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Page 3

by Caitlin Ricci

  Max eagerly sucked on his lips, opening his mouth up for Simon. He squirmed against him as Simon dipped his hips, running the rough fabric of his jeans against Max’s thighs. His hands shook in his binds as he tried to reach for him, wanting to touch him, to run his hands over Simon’s long arms and smooth back. But he was bound, and the restriction to his movements was starting to piss him off.

  Simon slipped his tongue between his lips, demanding the entrance Max was more than willing to give him. He dipped his hips again and Max nearly shot off the bed as he felt the thick length of Simon’s cock press against his own through his jeans. He broke the kiss, turning his head to the side as he brought his hips up to meet Simon’s. Even if he couldn’t touch him with his hands he was damn well going to show him exactly what he wanted from Simon as he pressed himself against him.

  “You’re wearing too much,” he groaned, wrapping his legs around Simon’s thighs.

  Simon laughed. “No I’m not.”

  Max frowned and looked up at him as Simon pulled back. He brought his hands to Max’s chest, stroking over his ribs and stomach. “But then how are we going to fuck?”

  Simon smiled at him. “That’s for tomorrow night. Right now I just want you to enjoy yourself.”

  “I don’t understand,” Max grumbled. He sighed loudly and rested his head back against the pillows below him.

  “How are your hands?” Simon asked.

  “Wanting to touch you.” Shaking his head, Simon dipped his mouth to nip at Max’s nipples, making him jump. “When did you first know that you wanted me?” Max asked him.

  Simon lifted his head, and his brow furrowed as if he was thinking about his answer. “Sometime last year. No, I remember when it was. When you came back from that trip you took with your co-worker. The one you said you weren’t dating but made you cry a few weeks later when he-”

  “I remember,” Max replied sourly. “I lied. We were dating. Sort of.”

  “I got that part. It was a complicated mess. But he made you upset and I stood outside your door, listening to you on the phone with him, hearing you cry but knowing you wouldn’t have wanted my comfort right then.” Simon shook his head. “I want to go find him and punch his face in for hurting you.”

  Max laughed. “I bet you could.” He took a breath. “And I wish that you’d have come in that night. I wouldn’t have turned you away.”

  Simon kissed his collarbone, then his sternum and down his ribs. “I’ll have to remember that the next time some asshole makes you cry.”

  “I don’t plan on there being a next time,” Max replied, rolling his eyes. Simon flicked his tongue out and Max laughed as it tickled his belly.

  “What do you think of being tied up?” Simon asked him. He moved his mouth further down, leaving a wet trail over Max’s stomach and hips with his tongue.

  “I wish I could touch you,” he answered honestly. “I’ve always wanted to run my hands through your hair, to touch your face.”

  Simon nodded. “You will.”

  “Really?” Max was ready to get his hands free. The position wasn’t uncomfortable or anything like that, but he wanted to touch Simon. An open invitation to do whatever he wanted to him would be a nice treat.

  “Yep.” Simon winked. “Tomorrow.”

  Max groaned and scowled down at him. His expression didn’t stay like that for long though as Simon opened his mouth and swallowed his cock deeply. Max gasped as he felt Simon’s nose press against his lower stomach. No one had taken all of him before. He stared down, not believing his own eyes as he watched the thin line of Simon’s lips lift a few inches before coming back down again.

  He worked Max with his tongue, the wet warmth sliding over the hard ridges of Max’s cock. Frustrated, Max shook his hands in the ties, desperately wanting to touch Simon.

  “Easy, Max,” Simon said, lifting his head. “Relax and enjoy this. You can touch me after. I promise I won’t go anywhere. Just try to trust me now.”

  Max pouted. “I want to touch you though.”

  Simon nodded. “And you will. But right now I need you to relax and just simply let yourself feel. Can you do that for me?”

  Slowly he nodded. He could. He didn’t understand Simon’s game, and he could trust him long enough to believe that if he didn’t struggle then Simon would let him go after they were done. He’d let him go anyway, though. Max didn’t believe for a moment that Simon would leave him tied up. But if he relaxed, then maybe Simon would keep going.

  After a moment Max got his wish and Simon lowered his mouth back onto to his cock. Max relaxed against the pillow and focused on the sensations Simon was causing in his body. He could do this. He didn’t have to control everything. At least in here. He smiled, thinking that maybe Simon could be right about a few things at least. He’d give the idea a chance to start off with. No reason to jump in right away. It was just a game after all.

  His hips lifted off the bed when he suddenly felt Simon’s hands cupping his balls. He looked down to see Simon swirling his tongue around the head of his cock, a big grin on his face.

  “I like your mouth on me,” Max admitted.

  Simon laughed. “I thought you might.”

  Max rolled his eyes. “Ego much?” Simon shrugged and took Max’s cock back into his mouth. Gasping, he watched Simon rise up on his elbows and quickly move his mouth around Max’s head. He laid back, moaning loudly as Simon worked his mouth over his thick shaft. He added his hands too, stroking him as his tongue swirled over the slit in Max’s cock.

  He sat back and lifted Max’s legs over his thighs. “What’re you doing now?” Max asked a moment before the answer became clear to him as Simon licked his finger and brought the digit to Max’s puckered entrance.

  He held his breath, anticipating the sudden pain of being stretched but relaxed after a moment when it didn’t come. Instead, there was only the slow slide of Simon’s finger as he moved inside of Max’s ass. Simon took him deeply, his nose touching the soft curls at the base of Max’s cock.

  With a jolt Max felt Simon touch something inside of him. Of course he knew what it was, the soft spot that made him groan and bite his lip as his head fell back. But outside of sex he’d never felt anyone else touch it. And now Simon was curling the tip of his finger around it and Max could barely think past the humming waves of pleasure going through his heated body.

  Simon pressed his tongue flat against the underside of Max’s cock, making him jerk off the bed. Simon lifted his head and replaced his mouth with his tightened fist, quickly sliding his hand over Max’s shaft.

  Max squirmed, fighting the pleasure as much as he could, even as Simon chuckled above him. “You can’t control an orgasm, Max. Not really,” he chided.

  “I can try though,” Max said, desperately closing his eyes.

  Then Simon did something that took the fight away from him. He didn’t know what it was, since he wasn’t watching him, but Max felt the faint scrape of teeth against his head and then the pressure in his groin released.

  When he opened his eyes again Simon was kneeling above him and long lines of cum were sprayed over his chest and neck.

  “Kiss me,” Max demanded, his voice a breathy pant.

  Laughing, Simon obliged him. “I usually give the orders,” he said, trailing light kisses over Max’s lips and cheek. “But I think I can give you this one.”

  He untied Max’s wrists and Max gratefully brought them to Simon’s shoulders. Max squeezed his arms, ran his hands over his back, and touched his hair.

  “I’m going to go get cleaned up,” Simon said, pulling away and getting off the bed. Max was instantly sorry for the loss of contact. “Do you want to sleep alone tonight or would you like the company?”

  Max smiled. “My choice?”

  Simon nodded. “Of course.”

  “It’s a big bed,” Max pointed out.

  Laughing, Simon turned away. Max rolled over and sighed happily. He wanted more, practically needed it. But this little exp
eriment had helped him relax. He could already feel some of the day’s stresses leaving him. Maybe, in time, Simon would be right. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

  He was nearly asleep when he felt the bed dip behind him. Freshly showered, Simon smelled like cinnamon and cloves. Spicy and sweet. Like the perfect cup of chai tea. There was no hesitation as he wrapped his arms around Max’s sated body. As if he belonged there, Max relaxed into his hold, believing that he’d stay the night. That he’d wake up next to Simon in the morning. It had been a long time since someone had stayed that long. Max didn’t let them.

  Simon’s hands came up to cup Max’s wrists where he’d been tied. They weren’t sore and didn’t hurt. Within a few minutes Max silently fell asleep, Simon’s warm breath tickling his shoulder.

  Chapter Four

  Max’s hands shook as he fumbled with the front door the next day, the key shaking in the lock. He took a breath, forcing himself to calm down. But the feeling didn’t last long as he nearly dropped his keys and swore loudly. On the other side of the door he heard footsteps coming toward him and he backed up, putting the key back in the pocket of his coat as he waited for his roommate to open the door.

  “You look like shit,” Simon said, pulling the door wide and leaning against the frame.

  Max’s mouth fell open at the sight of Simon in just a towel, his black hair damp and sticking up wildly. His cock automatically rose in response and he dropped his hand to the growing tent in his loose slacks. Simon’s bright blue eyes tracked the movement and when Max lifted his gaze again he saw a grin splayed across Simon’s face.

  “How was work?” he asked casually.

  Max roughly pushed past him, unwilling to continue talking to the man while they were in the doorway in full view of their elderly neighbors across the hall. He dropped his messenger bag, a holdover from his days as an intern at the hospital where he now worked, on the old oak bench under the place he hung his keys and went to the kitchen.

  “Uh huh,” Simon said, coming up beside him and blocking his path with a firm hand on Max’s chest. He tried not to let that contact get to him. He couldn’t let Simon know what he did to him, or how much their brief night together meant to him. Or for him. Shit, he really didn’t know how to explain it. Only that he couldn’t. Not in words anyway. He backed up, quickly getting out of Simon’s reach. Sparing a look to his roommate, he walked around him and headed in the direction of the fridge. Simon’s hand on the back of his neck stopped him instantly, though. Unable to easily get away from that contact, Max stood still and waited for Simon to say whatever it was that he needed to before he’d let Max get the drink he so desperately wanted.

  “You didn’t take your shoes off,” Simon said, his voice flat as he stepped closer to Max’s side.

  Color rose to fill Max’s cheeks as he looked down at his feet. “Yeah. Sorry,” he mumbled, remembering Simon’s rules about cleanliness. “Forgot.” He turned to go back to the front hall, to the small section Simon had dedicated to their shoes, but Simon’s hand tightened on his neck, stopping him before he could take another step.

  “While I’m glad that you remembered, it’s a bit too late for that. On your knees.”

  Max couldn’t speak, could barely breathe as he let Simon push him down to the warm stone tile of their shared kitchen. Well, really, it was his kitchen since he owned the condo and Simon was simply a roommate, but at that moment as he looked up into Simon’s expectant gaze, the distinction really didn’t matter all that much.

  “What do you want me to do?” Max asked, expecting the answer to be obvious even if it wasn’t. Not to him at least. They hadn’t done this before. Their one time together, the night before last, had been kinky and fun but Simon going down on him after he’d tied him up had been the end of it. Much to Max’s disappointment. They hadn’t talked about it the next morning and Max had gone to work as usual, thinking Simon had changed his mind about starting anything with him. But apparently, blessedly, he’d been wrong. “I can suck you off if that’s what you want. I mean, I know how and all.” He shut his mouth tightly, sounding like an idiot and Simon’s gentle smile didn’t really help. He could be laughing at him behind those perfect blue eyes for all Max knew. Actually, he didn’t know much about his roommate at all, as sad as that was.

  Simon dropped his towel and Max licked his lips as the man’s hard cock came into view, its purple head slick and needy only inches from Max’s face. He leaned forward, his mouth open and ready to please Simon but the other man’s hand quickly dropped in front of his cock, blocking him. “Uh huh. First we do this my way.”

  Frowning, Max looked up at him. “I thought we already did that. Don’t I get a turn?”

  “No. Not without my say so,” Simon replied, his answer sounding automatic as he cupped his sack with one hand and braced himself against the countertop behind him with the other. “Tell me about your day.”

  Max couldn’t even begin to tell Simon about the shit day he’d had, not when the sight of the man stroking himself, his long fingers moving slowly over his length, filled Max’s vision. He licked his lips and leaned forward, hoping Simon had changed his mind.

  Simon shook his head. “I’ll tie you up again if you make me, Max. Not that I mind seeing you restrained, mind you. But sometimes we won’t have that luxury and I’ll need you to behave when and where I tell you to. Now, tell me about your day. If you’re good I’ll let you suck me off.”

  The absurdity of the words Simon had said didn’t bother Max. He knew his roommate was a Dom. They’d gone over it, briefly, before Simon had tied him up in an effort to get him to relax. It had worked for that night at least. Not much longer than that, as his day had proven. But at least he’d been able to sleep that night which was damn near a miracle considering how he’d been lately. “I had meetings,” Max began, his gaze tracking Simon’s movements as his fingers moved over the thick width of his solid cock.

  Simon nodded, his eyes nearly closing as he brought his hand up to the underside of his head. “Right. Meetings. They’re not the reason you look exhausted and stressed. Start talking.”

  Max pursed his lips. “I’d rather just suck you.”

  Chuckling, Simon opened his eyes and looked down at him. Max smiled, hopeful that Simon would forget all about whatever he’d looked like and just let him do what he wanted.

  “Nice try. And I bet you’d be good at it, too, with your full bottom lip stroking against the underside of my cock, your tongue darting into the slit, your hands cupping my balls…”

  His voice ended on a breathy whisper that had Max squirming in his position on the floor. “Yes. I can do that. I want to. Let me.” He reached for Simon’s cock, sure that the other man would let him this time.

  But Simon stepped back again and Max sighed at the increased distance between them. “You suck,” he grumbled.

  Simon smiled at him. “Not right now, but if you do as you’re told you might be able to.”

  “And what if I don’t want to?” Max asked stubbornly.

  “Don’t want to?” Simon echoed him.

  Nodding, Max leaned back on his heels. He could play this game, too. Simon wasn’t so special. “Yeah. What if I don’t want to suck your cock? Maybe I’ve lost interest. Maybe I just—”

  “Don’t lie to me, Max. Not to me and not to yourself,” Simon snapped at him. “Your eyes are wide, your cheeks are filled with color and I can see how hard you are from here. You want to play games, get an Xbox. You want to be an adult and admit your fucking desires, then stop messing around and answer my question.”

  Max slowly nodded, unable to do anything else in light of Simon calling him out on his ploy. “You’re a bastard. You know that right? Here I am, offering to give you what will probably be a pretty awesome blowjob and you can’t stop denying me and asking me about my damn day. Which, as you know because you seem to know so damn much, was awful so let’s just move on from that,” Max fumed as he stared up at Simon.

of Simon’s perfectly carved brows rose. “Dear sweet, Max…You haven’t even begun to see what a bastard I am.” He wiped a drop of fluid off the tip of his cock and held it out for Max but he refused to move closer, refused to give in to Simon, to show him just how much he wanted the other man. And so he stayed where he was and after a moment Simon shrugged and wiped his finger off on his muscular outer thigh. “And I want to know what happened at your job. That was the whole point of this. Remember? You letting yourself deteriorate, me stepping in to help you relieve some of that stress…That’s how this little thing between us is going to work. So, you can either tell me what happened or we can stop this and go back to just being roommates. Your call. But we aren’t doing these power play games of yours anymore. When you come home looking like you’ve gone through hell at that job of yours I want to help you deal with it. I want to help you get better, to thrive under the pressure you force yourself to go through. But if you’re unwilling to accept that help, then there’s nothing more for us to do here. I won’t keep pushing a sub who doesn’t want to be helped.”

  Max frowned, unsure of what to make of Simon’s words. He wanted to help? Since when? “I already told you, I’m not leaving my job. I love being a surgeon. I’m a great doctor. People need me.”

  “They need you healthy, too,” Simon countered. “And the added drinks to calm your nerves, the late nights where you barely sleep, the way your hands tremble when you drink your coffee—none of that helps those people you’re so desperate to fix. So at the end of the day are you going to let me help you or do I need to leave?”

  “What?” Max asked, nearly yelling in his shock. “You can’t leave! You signed a lease. You can’t just break it.”

  Sighing loudly, Simon dropped his hand from his cock and though he was still hard, the head of his cock bobbing against his lean stomach, he appeared no more bothered by the lack of stimulation than he would have by a fly in the room. Max on the other hand couldn’t look away from Simon’s heavy length. “I wouldn’t break my lease, Max. Wanting to take care of you doesn’t just stop with me making you cum. But if you’re hell bent on continuing this path of destruction and too stubborn to see that you obviously need help, especially when someone is offering to give it to you, then I don’t want to be around to watch you self implode. Because that’s what you will be doing at the end of it and you’ll take down everyone around you when you do. It may not be soon. You may be able to hold out for another six months. Maybe even a year. But at the end of this I guarantee you that you’ll crash and burn without help. And I refuse to watch you do that to yourself. So if you decide that you don’t want to be helped, that you’re too damn stupid to accept that you need it, then I’ll get my things together, transfer enough rent to cover my remaining months with you to your bank account and then walk away. I’m done watching you slowly kill yourself.”


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