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The Last Vampyre Prophecy

Page 11

by Ezell Wilson, April

  “Hi.” She lilts and I feel my body sing with contentment at the sound of her voice.

  I hold out the box of croissants and coffee. “I brought breakfast. Hungry?”

  She nods and smiles. “Starved. I think you helped me work up an appetite last night.”

  I grin and lick my lips. “That I did, and once you’ve eaten I’m going to prevail upon you again.”

  Her mouth drops open in astonishment and I laugh, truly laugh for the first time in years. I offer the box again and this time she snatches it from my grip and gives me an admonishing look but fails to hide her amusement.

  She opens the cardboard flap and inhales closing her eyes and enjoying the buttery scented crust. She looks back to me. “Will you join me?”

  I look into her hopeful eyes and for the first time I hate what I am. I wish I were human and I could enjoy the things she does and live through her eyes.

  I sigh. “No thank you, baby. I’ve been dealing with a bit of a stomach bug the last few days and my appetite is sparse. I’m sorry.”

  I see the shift in her pupils and then the string of her thoughts. She’s worried for me. The thought is a bit overwhelming. I haven’t had anyone have any type of feeling for me other than lust in over eighteen hundred years.

  I stare at her for several moments and watch as she shifts her frame closer to me and touches my arm gently. “Oh, I didn’t know. I’m so sorry for dragging you all over the city when you were unwell. I wish you’d have said something. I feel terrible.”

  I grip her hand. “No, no. Please. It was my pleasure to take you around the city, love. Don’t think twice about it. I’m fine, really.”

  She relaxes a bit and gently squeezes my arm. A frisson of shame inches up my spine as I think about kissing the other woman and for deliberately keeping my existence from her. She deserves to know exactly what I am, what I do. She deserves so much more than me.

  “I have a few calls to make, ok? I shouldn’t be long.” I lean down and kiss her forehead.

  She sighs. “Ok. I’ll finish here then get dressed.” She looks up into my eyes and I swear she sees my soul. “Where are we going today?” She asks quietly, timid.

  I smile wide. “I have a surprise for you. You’ll love it.”

  The most breathtaking smile spreads across her face and she peers at me with emerald eyes sparkling bright. “I know I will.”

  I tuck her hair behind her ear and turn for the door, feeling guilty for abandoning her yet again.

  I take the elevator to the lobby and make my way to the complimentary office. Settling into the chair I dial Brody, my 2nd chair and get ready for a status update on the Dubai engineering project.

  The phone connection is slow and hampers our progress but forty-five minutes later we’ve hammered out the details and I end the video call to get back to Adonia.

  Strolling through the lobby I pick up on the vitriolic thoughts of the brunette receptionist. She is dreaming of the ways she could lure me from Adonia. Her impression of Adonia when we checked in was one of petulant distaste. She feels intimidated by her beauty but thinks she can use her sexual prowess to seduce me. Her thoughts enrage me and I look over to catch her eye and level a death glare. She shrinks and begins to punish the keyboard in front of her.

  I stroll to the elevator and press the penthouse. When I step off I come face to face with the worst nightmare imaginable. Mehi.

  She’s fucking here.

  She leans casually against the wall beside our room. Her expression is blank but then a slow carnal smile inches across her face.

  She fake pinches lint from her shirt and regards me shrewdly, “Khai,” she lilts.

  Every hair pricks on my body. I’ve gone over a millennium since I’ve had to encounter her malicious face. Once she turned me I became an enemy. With only a handful of our kind roaming the planet our territorial nature lends itself to destructing the competition.

  Her face tells me she is here to settle a score, to right a wrong. She is here to end me.

  Since she is my maker she holds powers over me that I am useless against. I wipe my face clean of emotion and regard her amusedly.

  “Mehi.” I lilt.

  She grins. “Khai. God it’s good to see your beautiful face. It’s been ages.” Her grace is as alarming as it was the day she turned me. She was already over two thousand years old at the time. Yes, this will be the fight of my existence.

  She gracefully steps forward. “What? No embrace for your oldest friend.” She murmurs. I take in the glint of her eye; it is the look she pinned me with just before she took my humanity. It’s predatory and possessive.

  I wipe my mind of all thoughts and any lingering images of Adonia. Mehi is here for one reason, my connection with Adonia. Any strong emotion I filter, she senses it no matter what the distance is between us. I’ve been careful to control myself for seventeen hundred years. She spent the first one hundred years of my new life teaching me survival but also enslaving me. It was only when I became strong enough to defy her that she released me.

  I’ve been avoiding this encounter since. I traveled the world hunting and researching my kind only to learn there are very few and most are many thousands of years old. Our kind is a selfish existence and overlapping territories creates wars.

  During a trip to Egypt six hundred years ago I learned of an uprising in the mid 1400’s. According to the legend, there was a period of several days of intense lightning storms followed by volcanic activity and flooding across the Middle East. Thousands of people succumbed to the elements but it was the mythical part of the story that caught my attention.

  The local townsmen rarely spoke of it as a gesture of not wanting to conjure up any latent spirits but one man opened up to me. He told about the strange levitations and curses on the town’s people then the wiping of a village in a single night.

  The beautiful people, he said, were “walking demons” and destroyed anything in their path including each other. The fights between the “beautiful people” he said, were horrific. They destroyed ancient coliseums and churches in their wake.

  Finally, when the carnage was over one walking demon remained, he mused, and she placed a curse over the city that damned anyone who spoke of the war and promised to destroy their entire lineage.

  Not long after the story was told there was an earthquake that swallowed half the city and two thousand perished.

  The walking Demon was Mehi.

  She’d destroyed masses of people and took out the remaining nomadic vampyres drifting through the Middle East. I only know of seven walking the earth and they have learned to coexist each possessing a power to ensure their survival.

  Mehi can control the elements and the weather which, makes her the most powerful of us all. She can use nature to annihilate anything in her path. Just like she did in the war of 1421.

  I can feel the atmosphere changing and the air thickening around us. Her emotions are growing dark and the weather is circling her mood.

  I stare at her impassively. But feeling the burn growing within.

  Mehi smiles wide. “Surely you wouldn’t risk burning down this beautiful establishment,” she gestures her delicate hand around the room, “because of your errant temper, Khai.” She shakes her head in mock admonishment. “That would be ever so careless and not to mention selfish on your part.” Her eyes glow as she continues, “Besides, you wouldn’t want any harm to come to your precious, Adonia. That is her name, correct?” She purrs as she steps closer.

  Everything inside me freezes at the sound of her name coming off Mehi’s tongue. It’s lethal and laced with unbridled hate.

  She shakes her finger at me. “Oh, Khai. Do you forget, I know every part of your existence, every thought you have. You. Are. Mine.” She breathes, “Forever.”

  Rage and vitriol shoot up my spine. “You do not own me, no one owns me, Mehi and as you should already know, I will die to protect her. Whatever I need to do.” I seethe. I’m barely able to contain th
e fire growing inside me. I want to eviscerate her; I want to burn her where she stands. I don’t care about witnesses or casualties.

  She tilts her head back giving a musical laugh. “Oh how I’ve missed your entertainment, Khai. You always have had the gift of theatrics.” She stops and her face grows bored. “There are things I suppose you should know about your little Adonia.” She picks at her nails and clicks her teeth in distraction. “It appears a myth I thought preposterous really has some veracity to it.” I look around and feel for intruders of our conversation.

  She rolls her eyes then sighs before she continues, “Anyway,” she murmurs exasperated, “The house maid we had in Greece at the time I turned you was a practicing Papyri Graecae Magicae. She placed a spell on Nanu’s spirit that she come back and walk the earth again in peace and reunite with her love.” She scoffs, “Apparently, it appears that is you.”

  We stare at one another for several minutes. I know her intent. She regards me amusedly before she says; “I just never got the bond with you two. I never understood how you could pick that lowly servant over me.” She shakes her head and a dark look of menace crosses her face. “But now, surely you understand that I cannot allow her to take you from me again, Khai. Oh no. This will end soon and I dare say I will probably lose you forever,” She sighs and waves her hand in the air, “But so be it. I’ll miss you but I’ll survive.” She grins.

  Briefly her guard slips and I get a glimpse into her thoughts. She is vexed. There is something standing in her way of Adonia. Then I catch the crux. Adonia has a protection spell that provides specific immunity against a supernatural attack because of her reincarnate.

  Mehi grins wickedly. “Ah, how I miss judge your abilities sometimes, Khai. Well, make no mistake, the intent is still very much imminent and you should prepare.” Her amber eyes glow like fire in a globe. “Because you know how I enjoy a battle, Khai.” She winks before she turns on her heel. As she reaches the elevator to the main lobby she says over her shoulder, “Don’t disappoint me, Khai.” And then disappears behind the elevator doors.

  I have dropped some of the engrained illusions we use with humans and am moving with speed and calculated moves to get to Adonia. A woman ambling down the corridor pushing a stroller immediately senses the shift and recognizes the unnatural movements. She picks up her pace trying to get her child away from danger.

  I give her a look of warning that has her nearly sprinting down the hall as I swipe my card and throw open the door. Adonia is showering and I can sense her thoughts are a mix between confusion and fear.

  I gather some of our clothes and call for the bellman. When Adonia emerges from the bathroom I am dressed down for travel and have ordered the jet ready in thirty minutes.

  She smiles when she sees me but my expression must be alarming because she blinks several times then gasps lightly. “What’s wrong, Khai?” She whispers.

  I walk over and place my hands on her shoulders. “Do you trust me, Adonia?”

  She stares at me for a beat then nods slightly. I stroke her cheek. “Then please, just gather a few things you would like to take with you. We are leaving as soon as you finish.” Her eyes widen and the green radiates a fierce glow from her fear.

  I take her hands. “I promise, I will keep you safe, Adonia. Trust in me. I will tell you everything once we are away from here. I will tell you all my secrets, Adonia.” I sweep my lips across hers and lean in, our foreheads touching. “And I pray you don’t hate me.”

  She gasps. “I could never hate you, Khai.” She says panicked. “Why are we running? I just don’t understand. Are you in trouble?” She breathes.

  I shake my head. “Please, Adonia. Let me get you out of here. Get your things and put on the clothes I have lain out for you on the bed. Quickly.”

  I turn for the living area and pack a few snack items on the afternoon tray. Adonia begins to move around the room frantically and I hear the clashing of things into her bag. Her thoughts are radiating fear and her heart is beating erratically in her chest.

  That’s when the need to destroy Mehi engulfs my body.



  What the fuck have I gotten myself into? I’ve traveled half way across the world with a man I barely know and now we are running from God knows what. Is he a criminal? Hitman? Mafia? My heart is pounding out of my chest at the realizations. But he has been nothing but wonderful to me. Kind. Giving. Loving—perfect.

  And there is the crux. Nothing is perfect. No one is perfect. He weaves a powerful spell and I am helplessly woven into his magic. Heart body and soul—he owns it all.

  I’m standing at the marble counter staring at my pale face in the mirror. I just can’t make my body respond to the chaos that is going on in my head. I think I’m in shock.

  I feel Khai behind me before I see his reflection in the mirror. Every time I see his beautiful face it sends tingles down my spine. Sometimes I think how his beauty is inhuman. And I’m not the only one it affects. Literally every woman he comes in contact with basically throws themselves at his feet like servants.

  I shake my head to right my thoughts. I can’t think clearly when he is around, my body responds automatically and lust unfurls deep in my belly.

  He leans in and buries his face in my hair inhaling sharply. “Adonia, we must go, love.” He grips my upper arms and turns me to face him fully. His fingers caress my jaw then travel to my hair brushing it over my shoulder. “If we stand here any longer, “he says, his voice soft and hoarse, “I won’t be able to resist you, I am barely containing myself now. Please, grab your bath things and let’s go, quickly.” He reaches for my hand and brushes his lips across my knuckles then steps back.

  I take a deep cleansing breath and turn for my toiletry bag resting on the shelf. I grab it and walk to the bedroom tossing it into my carry bag.

  Khai rests his hand on my shoulder. “Is that everything you need, love?”

  I nod not turning to face him. One look in his eyes and I may break down. He reaches down and grips the handles of the bag then clasps my hand pulling us through the room and out the door.

  A couple is standing in front of the elevator laughing quietly together. She turns and smiles when she sees me then her mouth forms an O then her eyes darken when she takes in Khai. Her companion notices and gets a firmer grasp around her waist pulling her closer.

  Khai is oblivious and stands close to my side stroking my palm with his long fingers. He looks down at me and smiles warmly then leans in to place a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth. I sigh because he just exudes such carnal sexuality that it completely disarms me.

  The doors slide open and we all crowd into the space. Once they close the air is zipping with electricity between us. I get a firmer grasp of his hand and he seems to notice the change as well. He inhales slightly and closes his eyes as if to gain composure. Good damnit, I’m glad it’s not just me that loses coherency when we’re together.

  He grins. “No, it’s definitely not just you, love. Trust me.” He smirks.

  The elevator doors open and he gestures me to precede him. We walk through the lobby and I notice that every single head turns in our direction as we pass. Khai is the epitome of confident grace as we stroll through the main lobby. Watching him exude such authority and charisma has derailed my thoughts of danger and what lies ahead. I quickly return to anxiety mode when I remember the words he spoke earlier.

  “I promise, I will keep you safe, Adonia. Trust in me. I will tell you everything once we are away from here. I will tell you all my secrets, Adonia.”

  Secrets. What kind of secrets? Secrets that will make him leave me? Hurt me? My mind is ferreting the many different possibilities when he pulls me to an abrupt stop and cups my face. “Adonia. I swear to you, I will never harm you. I will never let harm come to you. You have my word. Please, believe me.”

  The raw sincerity of his words hit me like a brick. I nod because the words are trapped in my throat with the unshed

  He pins me with those glacier violet eyes that burn bright. We stare at one another several moments then his eyes dart around the room and settle on the gray horizon through the front door. His nostrils flare and I hear a growl deep within his chest as I watch the clouds turn darker and move fast across the sky.

  He grips my hands and pulls me at almost a run through the double doors. My heels are slipping on the cobbled stones as we rush down the walkway to the awaiting boat. He stops and in one fluid movement swings me into his arms and effortlessly runs us to the boat. The captain reaches up and takes me from Khai’s arms and places me on the fiberglass hull. Khai steps down and pulls me into his side, curling both arms around me and pulling us into the enclosed cabin.

  Within minutes we are weaving through the narrow canals. Khai keeps his eyes trained on the advancing clouds never blinking or shifting. He’s like a statue and then I notice he’s not even breathing and I panic. What if he’s hurt? Sick? My heart breaks into a sprint and I begin to shift closer to him but he squeezes my hand.

  Not looking at me he says, “I’m ok, love. Just focus on where else you wish to visit on our journey.” His voice is so calm and bored that I nearly forget we are running.

  I just sit there staring at his profile watching his eyes roll over the horizon. Finally we stop at the entrance where our car is parked. Khai hands the driver cash then pulls me safely to the dock. We walk at a fast pace weaving through the throngs of people. When we reach the car Khai lowers me into the seat and I watch as he walks to the front of the car. His eyes still trained on the advancing clouds he raises his hand and gestures his palm to the top. I feel the wind whip around the car causing it to whistle through the windows. His jacket is flying wildly around his torso and his hair is tousled into his face but he doesn’t move he just continues to raise his palm up and chant something from his lips.

  After several minutes the wind dies down and the sun breaks through the clouds casting a silver lining over the clouds. It’s breathtaking.


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