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The Riss Enemies: Book VI (The Riss Series 6)

Page 20

by C. R. Daems

  "What about the UFN?" Sheva said, looking to Zhang and giving him an apologetic smile.

  "Admiral Zhu is smart enough to know the upgrades we are providing the UFN would put them at a disadvantage in a war with the Riss. It's his concession to peace."

  "Leader Reese is correct. My older brother wants peace for the UFN and will encourage the newest upgrades to the fleet, knowing we have safeguards in the upgrades," Zhang said. "He wants the peace to last well past his lifetime."

  "Probably in the long run peace will be to the SAS's advantage, although they will forever hate us," Da'Maass said. "No cruisers will mean more money available for domestic projects. It’ll also eliminate inter-planet raiding and change their focus from war to peace. Look at Freeland."

  Pavao laughed and received strange looks. "You've done a damn good job at the Leader position, and since none of us wants it, we're off to Freeland to carry out your orders." She gave me a salute and cut the connection. One by one, the other smiling faces cut the connection.

  I asked Thalia, feeling sorry for myself.

  Thalia sent along with an image of an old Riss reading a book titled The History of the SAS.

  My thoughts were interrupted when my SID buzzed, a connect request from Iglis. I clicked Accept.

  "Admiral Butler is alive and at the Eden Intelligence Center."

  "Tell him I'd like to talk to him on the Mnemosyne. Admiral Gebauer will join us."

  "How…I'll tell him and get back to you with his answer," she said, leaving the channel open as she turned away and typed something on another machine. Several minutes later she turned to face me again. "He’s willing."

  "Iglis, arrange the pickup details with Colonels Seng and Terril," I said, handing my SID to Terril.

  "Do you think that's wise?" Terril asked, after arranging for a meeting in Colonel Seng's office.

  "I'll let you know tomorrow," I said to an open mouthed Terril. "That's the answer Thalia always gives me when I ask her what if."

  * * *

  Terril arranged for a combat shuttle with a Ghost escort to pick up Butler just outside the Eden Intelligence Center. I was there to greet him along with Admiral Gebauer when he exited the shuttle.

  Butler glanced around the combat shuttle bay before slowly walking over to Gebauer and me. "Why me, Reese?"

  "Because you and Gebauer have always been the voices of reason. With Plimson murdered, there is no one else left."

  "You're right. I doubt there is anyone in the SAS who doesn't hate you and want to see you … killed."

  "That used to bother me, but I'm coming to accept it as human nature."

  "What do you mean?"

  "A tendency to believe unsubstantiated rumors and an inability to overcome prejudices." I held up a hand to stop him responding. "Come, let's go to my conference room where I have assembled my staff. We can bring you up to date on the current situation. Gebauer is here as an independent observer with loyalties to the SAS, not the Riss or Freeland," I said as they followed me to my conference room.

  When we entered, everyone stood. I went around the room naming each person, even though I thought he knew everyone except for Katlin and Ja'Sai.

  "I'll let Iglis start the story from when I began to enforce the quarantine of the JPU. Feel free to interrupt and to ask anyone here questions." As I sat, Iglis stood and activated the room monitors.

  Butler queried everyone multiple times, getting each person's perspective. The briefing took a day and a half, with breaks for meals and rest.

  "So what do you want, Reese? I know you don't expect me or Gebauer to lobby the SAS Council for you," he said, looking concerned and feeling confused.

  "True. Neither I, the Riss-humans, nor the Riss wish the SAS harm, but we have come to the conclusion we can never trust them. I'm willing to reach a Freeland-like compromise with the SAS. We will allow for merchants to move people and supplies and for the SAS Council to govern its people. The only conditions are on the merchant ships. They must be registered, can have no military grade weapons or armament, and they have to submit to inspections by Riss and UFN cruisers."

  "I understand you're mad at the Council and some of the SAS leaders with good reason, but there are good people in the SAS—"

  I held up my hand. "What I'd like is for you to get several SAS Comrelays for us to install on Eden, Sparrow’s Nest, and Earthol. That will enable the Riss and UFN to communicate with the units we have stationed there in case additional resources are needed to keep the Ecitoni in check. That will also enable continued communications between SAS systems. And if you want our continued cooperation and to be kept in the loop, Iglis will need your priority clearance."

  "You want me to spy on my people?" Butler's voice was cold.

  "When I met with the Elders of Freeland, I asked them to decide what they wished to be as a nation: isolated, member, integrated, ally, or adversary. I ask the SAS a similar question. What do they wish to be: trusted neighbor, isolated, or adversary? I've brought you here because I think you are in a position to help steer your nation. Without help, I believe they will eventually be isolated." I stopped for a drink of kaffa and to give Butler time to think about what I was saying. "I would wager the SAS council is encouraging systems to build cruisers and armed merchants. When we run across them, we will destroy the ships, the factory that produced them, the space station, and the SAS Comrelay. If that happens, eventually the SAS will no longer exist. It will just be a collection of isolated systems."

  "What do you think, Gebauer?" Butler asked.

  "If I were the Riss, I wouldn't trust the SAS. They have a long record of failing to honor treaties, hatred of the Riss and Riss-humans, and trying to destroy Freeland. I agree with Reese, the SAS Council will incite the systems to fight the MFZ, just as they incited Gleason to ignore Plimson and the captains to invade Freeland. The Riss are a peaceful nation in my experience and Reese has always honored her word. So, I not only think her question is legitimate, but that the answer will determine our future."

  "What about the Ecitoni?" Butler asked.

  "We will maintain a presence in the three systems that have Ecitoni Mother ships and eventually destroy them." I gave a snort, trying to stop a laugh. "After all, this is an MFZ."

  "What about the Ants on Eden?"

  "That's your battle to fight. Freelanders and UFN troops would have more to fear from the SAS citizens than the Ecitoni. Even if they didn't, we don't have sufficient troops to fight the Mother ships and the Ecitoni on the planets."

  I left my ex-SAS staff and Gebauer to talk with Butler.

  "What do you think Butler will decide?" Terril asked as we made our way to the Bridge.

  "He'll agree. The real question is whether he can influence the SAS in the way that Ni'Shay and the elders helped steer Freeland."

  Butler left for Eden eight hours later after arranging for the Mnemosyne to pick up three Comrelays from a top secret orbit station run by SAS Intelligence and provided Iglis with his access codes. After installing one in Eden space and giving Zhu's intelligence chief the codes, we departed for Freeland.

  * * *

  "Iglis, what's the current status?" I asked as the Riss-humans, Freeland elders, and my staff met on Freeland. It had been forty days since my meeting with Butler.

  "All the MFZ-Eirises are up and running. They each report once a day whether there is activity or not. With few exceptions, every system has had activity. Half of the reported activity is from unregistered ships and two activities appear to have been from cruisers." She paused, awaiting my reaction.

  "How many merchants have registered?"

  "Four from Freeland, six from the UFN, and ten from the SAS. Of course, some of that unregistered activity could be merchants heading for Hayjar to register." Iglis gave a small shrug. "The Iris factory informs me that they have six Eirises ready for the JPU and will have the final five ready in a week."

  "Have you heard from Admiral Butler?" />
  "The SAS Council has officially retired the space-going navy. Butler is still in charge of Intelligence but is now a civilian, and his new position is Director of Intelligence. Eden has initiated a draft to build up the army to combat the Ecitoni remaining on the ground. Butler told the Council that I have access to the SAS Comrelays, so I doubt they will communicate anything controversial over them. He indicated they are unlikely to take him into their confidence or to use the Comrelays but might be communicating via the registered merchants—they don't like you." Iglis gave a wry smile. That caused multiple comments and chuckles.

  "Let Butler know what you've found and that as of today, unregistered ships will be destroyed. Systems producing armed merchants or cruisers will have those factories and spaceports destroyed. That could include their Comrelay and produce a quarantine. If we find that SAS Council has encouraged the building of cruisers, we will quarantine Eden." I was shaking with fury. "While we fought to save the SAS, they took advantage of the distraction to begin creating warships."

  "Not really a surprise," Pavao said, giving a shrug of her shoulder.

  "I think we should quarantine Eden anyway. That may make everyone happy, including the other SAS systems. The Council is the main problem." I took a minute to calm down before continuing. "We need to resolve this problem before the Ecitoni get active. Alena and Jaelle, split up the JPU systems and begin delivering the new MFZ-Eirises. If you find any non-registered ship, leave the crew on the system they are in and destroy the ship. Registered ships are to be inspected going in and coming out."

  "Yes, Leader," they said in unison.

  "Pavao, Sheva, and I will split up the SAS systems. Any questions?" Hearing no questions, I added. "Don't take unnecessary chances. They are breaking the rules, and they know we're going to destroy their ships. Give your warning from a safe distance and approach with extreme caution."

  * * *

  r-Galene sent, and the message went out over the loud speakers and SIDs.

  I wasn't looking forward to the next month or two. I knew the SAS Council would be making waves and that thousands would die for their treachery. Echo space looked quiet. I clicked on Iglis's SID.

  She had obviously anticipated me. "Captain, it appears there is an unregistered merchant in system and … two cruisers left and returned yesterday."

  "Thank you, Iglis." I couldn't help the overwhelming anguish I felt, knowing lives would be lost for the arrogance of a few.

  A minute later, lights flashed blue and SIDs announced the current status.

  "Do you have a choice this time?" Terril asked. She gave me a lopsided grin. I knew she was wondering not what I would do, but what she would do if she had to make the decision.

  "No, we are officially at war with the SAS."


  "They aren't building cruisers to fight the Ecitoni. They are building them to fight the Riss," I said, and it took all my control not to slam my fist on the arm of my chair. I sat fighting the urge to get drunk. Instead, I sat staring at the VTH. When we reached the halfway point between the Wave and Echo, I spoke.


  Immediately, lights flashed red, claxons rang, and SIDs announced the change in status. The VTH showed two ships: a cruiser tagged C1 in orbit around Echo, and a merchant tagged M1 leaving the space station. Seconds later, a second cruiser, tagged C2, appeared with weapons hot about one light-second away. It had obviously been lying in wait at minimum power.




  They had fired before I could give them the option to surrender. I could only assume they thought they could surprise us. Whoever was the captain, he or she was being clever—fire four, wait for us to skip closer, and then fire the remaining four.


  When the Duster and Dummy detonated in thirty-three seconds, I would have seven seconds to make a decision before the four missiles from C2 would reach the Mnemosyne. Thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six—


  The Bridge and the Riss faded to ghosts for a second, then solidified.

  The Mnemosyne shuddered twice as twelve missiles raced away.

  The Bridge faded as the twelve missiles reached C2.

  r-Kojin sent as the Bridge became solidified and the VTH showed C2 red.

  Thalia sent with a feeling of regret. I guessed that was better than No Choice.

  "That was close," Terril said, her voice weak.

  "The captain was being clever. He fired four missiles while withholding four, thinking I would skip in close and he could get me with the other four."

  "Why didn't you skip behind the Duster cloud?"

  "Because I could have jumped right into his four missiles. It would take his missiles five seconds to reach the cloud if we jumped only seconds after he fired."

  "Da'Maass is right. You're in their minds."

  "No different from Si'jin. Only the techniques are different."



  "What about the other cruiser?" Terril asked, frowning in thought.

  "Unless I'm wrong, it will guess that's where we will go and be there waiting."



  I watched the VTH as we and C1 approached the Echo Manufacturing and Repair station. It had grown over the years we were at war with the Aliens and later with the JPU and now looked like a seven story building under construction—a steel frame which still needed floors, walls, and windows. At least four partially built cruisers hung there with men and shuttles buzzing around like bees in a beehive.

  I clicked on Byer's SID and he appeared immediately. "Release a couple of fighters along with a red-Wraith and get in position to fire. You're to hold your fire unless they fire."

  "Yes, captain." He clicked off. Ten minutes later, my SID buzzed and Byer appeared. "Captain, the fighters are deployed with orders to fire if C1 fires."

  I sat waiting to give the fighters time to get in position.


  I sent, and Galene sent my message. Thirty seconds later, C1 fired four missiles.


  We had just faded back when C1 went yellow, then red. I hoped many of the crew had been able to survive in the ship's escape pods.

  We recovered the fighters and went back to the space station. The merchant ship which had been docked at the space station was registered, so after a brief inspection I let him collect his crew and depart safely. I wasn't worried about the merchant ship which had left as we arrived. Eventually it would be found. Ten hours later we destroyed the spaceport and the Manufacturing and Repair station.

  I clicked on Iglis's SID.

  "Yes, Captain?"

  "Iglis, send the following message to Director Butler: Two SAS cruisers fired on the Mnemosyne. That is an act of war against the Riss. If we find one more SAS cruiser in space, we will quarantine Eden. No Comrelay and no space station or repair facility—not that it will matter, because no merchants will be allowed in or out. We will isolate Eden and its Council forever."

  She hesitated for several seconds. "Yes, Captain Reese. That should get the Council's attention."

/>   * * *

  We entered Wahoo two days later. Space was quiet as we approached the planet. Three merchants were docked at the space station.

  I sent, and waited. Several minutes later, a middle-aged man with a goatee, curly brown hair, and a bright red shirt appeared.

  "Good day, Leader Reese. I'm Captain To'Gass. A registered Freeland merchant." He smiled broadly. I clicked on Iglis while leaving the connection open.

  "Commander Iglis, is the Star Trader registered?" I asked and crossed my fingers. I didn't want to destroy merchant ships from Freeland.

  "Yes, Captain Reese. Captain To'Gass is registered."

  "Thank you, Captain To'Gass, stand by for a routine inspection."

  Several minutes later an older man appeared, looking nervous and flushed.

  "Yes, Captain, how can I help you?" he asked while nervously wringing his hands.

  "Have you registered your ship?"

  "Yes, Captain, several days ago."

  "Commander Iglis, the Space Runner?"

  "Yes, Captain Reese, the Space Runner is registered."

  "Thank you, Captain. Stand by for a routine inspection—"


  I sat watching as the merchant continued to accelerate.



  I watched the VTH as the missile exploded and the merchant cut the engines seconds later. That close, I imagined it rattled everything loose inside that ship, since it had no battle metal.

  "Commander Iglis, is the Lucky Lady lucky enough to be registered?" I asked, knowing it wasn't; otherwise, it wouldn't have run.

  "No, Captain. She's not that lucky." Iglis tried to resist grinning, but failed.

  I clicked on Byer and Seng's SIDs. "Commander Seng, please send a boarding party to confiscate the Lucky Lady. It's in violation of the MFZ rules. Commander Byer, ensure that the boarding party has no problems."

  * * *


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