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Kansas Heat

Page 9

by Kansas Heat (lit)

  He held something in his hand, something that distantly triggered an alarm.

  “Strip for me.”

  His words materialized through the static of her arousal. Smooth and dark, like liquid chocolate, the words melted into her conscious, becoming actions merely obeyed instead of authorized.

  Her hands lifted, pulling her shirt up and over her head. Entranced, her fingers worked under his command, undoing her bra before dipping down to tug at the laces on her shoes. Each movement felt slow, drawn out and unreal. When she lowered her jeans all the way down, it dawned on her she now stood before Cody naked and totally vulnerable.

  Instead of firing the normal chorus to cover up and become embarrassed, her body resonated with a million sparklers going off. One for each nerve tingling beneath the cool air-conditioned breeze tickling across her bare skin.

  Amanda felt drugged, left only to the sensations her body could feel, as her whole reality narrowed to the hypnotic lightshow of Cody’s eyes. They swirled in a never-ending oscillation. Slowly his eyes fogged with a cloudy haze. Beneath lay intent, a feral hunger visible in each darkening shard. The hunger held her mesmerized, feeding and fueling her own desires.

  In a second, she lost all sight. Blackness settled over her with a velvety bind around her eyes. Despite the softness of the blindfold, it had the jarring effect of an arctic blast. The silken strands of the sensual web Cody wove around her faded. Instantly her hands rose to push away the fabric.

  Cody caught her wrists. “No.”


  “You’re not to speak unless directed to do so.”


  “Listen clearly, Amanda, because I’m only going to explain this once. The rules of this game are simple. You are to obey my every command and question none of them. If I tell you to be silent, you remain silent. If I put something on you, it stays on you. Understand?”

  Amanda’s senses, while awakened, still languished under the arousal’s intoxicating elixir. Her brain read the tense messages coming in, but did little about them. Held hostage by the pleasure, her hands stayed by her side when he lowered them back into position.

  Tense and anxious, her fingers curled and her body trembled under the pressure. Amanda’s ears strained as she tried to order the world through the blackness. Did Cody move? Was he looking at her? Was he about to do something nasty or nice? Wouldn’t nasty be so nice?

  A single finger, callused and rough, slid straight down her spine, making her back arch. Amanda gasped, reveling in the shivers chasing in the wake of his fingertips.

  “You are now completely at my mercy.”

  She could hear the satisfaction in his tone and felt the effects clear down to her toes. Every cell inside her body sparkled with the knowledge a hard and demanding male now had complete control over her.

  “I’m going to do things to you tonight you’ve never let a man do, and you’re going to love every minute of it. You’re going to squirm and beg, and I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll be sore when you wake up. All you need to do is trust me. Can you do that, Amanda?”

  Could she? “Yes.”

  She didn’t know where the answer came from or even how it managed to form over the block in her throat. Once she gave in, she didn’t regret it. The reward for such obedience came immediately. Thick arms wrapped around her as the hard, solid feel of a male body warmed away any reservation. Like a sudden change into Prince Charming, Cody swept her right off her feet into his arms.

  “I promise you’re not going to regret this, Amanda.”

  He murmured the words across her lips, sealing the vow with a kiss. Like well-aged bourbon, the hot, potent kiss drugged her into submission as his velvety tongue invaded her mouth. Hard and demandingly male, his kiss called upon her own needs and wants.

  Her arms twined around his broad shoulders, her nails digging into the hard muscle there as she pulled herself up. Meeting his kiss head-on, her tongue tangled with his, pushing him backwards until he savagely fought back.

  The kiss turned into devouring. Without the aid of sight, her whole world narrowed down to nothing more than the play of his lips across hers, of his tongue dancing, stroking, and penetrating her. Blossoms of multi-hued pleasure wrapped her in the chaotic whirlwind of building ecstasy.

  She stilled only when Cody released her lips. Sanity-giving oxygen flooded her lungs and revived her brain enough to realize he’d set her back on her own two feet. Actually, Amanda ended up on her tiptoes, her arms stretched above her head, trapped and bound by ties she couldn’t see.

  “As I figured, you’re a little short. Up.”

  He tapped on her calf and for a moment she didn’t understand what he wanted. It was his hand, curving around the back of her thigh and lifting her leg. Even then, all she could concentrate on was the heat spreading from his palm. It warmed up her already overheated pussy with anticipation.

  The hope was for nothing, because that’s all she got. Instead of taking advantage of her position, he merely slid a high heel onto her foot and released her leg. It gave her a little support though Amanda wobbled slightly, unaccustomed to such a balancing act. Hope bloomed again when he lifted her other leg. So wet and needy, her cunt actually wept for his attention. She could feel the warm roll of moisture trickling down her thigh.

  In a flash, it disappeared under the moist smoothness of his tongue. Her whole body broke into tremors as he traced the wet path right back to its source. His mouth attacked, latching onto her pussy and making her scream as he fed on her tender flesh with the same ravenous hunger as his kiss.

  Like a berserker gone crazy, his tongue ruled over her pussy. With long, wicked strokes, he delved into every crevice and licked her pussy clean, only to fuck his tongue deep into her and trigger another wave of molten desire from her body. She arched and twisted, trying to follow the erratic path of her lover’s tongue.

  The tension of so much rapture pulled Amanda as thin as any balloon had ever stretched. Her release weighed down on her, leashed and growing more violent by the second.

  “Come for me,” Cody commanded, fucking a hard, cool cock deep into her pussy. With no hesitation, he began to ruthlessly and savagely screw her with the toy. Harder, deeper with every thrust he fucked her until her system erupted into one single, soul-shattering release.

  Chapter 10

  Cody watched as she slowly emerged from the stupor of her own release. When Amanda came, truly came, she’d make the earth move. The only thing better than watching it would be riding her into the storm. His cock pulsed, ready to step up and mount her right now. Cody tried to temper his raging erection. His cock would get all it deserved shortly. It was a hard sell with Amanda standing there in nothing more than a pair of earrings and a sexy set of heels.

  Damn, but isn’t that a sight? Look at those legs and that pussy…all flushed and pink. Cody liked the dark-colored dildos the club provided. Something about the sight of sweet little cunts penetrated deep by something so dark and masculine made him hot. Right now he was ready to explode.

  A slight sound drew his gaze up, and he watched Amanda’s lips move silently over words. She wanted to say something, probably to ask to be released. The way she tilted on her heels told him she didn’t have the balance or strength left to stay upright. When those full lips closed, Cody smiled.



  The breathless, strained sound of her voice made his smile widen. The rafters echoed with her screams as she came. Hell, the woman was so loud Cody knew the diners below heard her. Tomorrow, people wouldn’t just know Amanda belonged to Cody. They’d know he owned her.

  “How about I give you some slack?”

  Cody undid the ropes from their anchors and gave Amanda some freedom of movement. Just as he suspected, she collapsed toward the floor, falling to her knees. He caught her as well as the rope, pulling it tense until he held her in position.

  Now that’s a fantasy come true.
/>   Amanda knelt, legs spread for his pleasure. Her rib cage bounced her beautiful tits in a hypnotic rhythm as she panted at his feet. Cody eyed her puckered, pink nipples before dropping down to the shadowed heaven between her legs. So many delicious offerings. Where to start?

  He should start with his cock. If he didn’t, it might explode inside its denim prison and leave him with a problem he’d never faced. He wouldn’t make it through all he planned for Amanda if he didn’t take the edge off his loaded dick. But where to put it?

  Cody could fuck her. Amanda would offer no resistance. He could go to his knees, lift her up, and slam her down. She’d take his full length and beg for more. That would be something, to be held captive inside all her confining heat. He’d bounce her ass hard and fast and give her a screwing like she’d never had before.

  When the moment came, Cody would have her so humble and weakened by passion, Amanda would give him anything, even her heart. That’s exactly how he wanted to possess her. He wanted to own her all the way to her soul.

  Tonight, he would wage his war. Cody wouldn’t stop until he bound Amanda so firmly to him the mere idea of letting another man touch her would cause her pain. He’d need to use all his skills to push her further than she ever let any man go. It would take stamina, a power source he needed to refuel with his own release.

  Amanda’s pouting lips drew his gaze to her plump, glistening mouth. Cody didn’t even need a second to know what he wanted. Stepping up to her, he paused only to toe her legs farther apart.

  “Legs spread. Whenever you are in my company, I want your legs spread and your pussy open and available for my entertainment.”

  She hesitated, and he could almost see the defiance in her fighting for control, quivering beneath her skin. Apparently, her own release marshaled her defenses. They didn’t hold, and slowly, with jerky, unsure movements, her legs parted and stretched as wide as they could go.

  Instantly, the smell of her desire tempted him to go down. Cody smiled. That’s exactly what he would do once she did him the favor. Brushing a hand through her hair, he lifted it over her shoulders, giving her breasts no place to hide as he leaned in and let the rough fabric of his jeans torment her tips.

  Amanda shivered and arched, a small moan escaping her lips. Desire relaxed her features but tensed her back right up. Her spine straightened almost in perfect rhythm with the rasp of his zipper being lowered. The quick slide of her tongue along her lips beckoned him to trace its path with his thumb.

  “I’m going to fill this mouth with cock now, sweetness, and all I want you to do is suck. Later, when your hands are free, I’ll teach you just how I like my blow jobs. I’ll instruct you on all the wonderful things you’re going to do with these luscious lips and that slick little tongue of yours, but for now, for tonight, I just want you to suck.”

  He didn’t ask her if she understood. If she didn’t, he’d merely punish her later. Instead, he freed his cock from his jeans and lifted it to her lips. With a brushing pump, he demanded entrance.

  Cody gritted his teeth as her soft lips whispered across the head of his dick, slowly working around his flared edges. Her tongue licked out and twirled across his sensitive flesh, snaking around the edges in playful mischief. He’d told her to suck. Instead, she tasted and teased.

  Every touch, every inch of hardened flesh she discovered whipped another brilliant lash of ecstasy. It cracked his control inch by inch until it shattered and his hands tightened in her hair. In one rough jerk, he pushed her down over his full length.

  She choked, but he didn’t have the decency left to give her any time. With a firm grip on her head, Cody fucked her mouth over his cock in an ever-increasing rhythm. Sweet mercy in heaven, it had never been this good.

  Her cheeks clamped down, caressing every nerve-filled millimeter of his cock. The amazing friction had him panting and groaning as she sucked him so hard he wondered why his head didn’t blow off. Again and again, Cody tormented himself with another stroke into her mouth. His hips joined the momentum as the ecstasy whirling through his body tightened down.

  He knew he was just a few short strokes to total detonation. A distant thought occurred to Cody to warn Amanda. Then the sensitive head of his cock bumped into the back of her throat, sending ripples of release streaking down his shaft. He might have been able to hold out, but she swallowed the very last vestige of his control.

  Sweet mercy, she swallowed.

  Cody roared out his pleasure. All he could was anchor himself to Amanda as his world shredded around him. Tremors overcame his muscles, and he reeled back, looking for something to support his weight before he crashed down over her.

  Cody landed across the bed, staring at his reflection in the mirror overhead. He watched his chest rise and fall, sucking in painful pants of air to cool down his overheated system. Lower, his cock lay snuggled, wet, and content.

  Goddamn, she sucked me soft. That never happened before. Cody always prided himself on sustaining power, but his dick just didn’t feel up to the task. As he struggled to his elbows, he looked over at the woman who pulled off such a feat. Definitely a keeper.

  She sat silently, naked and spread for his pleasure, her lips still glistening with his seed, and she didn’t say a word. Natural-born submissive.

  Shoving onto his legs, Cody grinned at how weak they felt. Amanda might not fit the criteria Knox outlined, but with a mouth like that, it didn’t matter. Even Knox would see the wisdom behind Cody’s logic. If he didn’t, Cody would just have Amanda demonstrate.

  Cody’s cock perked up at his idea. Fantasies of having enough control over Amanda to order her to strip for his brothers, to go to her knees and suck their cocks, to spread her legs and let them mount her, to do all of that and so much more on his command got him hard. He would get her there, seduce her to that point.

  * * * *

  Amanda strained to hear where Cody went. She’d heard rustling minutes ago and then nothing. She couldn’t help but turn her head searchingly, letting her ears lead her blindfolded eyes. Silence echoed back, making her grow more nervous and anxious as the moments passed.

  Self-consciously, she licked her lips and tasted him again. The salty flavor made her shiver with heat. She’d never sucked a man until he came, and it made her feel both powerful and a little dirty.

  The latter should have shamed and embarrassed her, but she had no more room for those emotions. Instead, she relished the wicked sensation. It made her wonder what came next. She couldn’t even begin to imagine. The trickle of fear at the unknown only added a sultry spice to the nerves and anticipation holding her tense.

  She shifted to the sound of a door closing, then bit her lip as the motion caused the dildo filling her pussy to jostle. With every bounce and bump of Cody’s blow job, her own body rocketed with the tiny explosions from the damn toy pushing against the sensitive walls of her sheath.

  If her hands were free, she would touch herself, maybe undo the strap-on and use it to fuck herself so she could get some of the satisfaction he had. Not that she should complain. The first orgasm he gave her almost made her black out. Cody must have strapped her into this damn thing then.

  She hoped he didn’t intend to keep her in it long. Amanda bit her lip, staring into the blackness of her blindfold. The creek of the door cut through her arousal, unleashing apprehension of what the little sound meant. Had Cody left her like this? Worse, had he let somebody in?

  Unbidden, the memory of his brother staring at her in the bar came to mind. Knox Reese starred in every forbidden fantasy Amanda would never admit to having. So intense and focused, Knox Reese had drawn her notice long before last night, but at the bar had been the only place he’d ever turned his attention on her. Even from a distance, she felt the heat of his hunger, the darkness of it. Had Cody and he orchestrated this? Was she going to be passed off or shared?

  Amanda began to pant, but not in fear. The very idea of being shared awakened some dark, forbidden desires. Thick and potent, t
his was a rare type of lust. Even as it began to consume her, she feared giving into impulse.


  The rope above her gave way so fast she didn’t have time to catch herself. Her chin should have smacked into a hard floor, but it found a soft buffer in a thick pillow. A set of hard hands pulled her hips back. The swiftness of the assault gave her no time to respond. Between two breaths she was positioned bowing down with her ass up. With the next breath came the first blow.

  Without a word, he lit her ass so hot, her eyes bulged. The smacks came fast and hard until her ass burned. Each blow he delivered shook her body, jostling the toy buried inside her. The heat spreading from her ass melted into pleasure until she was moaning, lifting her rear into the blows, praying the next one would be hard enough to deliver her into utopia’s embrace. He brought her right to the edge and stopped.

  “I’m going to let you come now. For the rest of the night, I want you to come as often and as many times as you can. You’re free.”

  It seemed a strange thing to say to her befuddled mind. He’d just denied her and now released her?

  Oh, sweet heaven of mercy above.

  She gasped and arched as tiny bubbles of joy surfaced. Deep inside her, the cock vibrated. A hand settled over the toy’s end, sliding it in and out, smooth and even, only to return with the same easy, slow motion. Keeping the pace steady, Cody fucked the vibrating cock into her, letting it tickle her walls as pressure slowly mounted within them.

  Each pass brushed her sweet spot with a sudden explosion of chaotic rapture. Like an addict, her hips began to flex in search of another burst. Just one more and maybe the gates of heaven would open.

  Behind her, Cody chuckled. “You should see yourself bowed down before me with your ass up and your pussy wide around this fake dick. It doesn’t matter to you, does it? It doesn’t matter this is nothing more than plastic with a little mechanical wiring. You still love every single inch of it, but it’s not the one that gives you pleasure.


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