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Too Far Gone: A Grey Justice Novel

Page 21

by Christy Reece

  “I would’ve thought a scandal between prominent families like that would be public knowledge. How did you not know?”

  “The things I know about my family are the things I uncovered for myself. I’ve only been told what Luis wanted me to know. Plus, it appears that both families tried to downplay the whole thing. I guess to lessen the embarrassment.

  “Anyway, I found an article from a gossip column from years ago. The references are vague, but I’m familiar enough with the people involved to recognize who they’re talking about. The wedding between Rudolph Bianchi and Flora Rossi was supposed to be the event of the season. It was to be held in Altura, the little corner of Italy where the Bianchis summered. The day before the wedding, Luis absconded with my grandmother.”

  “That would definitely cause harsh feelings.”

  “But then it gets even worse. My father was expected to marry Rudolph Bianchi’s daughter. No formal announcement had been made, but the arrangement was apparently understood. I don’t know how my father felt about that, but when he was in the United States on a business trip, he fell in love with my mother. Another whirlwind romance developed, followed by another elopement.”

  “So that was strike two for the Bianchis. The last hope for a union was for you and Rudy to marry.”

  “Yes. I don’t know why they didn’t try to force a marriage earlier, before Rudy went to prison. Whatever the reason, I’m grateful. And since Rudy was behind bars, they chose another route.”

  Nausea surged up her throat, but she fought it back. She woke each morning with the knowledge that this could be the day she found out she was pregnant. She was late with her monthly flow, but her menstrual period was never reliable. She had been late many times before. Considering the stress she was under, not being late would have been a miracle.

  The hand on hers squeezed again. Jonah’s strength and compassion were comforts she had come to rely on. She knew they couldn’t last forever. But she was grateful for them right now. She wasn’t sure she would have gotten through this without him.

  “Okay. I get the connection, but why would it be so important for you to bear Bianchi’s great-grandchild?”

  “That’s something I still don’t know. Maybe it’s just something Rudolph can hold over Luis. Prick at his pride. But my question is, what’s in it for Luis? I know him well. He wouldn’t have agreed to this unless it benefitted him in some way.”

  “I agree. There’s got to be more.” He nodded at the laptop. “Does knowing this much help at all?”

  “The more I know, the better-equipped I am. It also helps me to appreciate my mother and father even more. They were trying to take me away from him, and that’s why he killed them. Luis already had plans for me. So yes, knowing this does help. But does it help me understand Luis better? Absolutely not. There’s no way I can understand his sick, twisted thinking.

  “I am finding, though, that with each new thing I learn, my hatred grows. I didn’t think I could despise him more than I already did. I was wrong.”

  He lifted his hand and trailed his fingers over her face in a soft caress. “You’ve escaped. That’s what you need to focus on.”

  She leaned into his hand. For the past couple of days, they had gotten more comfortable touching, being close with each other. She’d had a few more nightmares, and Jonah somehow always knew that. She’d woken several times to find him holding her.

  He hadn’t kissed her again. She wanted him to. Wanted him to do more than that…and in a way, that was incredibly freeing, too. She trusted him more than any man she had ever known. Even as hard and physically strong as he was, she knew to her soul that he would never hurt her physically.

  He pulled his hand away and stood. “It’s getting late. I’d better get going.”

  The moment was lost. She knew exactly what he was going into town for. She had used her last pregnancy kit this morning. She watched as he grabbed his jacket from the peg beside the door.

  “You need me to pick up anything else?”

  Pretending things were normal was impossible. Acting as if she had nothing more on her mind than starting a new life could not happen yet. A tiny new life could be growing inside her. That she could be pregnant was scary enough. Starting a new life with a newborn was mind-blowingly terrifying. She barely knew how to take care of herself. How was she going to care for an infant, too? She didn’t know the answer. But no matter what happened, she would protect her child.

  Some might find her attitude beyond strange, even insane. Opinions of others were not her concern. She had to do what felt right to her. It had taken her years to be comfortable with herself. Her choices were her own. She would do what she had to do, no matter what.

  The information she’d been given said it could take up to seventeen days after the procedure before a pregnancy might show. She was already on day twenty-four. Excessive maybe, but she had to be absolutely sure. She had decided she would take the test five more days before she was completely positive she was home free.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  The concern in his voice reminded her she’d just been staring at him. “I’m fine. And no, I can’t think of anything else. The freezer and fridge are still full.”

  “What about more books, movies, puzzles? More chocolate?”


  He smiled at her enthusiasm. “Any special requests?”

  “Surprise me.”

  “Will do.” The lighthearted moment over, he gave her a hard look. “Don’t go out while I’m gone. Lock the doors. Stay away from the windows. Chamo can sense if anyone’s close by, but keep your gun with you at all times. Anyone, other than me, tries to come through that door, you know what to do.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Apparently satisfied, he backed out the door. “I’ll be back in an hour, maybe less.”

  “Drive safely.”

  He gave her one more look, and this time, it gave her shivers. There was attraction there, and heat. Before she could do anything more than just stare at him, he turned away. She finally allowed herself to breathe when she heard the door close.

  How had Jonah become so important to her? It wasn’t as if he tried to charm her. He was blunt, often to the point of rudeness. Rarely smiled. And if she didn’t engage him in a conversation, she got the feeling he could go days without speaking a word.

  But he had been incredibly supportive. Listening when she needed to talk and not giving any kind of opinion on what he thought she should do. Having been surrounded by men all her life who believed their word was law and only their opinions mattered, Jonah Slater was a refreshing change.

  It was more than that, though. She knew without a doubt that he would fight to the death to protect her. Not because it was his job, but because Jonah Slater was a born protector.

  The kiss they’d shared was still there...the heat still simmering, waiting to be rekindled. With each day, the temperature seemed to rise. Jonah hadn’t made a move to do more. She knew he wanted her. The few times they’d been in bed together, while he was holding her, she had felt his response. The hardness wasn’t something he could hide. He was physically attracted to her, desired her. But he had yet to do anything about that desire.

  And she, sadly lacking in experience herself, feared they were at a stalemate. Two people who wanted each other, but until one of them made a move, nothing would happen.

  There were a million and one reasons not to get involved with him. It couldn’t last. She knew that. She would soon be gone, with a new name, a new life. One that he couldn’t be part of.

  She still didn’t know where she would be living or what she would be doing once she left here. She and Grey had talked over the phone and online about her future. She had some definite ideas about what she wanted, several he had disagreed with, which, oddly enough, was another freeing experience. Being able to disagree with a man and not have it turn into a bitter argument or dire threats was a new and exciting thing to her. Both Grey and Jonah treated he
r as if they valued her input.

  She returned to her favorite place in the house. A padded window box, complete with a fluffy pillow she could lean against and a view of a lovely little birdfeeder Jonah told her he’d built with his own hands. She had spent hours watching a variety of birds and the occasional squirrel enjoy the birdseed Jonah filled it with each day.

  Chamo had become her constant companion. It was as if he sensed her uncertainty and wanted to make sure she knew he was there. For as long as she could remember, she had wanted a pet. She had never asked for one, though. Her grandfather and likely her brother, too, would have used it against her. Putting an innocent animal in that kind of position would have been unfair. But now she was free and on to a new life. Chamo was her first pet, but he wouldn’t be her last. As soon as she was settled, she’d see about that.

  She glanced down at the notebook in her hand. When she wasn’t researching the Bianchis and Mendozas, drawing, or gazing out the window, daydreaming, she continued to write down plans for the future. And though those would definitely change if she was pregnant, she continued to fill the pages with wishes, dreams, and hopes.

  No one could take those away from her. No one.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Valencia, Venezuela

  Mendoza Estate

  The first indication that anything was wrong came without warning. Luis and Stephan were finishing up their daily business brief. Still no word on Gabriella, but his investigator had assured him that she was close. Weeks had passed since there had been any sighting, but Luis refused to accept defeat. It was only a matter of time before things returned to normal and they could proceed as planned. He had worked too hard and too long on this to give up now.

  Besides, Rudolph wanted this deal to work almost as badly as he did. Between the two of them, they would make this happen.

  “I anticipate we’ll be hearing from Bianchi again soon. The old goat checks in at least every other day. I wish I had something substantial to tell him. This waiting is beyond irritating. I’ve put him off each time, but I’m considering taking up his offer of assistance in the search for Gabriella.”

  Somewhat surprised that Stephan had no response to what Luis thought was a major concession to his enemy, he looked up from his calendar. Stephan sat across from him reading something on his iPhone. His friend’s face was even more wrinkled and harsher than normal. “What’s wrong?”

  Without looking up, Stephan said, “Were you aware that Marcel Dubois had his assets frozen?”

  “What do you mean? Where did you hear that?”

  “The news just broke online. Apparently, the French government is investigating him. Several of his businesses have been temporarily closed until the matter is resolved.”

  “That’s a surprise. Marcel used to be so careful.” Luis shook his head, feeling somewhat smug. “That’s what happens when you don’t pay attention to detail. It’s good we haven’t had any dealings with him in the last couple of years.”

  Stephan’s answer was a grunt of acknowledgment. His focus was still on the screen in front of him.

  “Why do you look so concerned? It’s not as if we have any—”

  “Alastair Kaufmann.”

  “What about him?”

  “His assets in England have been seized. I saw the news yesterday, but it didn’t register as a problem to me.”

  “Why does it now?”

  Instead of answering, Stephan clicked several keys and then read aloud, “Donald Benson in Chicago is under investigation for smuggling narcotics and jury tampering.”

  Luis’s heart beat a little faster. “How is it that three men that we’ve done business with over the last five years are all under investigation at the same time? This makes no sense.”

  Without looking up, Stephan said, “Francois Balogh in France and Gunnar Reiner in Germany.”

  “What about them?”

  “They’re being investigated by their governments.”

  Luis gave a rapid shake of his head. “No. No. This has nothing to do with me. I’m sure that—”

  “You had both these men at your last gathering. This cannot be a coincidence.”

  His mouth gone dry, Luis swallowed hard and asked, “But who would—”

  “Gabriella,” Stephan whispered.

  “What?” Luis gave a shout of hearty laughter, grateful for the comic relief. “That’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever said. How could she know anything of their business dealings?”

  “She served as hostess at many of the dinner parties these men attended.”

  “So what? She talks flowers, music, art, and current events with them. She’s never sat in on the meetings. We’ve never discussed business out in the open where she could hear anything incriminating. There’s no possible way she would know anything about them.”

  “Perhaps. But we should be prepared, just in case.”

  “Prepared for what? She knows nothing.” Luis nodded at the phone Stephan seemed glued to. “I admit all of these occurrences at the same time are quite unusual and even a little alarming, but coincidences happen all the time. All of these men play dangerous games with very dangerous people. This has nothing to do with us. Don’t go getting paranoid in your old age.”

  Ignoring his protests, Stephan continued to read out name after name of present and past business associates who were being investigated by the authorities. Despite himself, a growing concern tingled up his spine.

  The cellphone in front of him buzzed, and Luis grabbed it up, grateful for the distraction. The caller ID display ignited the concern into a blazing alarm.

  “Señor Mendoza?”


  “I’ve just received word that a criminal investigation is being opened regarding the deaths of your son and daughter-in-law.”

  A hot flush of heat swept up Luis’s body. Shock momentarily numbing his brain, he gripped the desk to help focus his thoughts. “For whatever reason?”

  He asked the question, puzzlement in his voice. But he knew…he knew. Damn the little bitch. Damn her to hell.

  “There are questions regarding how they died. The medical examiner is discussing the possibility of exhuming the bodies.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. The bodies were cremated. They can’t be exhumed.”

  “According to the medical records, your information is not correct.”

  Could this be true? He had ordered the bodies cremated. The memorial service he’d held a few days after their deaths had featured two vases that contained their ashes. Most of the people involved in the cover-up were either retired or dead. Who would have had the audacity to not follow his dictates?

  “This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I’ll—”

  “I just wanted to warn you, sir. As per our arrangement.”

  Luis didn’t bother with thank-yous or any further questions. He ended the call and then looked at Stephan in bewildered fury. “You were right. Gabriella has betrayed us.”


  Three days later…

  Mendoza Estate

  “So you have some information? Leads?”

  Ivy nodded, noting that the man behind the massive desk wasn’t nearly as confident or arrogant as he had been when they first met. In fact, Luis Mendoza looked quite sickly. A person might assume that the stress of having his darling granddaughter still missing might have taken a toll on a grieving grandfather. But Ivy knew things…far more than anyone would have guessed. This was no worried grandpapa anxious to have his beautiful granddaughter back home because he loved her. There was evil, and then there was perverted evil. Without a doubt, Luis Mendoza belonged in the second category.

  “That’s true, Señor Mendoza. I do have a few leads, and I’ll review those with you in a moment. However, you indicated you had something to show me.”

  Luis turned to his computer. “I do. It isn’t much. The helicopter that was aiding in the chase of my granddaughter and her kidnapper picked up some images. I
had them enhanced, but I still can’t tell much about them. The images are too blurry. Both Gabriella and her abductor were wearing hoods and kept their faces down. Perhaps you’ll see something that we didn’t.”

  Ivy glanced over at the silent man sitting on the sofa. She knew his name was Stephan Conti and that he had been with the Mendozas for years. She knew he was loyal to the death to Luis, which made this part of her job that much easier.

  “Whatever you have that might aid in me finding your granddaughter and her abductor would be most helpful. I’ll combine them with what I have so far.”

  Luis turned the monitor around, and Ivy stared at chase photos, twelve of them, on the screen. “I see what you mean. The images are quite blurry.”

  “And that’s after we had them enhanced and edited. I don’t see—”

  “Wait.” She cut him off midsentence, pointing to the tenth photo. “Let me see this one.”

  He clicked on the photo to enlarge the image. Ivy drew closer to the screen. The profile was still blurred, but she saw something that put her pulse into overdrive. Could it be? He had gone off the grid, disappearing from public eyes. But she’d also heard rumors, ones that she had discounted as too odd to be true. The idea that Jonah Slater was working for a secret organization geared toward gaining justice for victims was too fanciful to be true. But the profile of Gabriella’s abductor had strong similarities to the man himself.

  Was it possible that Jonah Slater was actually responsible for the abduction of Gabriella Mendoza?

  The girl had ties to Dallas, weak though they were. For the past three years, Gabriella had attended the McGruder Art Show there. What if during one of those times she had encountered one of the Slaters? It likely hadn’t been Jonah, since he’d been in prison, but what if someone associated with a Slater had made contact? The abduction of Carlos Mendoza was an obvious attempt to bring him to justice. Had Gabriella Mendoza arranged a trade? Her freedom for Carlos’s incarceration?

  What an intriguing and delightful idea. And if Jonah Slater was involved, then things just got so much more interesting and a million times better.


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