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A Natural Born Submissive

Page 11

by Victoria Winters

  "A—a toothbrush?" she guessed.

  No, that wasn't right; it felt softer than that. He switched to the other nipple, and she began to squirm. Suddenly she knew what it was.

  "A paintbrush!" she cried, wiggling her hips back and forth. Could she get any wetter?

  The brush was replaced with a set of cold lips. Had he been sucking on another ice cube? Alice moaned as Victor quickly moved from one nipple to the other. Now his cold, cold mouth was settling on her neck. She quivered as he moved his lips up and down her neck from her chin to her collarbone. Suddenly he bit down—a sharp nip on the left side. Alice couldn't stop herself; she started to laugh. Her vampire lover had finally moved in for the kill.

  She felt Victor reach behind her head and undo her blindfold. He was looking down at her, a perturbed look on his face.

  "You laugh?" he asked. "What is humorous?"

  Alice gasped out, "When I first met you, I thought you were a vampire. And now you just bit my neck." She burst into peals of laughter again. Victor stood and turned, walking over to an antique dresser. He opened a drawer and removed something. Alice's eyes widened when he turned and started walking back towards her. It was a flogger, with soft leather strands coming from a wooden handle. Alice stopped laughing and gulped.

  He stood beside the bed and ran the strands over her stomach. They felt incredible and rustled as they moved. It was like a caress—a long-fingered, velvety caress. She closed her eyes, moaning. He stopped, and Alice opened her eyes. Victor had his arm raised over his head, and as she watched, he struck. It didn't hurt so much as it brought her nerve endings to life. He struck her a half-dozen more times. Alice was breathing heavily by now. She could feel her juices flowing freely. She raised her head and looked down; her abdomen was now sporting a pink flush. She began to wriggle. She felt scared, disbelieving, and incredibly stimulated. She looked up at her Master whipping her and realized that this man was the most experienced Dom she could ever hope to be with and that he knew exactly what he was doing. She was able to relax in this knowledge and give herself over to the sensations he was creating within her.

  Victor watched Alice's face, wondering if she realized how expressive she was. All that she was feeling was clearly visible. Her wide-eyed innocence, her arousal, her confusion and fear, and then finally, her trust. The moment she gave control over to him, a serenity radiated from her. She moved into the falling leather strips, letting her body rise to meet his strokes. The flogger fell from his hands, and he rapidly dropped his dressing gown. He climbed on top of Alice and drove in to her, fucking her as hard as he could. The gift of her submission had enflamed his ardor to an impossible degree. His normal patience had eluded him. He couldn't remember feeling this way about a woman since his beloved Bianca had left this earth.

  Alice definitely didn't appreciate being bound while making love. She wanted to hold Victor, wrap her arms and legs around him, and pull him to her. Instead, she could do nothing but lie there, moan and gasp as he did all manner of exquisite things to her helpless body. Then Alice finally began to understand the allure of being bound. An image came to her of Victor bound beneath her as she straddled him, lowering her breasts to him, keeping her nipples just out of his reach. Sexual teasing, indeed!

  She decided to share her thoughts. Whispering in his ear, she began to tell him how she wanted to wrap herself around him. She shared her desire to bind him to the bed and take him as delightfully as he was taking her. To her surprise, Victor's excitement level escalated, and he began to drive into her harder and faster.

  Her bound position had angled her clitoris to receive the maximum amount of stimulation; soon she began to reach her zenith. She arched up to meet Victor as he drove into her. Together they began to shudder and gasp as they came together at the same moment, Victor crying out with her.

  Afterwards, after Victor had untied her and taken her into his arms, she lay her head on his shoulder, leaning into him and resting one leg over his.

  "That was incredible, Sir. Coming together, what a high!" She snuggled into him, content.

  "Did you like being completely bound?" he asked.

  "It was a very vulnerable feeling to be completely tied down and unable to participate. I felt frustrated because I couldn't hold you to me and wrap my legs around you. I also felt a great release when I realized that I could do nothing but lie there and let you do wonderful things to me."

  Victor smiled in the dark.

  "Sir, I intend to do it, you know."

  "Do what, my dear?" Victor asked, but Alice knew that he was well aware of what she was talking about.

  "Don't pretend you don't know. I felt your reaction when I told you of my desire to bind you to the bed and have my wicked way with you."

  "I'm sorry Alice, but no self-respecting Dom would ever agree to such a thing."

  Alice was disappointed at his reaction, but then she realized that he was beginning to shake with laughter. She sat up and looked down at him.

  "Would you really let me do it?" she asked, awed.

  "Perhaps someday," he said, in a noncommittal tone.

  "Have you ever let anyone do that to you?"

  "Yes," he whispered, serious now. "One person."

  Alice laid back down into his arms again. "Your wife?" she guessed.

  She felt Victor nod his head. She realized that he did not trust himself to talk about it. Not yet.

  "It's all right; we'll wait until you trust me a little bit more before we revisit that idea," she whispered, while giving him a gentle hug.

  "You are a very empathic little sub, you know that?" Victor murmured.

  He was falling asleep. She covered them up with his bedding and snuggled in beside him. Victor relaxed in her arms, and she realized how much tension the man carried within. Perhaps they could start out with her giving him a massage and see where it went from there, Alice thought as she drifted off to sleep in his arms. Her last thought before she fell asleep was the knowledge that having control over Victor sexually would ultimately bring their relationship to a whole new level.

  The next morning they woke up still lying in each other's arms. Another first, Alice thought. Ray had been a restless sleeper and sometimes they didn't even wake up in the same bed. Usually his tossing and turning drove her to the guest room before morning.

  "Mmmmmm, you are very nice to wake up to." Victor murmured.

  Alice kissed his neck and then slipped out of bed to go to the bathroom. When she returned, she looked down at Victor. Something about him made her want to take care of him.

  "Do we have anything I can make for breakfast, Sir? Eggs? Bacon?" she asked.

  "Negative. I shall have to take you out for breakfast," Victor announced. They both agreed that was a splendid idea.

  Alice texted her Mom as Victor got ready: Going out for breakfast. See you soon.

  Her Mom texted back: It's your life dear, I'm just sayin'…"

  Alice grinned. Her mother's sense of humor came through loud and clear. She texted back: Love you Mom, we'll talk when I get home.

  It was time, Alice knew, to tell her mom about Victor. It was also time to let Ray know that they would not be celebrating the holidays in his house. Alice was now able to think of it as his house. Was it time to have Victor over for Thanksgiving, though? She decided to discuss the upcoming holidays with him over breakfast.

  They found a table in a quiet corner of The Original Pancake House and Alice watched Victor attack a fluffy Dutch Baby pancake while she poked at her crepes. She decided to speak up while she still had the nerve.

  "Victor, I must say that I'm very much enjoying spending time with you."

  "And I you, my pretty Alice," Victor replied, smiling at her.

  "When my husband and I parted, I moved out of the house. I couldn't get him to leave, and so I walked out and let him have it."

  Victor studied her, curious to see where this was going.

  "He wants me and the girls to spend the holidays with him, back
in our old home. Katt said it's a ruse to get me back and that it would just confuse the children."

  "Are you seriously considering this?"

  "I thought about it for about five minutes. But I agree with Katt. It would send the wrong message to both Ray and the girls. We can have a perfectly nice holiday at my mother's, and Ray can come and go as he pleases."

  "That sounds sensible," Victor agreed, looking relieved.

  "I want to be with you, Victor. I love every moment of our time together. What I'm concerned about is—well, I'd like to introduce you to my mother and my daughters and spend holiday time together. But to be honest, I'd like to keep you to myself for a while longer. I feel that the …" Alice paused for a moment, struggling to find the words. She took a deep breath and began again: "the journey that you are taking me on, this journey of self-discovery, is just between you and me. But it would make me sad to think of you alone in your house during the holidays."

  Victor took a sip of coffee and then wiped his mouth. He put his hand on Alice's. "My precious girl, I would very much enjoy meeting your loved ones when the time is right. But it is far too soon for that. On Thanksgiving, Bellissima and I volunteer to serve dinner at a local shelter. I won't be here at all during Christmas. I will be in Europe, spending time with my children and grandchild. Feel free to enjoy your family over the holidays. Do not worry about me. My daughter is planning a large celebration for the extended family, and I will be in good hands."

  Alice smiled. She knew Victor had a family, but he'd never before spoken about them. It was nice that he was finally beginning to open up to her. Now it was her turn to attack her meal with gusto. Victor continued to talk about his family, telling her about his son and daughter, his daughter's husband and their little grandson, whom Victor was quite proud of. He even showed her a picture he carried in his wallet. As he took out the picture, she glimpsed another picture facing it.

  "Who is that beautiful woman?" Alice asked.

  Victor hesitated for a moment, but then dug the picture out and handed it to her. "It is a picture of my late wife."

  Alice studied the picture carefully. A lovely laughing woman, her dark hair blowing off her face, was smiling lovingly into the camera.

  "Did you take this picture?" she asked.

  "Yes," Victor admitted. "Why do you ask?"

  "Because it's clear that she loves the person she's looking at.

  Victor took the picture from her and studied it carefully. He smiled sadly and then tucked it back in his wallet.

  "You carry her in your wallet and also in here," Alice said pointing to his heart.

  To her surprise, tears came to Victor's eyes. She patted his hand. Alice was pleased to discover that Victor wasn't uncomfortable crying in front of her. He dabbed at his eyes and gave her a small smile in return.

  When they returned to the house, Victor walked her to her car. Alice hugged him once again.

  "Thank you," she whispered.

  "For what?" Victor really wanted to know.

  "For not being ashamed to show me your emotions."

  Victor took her face in his hands. "We are together embarking on a very intense partnership. There can be no walls between us."

  Chapter Twelve

  The work week went by quickly, and soon it was Friday. Alice called Ray and asked him to meet her after work at Ricardo's for their long-awaited happy hour rendezvous. Ray was waiting when she got there, along with what seemed like half of the staff from his high school. Alice's heart sank. She didn't want their old friends seeing them together, plus she really needed to talk to Ray alone. Ray was a social being though, and she knew she shouldn't be surprised, so she good-naturedly joined in the fun. After an hour or so, the crowd thinned out, and soon they were alone.

  "Do you want to stay for dinner, babe?" Ray asked, wondering why Alice wasn't rushing off like usual.

  "No, Ray," she declined. "I filled up on those dollar tacos."

  Ray grinned. "So did I."

  "Ray, I thought we were going to have happy hour alone. I really need to talk to you."

  Ray looked surprised.

  "Well, we're alone now. What's up?" He leaned forward, eager to hear what was on her mind. She looked especially lovely, her hair down, wearing a slim skirt, her long legs and high heels so very distracting.

  "Eyes up here, Ray."

  Her ex had always been a leg-man, although he had always preferred more muscular thighs than she possessed. The man really should have married a jock.

  "Ray, I want to talk about your offer to have the girls and me spend the holidays with you. You have to know that isn't going to happen."

  Ray's face fell; she could see that he was keenly disappointed.

  "I am sorry, but I think it would send the wrong message to the girls if we pretend to be together, even for a few weeks."

  "Wrong message? What are you talking about?" Ray's tone was hurt and angry. We are a family; that'll never change. In what way would that be pretending? It would send one message and one message only—that we are grown-up enough to put our differences aside and just be together as a family when the occasion warrants it."

  Alice looked at him. Vintage Ray. He used to be able to talk her into just about anything by confusing the issue and then sealing the deal by acting angry, knowing how much Alice hated confrontation. She now saw how manipulative his behavior was.

  "No Ray, it would confuse the girls, give them false hope that we might get back together. It would be cruel to do that when it's not going to happen."

  "How do you know it's not going to happen? Aw, come on Alice, I'm not asking you to remarry me, just have a nice holiday season together."

  "To be honest Ray, I don't want to give you the wrong message either. You are welcome to come over at any time when the girls are home for the holidays, but we aren't shacking up together again—for the holidays or vacations or for any other reason. It's over. For good."

  "Are you seeing someone, Alice?" Ray asked, staring at her closely.

  "Why do you ask that?" Alice replied.

  "Because this isn't like you. Normally you …"

  "I what, Ray? Normally I what? Go along with anything you can fast talk me—or bully me—into?

  "Hey, hey, hey," Ray said, raising his hands as if he was demonstrating that he wasn't armed.

  "In case you haven't noticed, I'm not that same shy nineteen-year-old girl you married. I didn't know what I wanted back then or what I was capable of."

  "You were kind of a mess back then," Ray agreed, smiling fondly.

  "Excuse me?" Alice said, getting upset. She kept her voice steady though. "I was a 'mess'?"

  "Yeah, you didn't even know how to look people in the eye and talk to them, and yet you were getting a degree in Communications? It was hysterical. I knew you weren't going to make it in front of the camera as a news anchor."

  "Well thank you for rescuing me," Alice said snidely. She leaned forward, her voice growing quieter the angrier she got. "I was the same age our daughters are now when we met. Do you think either one of them is in any way ready for marriage, or to know what their life's work will be? They aren't even ready for steady boyfriends. You took advantage of my confusion at that age and moved in for the kill. It's over, Ray."

  Alice threw her napkin down. She reached inside her purse and pulled out a twenty, tossing it down on the table. She didn't want to be beholden to that man for anything, not even a drink tab.

  "Now honey, don't be like that," Ray said, disappointed that she was leaving under these circumstances. Alice stalked out of the restaurant without looking back. She went home and was pleased to find her Mom there.

  "Mom, can we talk?" she asked. Her mother put down her book and turned, giving Alice her undivided attention.

  First she told her about Ray and his holiday offer. She explained why she'd turned it down, and her mom agreed that it was probably a wise choice.

  "I believe it would have been bittersweet for the children to know
that the family reunion was only temporary, more sad than happy," Doris agreed. "They can see their father whenever they want; you don't have to be there all the time."

  "There's something else, Mom—or rather, someone else. I know you already figured that out."

  Her Mom nodded. "And you're ready to tell me about him?"

  "Yup, ready as I'll ever be. When you go to The Beaten Path, have you ever met the owner?" Alice asked.

  "The vampire? That's what my friends and I call him. His name is Victor. I know exactly who you're referring to."

  Alice watched her Mom as she took it in. "Why Alice, that isn't who you're dating, is it?"

  Alice took a deep breath and plunged in.

  "Yes, Mom, Victor and I have become close."

  "Well, I'll be damned," her mom said, sitting back in her chair, looking stunned. "He's very attractive, in a romance-novel-cover sort of way."

  Alice smiled. She'd thought the same thing.

  "He seems so private, though, not like a real person one could actually date. How did you break through that wall?" her mom asked, genuinely curious.

  "Well, Victor pursued me, actually. There was an intense attraction between us, and slowly but surely we got closer. He's a widower from Europe who has two grown children."

  "I have to ask this question, Alice. Do you let him do BDSM things to you?"

  "Yes, but more as trust exercises than anything else," Alice explained.

  Her Mom thought about this. "Well, he's probably some kind of expert. He'd know what he was doing, that's for sure."

  "He's the best Mom. He's all about safe, sane, consensual play and safewords. The BDSM world is close to his heart and he tries to educate and encourage the community. But that's a very small part of what makes him special. Besides the accent and his looks, he's kind and caring and affectionate. He's patient and protective. And he's very chivalrous, which is quite a departure from most men these days."

  "That's very true. It's like he's displaced in time."

  Alice tipped her head, staring at her Mom. "That's exactly how I see him. You know, it's funny how you and I see things so similarly. So you think I made the right decision about not spending the holidays with Ray?"


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