Kansas Heat

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Kansas Heat Page 6

by Kansas Heat (lit)

Cody stepped closer to her. “You don’t think you’re going to get what you want wearing that dress, do you?”

  “I thought we’d…maybe start with something like a kiss first.” She didn’t recognize her own voice. It was too low, too breathless to be hers.

  “We do this my way or no way, Amanda.”

  “Couldn’t we at least—”

  “Take your clothes off or get back into the truck.”


  “I don’t tolerate disobedience in my lovers. My will is supreme. My word’s law. You do as you’re told or you can find yourself another lover.”

  “You’re insane,” Amanda whispered, in awe at her own conclusion. She should have seen this coming. She should have been repulsed by it. Instead, she trembled in the face of his domination, turned on to a degree she’d never been.

  “Take off your clothes or suffer the consequences.”

  Even as her mind told her to fight back, her fingers went to work on the line of small buttons holding her sundress together. He mesmerized her body with some ancient magic. Her breasts swelled, her nipples puckered, and behind the shield of her lacy panties, her pussy quaked to life with a flood of cream.

  The soft cotton sleeves caressed her arms with a gentle sigh as the dress slid to puddle at her feet. She stood in front of Cody Reese in nothing more than a pair of lavender panties and her low-heeled sandals.

  Amanda shivered as his finger traced a slow line down her neck, between the valley of her breasts, over her trembling stomach muscles to hook itself under the waistband of her panties.

  His chin lowered as his eyes tracked his finger’s progress. When his touch halted, he stared at her underwear for a moment before looking back up. She was close enough to see how his eyes had lightened to a golden color. Like a cat’s eyes, they reflected back the light, glowing with a determination.

  “You still have clothes on.”

  Without daring to breathe, she pushed her panties down and waited for his response. It was less than what she had expected and more than she knew she could handle. He rubbed the backs of his fingers against the soft skin of her naked mound.

  “Very nice.”

  Some sick, twisted part of her reveled in his approval. Of their own volition, her legs parted. Silently, she invited him to slide his touch lower and give her a more intimate caress. The tips of Cody’s lips lifted as he accepted her offering, letting a single finger press through her swollen cunt lips to settle directly over her clit.

  Slowly he began to roll her sensitive nub, making her gasp and grasp onto his arms for support as she swayed on unstable legs.

  “Very nice, indeed. Smooth and wet, just the way I like my pussy.”

  Amanda barely registered what he was saying. The pleasurable coil of tension tightening through her body moved with a languid, sensual motion. It left no room for her brain to compute anything other than the basic joy of her building orgasm.

  His finger picked up speed, making her cry out as everything inside her leapt out of control. She could feel the break of the horizon as the promised land of ecstasy crested inside her.

  “Do not come, Amanda.”

  It was an evil command, one she barely heard, but her body responded nevertheless. With those few curt words, he held her back from the breaking climax.

  He didn’t let up his intimate touch. It took only seconds for her to break down into a quivery, moaning mass. Unable to hold up her own weight, Amanda collapsed into him. Cody’s warm chest muscles pressed against the tender tips of her breasts, teasing her with a new sensation and adding to her heightened state of pleasure.

  She couldn’t stop herself from rubbing against him, teasing her nipples with the same circular motion of the blunt finger on her clit. So close, any second now and she would be released.

  “You are not to come without my permission.”

  The bastard clipped her wings before she even took flight. If she wasn’t caught in violent throes of the most powerful lust she’d ever experienced, she would have taken issue with his command. Her protests were only provoked when his finger stilled, his free hand coming to press her solidly against him, forcing her small motions to a standstill.

  “Want more?”

  Amanda blinked, trying to gain a grip on reality. It slipped past her when he gave her clit another slow, rotating caress. Helplessly, she arched forward, her hips following his hand. Cody couldn’t leave her like this. Amanda couldn’t bear it.


  “You’ll do whatever I say.”

  “Whatever you want.”

  “I want you to lie down on the blanket.”

  Amanda didn’t hesitate. In a graceless motion, she collapsed onto the rough, woven blanket. She would have hit the grass if Cody hadn’t directed her fall. There was no strength left in her body to perform complex motions like standing or walking.

  It was irrelevant. Instead, he demanded she spread her legs, revealing herself to him in the most intimate pose. Her mind couldn’t form rational thoughts, much less the idea of questioning his order.

  Chapter 7

  Cody knelt out of the light. He didn’t want his shadow obscuring the view of the beautiful, pink swollen folds of Amanda’s pussy. Her wet folds glistened with her desire and perfumed the air with the sweet scent of a woman in heat, the alluring odor about drove him out of his mind.

  His control hung by a thread, but he wasn’t about to lose it. If he did, then she would win. That couldn’t happen, especially not with their first encounter. This first intimacy would establish the power balance for their relationship and teach Amanda exactly who was in charge.

  Licking his lower lip, he sucked it under his teeth as he steeled himself to issue his next command. It was going to be hard to watch and do nothing, but he’d manage.

  “Touch your breasts.”

  Her head lifted, her big, beautiful eyes widening. “What?”

  “I want to watch you touch yourself. Don’t make me tell you again.”

  She licked her lips, making him swallow down a groan. One day Cody would watch her lick her tits, but not tonight. Instead he had to settle for watching her slender fingers slowly, hesitantly cup her generous globes. Her tan hands contrasted sharply with the pale perfection of her shapely bosom. His hands itched to touch, but his eyes were mesmerized by the graceful motions of her delicate fingers as they began to move toward her pointed tips.

  His breath caught, and he could almost feel the moment she brushed her nipples. Amanda gasped, her chest rising and forcing more of her own flesh into her hands.

  With growing confidence and speed, she began to toy with her nipples, rubbing, rolling, pinching the hardened nubs and forcing husky moans from her throat. Cody bit his lower lip at the sight of her right palm straightening and hovering over her tit and twirling just the very tip.

  He swallowed hard and tried to speak without giving voice to the groan of his own escalating desire. “Your pussy. Touch it.”

  Amanda gave no indication she heard his instruction other than her left hand twitching and then slowly gliding down over her stomach. His eyes ached with the need to blink, but Cody didn’t dare. He wanted to see everything as her palm came to rest on the sleek skin of her bare mound.

  One lone finger stretched out to barely part her folds and rest on her clit. She began to rub the sensitive nub, her finger twirling into a rolling motion, matching the rhythm of her other hand on her nipple. Faster, harder, her moans turned to cries as her hips lifted and her body began to tremble.

  Cody could clearly see the tiny entrance to her pussy gasping and spasming with the desperate need to be fucked. His cock pulsed and thumped against his jeans, eager to fill the silent call of a cunt in need.

  His hand gripped the rigid bulge of his erection. It pressed against his jeans. Cody almost enjoyed the pain. With a reassuring squeeze, Cody promised his cock soon, very soon, it would split Amanda’s pussy wider than it had ever been and fuck it into exhaustion.

nbsp; For now, he would have to settle for something a little less satisfying, but no less exciting. “Fuck yourself, Amanda.”

  Whether she did so because he demanded it or because her body needed it, Cody didn’t know. He didn’t care either. Watching her widen her cunt as she fed first one, then two and soon all four fingers into her channel was the most erotic site he’d seen in a long time. She set up a rhythm too slow, too shallow to give her what she needed.

  Amanda deserved something thicker, harder, plunging faster and deeper. Her skinny little fingers weren’t going to work. Snapping out of spectator mode, Cody stretched along her side, letting the sweet scent of her arousal envelope him.

  He pulled her fingers out of the way. “Play with your clit.”

  Not bothering to see if she obeyed, he thrust two fingers deep into her, reveling in the heated cream greeting his invasion. So tight, he had to force her muscles to stretch just to fit another finger into her passage. It was going to be sweet hell trying to feed his full length into her when the time came. He would manage, and the result would drive them both insane.

  Ladies first, Cody reminded himself. He fucked her with his fingers, hard, fast and deep. Amanda’s response was instant. She screamed loud enough for the sound to echo across the plains. Her entire body tensed, and he could feel her climax quaking to life.

  Fully expecting his next order to be ignored, Cody nuzzled her hair out of his way so he could whisper directly into her ear. “You are not allowed to come, Amanda. Do not come.”

  * * * *

  Amanda heard the words echoing in her head but ignored them. She was too caught up in the firestorm of sensations raking through her body. They shredded her insides, leaving her raw and on the pinnacle of the greatest explosion she’d ever known.

  It didn’t come. She didn’t come, and Cody didn’t stop. He drove the need higher and higher until her body filled with such pleasure the sensation turned sharply into pain. She screamed out her anguish, voicing the words whispering through her.

  “Please, Cody. Please let me come!”


  That was real. So were his hands suddenly stopping, bringing the cold emptiness of withdrawal. Amanda tried to make sense of it all, but her brain was too far gone to comprehend.

  “You are not going to come until I fuck you, and I am not going to fuck you tonight.”

  It took a moment for his words to register. When it did, it hit hard and snapped her control completely. With a scream of absolute rage she turned on the warm, hard body beside her. Mounting him, she ripped at his clothes, trying to dodge the hands coming up to stop her frantic motions.

  The body beneath hers shifted and they rolled across the edge of the blanket into the grass. Amanda fought him with every ounce of anguish tearing her apart, and still it was not enough. After several seconds of fighting, she ended up pinned beneath Cody’s heavy weight. Arms stretched above her head, both wrists trapped in one of his hands, he held all the control.

  “You cock-sucking, bastard-born, stubbed-dick asshole. Let me go!”

  “A proper lady does not cuss.”

  “I’ll show you what a proper lady does to a son of a bitch like you.”

  Amanda tried to knee him in the balls, but Cody quickly subdued her, forcing her legs apart so he could settle safely into the cradle of her thighs. The position brought the hard length of his cock directly in contact with her burning clit.

  Instead of pleasure, the contact brought pain. The more she struggled, the more the rough fabric of his jeans teased her throbbing bud. So intense, the sensation brought tears to her eyes. Only by going still and shortening her breaths to shallow pants did Amanda find any relief.

  “Are you calm now?”

  “I hate you.”

  “You need me.”

  “I need a man, not you.”

  “Watch it now, Amanda. I will tolerate no more fighting, cussing or insults from you.”

  “You won’t tolerate?” Amanda gasped, amazed by his audacity. “You’re the jerk here. You promised to give me my kiss. Instead you humiliate me and leave me in a state of pain.”

  “There is no need to be humiliated by what just happened. You just gave me one of the greatest shows I have ever seen.”

  Amanda’s jaw hurt as she held back the need to hurl more curses at his arrogant ass. She wasn’t sure what he would do if she unleashed on him again, but wasn’t in any condition to find out. He wasn’t the one naked and half-mad with desire, and Cody definitely had the advantage.

  “I have never seen a more beautiful sight than you masturbating for me.”

  “Shut up!”

  “Careful now, Amanda.”

  “Don’t threaten me, Cody,” she snapped back. “You have no right to tell me how to act after what you just did.”

  “What did I do that was so bad?”

  “What? What did you do? How about lying to me for starters?”

  “I never lied to you.”

  “You promised me an orgasm!”

  “And I plan on giving you one, several actually, just not tonight.”

  “Like I’m ever going to let you near me again.”

  “Oh, I think you are. You’re mad now, but you’ll calm down and realize this is the most fun you’ve ever had.”

  “Fun? You think this was fun for me?”

  “You certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself a few minutes ago.”

  His smug smile had her growling and forgetting any worry over his earlier threat. “Why don’t you follow your own commands and go fuck yourself!”

  The words had barely broken the air past her lips when he flipped her. Before Amanda could even understand his intent, Cody had her pinned, this time with her arms locked behind back, his arm holding her down and a heavy thigh holding her legs into place.

  There wasn’t time to wonder why he’d changed positions. The loud crack of his palm across her ass shot not only revelation through her, but a streak of white-hot pain. Amanda screamed, and then again as he landed another blow.

  She couldn’t count the number of spanks that followed as the pain piled on top of the pleasure still twisting tightly through her body. The two conflicting sensations blurred, blended into a confusing mass of need. Pure, molten lust consumed her, escalating her moans into screams.

  When he stopped and pushed her thighs apart with his own, she put up no resistance. Amanda didn’t have any strength left to object, and when she felt his breath across the ultra sensitive folds of her cunt, she didn’t want to find the strength.

  The soft feel of his lips nuzzling her in a caress as sweet as it was arousing made her moan, tilting her hips up to offer more of herself for his tasting. Tasting was exactly what he did, a slow sensual dance of lips and tongue.

  Ah, Cody’s tongue. Warm, soft, and velvety, it slid around the edges of her pussy, slipping inward occasionally to lap at her clit with unhurried ease, dipping lower to tickle around the edges of her weeping opening. His lips moved over her in a barely-there caress as he traced every delicate inch of her cunt until they settled in a suckling kiss over her clit.

  She felt his teeth scrape against the ultra-sensitive bundle of nerves and gasped in a mixture of fear and excitement. In an instant, the tasting turned into a devouring.

  Teeth, lips, tongue, he unleashed an assault on her, making her fingers dig into the earth. Sucking, nipping and kissing sent pleasure spiced with pain sizzling through her system, even as his tongue came to soothe away any hurt. All it did was set her flesh to flame.

  She couldn’t bear it. The ache in her womb to be filled felt like every single muscle in her body bore down in demand for a release to the tension. Cody gave her a taste of what she so badly needed. His tongue pressed against the walls of her sheath and teased the sensitive surface with the age-old dance of push and pull.

  Oh, God! It was barely enough, but it would do. Just one more heated stroke inward…NO!

  Just like before, he stopped short, leaving her a pant
ing heap on the ground. The only difference was this time she couldn’t hold back her tears of frustration.

  Whatever shifting demons possessed Cody, he pulled her into his lap. Cradled tenderly in his arms, Amanda sniffed, trying to stop weeping. It was all too much. The man was clearly insane, and she was no better off. She gave into his every demand, enjoyed his punishment, welcomed him back into her body, and even now, cuddling closer into the warmth of his embrace, she felt strangely safe and secure in his arms.

  There could be no doubt about it. She was sick—a very sick woman. The emotions warring inside left her feeling drained and incapable of latching onto one. For that reason, she allowed him to lift her to her feet and dress her like a lifeless doll. Amanda didn’t even mutter a protest when he swept her into his arms and carried her to the truck.

  * * * *

  Cody didn’t speak a word as he drove Amanda back to her house. He knew she was pissed, and she had a right to be. He also had some rights. Really, it was more like authority and Amanda had given it to him. Cody hadn’t taken it, no matter what kind of bastard she thought he was.

  He wanted to though, or at least a part of him did. Down boy, you’ll get yours soon. Well, maybe not exactly what he wanted, and not soon enough, but once he dropped Amanda off and made it back to the ranch, he’d take the edge off his erection.

  Could’ve had the girl do it with those plump lips of hers, his cock whispered. Hell, Cody could have done all sorts of things to her, but she needed to agree before the lust took over.

  Parking the truck in her drive for the second time, he felt much better about the future. It didn’t even bother him when Amanda slammed his truck door and marched up the walkway without so much as look in his direction. He knew her game and followed silently behind, willing to play until he heard the door unlock.

  “I know what you’re planning.” He pressed in close to her, letting her feel his heat and strength. “But no toy in this house, no man in this town will make you come. Only I can give you your release, Amanda, and I’m not releasing you now. You will not come.”


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