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Eternity's Sunrise: The Imaginative World of William Blake

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by Damrosch, Leo

  sin and, 70, 73, 83, 104, 217, 225, 236, 252

  skepticism and, 48–49, 222. See also Bible; Christian belief; creation; specific religions

  Rembrandt van Rijn, 137

  repression, 70–74, 75, 112, 115

  Blake’s symbol for, 156, 192

  Freud vs. Jung on, 156

  sedition charges and, 117, 118, 133–34, 135

  reproduction. See procreation

  reptile. See serpent

  Restoration, English (1660), 97

  Revelation, Book of, 62, 97, 187, 251

  as Blake poetic model, 143, 155

  imagery from, 181

  John of Patmos visions and, 155, 157

  Revere, Paul, 115

  revolution, 83, 89, 96–119

  Blake imagery and, 146–47

  Blake’s disillusion with, 117, 118–19

  Blake’s hope for, 140

  repression stemming from, 112, 117

  Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 12, 35–36, 93

  Discourses, 36

  Rhea (deity), 47

  rhyme, word pronunciation and, 59, 87, 221

  rhythm, 55, 80, 88. See also meter

  Richardson, Samuel, Clarissa, 75, 76

  Richmond, George, 262, 264, 269

  Richter, Jean Paul, 183

  Rintrah (son of Los), 169, 187

  river gods, conventional depiction of, 43

  robin image, 58, 59, 66

  Robinson, Henry Crabb, 51, 94, 204, 231, 246, 255, 264

  Rockefeller Center (New York), 239

  Rogers, Samuel, 94

  rolling press, 27–32, 39, 128

  Roman Catholicism. See Catholic Church

  Romano, Giulio, A Woman Taken in Adultery, 137

  romantic classicism, 33, 39

  Romantic poets, 9, 75, 94, 197, 229, 231–33

  Rome, 203, 225

  roses, symbolism of, 75, 76, 205

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 45, 110, 205

  Rossetti, William Michael, 110

  Rossetti Manuscript (Blake notebook), 16, 45, 66, 80–81, 82, 92, 97, 118, 120, 124, 132, 185, 196, 197, 198, 208, 219, 235, 238, 267

  rotten boroughs, 96

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 16, 120, 121, 212

  Royal Academy, 12, 202

  Rubens, Peter Paul, 32–33, 137

  Democritus painting, 14, 15, 16

  sadomasochism, 204

  Saint James’s Westminster, 9

  Saint Paul’s Cathedral, 62, 88, 151, 229

  Samson (biblical), 98

  Samson Agonistes (Milton), 98

  sandals, 177, 181

  sand metaphor, 122, 124

  Satan, 83, 91, 102, 112, 153, 198, 246, 260

  Blake’s concept of, 183–84, 251, 252–55, 254

  as fallen angel, 252, 253

  Old vs. New Testament portrayal of, 153, 249

  Paradise Lost portrayal of, 205, 206 (color plate 31)

  Prometheus resemblance to, 83

  “Satan’s synagogue,” 153–54

  Satan Watching Adam and Eve (Blake), 204–6 (color plate 31)

  Saul of Tarsus. See Paul, Saint

  Schiavonetti, Louis, 267

  schizophrenia, 2, 134–35, 136

  Schoolboy, The (Blake), 93

  Schopenhauer, Arthur, 1

  Schubert, Franz, 76

  science, 122–23, 247

  Scott, Sir Walter, 94

  secret shrine, Blake image of, 212, 222

  sedition, 117–18

  Blake trial and acquittal of, 133–34, 135, 258, 260

  self: abnegation of, 77

  authoritarian stability of, 156

  divided, 224

  divine principle integrating, 160, 236

  dynamic forces within, 160

  foundational elements of, 156

  Four Zoas as psychic components of, 140–41, 155–57

  fragmentation of, 154, 162, 236

  Milton’s false body of, 165, 167

  need for new, 183–84

  reordering of, 187

  sacrifice of, 256

  Spectre as element of, 184

  symbolism of, 147

  selfless love, 77

  self-sacrifice, 188, 217

  Sense Runs Wild (Blake illustration), 16, 17, 18

  senses, 156, 221

  serpent, 112, 208, 221, 251

  Paradise Lost, 205 (color plate 31)

  symbolism of, 114, 115, 116, 209, 222, 223, 224

  serpent temple, 114, 115, 192, 193, 194

  Seven Eyes of God, 160, 227, 246

  sexuality, 196–211

  allure of forbidden aspects of, 208–11

  Blake’s anti-epigram and, 196

  Blake’s erotic drawings and, 209, 210

  Blake’s ideal comingling and, 211

  Blake’s myth and, 198

  Blake’s sense of, 57, 106, 107, 115, 141, 181

  Blake’s social critique of, 91, 92–93

  Blake’s symbols for, 184–85, 209, 224

  Blake’s theme of, 74, 76, 115, 117, 196–97

  conflicts arising from, 74–76

  free love and, 198–208, 209, 218

  frustrated desire and, 222

  guilt and, 75

  impurity of, 226

  jealousy and, 18, 188, 204–8

  mutual pleasure and, 196–97

  original sin and, 70, 217

  phallic symbol and, 57, 115, 116, 175, 184, 209, 224, 223 (color plate 21)

  of plants, 56, 57

  power and, 212

  procreation and, 212, 214, 217, 222, 229

  prostitute subculture and, 91

  rape and, 106, 198, 199–200, 203, 253

  renunciation of, 220–21

  repression by institutional religion of, 73, 225

  Romantic poets’ discretion about, 197

  secret lust and, 209

  shame and, 70, 217, 220. See also female sexuality

  sfumato (Leonardo invention), 33

  Shakespeare, William, 8, 132, 172

  King Lear, 110

  Macbeth, 43–45 (color plate 1); Othello, 18

  paintings based on plays of, 43–45

  shame, 88, 216, 217, 220, 270

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 9, 91, 169, 172, 197

  Shem (biblical), 189

  Sick Rose, The (Blake), 74–76, 94, 201 (color plate 8)

  sin, 83, 104, 252

  of Adam and Eve, 70, 217

  forgiveness of, 225

  guilt and, 73

  Pauline emphasis on, 236

  single vision, 141

  Sistine Chapel, 247

  skepticism, 48–49, 212

  slavery, 117, 200, 212

  snake. See serpent

  social protest, 85–93, 96–101, 153, 163

  Blake’s critique of religion-sanctioned injustice and, 245

  diseased society and, 92

  Blake’s retreat from, radicalism and, 117–19

  early Lambeth Books and, 140

  Jerusalem lyric and, 148

  London and, 93

  radicalism and, 96–97, 117

  sedition prosecution for, 117, 118

  utopian goal of, 148. See also revolution

  Song of Los (Blake), 176 (color plate 23)

  Song of Solomon (biblical), 106

  songs, 50–54

  Songs of Experience (Blake), 66, 67–93, 208, 221, 256

  The Chimney Sweeper, 67, 85, 86, 87, 94

  The Clod and the Pebble, 77–78, 79, 110

  date of, 213

  dour mood of, 67

  final poem: To Tirzah, 216–17

  frontispiece, 67, 69, 70

  Holy Thursday, 93

  The Human Abstract, 87

  Infant Sorrow, 70–71, 72

  injustice and, 245

  A Little Girl Lost, 71, 73

  The Little Vagabond, 93

  London, 67, 87–93, 90

  Nurse’s Song, 93

  The Schoolboy, 93

  The Sick Ros
e, 74–76, 94 (color plate 8)

  Songs of Innocence corresponding poems, 67, 70–71

  The Tyger, 1, 4, 5, 67, 78, 80–85, 87, 88, 93, 94, 115, 175, 165 (color plates 9, 10)

  title page, 68

  two masterpieces of, 67, 80, 87

  varied sequencing of poems, 93

  Songs of Innocence (Blake), 4, 8, 50–66, 67, 84, 85, 115, 120, 140, 213, 232, 255

  ambiguities and, 62

  The Blossom, 57–59, 94 (color plate 5)

  corresponding poems with Songs of Experience, 67, 70

  The Chimney Sweeper, 3–66, 7, 85, 93–94 (color plate 6)

  coloring of new version (1818), 4

  The Divine Image, 87

  late Copy Z (1826) of, 51, 56

  existing copies of, 57

  frontispiece, 52, 53, 54, 70

  Infant Joy, 54–57, 70, 71, 94 (color plate 4); Introduction, 53–54

  The Lamb, 59–60, 61, 62, 64, 67, 81

  as most accessible Blake poem, 50

  Night, 84

  On Another’s Sorrow, 62

  reality of Experience and, 188

  rural imagery of, 67

  1789 first printing of, 4, 50

  sequence variations in, 57

  symbols in, 51, 54, 60

  title page (copy Z), 51, 53 (color plate 3)

  varied sequence of poems, 93

  Songs of Innocence and Experience (Blake), 31, 50, 66, 67–95

  Coleridge’s comment on, 142–43

  new title page (copy C), 70 (color plate 7)

  subtitle: Showing the Two Contrary States of the Human

  Soul, 50

  title page, 105

  as unsuitable for children, 66

  Sons of Liberty, 108

  soul, 253

  Southey, Robert, 94, 149

  South Molton Street (London), 258, 259

  Spectre (Jerusalem):183–85, 191, 192 (color plate 100)

  symbol of, 184–85, 219, 220

  spelling, 5

  Spenser, Edmund, 98

  Spiritual Form of Nelson Guiding Leviathan, The (Blake), 37

  Spiritual Form of Pitt Guiding Behemoth, The (Blake), 37

  spirituals (songs), 158

  Spurzheim, Johann, Observations on the Deranged Manifestations of the Mind, or Insanity, 136

  Stationers’ Company, 117

  Stevens, Wallace, 233

  Stevenson, W. H., 6

  stippling technique, 14

  Stonehenge, 189, 190

  stone tablets. See Ten Commandments

  Storr, Anthony, 139

  Stothard, Thomas, 13, 14

  Strand (London), 258, 261

  Stranger from Paradise, The (Bentley), 197

  Stukeley, William, Asbury: A Temple of the Ancient

  Druids, 192, 193

  Sturm und Drang movement, 202

  “Such, Such Were the Joys” (Orwell), 56

  suffering, 88, 165

  sun, 46, 59, 60, 63, 65, 74, 110, 122, 125, 192, 203, 228, 231, 232, 233, 238, 256

  Blake and, 130, 132

  Los and, 174, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181

  sunrise, 3, 99, 115, 167, 255

  sunflowers, 74

  Sunshine Holiday, A (Blake), 46–49, 57, 131, 141, 213, 232 (color plate 2)

  Sussex, 128, 229, 258., See also Felpham

  swan symbol, 115, 116

  Swedenborg, Emanuel, 65, 101

  Swedenborgian church, 248

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 2

  symbolism, 1–2, 3, 39–49, 50, 53, 60, 65–66, 105, 123, 125, 177, 179, 203, 226–29, 232

  Albion and, 98, 99, 101, 192

  of apple tree, 51

  Blake emblem book and, 213–16, 214, 215, 251, 252, 266

  Blake myth and, 41–45, 46–49, 114, 119, 227

  of Blake’s attacks on deism, 120–21

  Blake’s change in, 119

  Blake’s difficult, 143

  Blake’s personal, 41, 47, 227

  Blake’s pyramids and, 102–3

  Blake’s visual embodiment of, 158

  of childbirth, 58

  Daughters of Albion and, 203–4

  dynamic vs. iconic, 114–17

  fatherhood and, 256–57

  for females (see female symbolism)

  of flowers, 75, 199

  of four Evangelists, 158

  Four Zoas and, 136, 140

  Jerusalem and, 141, 147–48, 183–88, 192, 194

  literal imagery vs., 58

  of lost Atlantis, 203

  for mental processes, 102

  personification and, 40–45

  in prophecies, 209

  secret shrine and, 212, 222

  of serpent, 114, 115, 116, 209, 222, 223, 224

  of Seven Eyes of God, 246

  of swirling wheel and vortex, 227

  traditional, 117

  Tyger, Tyger and, 83

  of veil, 221, 227, 229

  of worm, 76, 99, 105, 214, 215, 216, 222, 223, 224, 246, 251

  Synagogue of Satan, 153–54

  synesthesia, 88

  tablets of Law. See Ten Commandments

  tabula rasa metaphor (Locke), 36

  talent, genius vs., 1

  tarsus (portion of foot), 167

  Tatham, Frederick, 21, 31, 44, 99, 264, 267–68, 269–70

  posthumous burning of Blake’s materials by, 269

  Taylor, Thomas, 125–26

  Ten Commandments: Blake’s view of, 236, 243

  stone tablets of, 236, 239, 241, 242, 249, 250 (color plate 11)

  Teresa in Ecstasy (Bernini), 203

  Terror (France), 101, 187

  Thames River, 89, 169, 229, 261

  Blake personification of, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47

  Tharmas (Zoa), 155–56, 157

  emanation of, 160–62, 221

  sense perception and, 156

  Thatcher, Margaret, 148

  Theotormon (Los son), 179, 199, 200–201, 202, 203–4 (color plate 30)

  Theresa, Saint, 225

  thistle, 180

  Thomas, Dylan, 55

  “The force that through the green fuse drives the flower,” 58

  Thompson, E. P., 97

  Thor (Norse deity), 153

  Thoughts on Outline (Cumberland), 33

  tiger, 81, 84

  time: Eternity and, 124–25, 174, 194, 219, 270

  measurement of, 173–74

  Tintern Abbey (Wordsworth), 231

  Tirzah (Blake nature goddess), 151, 153, 183, 216, 217, 221, 225, 227, 253

  Tirzah (Old Testament city), 216

  Titian, 137

  To God (Blake epigram), 238

  Tolkien, J. R. R., 105

  tomb image, 266, 267

  To My Myrtle (Blake), 197

  To the Accuser Who Is the God of the World (Blake), 252, 253, 254, 255

  To the Lighthouse (Woolf), 135

  To Tirzah (Blake), 216–17

  “Traveller hasteth in the Evening, The” (Blake engraving), 266, 267

  tree of knowledge, 51, 112

  tree of life, 70

  trilithons (prehistoric stone structure), 189–90 (color plate 26)

  Trinity College, Cambridge, 123

  trochaic meter, 80, 88

  Trojan War, 153

  Truchsessian Gallery, 137–38

  True Maid, A (Prior), 75, 76

  Trump, Donald, 103

  Trusler, John, 40

  The Way to Be Rich and Respectable, 40

  Twain, Mark, 87

  twofold vision, 141

  Tyburn gallows, 151

  Tyger, The, 1, 4, 5, 67, 80–85, 115, 175, 264

  companion poem to, 81

  driving rhythm of, 80, 88

  as masterpiece, 78, 80, 87

  reviewers’ initial dismissal of, 94

  variants in copies of, 84 (color plates 9, 10)

  variants in sequential placement of, 93

  tyranny, 83, 151

  Ulro (Blake term), 141r />
  universal constants, 270

  universal law, 155

  universal man, 141, 157

  universe, Blake’s myth of the, 140

  Urizen (Zoa), 112, 113, 119, 147, 160–62, 170, 175, 190, 194, 200, 221, 227, 256 (color plate 37)

  as biblical creator God, 153–54, 169, 174, 175, 239, 243

  Blake’s original concept of, 156, 239, 241, 242–43, 244, 245

  emanation of, 160–62, 221

  injustice and, 245

  Jungian thought and, 156

  Los-created apocalypse and, 186

  Los rivalry with, 169, 174

  representation of, 155

  Synagogue of Satan and, 153–54

  Urthona (Zoa), 105, 157, 172, 194, 200, 207

  emanation of (see Enitharmon)

  as imagination, 155, 162

  intuition and, 156

  Los as fallen state of, 162, 172

  split into three elements of, 184. See also Los; Spectre

  utopianism, 148

  vagina, 209, 210

  Vala (emanation of Luvah), 160, 183, 229, 230, 253

  veil of, 221, 227, 229

  worm-serpent-dragon transformation of, 222, 223, 224

  Vala (later The Four Zoas), 136, 160, 210, 221

  manuscript of, 222, 223, 224

  subtitle: The Death and Judgment of the Ancient Man, a Dream of Nine Nights, 185

  van Dyck, Anthony, 137

  Van Gogh, Vincent, 133

  Varley, John, 24

  veil, symbolism of, 143, 221, 227, 229

  venereal disease, 92

  Venetian paintings, 34, 137

  Venus (deity), 56, 57, 197, 229

  Vindication of the Rights of Women, A (Wollstonecraft), 198

  virginity, 75, 199, 203, 225, 236

  Virgin Mary, 56, 59, 216, 225

  triptych of, 137

  Viscomi, Joseph, Blake and the Idea of the Book, 4, 25

  vision, single vs. twofold, 141

  visionary art, 138, 231

  visionary songs, 50–54

  Vision of Ezekiel, The (Raphael painting), 158

  visions, Blake’s, 8, 9, 10, 19, 24, 39–49, 120–27, 133, 134–35, 138, 179

  Blake’s breakthrough and, 146

  Blake’s depiction of, 158, 159

  Blake’s description of, 130–31

  Blake’s understanding of, 40

  as physical phenomenon, 39

  reality to Blake of, 39, 40, 123

  visions, Catherine Blake’s, 9, 269

  visions, Ezekiel’s, 157–60, 159, 226, 246

  Visions of the Daughters of Albion, 140, 163, 198–204, 253 (color plates 27, 28, 30)

  date of, 213

  frontispiece: 203 (color plate 30)

  sexuality and, 57, 106, 198–205

  symbolic meaning of, 203

  “The Argument” (third plate), 198–99, 203 (color plate 27)

  Voltaire, 16, 120, 121, 232

  Candide, 238

  vortex symbol, 227

  Vos, Martin de, 257

  Vulcan, 169

  war: biblical military history and, 236

  Druid culture of, 190

  England and, 13–14, 37, 117, 118, 134, 147–48


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