Twilight Midnight Sun: Edward's version of The Twilight Saga
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Kermit was never good at writing love poems; they made Casper giggle and laugh. Casper still loved everything Kermit did for him. They bent over backwards for each other.
They would go to the movies together and make out viciously, even while people watched, cheered them on and applauded.
People would even record them with their phones while they made out, and post them online. They would run naked together in the fields while the moon was full, and the night was young. The beautiful mist would make the night much more romantic.
They would take long swims in the lake nearby. Casper and Kermit would kiss deeply while in the water.
They loved to go deep into the lake and explore. They loved to experiment. They made out underwater, and Casper wished they could have stayed underwater forever since it was away from the troubles of the real world.
They would stay out until the sun came out, and would love to watch the moon. They would take turns massaging each other. They would do pretty much anything together, including hunting for blood. They would sing to each other and make love. A romantic time at the lake would follow. They would spend a lot of time outdoors as they made love everywhere that they could. It was a very emotional time for them. They both had their deep and dirty desires.
Casper would bend over on the bedspread, while Kermit would do what he did best to Casper from behind. Casper admitted that he loved every second of it.
They would take turns pleasing each other in naughty ways. They both had very different fetishes. Casper would want blood all over his body and would make Kermit lick it up. Kermit preferred Casper to dress up in a miniskirt and stilettos while acting like a hooker.
Casper wanted Kermit to tie him up, whip his butt with a belt, and then go down on him. It was very erotic. Kermit loved it when Casper would pour hot candle on his body, and then they would put blood on each other and do the unspeakable together, while sucking and licking all the blood.
There was no limit to the amount of fun they had. They did many unthinkable acts together. Casper loved to do weird things with Kermit. There were many hectic nights.
There were things that Casper didn’t know about Kermit. He would slowly learn the deep desires that Kermit longed for. Kermit had a fetish of having a threesome with Casper.
At first, Casper refused as he would not share Kermit with anyone in the world. Casper was offended and felt disrespected by the idea. They would argue for days about the idea.
Eventually, destiny would run its course, and Casper would give in to the unthinkable desires of Kermit. Even though they argued, Casper was in love and just could not say no, or stay upset with Kermit. Casper was first introduced to the other male who renamed nameless to Casper.
He was just another guy trying to earn an extra buck. That mysterious guy offered himself all over the town of Eclipse. Kermit had found him in an alley where Kermit would go to cheat on Casper.
Casper was nervous at first, but for Kermit’s love, he opened up to have a threesome and made Kermit very happy.
The threesome went on as Kermit had his way with another guy and Casper joined in. Casper wanted to drink the guy’s blood. Kermit was repulsed by the idea, and Casper just carried on.
Kermit became demanding and wanted more, and more.
Again, Casper did not have the heart to say no.
Kermit suddenly became very dominant in the relationship.
He began abusing Casper while having pleasure. Kermit decided that he wanted to make money off this insane sick idea that he revealed to Casper. He wanted Casper to offer himself out for money. Casper was furious!
Casper suffered a lot of mental abuse.
The people at Eclipse High knew things were not going well. There was no way that they would ever believe that Casper was involved in an abusive relationship with Kermit.
Kermit would doll Casper up for his nights out and offered Casper’s body to other men of Eclipse.
Casper would wear make-up, a skirt, and glass stilettoes. He was the perfect streetwalker. The men of Eclipse paid top dollar to have their way with Casper. Casper wanted to drink their blood, but did not.
Word got out on the streets that Casper was the best. Night after night, Casper would get used by paying men. He was very popular. Casper would show up to an all-male bar, and he would be seen as a celebrity.
He got so popular that the price of buying time with Casper went up like the price of gas. He was in demand. Only the highest bidders got the pleasure of Casper. Casper was a business that was only for a limited time only.
Casper admitted that he was thinking of hurting himself, but he couldn’t stand the thought of being without Kermit. He wanted to just roast in the hot sun.
After all the mental abuse, Casper was still madly in love with Kermit.
Kermit’s fetish of abusing Casper while having pleasure eventually became too much for Casper to handle. Casper was mentally unstable every night.
One night, Casper had gotten so upset, he went out and hurt a bunch of people. That was what helped him calm down. Kermit was no longer making love to Casper.
Casper felt like he was being taken for granted. He absolutely could not stand it. Casper would not give up on Kermit since he was so in love with him.
He tried to get Kermit to be the way he was, but it did not happen. Things between Casper and Kermit were way beyond redemption. Things were different, and they were too deep to reach shallow waters.
Kermit began going off on his own and continued to have pleasure with other guys. He was also tasting a lot of people.
Casper knew he was being cheated on, and again he would wait for Kermit to return to him. Somewhere deep down in Casper’s soul, he suspected that it was not going to be a happy ending.
Casper had wished that Kermit would change. Casper once considered proposing to Kermit. He wondered if Kermit would have him, forever. He decided not to propose since he could not take the rejection from Kermit.
He had dreams of Kermit being the way he used to be. Kermit was at the point of no return, and Casper knew it to be true. There was nothing Casper could do to change Kermit.
Everything they had was gone. Casper still loved Kermit, but he did not love what Kermit had become.
One day, the time had come for Casper to talk to Kermit. They were broken up just like that. Casper could not take it anymore. His life was better off without the abuse that Kermit was giving him.
Everyone at Eclipse High would stare at Casper and Kermit. Rumors would haunt them for months.
Casper went into a deep depression. He was drinking a lot of rat blood. He sold his body on and off for more money, not that he really needed any money. He was in a very dark place at that point in his life. Eventually, Casper went to a very deep depression. Nothing helped much at first. Time had gone by, and Casper slowly gained his life back. It was no easy journey. Casper went through a lot of agony. He started to improve, and people noticed.
Eventually things died down, and Casper and Kermit moved on. In the end, Casper learned a great life lesson. Nothing in the beautiful world lasted forever, especially in the town of Eclipse.
Casper would never trust another guy ever again. It was awkward since we all lived close together. Casper enjoyed the single life for a while. Being alone was one of the things that really helped him gain his dignity back. There were many things that Casper had done to gain his life back again.
He would go on long walks and took up reading. He had even taken up yoga classes. He would go to the place where he and Kermit would swim.
Casper didn’t care that the lake reminded him of Kermit. He enjoyed the peaceful waters. He actually recovered mentally in the waters. It soothed his soul and relaxed his mind.
Kermit wasn’t as bothered by the ordeal as Casper was. He took it like a man and just didn’t care. Casper was the very emotional one that had a heart and soul.
Casper eventually moved on. He and Alicia had developed a relationship while they were in the freak
show together back in the old days. He continued to date Alicia, and things were beautiful with them. Casper will never be as happy as he was when he was with Kermit.
“That’s very sad to hear Kermit, but I’m happy for you now. You found someone better for you,” Bellduh said.
“Thank you, Bellduh. I am very happy with Roosilly. She has a lot of respect for me. No abuse, no crazy drama, just peace and love.”
Kermit, Bellduh and I, just sat in the shade and enjoyed the rest of our lunch break. The day went on, and I couldn’t wait to get home. Bellduh and I needed to talk. I was very determined. We really needed to talk about how things were developing and express our feelings.
Act 13
It’s A Miracle
I had made my way to school, and everyone was hanging out outside and I saw that Bellduh was with her friends. They looked like they were up to no good. I was not in the mood for anyone that day. I just wanted to get that day over with. I wondered what could possibly go wrong.
I took my time walking towards the school. I felt like everyone outside was watching me, but they really weren’t. I had no idea who I wanted to talk to. I just minded my own business, then and continued on my way. I took out my books and made it like I was trying to study. Figured that I could avoid everyone and not draw much attention. Bellduh just needed a little time before we spoke again since she seemed distant.
I saw Jacub walking in the parking lot. He looked like he was checking out cars. He looked like he wanted to vandalize everyone’s car. Kermit was racing his way into the parking lot. Wow, he was driving way out of control. I wondered if he planned on slowing down. Kermit was driving pretty fast. It looked like he was losing control of his vehicle. Jacub was in his raging path. It was an accident waiting to happen. I needed to do something fast.
Suddenly, Kermit started to lose control of his car. I saw that Jacub was in his path.
“Jacub! Watch out! Get out of the way!” I shouted.
Instead of getting out of the way, Jacub looked at me and smiled. What a dork. He was so dumb, and I distracted him from the car that was aiming right for him. Jacub turned at the last second to see Kermit’s car rushing towards him.
I used my junkie speed to jump in front of Jacub. I pushed Jacub to the ground, and Kermit’s car ended up stopping and just missed the two of us. I wondered if Kermit was going to lose his driver’s license. He did not deserve to be driving.
Everyone rushed to the scene. A lot of students were taking pictures with their phones. I wondered if anyone really cared about our safety. They seemed more concerned about taking pictures and posting them online. They were all just a bunch of animals. It was like a zoo. I didn’t see students surrounding us. I saw sheep, monkeys, apes, dogs, cats, bears, and rats. What a jungle Eclipse High was. I didn’t think that anyone had any respect for anyone around here.
For some reason, not one person even saw me rush to Jacub, except for him.
People were asking Jacub if he was ok, and not one person even noticed me. This was just not my day at all. I guessed that Jacub would have all the attention. I don’t know what it was about the school parking lot that was always so dangerous. People were just so careless and didn’t know how to drive.
Jacub was on the ground. He looked like he was using that opportunity to get everyone’s attention. Someone like Jacub loved that kind of special attention. He looked like he was still stunned at what happened. I wondered if anyone saw me save Jacub’s worthless life. I was sure that several people saw me. However, I wasn’t sure if they saw me save Jacub. I would have liked some attention for being a hero.
Jacub looked at me like he had seen a ghost. There was no doubt that he suspected I did something to save his life. I didn’t think that he knew for sure. Jacub was a mystery most of the time.
“Come on, get up! Be a man, Jacub!” I said.
Jacub smiled.
Kermit rushed to the scene. He pretended to care. I knew that he was a total fake.
“Jacub! You ok?” I’m so sorry! God, please don’t scare me like that man!” Kermit said.
Jacub smiled as practically everyone in the school looked on.
“Ya… I’m fine now. Thanks for asking,” Jacub said.
“See, he’s fine. Nothing to see here,” I said.
People started to disperse and started laughing. I smiled and looked around. As I looked around, I saw Bellduh staring at me from across the crowd. I gave her a half smile and nodded as if to say hello.
She looked at me and did the same. She turned away slowly and walked away into the school. The rest of the day was weird. I had spent the school day watching Bellduh. I wondered if she had witnessed my odd talent. She might have thought that I was showing off.
Bellduh didn’t say much in class. It was more like she looked at me funny and some small talk. I was trying to figure out Bellduh’s mysterious ways.
I still wondered if Jacub noticed my strange speed. There was no way anyone in the world could have gotten to him that fast. He was still in shock, and the time was eventually going to come when he would have made sense of it all.
School was finally out for the day. It was such a long day. I had started to make my way home. As I got to the field that I walked through every day, a strong stench was approaching. It was Jacub, of course.
“Edworth! Wait up!” he shouted.
I’m not sure what was on his mind, since I couldn’t seem to read everyone’s thoughts for some odd reason, but I tried. I slowed down for Jacub. I took a deep breath and got ready for some stinky feet, or maybe this time it was going to be a smelly butt after taking a dump and not wiping his butt.
“Jacub, how are you feeling?”
Jacub smiled and then giggled like a girl.
“That was like, so intense. My heart practically flew out of my body,” he said.
“You looked like you were checking out the cars in the parking lot. Did you see anything interesting?”
“How nice of you to notice, Edworth. I saw a few interesting rides. I was thinking of buying a car. I just wanted to see what the cool people were driving.”
“Yes, it was like so close to death for you. I guess Kermit should like, learn how to drive.”
“He is so clumsy. Someone should take away his license and give him a bike to ride.”
We continued to walk slowly together and talk. We approached the dark forest. Jacub really stunk, but I decided to be polite.
“Are you coming with me, Jacub?”
“Sure, why not? I like the dark forest, don’t you, Edworth? It kind of comes naturally to me.”
“It’s a nice forest. It’s peaceful. Why does it come naturally to you, Jacub?”
“Well, it’s where my family was raised. They were pretty much raised in the wild, in forests, you know, the wilderness.”
“Well, this is my stop, Jacub. Home sweet home.”
“Edworth, I just wanted to ask you something. How did you get to me so fast today? I don’t remember you being close enough too…
Suddenly, my dad opened the front door.
“Hey kids! Who is this guy, Edworth? New friend, maybe?” he giggled.
“You must be Mr. Cuddles. I’m Jacub Blacky, Edworth’s school friend. He, uh… practically saved my life today.”
“You are truly lucky that Edworth was there, Jacub.”
That moment was so cheesy. I wished that it had ended really fast since I hated awkwardness. Everyone seemed so normal, except for me. I hated the awkward silence because it just killed me, even if it was only for a couple of seconds. Jacub’s stench was really getting to me. I wished that my dad took a hint and got Jacub to leave. I couldn’t take it anymore; I tried to move my lips and hoped that my dad could read my words.
“Please dad, make him go away, far away from here, like right now. He stinks.”
My dad read my lips, but didn’t respond, and decided to tease me.
“Are you coming inside, Jacub?”
Oh no, he had just
invited Jacub inside! He was obviously playing with my emotions.
“Oh no, no. Thank you, Mr. Cuddles. That’s very thoughtful of you. However, I should get going. It was very nice to meet you, Sir.”
“The pleasure is always mine, Jacub. I hope to see you again sometime.”
‘Edworth, I will see you at school. Well, talk soon,” Jacub said.
“See you soon, Jacub. Have a good night,” I said.
Jacub made his way back home. I entered my home, and my dad, and I sat in front of the fireplace. I give my dad the evil eye, then a smile.
“Wow, what in the heck was that stink, Edworth?”
“That would be Jacub, of course. Isn’t he such a repellant?”
My dad continued to tell me how bad the smell was. He couldn’t stop giggling at how bad the smell was.
In fact, my dad told me that he would have invited Jacub over for dinner just to make me suffer, so he could have a good laugh about it after.
My dad started to make jokes about the whole thing. He told me cheesy knock-knock jokes about Jacub, and about how much he stunk.
I have to admit that the jokes were pretty funny.
There was a lot of cheesiness that night at Jacub’s expense, not that there was anything wrong with that. Even at dinner, my dad just did not let the jokes go. I loved spending those times with my dad. The moments were priceless.
My dad had the best sense of humor in the world. I wished everyone was as happy as he was. No one could have replaced my dad. It was probably going to be a traditional thing since my dad had met Jacub. He was never going to let the jokes go. There was nothing I could do about it. I just had to laugh with my dad as he continued with the jokes.
The weekend had finally arrived, and I had nothing to do, but hunt for blood. My dad was with me since he had never had anything better to do with himself. He always told me to make friends, and I always told him that I was working on it.