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Rags to Riches: My Thug Angel

Page 3

by Andrea Sad'e

  "Better." He kissed my forehead and got up.

  He was about to leave the room when I said, "You can take me back to Gena's when you're done doing whatever you're doing."

  He gave me a funny look and then told me that he'd be back after he met with his brother. I said okay and continued to watch TV.

  I thought about listening in on their conversation but I didn't want to chance being caught. He walked into his office and I went upstairs to the room so I could take a bath. I decided to relax in the oversized bathtub he had in his bathroom. I turned off the lights, lit some candles and closed the blinds and let my mind relax.


  My brother followed me into my office.

  "This is nice, baby bro," he said, looking around.

  "Yea, I had it decorated," I said.

  We sat and talked about how the business would be mine in the matter of weeks. I told him that I was ready to do my thang with the business and we talked about some other stuff and then he left. I walked up to my room and Rayna was getting out of the shower.

  When she noticed that I had walked into the bathroom, she covered up quickly.

  "My bad," I said and sat on the counter.

  She went in my closet and got a T-shirt. "So you gonna take me back to Gena's house?" she asked me.

  "Well, I was thinking that maybe you should just stay here."

  She looked at me strangely. "I don't want you trying to take me in because you feel bad for me, and we have been building something good but I'm not even sure what it is that we're doing, Ace," she said, motioning between the two of us.

  I got down off of the counter and walked close to her and gave her a kiss. "I think you know what this is, Rayna. I want you to be mine."

  She backed up into the wall and I stood there and stared at her straight in her eyes. She broke eye contact. "O-okay. I've never done this relationship thing before so I have no clue how all this stuff works. My mom kept me sheltered for a long time and I never got out unless I was with Gena," she said, looking at me.

  "It's okay, I'll teach you," I said, grabbing her hand.

  "Well, Ace, I don't want to move too quickly with you, so is there any way that we could hold off on sleeping in the same bed every night?" she asked me shyly.

  "I respect that. You can have whichever guest room you like best."

  She smiled and pecked my lips. "Oh and one last thing," she said.

  "Yes?" I asked.

  "Before anything goes further, I need to know what it is that you do. I know your brother is very successful but I also know he didn't pay for all this plus all your cars."

  I sighed. "Call Gena and Slick. Tell them to come here and we'll all sit down and talk so you two girls will know exactly what you guys are getting yourselves into," I said, changing my shirt.

  "Okay," she said, calling Gena.


  Gena and Slick walked into the house.

  "Oh my God this is so nice," Gena said, admiring the house.

  "Yes, and I just moved in. I'm nervous cause you know how I am about relationships," I told her.

  "Rayna, you'll be fine. You can cook, clean, you're funny and smart as a whip. Oh, and you'll learn all the tricks of the sex game," she said laughing.

  I busted out laughing.

  "You hear that, Slick? They moved in here together. We graduate next weekend and after that, I think we should think about doing the same since we already made it official," Gena said.

  I looked at Slick and he wasn't paying her much attention. He laughed about it and left it at that.

  Slick and Ace sat in front of us and Ace started to talk.

  "Well, since you guys are our girlfriends, we're just going to cut to the chase and let you know that we're in the drug game."

  Gena and I looked at each other in disbelief.

  Slick started to talk. "But that's not all, we need you guys to keep our books."

  "What books?" Gena chimed in.

  Ace raised his hand to silence her and then started to speak. "My brother Mark is handing his whole drug operation down to me and I decided that Slick and I are gonna be partners. But our books for our money is always off and they can never tell when someone is stealing money until they've been doing it for a long time. We basically need you guys to be the brains of this operation when it comes to money and we will pay you guys a lot more than that nursing home job," Ant said, waiting for our reply.

  "We're in," Gena said.

  "GENA!" I said.

  "What, girl? You know I don't like how old people smell. I'm ready to leave that nursing home," Gena said

  "I guess," I said.

  "Okay, so I need you guys to look at the books for the last 4 months," Ace stated. He explained the whole operation; prices on everything, the whole nine. Then he and Slick went to watch football in the theatre room while we worked.

  ***3 hours later***

  "Hey, Ace, we need to talk to ya'll," Gena said, coming to get us out of the theatre.

  I looked down and saw Rayna with her laptop and a sheet of paper. She looking kind of aggravated.

  "Look at this, Ace." She handed me a paper and Slick and I looked at it,

  "Our connect has been ripping us off like a Muthafucka man, he charging us more than double of the price we should be paying" Slick said, getting angry.

  "Wow, the first thing we gone do is change connects when he hands the operation down, I gotta go tell him all about this." Ace walked out angrily.


  "Wow, the first thing we gone do is change connects when he hands the operation down. I gotta go tell him all about this," I said, walking out of the room.

  Slick stopped me. "Aye, man, maybe we should keep this to ourselves," he said.

  "Why?" I said, knowing that something heavy was on his mind.

  "Cause, man, I can tell that your brother doesn't expect us to make it through. He expects us to fail at this and when we don't, he may have a problem with that. Nobody wants to see anybody playing their position better than them, especially not their baby brother. Think about it, man."

  I thought about it for a second and maybe he might be right. I went back in the living room and we all talked and had fun for a while until Slick and Gena decided to leave. I took a shower and went into Rayna's room.

  "Wassup, ma?" I said, plopping down on her bed.

  "Wassup, Ace?" she said, still watching TV.

  "You ready to graduate next week?" I asked her.

  "Yes I am, I'm ready for college."

  I nodded my head and we both split up and went in separate bathrooms to take a shower

  I thought about everything that was going on and I felt confident that I could take this business after hiring the girls. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist.

  I walked out of the bathroom and into my room.

  I looked in my dresser and got my boxers. Just as I dropped my towel, Rayna walked in...

  Chapter 6


  I got out of the shower and I decided to put on my lotion and some shorts from PINK and a crop top. I didn't hear Ace's shower running anymore so I decided I would just go in his room and mess with him. I opened the door and my jaw hit the floor. He was standing there butt ass naked and he was so sexy.

  I covered my face and walked out.

  "RAYNA!" I heard him yell. I turned around. "Come here," he said, grabbing my hand, he led my hand to his manhood. "This is yours now, and although we're not taking it there yet, I don't want you to be embarrassed to see it. It's all good," he said, kissing my forehead and going to his drawer to put on some shorts.

  "You wanna order something to eat?" he asked me lying in his bed watching TV.

  "No, I can just cook," I said simply. I was tired of eating out.

  "Okay," he said.

  I went downstairs and pulled some chicken out of the fridge I had taken out earlier to defrost. I washed the chicken then grabbed seasoning and did my thing. I cut up different vegg
ies on top of the chicken and put it in the oven to bake. I made some yellow rice, some green beans and some cornbread. I was done cooking within an hour. I hit the intercom and told Ace that dinner was ready and he came down.

  "It smells so good in here," he said, rubbing his belly.

  "Your plate is on the table," I laughed.

  I poured us both some lemonade and we started to eat. Ace was done with his plate within 5 minutes.

  "More," he said, looking down at his plate. I laughed and got up and made him seconds.

  After dinner, I put up all the leftovers and cleaned the kitchen. By then I was beat. I headed to my room until I heard Ace call my name over the intercom. I went in his room and he patted the spot next to him in the bed.

  "I'm not gonna bite you... Just yet."

  I sat down and he picked up my freshly pedicured feet and started giving me a foot massage...

  That's the last thing I remember.


  I started rubbing Rayna's feet because she’d worked hard in the kitchen and I knew she was tired. I was watching TV while rubbing her feet and the show went on commercial so I turned to say something to Rayna and she was already knocked out. I chuckled and pulled the cover over her and turned the lights off. I said my prayers and went to sleep.

  1 month later...


  "Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuu. Happy birthday to youuu. Happy birthday, dear Anthonyyyy. Happy birthday to youuuuu," We all sang to Ace.

  He smiled big and popped the bottle of champagne. This was Ace's brother’s club so we all got wristbands to drink. Ace looked up at us, smiling so big.

  "Thank ya'll. I really appreciate it. It's like I finally have a family," he said, hugging me tight and giving me a sloppy kiss. I was glad that he was enjoying his birthday because his brother had just handed the operation over to him and Slick a couple days prior and he had been working nonstop. Slick, Gena, Ace, and I danced until the club let out. We split up and Ace and I headed home.

  "You and Gena been doing ya'll thing with them books and making sure our connects are giving us the right prices. I really appreciate it," he said.

  I smiled to myself. "Yea, I calculate and split everything out how it should be because I'm better at dealing with percentages and stuff like that, and then Gena goes through and calculates the ending balances. We are one hell of a team, we get it done pretty quickly," I said. He shook his head.

  We got home and started stripping out of our clothes. we had started sleeping in the same bed but nothing had happened between us on that level yet. He knew I wanted to give it some time and he respected that, so I respected him. Even though it wasn't official yet, we had been joined at the hip for four months; three months before we made it official and 1 month since we had.

  I sat in the bed while I heard the shower run. You know how they say curiosity killed the cat? Well, it was killing me right now. I walked in the bathroom and opened the shower door. He was perfect.

  "Can I join?" I asked.

  He looked surprised. "Yeah, of course."

  I started washing and let him wash my back. "Did you get everything you wanted for your birthday?" I asked him,

  "Not yet," he said.

  I started laughing. "What do you mean?" I asked and when I turned around, he was standing face-to-face with me.

  I tried to look away but he grabbed my face and started kissing me. We started to kiss passionately and he picked me up and stepped out of the shower. He laid me down on the bed and started kissing my entire body.

  It sent chills down my spine, he was so gentle. He put on a condom and slid into me. We found our rhythm and we were both enjoying every minute of it. He flipped me over and put it in from the back. I had never felt this way before. My legs started to shake and I started to feel this tingly feeling. I looked back at him and he leaned forward and told me, "Let it out." As soon as he said that, I started to climax. Five minutes later he came falling on the bed beside me allowing a smile to creep across his face.

  We got out of the bed and stripped the sheets. We showered and went down to eat some snacks. He lit a blunt and we watched a movie in the theatre room until we were ready for bed.


  "So I really think we should think about getting our own place, Slick," Gena said, laying down beside me.

  I knew that she was ready for more but moving in is a big step. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that yet. Don't get me wrong, I'd fallen in love with Gena but I just didn't wanna make any of the wrong moves. I wanted to take my time, but at the same time I didn't want to lose her. We’d just graduated high school three weeks ago and I was just trying to make sure my foundation was set.

  "We can go house shopping tomorrow, Gena, if it makes you happy. I just hope this doesn't affect our relationship negativelty cause this is a big step," I said to her.

  "Well, Ace and Rayna seem fine," she replied.

  "Ace and Rayna ain't us," I said. I was way more of a hot head than Ace was. He could talk his problems out with certain people and I don't always have that quality.

  I'd never put my hands on her but I didn't want to get mad and say anything I'd regret. She sat thinking for a minute so, to change the mood, I asked her if she wanted to go shopping on me tomorrow. She said yes and got excited. Checkmate...

  3 weeks later....


  DAMN... I’d just gotten a phone call from one of my old workers telling me how good the business was doing. He told me how much more money they were making and he didn't know how, but they were taking the game to a whole different level.

  I couldn't believe I was letting my baby brother and his best friend outshine me. Nah, I was not about to be laughed at in these streets. Something had to be done. And quickly. About ten minutes later an idea popped in my head....

  This was gonna be good. Cruel, but good. We're in a dog eat dog world and I loved my brother but some shit I just couldn't take. I admit it. I have a jealous heart but fuck it.

  Chapter 7

  Detective Blake Carter

  "So what you're telling me is that if I show up at this exact location that I can catch your brother in a drug exchange?" I asked Mark.

  "Yes that's exactly what I'm saying."

  I looked at my partner Clint and he was writing things down on a notepad. "I'm gonna go report this to the squad." He got up and I looked Mark in the eye.

  "So what is your motive? Why are you trying to take your own brother down?"

  He looked at me for a second and I could tell that he was contemplating whether to tell the truth or not. "I don't want him to get hurt," Mark simply replied but I could tell he was lying through his teeth.

  "Okay, well, I will get my team together and we will make sure we're at the drop when the exchange happens but you wanna put him in prison for 10-12 years because you don't want him to get hurt? I can't believe it, but okay." We got up and shook hands.

  My partner Clint came back in. "I guess we're gonna take this one down, huh?"

  I looked at him, "Yea, I guess."

  I got off later that day and placed a phone call.

  "Yo, we need to talk. It’s urgent."


  Slick and I were out on the block making sure everything was running smoothly. All the work was moving and everyone was out here doing what they were supposed to do. We were happy niggas. Next thing was the trap houses. I hopped in the passenger’s side and Slick drove us to the trap houses. When we got there, a few people were outta place but as usual, Slick got that shit together quickly.

  I looked down at my phone and I had a voicemail from one of the detectives I was cool with and I paid to keep me up on game. I put it in the back of my mind to make sure I listened to it and called him back later. We went in the office and discussed some things that we still needed to make changes to.

  "So wassup with you and Gena?" I asked.

  His whole face lit up, this nigga looked like a schoolboy. "Everything's great except for her pre
ssuring me to get a house for us. You fucked up and moved Rayna in and now I gotta live up to yo standards, nigga," he said, laughing.

  I laughed with him and we chopped it up until I remembered to listen to the voicemail I had received. I put it on speaker so Slick could hear.

  "Yo we need to talk. It’s urgent"

  I paid Blake Carter to keep me informed if my name or operation ever came up in the city legal wise. So I called him back.

  "Detective Carter," Blake said.

  "Wassup," Ace spoke.

  "We got a situation, man. We need to meet," Blake told him.

  "My house in 30," Ace responded.

  Ace disconnected the call.

  "He say he got something to tell us so he gone meet us at the house in 30," I told Slick.

  "I’ight, then let's go," he answered.

  When we got home, Rayna and Gena were sitting on the couch sniffling while watching a Lifetime movie.

  "Y'all so sensitive," Slick said.

  "Shut the fuck up Slick Rick," Rayna replied, making a joke out of his name.

  I chuckled. He looked at me and said, "Nigga that ain't funny," which only made me laugh harder.

  Rayna walked up to me. "Hey baby," she said, hugging me and giving me a kiss. I grabbed her ass and enjoyed the moment.

  Slick shook his head, went over to the couch and sat next to Gena, pulling her on his lap. The doorbell rang and I went to get it. It was Detective Carter.


  Slick: "So what's going on?"

  Blake: What I'm about to tell you is not going to make you happy, but your brother Mark came down to the precinct and told the detectives that you have a drop tomorrow and he

  Ace: Say what?

  Slick: Ahh, fuck nah, bruh.

  Ace: I don't understand.



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