Kansas Heat

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Kansas Heat Page 5

by Kansas Heat (lit)

  Both of their mothers had worked for the Sheriff’s department. Since the cradle, Amanda and Tony were raised like siblings. As his self-appointed sister, Amanda felt it her duty to tease Tony about his one known weakness.

  “Just curious,” Tony shrugged it off as if he didn’t really care Cindy hadn’t come with her. Amanda didn’t buy his act for a moment.

  “Just curious, huh? And was it just curiosity making you stare at her all last night? Or wasn’t it you I saw lurking in the corner at Studs & Spurs?”

  “I didn’t stare at her all night,” Tony snorted, though he didn’t deny anything else. “I wasn’t even there all night.”

  “I noticed.” Amanda let him off the hook, knowing Tony’s limits when it came to a joke. “I saw you and your deputies tear out of the parking lot. What happened? Some idiot teen get kicked in the head by a cow again? I swear this new generation just doesn’t know how to tip a good heifer over.”

  “I wish,” Tony grunted. “More like some asshole shot up the Shade Tree motel and managed to kill three people.”

  “Ew.” Amanda never cared for blood and gore stories, at least, not real ones. When it came to reality, though, her curiosity always got the better of her. “Why would anybody do that?”

  “Well that’s the million dollar question,” Tony yawned out as he stretched his arms over his head. “And I mean that literally this time.”

  “What?” Amanda scowled, confused by his comment.

  “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

  Amanda heard Tony clearly. He didn’t want to talk about it and she didn’t blame him. Pointedly, Amanda turned the conversation in a different direction. “You enjoying the rodeo?”

  “It’s hot.” Tony grinned. “What about you?”

  “I’m hot too.” It was Amanda’s turn to shrug. “Supposedly my date was bringing me a drink, but I’m beginning to wonder if I didn’t succeed in running him off.”

  “You’re on a date?” Tony glanced over at her as if he’d just realized she was a woman.

  “Look at me.” Amanda gestured down her length. “Do you ever see me dressed like this?”

  That got her a laugh and a shake of his head. “Does this date know what he’s gotten himself into?”

  “We negotiated the terms of the date beforehand.”

  “Negotiated?” Tony gave her one of his infamous raised brow looks. It might have worked on a suspect, but Amanda just grinned back.

  “It was a true stroke of brilliance on my part.”

  “And what did you negotiate for, Mandy?”

  “You’ll sleep better not knowing the answer.”

  “Amanda Johnson.” Tony gave her a look only a father should give his daughter.


  Tony narrowed his eyes on her. “I think I might have a few words with this date of yours, make sure he understands certain things.”

  “Aw, come on, Tony. Let a girl have her fun.”

  “You can have all the fun you want, as long as he knows he is taking out a lady and should treat you as such.” Tony wasn’t kidding, and Amanda knew it. One of the pitfalls of having a sheriff as a self-appointed brother was he felt an overbearing need to intimidate the men she went out with.

  “You’re no fun at all.” Amanda pouted and glared at Tony. “Besides you don’t have any right to talk to my date. This is a free country. I’m a free woman.”

  “You’re a friend. That gives me all the right I need.”

  “Which is no right at all.” Amanda sighed and let the smile building inside her tug the edges of her lips upward. Tony was a decent sort, even if he was a tad overbearing. It really was sweet the way he tried to protect her. Pointless, but sweet.

  “So who is this date?” Tony looked around.

  “Cody Reese.”

  Tony’s head snapped back around. “Reese? You’re on a date with one of the Reese brothers?”

  “What?” Amanda perked up at the obvious darkening in Tony’s gaze. “Does he have a seedy side I should be worried about?”


  No hesitation, no room for doubt. Amanda didn’t even know what to say in response. Details, she wanted them, but she couldn’t ask. Tony wouldn’t give them to her. He knew they would only drive her to find out the truth.

  Already he started going all big brother, sitting up straight and waving his finger at her. “This is your last date with any of the Reese brothers, Mandy. Don’t give me that look. I know you think I’m stepping over the line, but I only have your best interests at heart. You are not ready for what they are into.”

  His warning sounded both ominous and damn exciting. What could Cody be into that would make Tony go all macho?

  “You’re in my seat.” Cody bit those hard words out, looming over them like an avenging shadow. With the sunlight at his back, the brim of his hat covered his face in darkness. Amanda didn’t need the light to know Cody wasn’t pleased.

  “I don’t see your name on it.” Neither was Tony. He looked ready to go fist-to-fist with Cody.

  “What do you want, Sheriff?”

  “To enjoy my friend’s company, and you’re getting in the way of that, Reese.”

  “Your friend is my date, and I’m the one who gets to enjoy her company today.”

  “Why don’t we let the lady choose who she’d rather spend the day with?”


  “Oh, no.” Amanda waved the two bulls away. “I ain’t getting in the middle of this.”

  “We’re moving,” Cody commanded.

  Amanda didn’t budge. She didn’t like being bossed around, especially by the likes of Cody Reese. Tony stretched out an arm along her back in a gesture a good deal friendlier than their actual relationship warranted.

  “I guess the lady made her choice.”

  “Now, Amanda.”

  She didn’t know exactly how it happened, but suddenly she was standing. The response had her scowling as she tried to figure out why she obeyed.

  Cody didn’t give her a chance to reconsider her action. A hard, hot hand latched onto her arm. Before she had a chance to say another word to Tony, he dragged her up the steps before shoving her into a vacant seat and settling down beside her.

  Amanda threw an elbow into Cody’s side as he sat, making sure she hit bone. “Do you mind? I’m not a sack of feed, you know?”

  “What were you doing flirting with him?”

  “Excuse me?” She might have been willing to explain a few things to Cody, but with that tone, the man deserved to be smacked upside the head.

  “Let me make this very clear you, Amanda. Nobody touches what is mine.”

  “Let me make this very clear to you, Cody. You don’t own me, and I’ll flirt with whoever the hell I want.”

  “Don’t push me on this, Amanda.” She swallowed, watching the feral hunger grow in his gaze. “I don’t tolerate disobedience.”

  “Tony is just a friend.” She should have told him to go to hell, explained she wouldn’t tolerate such arrogant commands. Why she didn’t, Amanda couldn’t answer.

  “I don’t care what he is. He touched you.”

  “Because you came across like a jealous jackass.”

  “I’m not jealous. I’m possessive. There is a difference.”

  Amanda rolled her eyes at his correction. “Strange how they both manifest themselves in the same style of asshole behavior.”

  “You’ve been warned.”

  “What?” Amanda stared at him in amazement as he relaxed back into his seat. He didn’t spare her a glance or even an attempt at an answer. “Oh, no you don’t. We’re still fighting about this.”

  “The conversation is over.”

  “Who says? You?”

  “You remember our agreement? Smiling and be happy or…”

  Bastard. Amanda growled. She knew exactly what he was threatening. If there was any possibility of getting what she wanted from somebody else, she’d have told him exactly what she thought of him.
With no other options available, Amanda decided to go back to giving him just what he wanted.

  * * * *

  By the time Cody pulled his truck into Amanda’s driveway, he had given up all hope. The date had turned into a complete disaster. Only one person could be blamed for the outcome, and she sat not three feet away, smugly anticipating her end-of-the-date treat.

  Cody would have been looking forward to sticking it to little Miss Obnoxious if it weren’t for the boner begging him to give into her carnal desires. He strongly suspected that had been her intent through their long dinner. The woman had to be a mastermind at the art of seduction. She even knew how to make eating sexy.

  Instead of ordering a salad and picking away at it like all his previous dates had done, Amanda had demolished not only her appetizer and salad, but managed to fit in dinner and a big piece of chocolate cake to round out the meal.

  Then, she asked if he was going to finish his dessert. Cody had stumbled over his response with his shock and lost his piece of pie in the process. If she found his reaction embarrassing, she didn’t show it. Without even waiting for him to find his tongue, she cleaned his plate until only the crumbs on her fork remained.

  That’s when Amanda had deployed her worst weapon. Bringing her little, pink tongue out, she licked the tines clean, hypnotizing Cody in the process. The way her full lips had parted, the way she delicately lapped at the fork and her expression of pure pleasure…Cody had to adjust his napkin for the fifth time during the meal to hide his reaction.

  Never before had he gotten turned on by watching a woman eat, but every little thing Amanda did seemed to drive more blood from his head to his cock. That he hadn’t passed out during the meal was nothing short of a miracle.

  “Well,” Amanda turned toward him. “Did I pass?”

  She failed with flying colors.

  “I was a sweet, gracious date, wasn’t I?”

  “Yes, honey, and I must admit I was surprised.”

  “Good.” Despite all the smiles she bestowed on him throughout the day, Cody could see a true grin light up her face in the darkness of the cab. He knew what she was thinking.

  “I guess you earned your treat. Slide on over here, and I’ll give it to you.”

  Something he said hit a button and her smile faded. “Here? Don’t you think we’d be more comfortable inside?”

  “No need to go to all the trouble just for a kiss.”

  “Just a kiss?” Her head bumped against the window when she reared back. “I don’t think so.”

  “I thought—”

  “Don’t play dumb with me, Cody Reese,” Amanda snapped. “You said if I was nice, you’d give me the kiss I wanted.”

  “The kiss you wanted?” Cody held back his humor. Yeah, this moment felt as good as he’d anticipated all day. “What kiss is that, sweetness?”

  Her eyes narrowed on him and Cody wondered if she had the nerve to actually say the words aloud.

  “You know what I want.”

  She didn’t. Like a kitten pretending to be a lion, she didn’t have the strength to follow through. He did.

  “I plan to use my tongue as long as you promise not to bite it off.”

  “What?” She blinked, looking honestly confused.

  “A French kiss. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  “A French kiss?” Her mouth fell open. “Are you insane?”

  “I know it feels a little weird the first time, but trust me you’ll enjoy—“

  “I know what a French kiss is, you jackass. That’s not what I want and you know it.”

  “Then what is?” Hell, if she actually said the word pussy, he’d give her what she wanted. Just the idea of hearing dirty words coming out of those lips had him hard.

  “Don’t play dumb with me,” Amanda repeated, failing to give Cody the magic words. She did succeed, though, at pissing him way off. “Now get your ass out of this truck and into my house! I want those pants off and your naked ass in my bed. That’s my boner. I intend to be the one playing with it!”

  “Enough!” Cody had it. He didn’t know what ticked him off more. The way she openly challenged him, tried to command him—all of it was intolerable. Amanda needed to be taught a lesson, a very serious lesson.

  * * * *

  Amanda gave up trying to get a response from Cody. Ever since he’d yelled at her, he’d gone silent. Quiet but not still. Kicking down the hand break, he’d burned rubber into her driveway as he’d thrown the truck into reverse.

  She’d banged her head against the window a second time, but he hadn’t stopped to notice. Ignoring her curses and demands, he’d sped off down the road, leaving her no option but to buckle her seat belt. Now Amanda didn’t have any clue what Cody intended to do as he turned down a worn, dirt road.

  In hindsight she realized she might have gone overboard. Now she had a very large, heavily-muscled, pissed off cowboy driving her to God knew where with nobody around to help her if he became violent. She knew some basic defense moves, but Cody had an extra foot on her, not to mention about a hundred pounds. The only good defense would have been her gun, but it was safely tucked away in her bedroom.

  Out here, Amanda was on her own and essentially defenseless against Cody. Eyeing him like he was a rattlesnake about to strike, she tensed as the truck came to a stop in the middle of a deserted pasture. Cody didn’t kill the engine or cut the lights when he turned toward her.

  “Get out.”

  It didn’t take a genius to know the right answer. “No.”

  “Get out of the truck, Amanda.” His voice turned soft.

  “I’m not going to let you leave me here.”

  “I’m not going to leave you here. You said you wanted a kiss, and I’m going to give you the one you want.”

  God’s truth, she was reconsidering the wisdom of her request. Not that Amanda believed him in the slightest. Cody certainly didn’t look like he was in the mood to give her what he promised.

  “I think I’ve changed my mind.”

  “Too bad.”

  “Seriously, Cody, I want to go home now.”

  “Seriously, Amanda, get out of the damn truck.”


  That one little word snapped whatever control Cody was exerting over himself. She matched his snarl with a shriek, jerking back as he reached for her. With the door at her back, there was nowhere to escape and no way to avoid the man invading her space.

  Her hands shot up in an instinctive move cut short by manacles made of flesh and bone. Cody’s hands latched onto her wrists, forcing her arms backward despite her struggles. Pinning her wrists together against the small of her back, Cody arched her straight up into his embrace. Before she could offer a protest or hurl any curses at him, his lips crashed down over hers. Like a storm breaking over the horizon, he unleashed the full force of his fury on her tender lips.

  Sharp teeth nipped at her, making her gasp from the stinging pain. Her defenses weakened and before she could shore them up, Cody invaded. Like liquid chocolate, his tongue slid in to plunder the dark recesses of her mouth and intoxicate her with his addictive taste.

  Demanding, hard and relentless, he ravaged her very soul with the savagery of his kiss. Primitive feminine instinct reared to life as logic and reason were drowned under the desire flooding through her body. She melted into the sensation, feeling the burn of aching need clench the internal muscles of her sheath as thick cream dripped down to dampen her panties.

  The pulsing waves echoing from her womb demanded its due, its fulfillment. Only by pressing deeper into the strength of Cody’s embrace could she find satisfaction. Just as she began to respond to him, Cody broke the kiss. Releasing Amanda as quickly as he’d captured her, he left her feeling cold, bereft and aching for more of his aggressive seduction.

  “I’m going to give you exactly what you asked for, Amanda.” The dark, husky promise of his words made her shiver as the very image of what he suggested blossomed in her mind. Just the thought of Cod
y’s kiss devouring the most sensitive flesh made her pussy unleashed a painful lash of demand.

  “First, you will get out of this truck.”

  There would be no more arguing on this subject. She’d do as he said or she wouldn’t get what she wanted. Amanda clearly got the message when he pushed open his door and disappeared into the night. She could hear him moving around, feel the truck shift as he climbed into the bed, see the flash of metal in moonlight as he opened the box back there. Still she hesitated.

  Until this moment, she’d have said she knew what good sex was. Even would have suggested she’d experienced some amazing climaxes. Now, though, Amanda feared her definitions would change if she stepped out of the truck.

  The small action would carry consequences she’d live with for the rest of her life. Amanda would be stepping from her safe world into Cody’s forbidden one. She honestly didn’t know if she was prepared for the transition.

  Whatever pleasures he bestowed on her, Amanda knew Cody would exact a high price in return. What price and how he’d take payment sent fear sizzling through her. The spicy sensation only fueled her desire.

  The bastard had her good and trapped by her own arousal. It didn’t matter if she liked the man or not. Whatever Cody demanded of her tonight, Amanda would give. Like a moth to a flame, she had no choice.

  Decision made, Amanda shoved open the door and stepped out into her future. Cody was there to greet her. Without a word or even a glance in her direction, he dragged her by the arm toward the front of the truck.

  Releasing her by the headlights, he stepped out in their bright glare. Cody dropped the old, faded blanket he had thrown over his shoulder to the ground. Going to one knee, he took his time spreading it over the grass. When he’d finally smoothed all the wrinkles flat, Cody stood up and pinned her with the force of his gaze. She couldn’t see his eyes under the shadow of his hat, but she felt his hard determination washing over her.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  The cold command hadn’t been what she was expecting. “What?”

  “Take off your clothes.”



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