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The Eternal Edge Of Aether

Page 1

by Nicola Claire

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  The Eternal Edge Of Aether

  Elemental Awakening Book Five

  Nicola Claire

  Copyright © 2017, Nicola Claire

  All Rights Reserved

  © 2017 Cover Art by Cora Graphics

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organisations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

  ISBN: 978-0-473-42512-8

  Created with Vellum


  About the Author

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  Also by Nicola Claire



  1. And Then I Turn Away

  2. She Does Not Smile

  3. I Want Nothing Of It

  4. Nutcases

  5. That She Will Forgive Me

  6. Then Go

  7. Who Was That?

  8. At His Peril

  9. I Think That Is Enough For This Evening

  10. Just Don’t

  11. Who Then?

  12. I Smile

  13. It Is Too Late

  14. Do Your Worst

  15. It Should Have Been Filled With Ouzo

  16. I Guess You Can Flip For It

  17. Enough!

  18. May Aetheros Be With You

  19. My Blade Is Sharp And It Is Precise

  20. And With You


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  About the Author

  Nicola Claire lives in beautiful Taupo, New Zealand with her husband and two young boys.

  She's tried her hand at being a paramedic, bank teller and medical sales representative, (not all necessarily in that order), but her love of writing keeps calling her back.

  She has a passion for all things suspenseful, spiced up with a good dollop of romance, as long as they include strong characters - alpha males and capable females - and worlds which although make-believe are really quite believable in the end.

  There's nothing better than getting caught up in a compelling, intriguing and romantic book.

  When she's not writing or reading, she's out on her family boat at Lake Taupo, teaching her young boys to fish, showing them the beauty that surrounds them in nature and catching some delicious trout for dinner.

  Creating rich worlds with dynamic characters and unexpected twists that shock and awe has been pure bliss for this author. And just as well, because there's a lot more story yet to tell...

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  Also by Nicola Claire

  Kindred Series


  Blood Life Seeker

  Forbidden Drink

  Giver of Light

  Dancing Dragon

  Shadow's Light

  Entwined With The Dark

  Kiss Of The Dragon

  Dreaming Of A Blood Red Christmas (Novella)

  Mixed Blessing Mystery Series

  Mixed Blessing

  Dark Shadow (Coming Soon)

  Sweet Seduction Series

  Sweet Seduction Sacrifice

  Sweet Seduction Serenade

  Sweet Seduction Shadow

  Sweet Seduction Surrender

  Sweet Seduction Shield

  Sweet Seduction Sabotage

  Sweet Seduction Stripped

  Sweet Seduction Secrets

  Sweet Seduction Sayonara

  Elemental Awakening Series

  The Tempting Touch Of Fire

  The Soothing Scent Of Earth

  The Chilling Change Of Air

  The Tantalising Taste Of Water

  The Eternal Edge Of Aether (Novella)

  H.E.A.T. Series

  A Flare Of Heat

  A Touch Of Heat

  A Twist Of Heat (Novella)

  A Lick Of Heat (Coming Soon)

  Citizen Saga




  Masked (Novella)


  Scarlet Suffragette Series



  Heartless (Coming Soon)

  Blood Enchanted Series

  Blood Enchanted

  Blood Entwined

  Blood Enthralled (Coming Soon)

  44 South Series

  Southern Sunset

  Southern Storm

  Southern Strike (Coming Soon)

  Lost Time Series

  Losing Time

  Making Time (Coming Soon)


  Romantics at heart... thanks for loving Theo & Casey as much as I do.


  Aeras - Air; one of five elements

  Aether - Quintessence; one of five elements

  Aetheros - Elemental God; otherwise known as the God of Upper Air & Light

  Anaisthetikos - Anaesthetise; a Gi ability to channel the essence of a plant, in order to remove a person's sentience

  Athanatos - Immortal; or near immortal

  Basilissa - Ekmetalleftis Queen

  Ekmetalleftis - Elemental; can control one of five elements

  Elysium - Heaven

  Gi - Earth; one of five elements

  Hataera - Courtesan; a level higher than a Pallakae, educated in all acts of companionship

  Hederin - Hallucinogen; a Gi ability to channel the essence of a plant, in order to manipulate what a person sees/experiences

  Mitera - Mother

  Nero - Water; one of five elements

  Oraia - Lovely; term of endearment

  Pallakae - Concubine; a Nero sex slave

  Pateras - Father

  Pyrgos - Castle

  Pyrkagia - Fire; one of five elements

  Rigas - Ekmetalleftis King

  Stoicheio - Element; five power-filled elements exist

  Strychnos Toxifera - Paralytic; a Gi ability to channel the essence of a plant, (Curare), in order to immobilise a person

  Thisavros - Treasure; someone precious, an Elemental mate

  Vasilissa - Hataera Queen

  Yios - Son

  Zoste Patrikia - Lady-in-waiting


  For those fans of the Elemental Awakening series who wondered just what Theo got up to in Pyrkagia when Casey was busy growing trees. This one is for you.

  I am Aether’s sword; my blade is sharp and it is precise. I am the eternal edge of Aether and no one and no
thing shall be free of my justice.

  The Right of Rule is a fight to the death and Theo Peters has just challenged his father for one. Alone, without his Thisavros for support, he faces the hardest battle of his life.

  For although his father may be crazy, he is an Ancient. And Theo’s chances of success are pretty slim. But don’t count the Prince of Pyrkagia out just yet because he has a formidable group of allies.

  If only he could trust them.

  This novella is set at the closing of The Tantalising Taste of Water and is for those curious readers who have already read the series to its end. A little extra…Just because!

  Chapter One

  And Then I Turn Away

  Sounds slowly reach me. Flashes of light attempt to break through the darkness. I hear someone saying something. I sense Pyrkagia flare at my side. Images flicker before my eyes. Casey; dirt smeared and blood stained. Casey; softly stroking her rounded belly, her smile so wide it encompasses all of her face. Casey; her Fire tangling with mine.

  I know I must move. I know I must address those people watching me. I know I must be the Pyrkagia Prince I was born to be. Protect my family.

  But all I can do is stare at the place where Casey had been standing, and now only the scorch mark of Aetheros’s lightning remains.

  “Theo,” my cousin says at my side. “People are starting to get concerned.”

  How long have I been standing here? How long have those present watched my mind and body and heart decay? How long will it take for my soul to recover?

  “Theodoros,” Isadora says. Then her face appears before me. Her hair unusually dishevelled, her clothes ripped, her golden eyes narrowed; not showing an ounce of pity only rage. “Snap out of this!” she demands.

  I suck in a breath and sense more than see those closest to me relax.

  I stare a full minute longer at where Cassandra had last been and turn away.

  More than two hundred people look on with poorly disguised interest standing on what was once Auckland City. I glance towards Pyrgos and feel a stab in the centre of my chest at what remains. The earth beneath our feet rumbles as if Cassandra is talking to Gi and the Element is replying.

  But Cassandra is not here, and the rumble is only the volcanoes settling after the End of Days.

  “How many have we lost?” I ask.

  Isadora lets out a relieved sigh and checks something in her hand.

  “Four deaths, fourteen wounded,” she reads. “That leaves…” she clears her throat softly. Isadora is not one to show emotion at the best of times, but lately, her defences have been shattered. “Seventy Pyrkagia.”


  Seventy of my people remain. From a once thriving caste of close to one-hundred-and-twenty.

  For a moment, I am simply unable to think, to move, to comprehend what Genesis has wrought. What the Alchemists have done. What my father has allowed to happen.

  For a moment, the ache in my heart is for something other than the loss of my Thisavros.

  I rub at my chest and swallow past the lump that has formed in my throat. Then take in those people still watching.

  We are on Pyrkagia soil. But there are Nero and Aeras here. Alchemists, too. Once, this would have meant an immediate response to the threat they all presented. And as much as my hand flexes with the need to grip a sword and rend them all to pieces, Cassandra would never forgive me.

  Her sacrifice was for all of us. For peace and harmony.

  For balance.

  “We need shelter and sustenance,” I announce.

  “I’ll organise the food,” Nico offers and disappears.

  “I’ll take care of the shelter,” Isadora adds.

  I am left standing alone, apart from the rest. Cut off from my heart and surrounded by strangers.

  “Well,” a voice drawls off to the side. “It’s a brave new world, your High-and-Mightiness.”

  I sigh, then run a hand through my hair. Dust and little pieces of debris rain down all around me. I look at the ground for a second and then lift my gaze to stare Marcus right in the face.

  “Why are you still here?” I demand.

  “Someone’s got to keep an eye on you.”

  “You should be with your sister,” I respond.

  “Casey can take care of herself.”

  I scoff at that. Marcus just laughs.

  “Have you not learned a thing, your Hoity-Toitiness?”

  “I don't need this,” I mutter and start to walk away.

  Marcus steps up to my side and keeps pace.

  “When she was a baby,” he says, and I shake my head, dumbfounded. “She would get so mad at me if I tried to help her with a problem. It became a bit of a game. She’d try to puzzle something out, and I’d step in and solve it for her at the last second.” He laughs, shakes his own head, his face soft with memories. “Man, she could throw a wicked right hook when she was four years old.” He rubs the side of his arm with remembered pain. “So,” he says, looking at me from the corner of his eyes, “if you want to piss Casey off, then, by all means, rush on over there and help her get things sorted with the Gi. Of course,” he adds, “you’ve got your own problems.”

  I follow the trajectory of his gaze and note it has landed on two members of the Pyrkagia Council. They meet my gaze resolutely and then turn away.

  I pause in my steps and glance around those Pyrkagia here. There is a clear divide. More, I think, on the right side of it than not. But it still makes for a disconcerting wake-up call. And all it took was an Alchemist to shine a spotlight on a potential problem.

  It chafes.

  I turn and look at Cassandra’s brother. He holds my stare with an arched brow and a smirk that I want so desperately to wipe off his face.

  “This does not concern you,” I murmur.

  “Now see,” he drawls, “that’s where you’re wrong, your Macho-and-Moodiness. Casey has a vested interest in what happens here. I’m her representative.”

  He looks pleased with himself. I scowl at him. He just smiles.

  “Did she ask you to do this?” I finally demand.

  “She didn’t need to; I’m her brother. You don't think I learned a thing or two growing up with Casey?” He snorts. I try not to roll my eyes. “I can give you tips if you want,” he adds and grins unrepentantly.

  I realise I haven’t felt that hollow ache inside my chest for the past five minutes. Instead, a slowly simmering pit of Fire is burning at my core.

  Marcus Eden is an irreverent troublemaker. But, perhaps, I concede, there is more to Cassandra’s brother than meets the eye.

  “If I have to put up with you,” I announce, “then make yourself useful.”

  “How?” He doesn't even question the suggestion. He wants to help.

  I am momentarily taken aback. For the past few months, what has held us together has been Cassandra. Our group a ragtag lot that somehow found itself united in the face of the world’s demise. Held together by the blazing light of Aether.

  I can count on one hand who I can trust in this life. Cassandra. Nico. Aktor. Dora. I realise, with what lies ahead, I may have to revise that list somewhat.

  Marcus is Cassandra’s brother. An Alchemist by name only. His induction to that group of greedy, long-lived humans only through his grandfather’s betrayal. Cassandra’s grandfather is now dead. The Alchemists are in turmoil. A new leader has to be named.

  But I have seen what they can become time and again. Left to their own devices, they will revert to form, I am sure of it. However, balance can only be maintained if we all believe. And cooperate.

  That, I reluctantly acknowledge, includes me.

  “I need a liaison with the Alchemists,” I say.

  Marcus stills.

  “Someone who has Cassandra’s best interests at heart.”

  “I’m not sure I’m your man,” Marcus says.

  “You are an Alchemist, are you not? You are Cassandra’s brother?” I wave a hand at the people milling around on Py
rgos’ hill. “Can you see anyone better?”

  “I won’t go to CERN,” he says.

  I stare at him. Where will Marcus Eden go when the dust has settled?

  “I’m more concerned about the immediate ramifications of what has transpired,” I say. “No one appears to be keen to leave New Zealand right now. Perhaps my imminent demise is too entertaining?”

  Marcus doesn’t smile at my poor attempt at humour.

  I step closer to him, my eyes darting around us. Pyrkagia flares; a shield to keep my next words from any potential eavesdroppers.

  “Right of Rule is a fight to the death,” I say. “My father may be crazy, but he is an Ancient. My chances are slim to none should he refuse to step down as King. Marcus,” I say, “I am cut off from my Thisavros. The sharks are circling. I need to know at least one faction is being contained. Can I trust you to do this? Can Casey?”

  He looks up at me, shock making his face whiten. A slow nod of his head is the only answer I receive.

  The Pyrkagia shield evaporates. Sounds seep back in. My heart is thundering.


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