looked back at my dad.

  He was watching me closely, his eyes narrowed slightly as if he were trying to read my expression. In all my life, I’d never seen my dad look at me that way. It was almost as if he cared how I felt. He looked at me softly and opened his mouth. I waited but no words fell from his lips. He just continued to look at me, his mouth half open and his eyes full of angst.

  “Listen,” I finally said. “I should get over to Dean’s. He’ll want to know about this.”

  “Sure,” Dad said with a nod.

  I hurried out of the kitchen and walked out the back door. As I climbed in my car, my thoughts stayed on my dad. For the first time, I saw something almost human in him. He seemed genuinely sad that he couldn’t help Daniel and yet, Daniel wasn’t even his son. Maybe my father wasn’t the monster I always thought him to be.

  As I drove toward Dean’s house, I wondered how I would give him the news. On one hand, he would be thrilled to find out that the father Daniel had grown up hearing so much about was, in fact, his father. On the other hand, his heart was going to break when he found out my father couldn’t donate his kidney to Daniel

  I drove through town, speeding in my haste to reach him. Ever since we spent that night together, making love under the stars, I couldn’t help but want to be near him. No matter how long we were apart, I longed to be near him. I missed him with a painful desperation that often took my breath away. I always knew that losing my virginity would be intense but I never imagined it would be like that. Dean took me to a brand-new place, revealing emotions and sensations that I never knew existed.

  When I reached his mother’s house, I parked in the driveway and hurried up to the front door. I knew Dean would be here because he’d checked out of the hotel three days earlier. I knocked on the door and stood back, waiting for him to answer.

  When he did, there was a smile on his face that melted me. His deep blue eyes locked on mine, and I sighed, falling immediately into his arms. He held me close, kissing my head and sighing into my hair.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked softly.

  I cleared my throat and pulled away.

  “We should talk,” I said.

  He nodded and stood aside. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I glanced around, seeing if his mother was here.

  “She’s gone,” he said, reading my mind. “She’s hardly ever here anymore.”

  I nodded. “Listen, my dad got the results back today.”

  Dean tensed and sat up straight. His eyes locked on my face as he waited for me to share the news. I sighed and shook my head slowly, feeling tears press against my eyes.

  “He’s not a match,” I said, my voice weak. “I’m so sorry, Dean.”

  Dean nodded and sunk back into the couch cushions. He looked like he was trying to come to terms with the news but the longer he sat there, the harder it became. His face shifted from stoic resignation to confusion to outright despair. I reached for his hand and pulled him against me. Pressing my lips to his knuckles, I tried to convey how much I loved him. His pain felt like my own and I wanted nothing more than to take it away.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said again.

  “It’s not your fault,” he said. “It’s not anyone’s fault.”

  “I’m going in on Monday,” I said. “First thing in the morning.”

  “What?” Dean blinked.

  “To get tested,” I said.

  “You don’t have to do that, you’re not his sister.” Dean was already shaking his head but I wouldn’t hear a word of it.

  “Stop it,” I said. “I’m doing this. I’m going to get tested and we’re going to hope that I’m a match because if I am, I’ll be able to save your brother’s life.”

  “Caroline,” he said weakly. “I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “You aren’t asking.” My voice was firm. Final.

  “Thank you,” he whispered. “Thank you.”

  I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. He breathed heavily and then sunk into me, cupping the back of my head and holding me tightly against him. I sighed into his lips, never wanting the moment to end. I knew I had to break away from him soon. There was still more news to share.

  “Wait,” I said breathlessly, pulling back. “There’s more.”

  “What?” he asked, his eyes searching my face. “What is it?”

  “My dad also got the DNA test results back,” I said slowly. “And they were negative too. Daniel isn’t his son.”

  Dean breathed a sigh of relief. At least Daniel would never have to know now. I sighed and kissed him, lingering on his lips for a long time. He held me close and moaned into my mouth, his grip tightening on my waist. I could feel my body begin to ignite as our kiss deepened. He slid his tongue in my mouth and I groaned, desperate for the sweet taste of him.

  When my panties dampened with desire, I pulled away from him and grabbed his hand. He grinned at me as I led him slowly back to his bedroom, his hand wrapped tightly in my own.


  Caroline led me down the hall, her sundress dancing over her legs. It fell just below her ass and while she walked, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She looked so fucking hot that my dick was already crying out for attention. By the time we reached my bedroom, I was ready to take her right there. She spun around to face me, desire in her eyes, and a silent desperation on her lips. She leaned forward and I grabbed her around the waist, digging my fingers into her hips and kissing her breathless.

  My hands slid lower, hiking up her skirt to grip her plump cheeks. She moaned into me as I squeezed her gently, lifting her off her feet and tossing her on the bed. She bounced a little, giggling as her tits slid out of her dress just enough to make my mouth water.

  “You look so fucking good,” I said, my voice low.

  “Prove it,” she whispered, grinning at me in a devilish way.

  I tore my shirt off, throwing it to the ground. As I slid my jeans off, pulling my boxers down with them, my dick sprung free. It was already at attention, begging to bury itself in Caroline’s alluring body.

  “Is this proof enough?” I asked, stroking my cock slowly.

  Her eyes roamed freely over my body. She bit her bottom lip softly, moaning to herself and nodding. When I moved forward, she spread her legs for me, letting me slide my hand under her dress and tear her panties free.

  She was already soaked, dripping with need as I sunk a finger into her pussy. With my free hand, I reached up and pulled her dress down, letting her perfect tits pop free. Her nipples were hard and when I leaned down to bite down on one, she gasped and grabbed my hair frantically.

  “Fuck yes,” she groaned.

  I ravished her tits while my hand pumped her pussy. She was thrusting her hips upward, fucking my hand with a wild desperation.

  “I want you,” she said, grabbing my face and pulling my lips to hers. “Take me. Right here.”

  I growled and sat up quickly, pulling her along with me. In one motion, I unzipped her dress and lifted it over her head. She was naked beneath it and her smooth skin called me to her. I growled again and flipped her on to her stomach, watching her ass shake as I crawled over her, running my tongue along her spine.

  I bit her shoulder. She cried out and jerked back, popped her ass in the air and waited for my

  I sat up, running my hands over her ass and squeezing it between my hands. Her need was obvious when she spread her legs for me, arching her back and turning her head. She peered at me over her shoulder, those icy blue eyes taking my breath away.

  “Dean,” she whispered.

  The sound of my name on her lips was all I could take. I grabbed her hips and positioned myself at her entrance. As I slid inside of her, she moaned deeply and pushed her ass backward, pulling me deeper into her core.

  “Fuck, baby.” I moaned. “You’re so goddamn wet.”

  “Just for you,” she whispered between moans.

  I pumped my hips forward, moving slowly at first and then gaining momentum the more I watched her ass bounce with my force.

  “Harder,” she demanded

  “As you wish.” I growled and propelled myself forward, barreling into her and making her cry out with pleasure.

  We moved in perfect rhythm, her body aligning with mine. I’d never felt so in sync with anyone before and the harder I thrust, the louder she moaned. She was moaning with pleasure and calling my name like it was a fucking prayer.


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