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Completion (Cambria University Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Sadie T. Williams

Rollie shudders. “I remember.”

  “The fumble,” I say as I think back to that day. The blood drenched my jersey so much that I had to throw it away. Mama couldn’t turn it back in to the Park & Rec office looking like that.

  I rub my hand along the scar on my cheek. It’s barely noticeable with my skin tone, but I know it’s there. A constant reminder. But that wasn’t the worst of it.

  “The Super Glue was a new tactic,” Rollie recalls taking a drag a new joint he rolled.

  “It took Stanzy over two hours with that nail polish remover and Q-tips to get it off my hands without tearing all of my skin.”

  There is a long pause while we each take a sip before I quote our dear father, well, Rollie’s dear father now I guess.

  “You’re nothing. A worthless piece of shit who can’t even hold onto a football.”

  “Rowen has a way with words,” Rollie says gravely.

  “We were raised to be nothing. Destined to be worthless, abusive drunks. That’s why I’m leaving Rollie. I want out of here. Out of Georgia. Out of Rowen’s grasp.”

  “I wish I was as brave as you, Jess. I’ll be here forever. Georgia isn’t going to get me anywhere. I don’t fit in there. I want you to succeed though, Baby Bro. Be the best out of all of us. Get out of here and fucking live for us.”

  We sit there for a long time after that, drinking silently. Checking my bottle, I’ve downed half of it and I’m feeling really drunk and a little sick actually. The bus ride tonight is going to be awful.

  “Rollie, I think I’m shitfaced.”

  “Yeah, Baby Bro, but it takes the edge off doesn’t it?” he asks with another pull from his bottle. He seems completely unaffected by the booze he’s swallowed whereas I’m spinning like a top right now.

  He’s right though. I’m numb. I feel nothing and with all the shit my brain can’t process right now it actually feels pretty damn good.

  I nod. “Yeah, I haven’t felt this calm without Stanzy in years.”

  “Pro tip, Baby Bro, vodka and Gatorade. No smell and as an athlete you can hide it in plain sight.”

  I lean my head back against the seat of the old truck and close my eyes. Warm and fuzzy. Liquor may be my new best friend even though it reminds me of Rowen. It won’t make me like him. I need to remember that vodka/Gatorade trick because I have a feeling I’ll need it.

  “What time does the bus leave?” he asks.


  “Okay, we better go. It will take thirty to drive there and you want to say goodbye to Stanzy, right?”

  “Nah, I can’t see her, man. Not now, not like this. Besides, I need to break up with her.”

  “Why the fuck would you do that?” he grumbles and shakes his head.

  “Because she deserves better. Look at me. I’m a fucking mess without a home and who the fuck knows what my future holds. I may never amount to shit even if I leave here. I’ve got nothing to offer her. I need to try to make something of myself first. She’s been everything for me and it’s time she takes care of herself instead. She needs to be free, to be happy. Not dragged down by me and the shit storm that is my life anymore.” Plus, I’m angry, confused and totally fucked up. “I just need to see her one more time. Just drive by. Don’t stop.”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  I’m not. This is a good plan, my drunk brain tries to justify. You need to be something great to be enough for her. Being the bastard child isn’t going to cut it.

  Rollie doesn’t say anything else on the drive to Stanzy’s house. Stanzy sent about hundred messages while I was getting drunk and contemplating my shitty existence in my brother’s truck.

  “I’m sorry.”

  I don’t know what else to say. She deserves better than that text and way better than me and my family. But what do I say to her? I can’t face her because I wouldn’t have the balls to leave her. That girl will carry my heart with her forever whether she knows it or not.

  She’s outside on the porch, sitting on the swing under the porch lights where I first kissed her, when we get there.

  “Slow down,” I tell Rollie.

  Her sunshine streaked hair braided to the side, tendrils swirling in the night air. Feet flat on the bench, knees bent, she’s leaning against the arm rest, staring at her phone. As we pass, she doesn’t look up, but she wipes what I assume is a tear from her cheek.

  At that moment, Staley walks outside, Stanzy shifts so her feet are on the ground, and Staley wraps her in her arms. Her shoulders start shaking as she sobs while Staley hands her a box of Kleenex and strokes her hair. I’m an asshole.

  “Want me to stop?” Rollie asks as we continue to slowly creep by.

  I shake my head. “She deserves better.”

  With that we head to the bus station and I leave my old life behind. Leave my girl behind. My heart behind.

  Chapter 14: Rhodes

  Freshman Year – Cambria University

  I’m lying in bed, the sun hasn’t even come up yet, and I’m already Insta-stalking Stanzy. My new obsession has me feeling so fucking depressed.

  I reach over to my nightstand and grab a bottle of Gatorade which I happened to mix some vodka into last night. A long swig immediately helps me feel relaxed.

  I haven’t seen her in a few weeks and after an initial frenzy of texts filled with questions and declarations of her love, which I didn’t respond to, she stopped. I feel like a dick. I miss her like fucking crazy, but if I talk to her I will melt. I want to be something she deserves. I will make a name for myself and then I’ll win her back. Yup, that’s a good, solid plan.

  Her most recent pictures are of her and Staley moving into their dorm room at the U of M. They’re on the tenth floor of thirteen. She posted a picture of the Minneapolis skyline at sunset yesterday and it was beautiful. Another was a selfie of her and Staley in their bathroom mirror with #mirrormirror as the caption. She was smiling and looked really happy. As much as it kills me, I’m happy for her.

  Moving into Adams House has been liberating. Being free from Rowen has lifted a weight from shoulders.

  My siblings have all sent text messages over the last couple months with words of encouragement and to keep me apprised of how pissed off Rowen is that I left. Summation: he’s really pissed. But, I don’t give a fuck. I’m gone and never going back.

  No word from my mama, she hasn’t called or checked in. I’m not surprised considering she is under Rowen’s rule 24/7. Rollie’s checked in on her and she is doing okay. He said Rowen didn’t take it out on her too badly which was a huge concern of mine. The only kid to break his rules isn’t even his kid.

  Nothing will bring me greater joy than to win here and get drafted. Throwing that back into Rowen’s face will be the second greatest accomplishment of my life, right after I get my girl back.

  My roommates are finally moving in today and I’m looking forward to having the company. I’ve been living here for three weeks all alone, save a few students taking summer classes and my trusty friend Tito whose vodka is keeping me sane. I spend most of my time playing on my phone or working out in the sick facilities on this campus.

  Our room, which is more of a suite, is on the first floor of the dorm. Two bedrooms with two beds in each room, common living space and a bathroom. There isn’t a kitchen, but there is a communal one just down the hall from our room. I’m hoping one of the boys will bring an Xbox and a TV. We didn’t have video games growing up, but I played at my friends’ houses sometimes. I’m legit at Madden.

  Brooks “Mac” McCarthy is the first to show up. He’s currently unpacking what looks like an entire house in the room opposite mine.

  We’re still waiting on Donovan Blake and Tanner Bateman. Coach put me with the three biggest recruits coming to this school. He wants us to form a tight core and bring this program to the pinnacle. I can’t fucking wait.

  “What’s up motherfuckers!” a guy shouts as he bursts through the door startling the shit out of me. I jump up off the couch where
I was lying down and he laughs heartily at my reaction. This has to be Blake, he’s definitely linebacker size.

  He drops his suitcase right where he stands and observes the room with a slight nod. I’m not a small human, but Blake is fucking huge. He is taller than I am, thicker, and has a fiery look in his green eyes that intrigues me as much as it terrifies me. “Where the fuck are all the chicks? This sausage fest is giving me an innie.”

  And he’s my polar opposite apparently. Loud, brash, and a bit obnoxious.

  “This is a boys’ dorm, dickhead,” Brooks says he walks out of his room, no doubt to size Blake up.

  “So which one is mine?” Blake asks, completely ignoring Brooks’ dickhead comment, as he motions toward the two doors, one on his left and one on his right. It’s like we’ve known each other our whole lives, not met just five seconds ago.

  “Either. I’m in there,” I nod to my left, “and Mac is in there.” I nod to the right.

  “Well, I like chocolate, so I guess you’re stuck me,” Blake winks at me and makes a kissy face as he walks into our bedroom.

  I laugh. This guy is a royal asshole, but strangely, I like him. There’s something about him that I can’t quite put my finger on. Regardless of the dickishness, he’s got this aura about him that I’m drawn to.

  Eventually, Bateman shows up and the gang is all here. We’re all very different, but we’ve definitely clicked already.

  Mac is the six foot, four inch stunner QB1 and acts like it. His dad is Hall of Famer, Rhett McCarthy, so this shit runs in his blood like it does mine. He commands a room and is a little bossy. He’s going be a helluva leader for our squad.

  Bateman is a tall, lanky, happy fucker who always seems pleased with whatever is going on. He’s the dad of the group, hands down. He has all of our schedules and intends to make sure we’re all following our workout and nutrition plans. I better hide my Gatorade bottles.

  Blake is certifiably insane which makes sense since he’s a linebacker who likes to hit people until snot bubbles out of their nose.

  I’m the quiet work horse running back, who is finally living my own life.

  This is my crew. My boys. I’m home.

  “We’re going to own this fucking school,” Blake says as he stretches out on the couch in our living. “Hey, Marek, are you about done?” Blake hired a guy to haul in his stuff, unpack for him and set up the entertainment system he brought, complete with 60” TV, Xbox, and surround sound. Blake said he’s going to keep us well stocked with whatever we need. Which is awesome because I need to be smart with my savings.

  “Just finished.”

  “Thanks, bro,” Blake slips him some money and the guy leaves our room. Blake sighs as he takes it in. “This is going to be an epic ride, boys. Now, let’s find some pussy.”

  We all just shake our heads.

  “Can we get real food first?” Bateman asks.

  “Yeah, I suppose,” Blake replies with a casual shrug.

  “Cafeteria is closed until dinner,” I offer. I have the schedule down since all my food has come from a meal plan so far.

  “Who wants cafe food? Gross,” Blake says and crinkles his nose at the thought of eating cafeteria food.

  “Uh, I do. I can’t afford to go to out eat,” I lay it out honestly for them.

  “Bro, I got you. No need to worry about funding,” he offers.

  “I can’t take your money.”

  “Let him,” Mac chimes in, “he’s fucking loaded.” How Mac knows that, I have no idea, but considering the set up Blake just had installed in our room I don’t doubt it.

  “Fine, but the first check I’m writing when I get my massive signing bonus is to you.”

  They all laugh. “Yeah, ok, buddy,” Blake says, doubting that the NFL will sign me, let alone give me a signing bonus. “$10k and we’ll call it even for the next four years.”


  The boys laugh again as we walk out the door, but I have every intention of paying Blake back for everything he is going to pay for over the next four years. Because I’m going to make. I have to make it.


  First semester of our freshman year flew by. We all survived training camp and preseason which led to a pretty successful rookie year for all of us.

  I’ve never been worked so hard in my life, but fuck it, if we aren’t going to be good. Not title contenders yet, but give us some time. Coach Hayes will get us there. We won ten games this year. Two more than they won last year and we’ll just keep building. We even won a bowl game, and although it wasn’t an important bowl, it was still a feat that Cambria hasn’t ever accomplished.

  I fit perfectly into Coach Hayes’ scheme which just reaffirms my decision to come here. We’re a powerful offense, geared mostly around the run-pass option which allows Mac the choice to hand it off or pitch it to me or fake the hand off and air it out to one of our receivers. It’s all a read for him and he is lighting it up, so am I. He’s so fucking smart under center.

  And more than football, I found a new family. These boys became my brothers.

  The downside is Stanzy is still fresh in my mind and no matter how much booze I consume she consumes me more. I can still feel her like I just left her yesterday. There have been so many times when something has happened and I want to share it with her, but I can’t bring myself to text her.

  I don’t think she thinks of me anymore the way I think of her, which is constantly unless I’m blackout drunk. Her Instagram looks like she is living it up with Staley and some new friends, including one tall guy who is in most of her pictures. I wonder who he is. They don’t look lovey dovey, but that could just stupid hope clouding my judgment.

  “End of the semester party boys!” Blake shouts and I close the app on my phone. “I’ll be balls deep in pussy by midnight,” he jokes as he rolls his hips seductively. Actually, I don’t think he’s kidding.

  “Oh fucking stop.” I cover my eyes in protest to his moves.

  “You love it, Rhodesy.”

  Blake and I have grown close and he has shown me how life is supposed to be lived when you’re a star athlete at a Division I school. “Pussy is amazing. Whiskey is amazing. Life is amazing.” That is a direct quote from Blake, who is now known as BDB, Big Dick Blake, after an unfortunate incident with a sorority sister. Think Khal Drogo and Khaleesi. Massive man meat and teeny tiny female. It didn’t end well.

  The booze flows constantly for me now. Before I was rationing my vodka/Gatorades, and now I feel like Ke$ha, brushing my teeth with a bottle of Jack every day thanks to Blake’s bottomless wallet.

  Since the night I left Peachberry Park, there have only been a handful of days I haven’t tried to drink the memory of Stanzy away. Those days were game days and when football season ended there was nothing holding me back. I’m pulling surprisingly good grades for going to class drunk or hungover almost every day.

  I wouldn’t say it’s a problem. I could stop if I wanted to, I think, but drowning her memory away is the only thing that keeps me sane.

  Except weed. I guess that’s the other thing. One of our teammates hooked me up. He’s got a guy in Boston that delivers, so I’m set. I try not to smoke too much because of the random drug testing by the NCAA. We’re a hot commodity so we usually get a heads up when the tests will be done. It gives us a chance to get clean even though it’s a violation to know when they’re happening.

  As far as the pussy goes, even though my heart still belongs to one girl, I allow myself a little reprieve. I’m a nineteen-year-old man after all and I’m fucking horny. But I made a promise to myself. No fucking. In my mind, that level of intimacy belongs to her and I will be with her again one day. But a blowie here and there clears the pipes and helps me relax a little.

  Besides, I’ve played this game before and was successful at it high school. Once the image is built, it’s hard to break.

  “Rhodes! You getting ready? We need to be at the Pi Kappa house soon,” Mac shouts from the livi
ng room.

  “Yeah, two minutes!” I just need to buckle my belt and put on my shoes. I run my hands through my mohawk, which is a faded blue from our last game. Blake convinced me to dye my hair for our first collegiate game. I kind of liked it. Rushing for over two hundred yards I think my hair gave me an edge. So, I continued to dye it the opposing team’s jersey color all year.

  The Pi Kappa fraternity is the biggest at Cambria. They are the frat for athletes and they throw epic parties throughout the year at their massive frat house off campus. A large Victorian style with a huge wraparound porch and enough bedrooms to accommodate an oversexed football team.

  Tonight is their end of the semester bash before we head home for winter break. Well, my roommates will, but I’ll be on campus since I can’t go home. We will drink heavily in preparation for the last week of school and finals. The house will be loaded with our friends, fans, jersey chasers and booze and it will be a hell of a good time.

  I squirt a little cologne on my shirt, check the mirror once more, beautiful, and we’re out the door. Both Mac and Blake have trucks on campus so we hop into Blake’s blacked out beast and head for the party.

  We arrive to chants and cheers. It’s become a tradition for us enter this way at every party and it never gets old. We’re already fucking celebrities on this campus. Brooks being the biggest name out of all of us, but still, we’re well known even as freshmen.

  The bass is pumping from the basement where I’m sure people are already grinding on the makeshift dance floor, but the boys and I head to kitchen for a drink. Less than two hours in, I’m three shots and four beers deep. It’s going to be a night worth forgetting. Cheers. I say to myself as I slam down another shot.

  “Hey, Rhodes,” a voice floats into my ear and a set of glittery purple fingernails wrap around my forearm.

  “Hey… you,” I reply and flash her a smile. I look around and there are jersey chasers draped all over my boys. Blake is cupping some chick’s ass and whispering in her ear. Mac is looking bored as fuck with the girl pawing at him and Bateman… I have no idea where he went. I’m not going lie, not having to work for it is really nice.


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