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Page 5

by Caitlin Ricci

  “What do you want me to do when I’m in you?” he continued. Max gave him a blank stare as if the words hadn’t made any sense to him so Simon clarified. “I want to hear you say it. What do you want?”

  Max pursed his lips, looking irritated. “Obviously I want to have sex with you.”

  Simon nodded. “Right. Say it. Tell me.” He removed his hand from Max’s ass and stroked some lube over his own cock, preparing himself to enter the other man’s tight passage.

  “I want you to fuck me,” Max growled, sounding annoyed.

  “Good.” Simon pulled his fingers out of him and replaced them with his cock in one hard thrust that brought a loud gasp from them both. He leaned back, looking down at the place where their bodies met and smiling as he pulled back and then sunk into him again, causing Max to shiver beneath his hands. “You like that?”

  Max nodded, though his bottom lip looked to have been bitten.

  “Relax and give into the pleasure. Let your day go away, just stay with me,” Simon said, running his hands along Max’s back as he slowly slid in and out of his ass.

  “Alright.” Max sucked in a deep breath and gripped the pillows on either side of his head.

  Simon leaned over him, pushing himself deeper inside of Max’s tight ass. He pressed his weight on Max’s hips, pushing him into the thick mattress as he kissed the back of the other man’s head. He rolled his hips, seeking the deepest places in Max’s body until he heard Max gasp and felt him shake beneath him. “There?” Simon asked going back to the spot that had made Max react.

  He nodded and his hands tightened on the pillows as Simon pressed against it again, deepening his angle. “Yeah. Right there. Oh fuck, Simon.”

  Grinning, Simon stroked into him, repeatedly pressing against that point. “Stay with me. Focus on this. On us. Let the rest of it go away.”

  Max shut his eyes tightly and bit his lip, his shoulders bunching around Simon’s hands.

  “And don’t cum either,” Simon reminded him.

  “I’m close,” Max groaned.

  Simon felt him rub against the mattress and shook his head. “No, not like that. You’ll cum. I promise. But not until I tell you that you can and absolutely not on my sheets. I don’t feel like doing laundry tonight. Understand?” Frowning, Max slowly nodded and Simon felt him go still beneath his hips. “Good.”

  He was close too, though not as much as Max must have been to disobey him by rubbing himself off the sheets so he sped up, surging into Max’s ass and feeling his tight muscles stretch around him with each hard thrust until his orgasm crashed over him, taking his breath with it. He shot into Max’s ass, moaning loudly as he gripped the other man’s hips tightly against his own. When his vision stopped spinning and he looked down at Max he saw the man’s cheeks dark with color as he looked up at him. Smiling Simon moved back, his cock feeling suddenly exposed without Max’s ass wrapped around it.

  “Turn over. It’s your turn now.”

  Max quickly complied, the bed squeaking as he got onto his back and spread his thighs around Simon’s knees. As soon as he looked comfortable Simon put his hands on Max’s cock, stroking his hard length between his fingers.

  As Simon pulled on him, his long fingers quickly bringing Max to completion, the other man shook beneath him. Max moaned loudly as his hips thrust off Simon’s sheet and up to meet his hand. Moments later his moans ended on a harsh cry as he came, the warmth of his cum splashing over Simon’s hand and onto his stomach.

  Simon released him, sitting back without a word.

  “Th-thank you,” Max breathed, his words coming out in shuddering syllables between his labored breaths. Simon gave him a soft smile then left the room. He hoped that Max would be able to sleep now as he went to the bathroom to wash up. When he came back to his room Max was no longer there. It was as he expected, though it might have been a change for the other man. Simon was used to not having anyone else around, to not seeing his lovers again after they’d finished. But, logically, he knew that Max wasn’t like that. Still, maybe he was starting to see reason since he hadn’t stayed.

  Chapter Six

  Although he’d had a blissfully dreamless sleep the night before, Max felt like he was going through hell at work the next day. He was shaking, though admittedly it was a bit less than usual this late in the morning. But still, as he had held even a clipboard between his fingers, the cold metal had shook and the movement had drawn the attention of the nurses around him. Sighing, he put his head in his hands in the break room, a cup of hot coffee warming the space in front of him, though he’d felt none of it’s usual peace, in the five minutes he’d been drinking it.

  “What’s going on with you?” a man said, sitting down beside him at the small table.

  Max looked up, unsure if he actually wanted to talk to anyone. But Brandon, a man he’d gone to med-school with and stayed relative friends with, wasn’t the last person he’d want to talk to. He wasn’t the first choice either though. “Nothing,” Max said stiffly, sitting back and trying to look casual. “Just not sleeping well.”

  Brandon’s wrinkled face cracked into a wide smile. “Yeah. I hear that. My mother-in-law is staying with us right now. I haven’t had a decent night in the three months she’s been with us. Her house is being finished, though it was supposed to be done last month. So what’s your excuse? Wife driving you insane, too?”

  Smirking, Max shook his head. “No. No wife. Just…” He shrugged. He couldn’t very well tell the other man that things were getting to him here at the hospital, that his job, the one he’d lobbied for and worked damn hard for, was becoming too much stress for him to bear. No, that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon. But Brandon was looking at him expectantly and Max really didn’t have a suitable answer for him. “What do you do when something’s bothering you?” he asked, hoping to get some mild insight. It probably wouldn’t save his life but maybe it would help his hands stop shaking. For today at least.

  “Sex,” was Brandon’s seemingly automatic answer.

  Max hoped he wasn’t blushing as he slowly nodded, hoping that he appeared to understand. Really though he hadn’t been expecting that answer at all.

  “You?” Brandon asked.

  “Don’t know. But sex was my roommate’s suggestion as well.” Max’s eyes widened, he really hadn’t meant to let that slip. He pulled his coffee close and stared down at it, hoping it would swallow him up and take him away. Damn now that was embarrassing.

  Brandon smiled. “It’s good advice. Work out some of that stress. It helps me.”

  Breathing slowly, Max lifted his eyes from the Styrofoam cup in front of him.

  “But what if…” he swallowed thickly. “What if the sex is different? What if it’s not what you expected it to be? Then what?”

  Brandon shifted in his chair, looking uncomfortable. His gaze darted to the clock on the wall in front of them before coming back to Max. “Well, look at that. Time went fast. Looks like break’s over. And—”

  Max sighed and dropped his head. “Yeah. Sorry about that. Never mind.” Great. He’d tried opening up to someone and now it was probably going to be all over the unit that he liked kinky sex or some shit. As the chair behind him scraped loudly against the floor, he groaned and dropped his head. The break room door closed loudly behind Brandon and Max continued to stare at his coffee. Sadly the overpowered black liquid had no answers for him. And it didn’t swallow him whole and take him away either. Sadly.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out, unsure if he wanted to talk to anyone or not but knowing he should probably answer the text regardless.

  Work better?

  Getting a text from Simon wasn’t unusual. But in the past, before he’d allowed Simon into his bed earlier that week, texts from the other man consisted of the usual grocery store talk of whether or not they needed milk and if Max had a preference for meats that week. He never pried or asked personal questions.

  Max typed quickly, not sure of
what he wanted to say but knowing at least he could tell the other man that work was shitty and he didn’t want his break to end because he didn’t want to have to deal with it anymore. Wasn’t their little agreement supposed to be helping him get through the day and not confusing him more?

  Work crap. No focus. Shaking. Isn’t sex meant to make it better? He typed back. As soon as he hit send he groaned, feeling badly about putting that all on Simon. It wasn’t the other man’s fault he was so screwed up. His right hand shook and Max put his hands under the table, hiding them in case anyone happened to see just as his phone vibrated again.

  Will try something new tonight. How long until you’re off?

  He glanced at the clock. Four hours if he stayed for the entire shift. He was a mess though. Maybe taking an early day off would be good for him. And it’s not like he was doing any good there.

  Are you home now?

  I am. But you’re staying at work.

  The familiar feeling of being a stubborn, petulant child bubbled up inside of him as Max stared at his phone. He wasn’t used to being told no, especially not when he knew what would probably be waiting for him when he got home. Wasn’t Simon supposed to want him at home with him? Isn’t that how he and Simon worked?

  If I came home we could have sex.

  The offer was obviously there, Simon had even said they’d try something new tonight. Maybe he’d tie him up again and do something else. Whatever he had in mind, Max was game. He hadn’t been disappointed by Simon yet, and it sure as hell beat staying in the hospital when he felt so miserable.

  Part of caring about you is not placing my needs above your own. You need to be at work and you need to be focused.

  And how the hell do you intend for me to do that?

  Max pushed his phone away and released a heavy sigh. Great, even his Dom didn’t want to fuck him right then. What the hell was that about? Simon seemed perpetually horny and demanding. Most guys would jump at the chance to have sex with him. Or so Max thought. He knew, objectively, he wasn’t at his best right then. But damn it he’d had partners before and most of them told him he was attractive. The one that hadn’t, well, he was an asshole and didn’t warrant thinking about again.

  Think about me in your ass, the feeling you have of being under me, of being controlled.

  Color rushed into Max’s cheeks.

  You want me turned on?

  I want you focused.

  He frowned down at his phone, unsure of what Simon was getting at.

  Being horny will make me focused? How?

  He waited patiently for his phone to vibrate again, well aware that his break was nearly over and he had to get going. But if Simon’s ridiculous idea actually worked he’d be all for it. It’s not like he was actually doing any good being in the unit anyway.

  Give it a try.


  Max stared down at his phone, expecting a reply but when none came he grumbled and shoved the phone back into his pocket. Stupid Simon and his damn cryptic messages. Wasn’t he actually supposed to be helpful? Somehow Max had thought that’s what this had all been about. Maybe he was wrong. He glanced at the clock. His break was over and had been for a minute and a half. But he needed to at least give Simon’s idea a try. Maybe then his hands wouldn’t be shaking.

  He closed his eyes and thought back to the night before, to the feeling of having Simon behind him, of his thick cock stretching Max’s ass, of the other man’s hands pressing into his hips as he fucked him. Aside from making him hard and barely able to breathe, the memory did nothing to improve his focus. So he thought harder, thinking that he must be missing something though what it was he had no idea. He pictured the scene more fully, trying to remember every detail of Simon’s neatly kept bedroom. Then he thought of how he wasn’t allowed to cum, guessing that Simon meant that when he mentioned being controlled since Max certainly hadn’t been tied up last night. That had been frustrating but his orgasm had turned out to be stronger by having to wait.

  “Doctor Peterson?”

  Nearly holding back a groan, Max forced his eyes open and looked at the nurse in the break room’s open doorway. “Yes?” She wasn’t familiar but that wasn’t strange since most of their nurses worked on a rotation basis from their surrounding hospitals.

  “You’re needed in room one-fifteen,” she said, stepping back.

  Max nodded and got to his feet, uncomfortably aware of his erection. Thankfully it didn’t show through his loose work pants. Trying to believe Simon knew what the hell he was talking about, he held onto the image of holding back his orgasm and tried to focus on that feeling and nothing else as he made his way through the familiar white hallways to the room.

  “How was it?” Simon asked that night when he stepped inside the apartment.

  Max set down his bag and kicked off his shoes before joining his roommate in the kitchen. “Aside from my hard on, it was better. They have a name for what you put me through. No one is supposed to have a four hour erection,” Max grumbled, coming up beside Simon to see what he was cooking.

  “Priapism?” Simon offered casually as he stirred what looked like a marinara sauce but smelled far spicier.

  “I was thinking more like torture,” Max replied, pressing up against the other man’s hip to let him know that his cock was still just as hard. “Whatever you’re cooking can wait. Though it does smell pretty amazing. Let’s go do that thing you were going to. The new thing.” He reached for Simon’s hand but he took up the wooden spoon instead. “Simon?”

  He shook his head. “Dinner first. Then we talk. After that we’ll see about the new thing. I’m glad the suggestion of focusing on something else helped though. It helps me.”

  Max frowned and stepped away. “Good for you. But what am I supposed to do about this in the meantime?” he reached down and gripped himself through his pants, nearly groaning at the feeling of contact that he’d been denying himself all afternoon. He’d never been that hard for someone before but the image of Simon on top of him and the feeling of denying himself an orgasm had kept him going. One doctor had even remarked on how much better he’d seemed. Maybe he had been, though honestly he hadn’t been able to think of much more than relieving himself in the nearest bathroom. Too bad he hadn’t had a break long enough to actually get that done.

  Simon put the spoon down and turned to him, his back resting against the countertop. “Take it out.”

  Max openly stared at him. “Huh?”

  A slow smile spread over Simon’s face. “Take out your cock. I want to see it.”

  Shrugging, Max did as he was told and unzipped his pants. They sagged on his hips as he pushed them down just enough to take himself out. He was still very hard and it felt good to be able to free himself from his pants at least. “See? I told you I was hard.”

  Simon nodded and came closer. Max hoped he’d get on his knees and suck him, but unfortunately he had no such luck. Simon switched off the pot on his way over and pressed one hand on either side of Max’s hips, forcing him back against the countertop. Max stared at his chin, unable to look up from the tight position he had him in. His cock pressed between them and Max rubbed against Simon’s crotch, hoping to feel him hard as well through the lounge pants he wore. Max lifted his head, hoping for a kiss as he brought his hands around Simon’s waist and pressed himself against the other man’s hips. Simon denied him a kiss but he did slide his fingers between them, taking Max’s head into his hand and letting him rub against him.

  “You want to cum?” he asked, his voice rough in Max’s ear.

  Max eagerly nodded, wanting the release more than he had words for. “Please,” he whispered. He was unused to begging but in that instant it felt right to ask for something like that from Simon.

  “You didn’t relieve yourself at work. I’m glad.”

  The warmth of his voice spread through Max and he smiled, happy to have pleased him even in this little way.

  “On your knees,” Simon said, stepping back
and giving him enough room to find a space on the floor.

  “What about me?” Max asked, even as he slid down and got comfortable with his knees tucked under him.

  Simon smiled down at him and pulled down his pants, releasing his own hard cock. Max licked his lips and leaned forward, knowing what Simon probably expected him to do and wanting to give it to him as well. “You can stroke yourself as you suck me, but only while your mouth is on my cock. If you remove your mouth from me, then you must remove your hand. Understand?”

  Grinning, Max nodded and leaned forward with his mouth open and ready to give the other man pleasure while he gave himself some as well. He followed Simon’s instructions, having no doubt the man would keep his word if Max happened to veer off the acceptable path. As his mouth covered the swollen purple head of Simon’s cock, Max brought his hand to his own. He licked Simon’s cock as he stroked himself, matching his mouth with the movements of his hand until he slowly found a rhythm that worked for him. He’d never done this before, not like this at least. Sure, he’d pleasured himself while he’d sucked on a guy’s dick before, but this was different. He had a task and rules to keep in mind. The addition of those elements somehow heightened the experience for him. He wondered if it did for Simon as well, but the man’s quiet grunts did little to tell him anything more than that what he was doing with his mouth and tongue were pleasurable to the other man.

  Simon’s hands went to his hair and something inside Max settled. He liked having a man’s hands on his head when he was giving a blowjob. He enjoyed the feeling of being guided. But Simon took it a step further, controlling him with firm pressure on the back of his head. Max closed his eyes, breathing in the man’s musky scent as the chill of the tile floor began to seep into his legs. With Simon taking care of his head, Max diverted some of his attention to his own needs. He stroked his cock harder, the bit of pain sending shivers up his spine.

  “You’re close, aren’t you?” Simon asked him, his words punctuated by harsh groans.


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