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Voidhawk - the White Lady

Page 17

by Jason Halstead

* * * *

  Logan smashed through the last skeleton that lurched out of the darkness at them. Haley stood, holding her sword and hand axe at guard, ready for another pile of bones to rise against them. Bailynn rose up from where she’d driven her last foe to the ground. Haley and Bailynn were covered in scratches and worse, but they moved freely in spite of them. Logan’s shirt had been torn from him in one of the many attacks against him, but each wound was ignored as it slowly closed.

  He rushed towards the tower, having long since confirmed it as the place the undead minions were defending. He tripped and sprawled on the ground, identifying one of the dozens of shallow graves the skeletons had been lying in. Bailynn was as his side, helping him up before he’d even come to a rest on the ground.

  “What if it’s too late?” Bailynn asked.

  Logan growled, unwilling to give the question the response it deserved. Haley remained silent as she brought up the rear.

  A furry swipe through the blackened doorway revealed empty air. Logan plunged through it, experiencing darkness undreamt of for only a moment before he emerged on the other side. A torch burned in a sconce on the wall, though no smoke or heat came from it. Beyond the small atrium was a sturdy wooden door.

  Logan tried the handle, his enlarged hands barely able to work the latch. It didn’t budge, even when he yanked so hard he pulled the latch free. He slammed into the door, earning a dull ache in his shoulder but nothing else.

  “How do we get in?” Haley asked, staring at the obstacle.

  Logan scratched at it with his claws, peeling away the wood in fingernail sized gouges. Bailynn stepped up beside him and did likewise, spearing her magical fingers into the wood and digging out chunks at a time. Haley watched from behind them.

  “We need a battering ram,” the huntress muttered.

  Logan spun about and grabbed Haley’s hatchet from her hand before she could react. By the time she snapped at him he’d turned back and drove it into the wood. It bounced off, leaving little more than a small dent in the hard surface. He growled anew and let the axe fall, where Haley snatched it up.

  “Back,” Logan warned in a beastly voice. He yanked the sword free from his side, his hand feeling almost too large for the grip. He smashed it into the door, burying the blade into the hard wood. He yanked it out and hacked again, cutting across and weakening the door further. Several strikes later he punched his hand through a hole in the door and felt for the bar that kept the door shut.

  Logan roared as his arm felt like it’d been lit on fire. He yanked the bar free and pulled his lower arm back through, bringing the door swinging on its hinges with it. Blood ran down his arm where the skeletons inside had grabbed him. Bailynn rushed through as soon as the opening was wide enough, tackling one of the skeletons and smashing it into the rock wall behind it. She grabbed its skull and smashed it again, cracking it open and ending the unnatural red light that had shown in its eye sockets.

  Haley stepped in behind her, protecting Bailynn’s back and fighting the other two skeletal lieutenants. Logan entered last, surveying the scene before heading into the bottom of the stone tower.

  “Logan, wait!” Bailynn insisted, picking herself up to follow him. She and Haley caught up while he searched through the small rooms. Everything from coats to weapons and chests filled with oddities were found, but their companion remained missing.

  “Stairs!” Haley called, pointing to the staircase she’d found.

  Logan bounded past her, his long legs covering the distance quickly. He thrust his sword into her hands on his way. Haley stared at it, clutching it awkwardly considering the other weapons she already carried. She managed to slide her sword into her scabbard and took an experimental swing as she follow Bailynn up the stairs.

  Logan burst into the second floor, searching around for any sign of the sorceress. He was drawn to a row of small rooms.

  “Cells,” Bailynn hissed when she came up behind him and saw them.

  Logan moved until he’d settled on one of them. Something about it seemed familiar. He sniffed and recognized what the something was – it was Bekka’s scent. She’d been there! He turned and bolted out, trying to find her elusive trail as he went through the tower.

  He came back to the staircase, thwarted again in his search. The next two doors led to elaborate bedrooms, each richly appointed but otherwise empty. The third was guarded by another skeletal knight. This one was more than a mere pawn, he wore armor and wielded a great sword capable of killing a man with its weight alone.

  Logan tore through him as though he were made of paper. The mighty sword clattered off the far well and fell to the ground before sliding down the stairs. The skeletal knight’s eyes flared out as the helm smashed into a wall separate from the rest of its mail-clad body.

  Bailynn threw the door open and ran inside. Logan followed, stopping abruptly when he saw Constance and Bekka locked together on the bed in a scene he’d once have called righteous fury down upon. Constance wrist was pressed against Bekka’s mouth, though the sorceress hands were clinging to it. In the White Lady’s other hand she held a dagger that dripped dark blood from its tip onto the sheets of the bed.

  “Damn you all,” Constance spat at them. “You’ve rushed this and ruined what should have been a beautiful moment. She’s given herself to me. You’ll leave if you know what’s good for you.”

  Logan stared at her, repulsed not only by the scene but also by the shrunken features of the White Lady’s face. She looked old and withered in spite of her attempts with clothing and make up to appear otherwise.

  “Bekka!” Bailynn shrieked, starting towards her.

  Constance pointed her dagger at Bailynn. “Stop! Come no closer! Leave, foolish mortals! Leave before I’m forced to ruin her fond memories of you!”

  “Bekka?” Haley stepped out from behind Logan and stared at the dark haired woman who was suckling at the vampire’s wrist.

  Bekka’s eyes fluttered open. She turned her head and saw the three of them standing there. They were covered in blood and dirt, but all eyes were upon her. Even Logan, though he looked less than human. She smiled, distracted, and nearly gagged on the thick liquid filling her mouth. She coughed, pushing the arm away.

  “No!” Constance urged, turning back to her. “Drink my love, you’ve not had enough yet. It takes a lot to replenish what you’ve lost. It pains me, but it’ll be worth it to have you. And when you’re done I’ll need to restore my own vitality.” Her cold eyes turned to Bailynn. “I’ve just the snack in mind.”

  “This is the creature that stole young girls from their families. Now you know why. Bekka, you fought for that girl! You can’t become like her,” Bailynn pointed at Constance.

  “Be silent!” Constance raved.

  “I’m going to rip your dead heart out!” Bailynn started towards her.


  Bekka spat out the blood in her mouth, then suffered a shallow coughing fit. She collapsed deeper into the bed, gasping for breath. “You can’t have them. They came for me.”

  Constance stared at her. “Our talks! Our love! What of that? They all but abandoned you!”

  “I left them,” Bekka wheezed. She reached out with a trembling hand and grabbed Constance’s hand with the knife in it. She pulled it towards her. “She’s right. I won’t be like you. I can’t do what you’ve done. I won’t do it. If I’m doomed, then kill me now.”

  Bekka pulled on her hand but Constance’s arm wouldn’t budge this time. The sorceress’ strength failed and her arms fell on to her body, one hand slicing across the edge of the knife but no blood welled up in the cut.

  “Kill her,” Logan growled.

  Bailynn sprung, slamming into Constance and staggering her. Constance shrieked, swinging and twisting as Bailynn clung to her and tried to rip every last piece of flesh from her body. Finally Constance succeeded in throwing Bailynn free from her. She crashed into Bekka’s vanity, breaking the desk and leaving Bailynn stunned.

n jumped in next, rushing towards her but not fast enough to stop the flash of darkness that staggered him. He grabbed at his shoulder, where the unholy bolt of energy had hit him, and twisted back around. He turned in time to see her throw another spell at him before everything went dark.

  He fell back, stunned, then realized he was blind. He could hear and smell still, as well as touch, but his vision had been taken from him. He growled and flailed about, hoping to find her. Constance screamed, though Logan had turned away from her in his stumbling search. She turned, her hand going to her back where a knife protruded. Bekka collapsed on the bed again, the last of her strength expended. “Bekka!” She hissed, pulling the knife free and staring at it.

  Bailynn let loose a primal war cry as she charged back into the fight. One arm hung limp at her side but the other held one of the legs of the table that had broken off. Constance turned in time to receive the sharp end of the stake under her rib cage and up into her chest. She grunted and stumbled back a step, then clubbed Bailynn across the face with her sharp nailed hand.

  “A wooden stake?” She hissed, reaching down to yank it free. “Too many fairy tales for you!”

  “Try this,” Haley said from behind her even as she sliced across with the sword Logan had given her. Constance turned into the swing, one arm even coming up by happenstance to get in the way. Haley’s sword sheared through her hand and neck at the same time, sending a powerful jolt back up the blade into Haley that staggered her. Constance fell in three pieces to the floor, each spilling a dark and foul smelling blood onto the rock.

  With the White Lady’s death Logan found himself squinting in the candle light. Bekka gasped on the bed, then let out a rattling breath. Bailynn picked herself up and stared at the dead creature, then wrinkled her nose in disgust. Haley looked at the sword in her hands, her eyes wider than ever.

  “Logan!” Bailynn hissed, pointing to the bed. Logan saw Bekka lying there, her body unnaturally still. He rushed over, all thoughts now turning to helping Bekka. The hair and claws receded with each step until he knelt on the bed next to her and placed his hands on her head.

  He forced his magic into her, starting her still heart and forcing her lungs to take in fresh air. Her spirit remained, though her body was too weak to survive. He struggled to fill her with as much life as he could, draining himself in the process until he slumped over her.

  “I can’t,” he whispered. “I don’t have enough…we’ll both die.” He looked up at Bailynn and she noticed the tears that had run down his cheek. She hurried over and put her hand on Bekka’s face, then her other hand on him. “Use mine too. I know you can do it, I’ve felt your power.”

  Logan felt hers as well, the moment she touched him. It rejuvenated him, buoying his spirit. He poured hers in as well, bolstering Bekka’s rapidly waning health again. A moment later he felt another hand on his. He looked up and saw Haley had joined them. “I’ll help,” she said.

  Logan nodded and reached into Haley to pull what energy he could from her as well. He lost all sense of time as he struggled to keep Bekka’s body working while he sought out the magically poisoned blood that Constance had fed her. At some point Haley had pulled away, collapsing on the bed beside them. Bekka stayed with him until his own awareness had narrowed down to a pin prick of vision that was focused on Bekka’s life force. Then Bailynn fell away as well.

  Logan panted, struggling to find the strength to push a little harder. The tiny spot of light that remained darkened. He slumped forward, twisting just enough to avoid landing on the stricken woman.

  * * * *

  Logan groaned when consciousness returned. He sat up slowly and looked around, remembering instantly what had happened. He turned and looked at Bekka, dismayed but what he saw. Her skin had an unnatural pallor to it. He knew without checking that he’d failed.

  Then Bekka’s eyes opened. She stared at him, blinking a few times. She looked around, her expression shifting between amazement and confusion. Logan reached over uncertainly and touched her. He was almost afraid to check, but he knew he had to.

  Her heart beat strongly in her chest.

  Logan let out a deep breath and grinned, then he gathered the surprised sorceress up in a hug that threatened to squeeze out the life he’d worked so hard to restore the night before.

  Bailynn and sat up, cursing softly. She cradled her broken arm. She stared at Logan and Bekka, her own misery washed away in a triumphant smile. Then she turned to look at the man she loved and she scowled. “First you won’t give me the protection I need to keep me safe from this virgin-hunting vampire, then you sleep with two other women in one night?”

  Logan looked at the bed and saw Haley was only now rousing from where she’d fallen on the far side of the bed. He looked back at Bailynn and saw the twinkle in her eyes. He was spared further embarrassment when Bekka picked herself up and saw the remains of Constance on the floor. As in unlife, in death she’d not aged a bit.

  “Is that…did she look like that before?” Bekka asked.

  “Aye,” Logan said, taking in the scene. “A bit more attached though.”

  Bekka nodded. “Another magical trick,” she whispered. She shook her head. “I failed learning how to use my magic and I failed knowing to recognize it.”

  “A failure is only that if you learn nothing from it,” Logan counseled. “I’ve learned only recently of some failures that may have been my greatest opportunities.”

  Bekka nodded. “Perhaps, but they’re painful lessons.”

  “Here’s one you can count on, your friends won’t leave you.” Bailynn offered.

  Bekka looked at her and nodded. “Logan, fix her please. It pains me to see her hurting.”

  “How are you?” Bailynn asked, ignoring Bekka’s request in the hopes of soothing the hurt that Bekka wore on her face.

  “I’m…a little confused, I guess. I’ll be all right. So much magic and I fell right into her trap.”

  Logan realized the emotional girl talk about to take place was not a place for him. He focused on mending Bailynn’s hurts then moved on to Haley. She let him heal her then offered him the sword back.

  “No,” he shook his head and pushed it back. “It’s yours.”

  “I felt something when I killed her. Something came back through the sword and hit me like a stroke of thunder.”

  Logan nodded. “That means it’s yours. There’s magic in it of some type. It bonded itself with you now. Feels like a part of your own arm, doesn’t it?”

  She drew the sword and stared in awe at it while she swung it through the air.

  “Yeah, you keep it,” Logan repeated. He smiled and added, “I’m a healer, remember?”

  “Yes, you are.” Haley sheathed the blade and stared at him. She reached out to touch the back of his hand briefly. “Sometimes the healer has to cut in order to heal.”

  Logan jerked at her words, then smiled. He nodded. “I’ll remember that.”

  “So, when’s the wedding?” Bekka turned to Logan and asked loudly.

  “What? We’re not…it’s just a sword!”

  Bekka and Bailynn both burst out laughing. “Not Haley,” Bekka said, “you and Bailynn!”

  “Wedding?” Logan gulped. Bailynn nodded, her eyes sparkling. “One way or another I’ll be sure that you keep me safe from any maiden hunting evil people.”

  Logan groaned then found himself with his arms full of the feisty woman that he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He hugged her and gave her a kiss. It wasn’t just a simple kiss either, but his first real kiss and one that finally left her speechless.

  “What will you do? Are you going back to Ragnar?” Bekka asked Haley after she’d walked a few steps to give Bailynn and Logan some privacy.

  Haley chuckled. “I’m done with the gajrin. We’ve much catching up to do and I look forward to more of our talks.”

  Bekka glanced down at the corpse thoughtfully. “She did love me, I believe that now. And I loved her. It was the ide
a of that love that appealed to me. It allowed me to be blinded so easily by her magic. I’d have done anything for her.”

  “Not anything, you fought her when we got here.”

  Bekka smiled. “True, but if you’d not showed up when you did you’d be fighting both of us.”

  “Then it’s a good thing we showed up.”

  Bekka smiled again, then looked up at her. “I…” she sighed and glanced away. “So you’ll be coming with us?”

  Haley shrugged. “Might as well see what this void you keep mentioning is all about.” Her smile faded before she added. “And Bekka…I’m not interested in…I mean I think of you as a friend, my first friend in years. Maybe the best friend I’ve ever had. But—“

  Bekka grinned and put her finger to Haley’s lips. “Hush, I know. I understand. I don’t know what I like or who, but it’s not a matter of man or woman. It’s a certain kind of person and one day I’ll find that person. Until then I have the love and acceptance of my friends. I never realized that before, now I do. It’s enough to make me feel just as lucky as Bailynn’s feeling right now.”

  Bailynn broke away from Logan and grinned. “I doubt that!”

  “It’s time to get out of this tower of death,” Bekka said. “I don’t think she’d mind if I took a few of these dresses with me though. She might be a manipulative bitch but I did like her sense of style.”

  Bailynn glanced at the body then back at Bekka. “You’re into the living dead girl look?”

  “So, that wedding?” Bekka teased back.

  Bailynn bit her lip. She looked at Logan while blinking her eyes purposefully.

  “Turns out I’ve had a falling out with my church,” Logan said after sighing theatrically. “Fortunately, I happen to be on good terms with a ship captain who might be willing to help out…”


  Afterward by the Author

  Thank you very much for reading Voidhawk – The White Lady. I agonized for a while on a story for Logan, even attempting a few that went nowhere. When I mixed Bekka and Bailynn into the mix new options opened up and a new direction took hold of me. The rest was history, I just had to chronicle it.


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