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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

Page 12

by Juliet Anderson

  “Easy,” Magnus warned. “Slurs like that seek retribution.”

  Lodraill was next for his verbal tirade. “And how can you show your face having deserted Lokranor when they needed you most? You should have been out on the battlefield with my father, stopping Valkarin. You ran like a coward.”

  “Olav did not want me on the battlefield as I had nothing that could stop Valkarin,” Lodraill looked devastated.

  “Wilhelm, I know you’re upset but it is no-one’s fault here,” Erin tried to soothe his temper.

  Wilhelm whirled around, his face distorted with pain. “Actually, it is you who is to blame for this entire mess,” his tone was full of venom. “Until you appeared all we had to deal with was skirmishes with Heinrekh. It was during your rash attempt at rescuing your mother that Valkarin was awakened. My father is dead now because of you and the Kingdom in the hands of a monster.”

  Erin knew he was hurting but she wasn’t going to let him get away with speaking to her like that. She had rescued Lokranor once before. “Your father died because he refused to accept what was happening around him. Do not lay that at my door.”

  “I will because it is true,” he squared up to her.

  “Do not anger me, Viking, else you might live to regret it. We have done everything in our power to protect that backwater of yours.”

  “I refuse to be threatened by a mere child,” his face was too close to hers.

  The minute Erin saw his hand go to his sword she reacted. It was only a small bolt of blue energy, but enough to render him unconscious.

  Lodraill touched her shoulder. “He is hurting badly, Erin. He does not know what he is saying.”

  “I know, but it still cuts deep.” The fact he had called her a child hurt most of all. She turned to Magnus. “Can you take Wilhelm up to his room?”

  “I’m not carrying his butt up the tower after he called me a traitor. I’ll put him in the living room in the South Tower.”

  Erin glanced at Jasper. “Can I have a word in the study?”

  He nodded, he was looking very ashen faced.

  Erin shut the door purposefully behind them. “I’m sorry for what Wilhelm said. I understand you are in a difficult situation being caught in the middle of our battle, but for what it’s worth, I trust you with my life.”

  “Thank you, Erin. I was thinking that perhaps it would be better if I leave.”

  “Only if that is what you really want to do.”

  “I don’t particularly but it might be for the best. Remember it is my family that stands next to Valkarin.”

  “And it is your tuition that has saved us many times. Just because you carry the Voktere surname does not mean you are evil. Magnus and his father stand on opposing sides.”

  “True, but whilst you are prepared to overlook my family tree, the others may not be.”

  “Lodraill is the only one who does not truly know you, and she will have to get over her aversion to the Voktere name.” She took his hands in hers. “What I am trying to say, Jasper, is that we need you. Actually, I need you and Birdie just wants to be with you.”

  Jasper chucked. “Is it so obvious?”

  “Yes. And I am pleased for you. This damn inter-Realm war has cost you both a chance at a happy family life and I am not about to let you split because of it. You are part of the household now.”

  “I will stay as long as you do not feel you have to try and keep the peace between me and the former citizens of Lokranor.”

  “As I said, mum can just lump it. Magnus knows what it is like to be judged for what one’s family has done, so he will give you no trouble. And Wilhelm will be fine once his anger subsides.”

  Jasper kissed her forehead. “Any help you need, you know you only have to ask. I am no longer conflicted over what information I pass on.”

  “What I do need to find is the location of Aria’s tomb but I have a feeling the Vokteren would not know that.”


  “She said I had been close to it before, but that is not any great help. Aria also mentioned another weapon that could kill Valkarin.”

  “I only know of the objects you have and her bones,” Jasper’s brows furrowed together. “Did she say anymore on the subject?”

  “She mentioned something about a book.”

  “Her potions book?”

  “I think so.”

  “That is supposed to be a myth.”

  “Like the Book of Gateways,” Erin reminded him. “I might have another chat with her later. Or maybe dad. He’s been resting a little too long without my dulcet tones interrupting his sleep.”

  “Be careful. Valkarin will be monitoring communications with the other side.”

  “Then perhaps I should give him something to think about.”

  Jasper rolled his eyes. “You really do like to live dangerously, don’t you?”

  “Yup. Life’s short so you have to get your enjoyment where you can.”

  Sasha’s mood was going downhill fast. She’d just had a long conversation with Erin. Whilst she was not bothered about Olav’s passing, she was upset for Wilhelm and Gudrun. They had always been very kind to her. But with Valkarin now controlling Lokranor, she knew her time was running out. He would want her to move there, which she obviously was not going to do. She’d spend time in Vasmaar with Heinrekh, but the even darker one could go to hell.

  And having Lars watch her every move was really starting to piss her off. She could not move without him tailing her.

  Slamming her bedroom door, she retreated to her bathroom, she needed a long warm shower. The days of sinking into a scalding hot bath were over for the time being. She didn’t want to boil the baby. Standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror, she studied the growing bump. At twenty-two weeks, she had an attractive curve. In another ten weeks, she would be close to waddling. She stepped into the show and let the warm water ease some of her tension.

  What she could really do with was a weekend away from Muirhead. Sadly Erin was not in a position to go with her, nor was Heinrekh. She wished she could go and see her mother in America but Heinrekh would have a major meltdown if she disappeared for a week or two. Then again, maybe it was exactly what she needed to do. At the same time she could find out what was keeping her mother out there, although she had a pretty good idea. If mum was planning on remarrying, she could meet her prospective stepfather. Although turning up nearly six months pregnant and unmarried might not make a good first impression.

  She dried off and applied a good layer of moisturiser to her parched skin before slipping on the silk slip she had bought the other day. Opening the door adjoining her bedroom, Sasha saw a figure in her room and let out an ear piercing scream. She managed to shut the door and lock it, before sliding into a corner. A few moments later there were several loud crashes and raised voices before she heard Lars.

  “You’re safe now, Sasha,” he spoke through the door.

  She unlocked it and looked out cautiously. “Who..who was it?” she shook.

  “I’ll find out when he regains consciousness,” Lars grunted.

  She hugged him gratefully. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He scooped up her shaking body and took a seat on the edge of the bed, sitting her on his lap. He held her close, stroking her hair as her fear slowly subsided.

  “You smell good,” Sasha murmured against his skin. She found the remnants of his light citrus cologne quite delicious. In fact having his arms around her was causing a very strange mix of sensations to run through her.

  “As do you,” he whispered in her ear.

  She held her breath as his lips traced a fine line along her jaw, then he paused a moment before kissing her softly. Her pulse was racing like never before.

  Sasha was really not quite sure what happened but the next moment they were kissing passionately, his body was pinning hers to the bed. God it felt good. Then her brain started to catch up with her body. What was she doing? This wasn’t Heinrekh. In fact
she loathed Lars, so how could her body respond to eagerly to his touch?

  “Stop, Lars,” she tried to push him away.

  He pulled away instantly, his breathing as erratic as hers. “Sorry, I’m not sure what happened.”

  He headed straight to the door without giving her a backward glance. It took Sasha another half an hour before she got her raging hormones under control.

  Lars leant against her bedroom door, taking several deep breaths as he tried to control the feelings surging through him. It took every ounce of self-control not to go back into the bedroom and finish what they’d started.

  He let out a soft groan as an image of Sasha in that silk slip filled his mind. Her skin was so soft and luminous, her body responded to his perfectly. And she had kissed him back with those sweet lips. He gave himself a shake. Heinrekh would vaporise him if slept with Sasha. Not that that would actually stop him. But he knew Sasha would never lie to Heinrekh. If she truly wanted to be with him, she would have to end it with Heinrekh first. And as they were about to have a child together, that was unlikely to happen.

  To take his mind of that red-headed siren, he headed to the room down the corridor to interrogate Sasha’s intruder. He was still lying unconscious on the floor, so Lars gave him a couple of kicks with his boot. It worked.

  “Who do you work for?” he grunted.

  After a few minutes of intense interrogation, Lars got him to talk. Once again he was from Vasmaar and a foreigner had hired him to come through the gateway, not to kill Sasha, but just scare her. It was becoming obvious to Lars that someone wanted her to out of Muirhead. And who better than Heinrekh or Valkarin. Although using hired help of such low calibre seemed out of character for both of them.

  He had just released the inept would-be assassin when his father appeared.

  “Dad, I wasn’t expecting you, was I?” He had a habit of forgetting things when Sasha was around.

  “No, Son. I needed to talk to you.”

  “About?” he asked nervously. The last time his father had wanted to talk to him was to tell him his mother had left.

  “As you might have heard, Valkarin has taken Lokranor.”

  “I did hear a vague rumour,” Lars smiled.

  “It has caused me to do some soul-searching and I find myself standing not on the side-lines, but firmly in the McLomard camp.”

  “I thought as much.”

  “And this does not upset you?”

  “No. I am pleased that after all these years you have finally found happiness. It matters not to me who you support, you are still my father.”

  Jasper rested his hand on Lars’ shoulders. “Valkarin might have an issue with it.”

  “Between you and me, my allegiance to Valkarin is starting to slip. I spent so long guarding him and being surrounded by Vokteren, I forgot what it was to live in the real world.”

  “Would a redhead happen to have anything to do with your wavering faith?”

  “Perhaps,” Lars gave a small smile. “But until she rejects Heinrekh, we cannot be together.”

  “You know Valkarin wants her brought to Lokranor?”

  “Yes. She is adamant she is not going. Sparks are going to fly on both sides of the Gateway.”

  “I think many sparks are going to fly shortly. There will be one more battle, I believe, the one which decides all our futures.”


  Wilhelm’s head was thumping; he was beginning to wonder what kind of a night he’d had. He opened his eyes and met some emerald ones.

  “Hi.” He sat up slowly rubbing his temples. He was in the living room of the South Tower. “You’re glaring at me but I can’t recall why. And what the hell did I drink last night?”

  “You didn’t. I zapped you with Loxhadrin after you threatened me.” Erin sat down on the chaise next to him.

  He held his head in his hands trying to remember why he would draw his sword on Erin. He would never harm a hair on her head. Then he recalled Lodraill’s news. “Lokranor,” he murmured. “It is lost.”

  Erin took hold of his hand. “Just temporarily. We will get it back.”

  “My father…” his voice trailed off.

  “I am sorry,” she threw her arms around him. “You did try and warn him.”

  “But he would not listen. He thought I was trying to take the throne from him.”

  “From the information we have received from Lokranor, your mother is safe for now.”

  “She has returned to her home?”

  “No,” Erin shifted a little awkwardly on the chaise. “Valkarin has asked her to remain as Queen.”

  Wilhelm flinched. “To be his Queen or stay as Queen to the people?”

  “I do not know,” she touched his cheek. “Gudrun will only do what she believes will help the citizens of Lokranor.”

  “I should have been there,” he grunted. “My mother did query my leaving at such a volatile time.”

  “And she would be mourning the loss of her husband and son. Don’t forget that.” She kissed Wilhelm gently.

  He rested his forehead against hers. “Can you forgive me for how I spoke to you?”

  “We often hit out at the people we care for when we’re upset. I do the same to Birdie.”

  “But will you forgive me?”

  “Of course,” she hugged him.

  “Jasper saved my life and I accused him of treachery.”

  “We all know deep down you did not mean what you said. You were only trying to lessen your pain.”

  “Instead it is now worse.”

  He tried to turn away, but Erin pulled him back. “We will get your kingdom back, Wilhelm.”

  “I have already lost my father, and potentially my mother. I will not lose you, Erin.” Wilhelm’s voice sounded very strained.

  “I sincerely hope you will not. But we need to find the artefacts that will destroy Valkarin. Until we have those, any move would be pointless.”

  “We have Aria’s bracelet, medallion and dagger. What else?”

  “We need to find her tomb. And she mentioned one other thing which I am working on solving.”

  “The Vokteren have been searching for her tomb for millennia but to no avail. What makes you think you can find it?”

  “We found Valkarin’s did we not?”

  “That was only down to your crap aim,” Wilhelm gave the faintest of smiles.

  “True, but we found it nonetheless.”

  He held her for a while, he needed her close. Now he finally knew what it was like to lose a father. It hurt, but he imagined losing a father at aged eight was far worse. Although he had lost his kingdom as well. It was the scent from her hair that calmed him. It smelled like a warm summer meadow full of flowers, it was intoxicating.

  Erin felt the change in his mood and glanced up. As she did, he kissed her. Not softly, he wasn’t in that frame of mind. He kissed her as though he was trying to forget his pain. She shifted onto his lap and wound her arms tight around his neck. It was working, he was forgetting his pain. Instead it was replaced by something else. As his hands slid under her top, Lodraill’s voice rang out.

  “Are you down here, Erin?”

  Wilhelm rolled his eyes. “Does she do it deliberately?”

  “It’s a mother thing,” Erin nipped his bottom lip. “We will get some time alone, just not now with mum on the war path.” She slipped off his lap and put suitable distance between them. “We’ve in the living room,” she answered her mother.

  Lodraill appeared looking immaculate as ever. “Birdie and Jasper need you in the library, Erin.”

  “Fine, we’ll head over there.”

  “Actually, I wouldn’t mind a conversation with Wilhelm myself,” Lodraill looked a little uncomfortable.

  Erin glanced at Wilhelm, he nodded in response. He was, after all, Lodraill’s future monarch.

  Jacques was waiting for Erin in the hallway. He almost took it as an insult he wasn’t allowed in the South Tower. With her faithful pooch in tow, s
he headed to the library.

  “You summoned me?” Erin slopped in.

  Birdie fixed her niece with a sharp look. “We’ve done some research into Aria and think we might have something.”


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