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Mine to Protect

Page 19

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Come in Jennifer,” he said with a calm tone of voice.

  “Good morning professor,” I said professionally.

  It was weird to call him a professor, but it would have been even weirder to call him Mr. King or Ryan. So I finally settled on the professor as the best alternative.

  “Show me what you have.” He said abruptly.

  “On the extradition laws?”

  Ryan smiled. It was a sly smile that hid what I assumed he was actually thinking. My face blushed as I could imagine the dirty thoughts that were probably constantly in his head.

  My eyes turned down toward the ground.

  He got up from his desk and came over to me. He placed his hand gently on my chin and forced my eyes up to meet his.

  “Never look down. Be confident in every answer.”

  “Ok,” I said as I tried to look at him.

  It was impossible to look him right in the eyes. They penetrated too deep and made my body instantly react to him.

  I looked at the bridge of his nose instead, hoping it wasn’t making me look cross-eyed.

  “Yes, the extradition laws.” Ryan finally said as he made his way over to the conference table.

  I took my research out of my bag and organized myself. Ryan’s eyes seemed to be intently watching me and were making be extremely nervous.

  Dressed in another boring pair of slacks and blouse, I couldn’t figure out why his eyes penetrated me so hard. I sat down and looked at the papers I had brought, making sure not to look at Ryan as I started to describe what I had found.

  “Switzerland, as I’m sure you already know, is, for the most part, a no extradition country, but they do have certain reasons that they will consider extradition. Like murder.” I began to share my research.

  Ryan seemed to be watching me intently and listening to what I was saying. I really hoped I had done everything right. The whole last night I had spent hours and hours going over the information I had found, to ensure I had everything correct.

  “Yes, go on.”

  “Well, Bulgaria is about the same. But they will extradite under pressure from the U.N. so even though they do not typically participate in extradition requests if the United Nations requests one; they will likely comply.”

  “Interesting, what about France?”

  “France is a fascinating country. I would love to visit there someday. They have strict laws that agree with extradition and will often agree within days of a request if it is a country they are friendly with.”

  Ryan had a look of disappointment on his face.

  I didn’t know what he needed the information for, or if I had not given him the right information. But he slowly stood up and made his way back over toward his desk.

  “Very good research Jennifer, I’m impressed.”

  “Do you want to know the country I would travel to if I murdered someone?”

  Ryan turned around and smiled from ear to ear. I’m sure it was the idea that little old me could actually murder a person. It was nice to see a genuine smile on his face.

  “Yes. Tell me.”

  Ryan walked near me and stood over me.

  I could feel my body getting nervous. My pulse quickened and I swallowed hard. His cock was only inches away from me and I could feel my body getting turned on.

  Only a few small pieces of fabric stood between me and that glorious piece of his body. I tried not to look up from my papers.

  My mind was being hijacked by thoughts of Ryan. Thoughts of having his hands on my body. Thoughts of him thrusting inside of me.

  I felt the burning red of embarrassment fill my neck and tried to continue on.

  “Well, um. Ok, if I were a criminal I would go to Russia. It’s a brutal country for criminals of its own land. But they hate the United States and would never willingly give into a request. As long as I could be a non-criminal in their country; it would be the safest place to go.”

  Ryan sat down on the back of one of the plush chairs across from his desk. He kept shaking his head up and down.

  “Fascinating. You are a fascinating creature.”

  I smiled at him and enjoyed his appreciation. It made me feel good to do something to impress him. It made me feel wonderful in fact.

  Ryan made his way back over to his desk and started typing some things on his computer. I sat quietly for the rest of supervision and read through some more case studies. It was almost time to go to class and I didn’t think he needed anything more from me today, so I started to gather my things.

  “You know Jennifer, that was very impressive research, I liked that.”

  He got up from his desk and stood between me and the door.

  “Thanks. I’m going to head to class now. The first day of torts,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

  Something at switched in Ryan, I could see it in his eyes. There was a primal lust that was unmistakably the same as I had seen the other day.

  Don’t sleep with him! I said to myself as I walked toward the door.

  He let me walk around him, at first. But then he put his hand on the door to prevent me from leaving.

  Ryan grabbed my bag and gently took it away from me and let it slide down to the ground. I stood still facing the door, anticipating what was going to happen next.


  I don’t know if he was asking or ordering, but either way I did need to get to class. I reached down to grab my book bag and he kicked it away from me.


  This time it sounded more like an order and a question.

  Ryan reached around me and locked the door. I stood still and stared down at the lock. If I really wanted to leave, I could unlock the door right then and run away. But I wasn’t sure I really wanted to leave. I wasn’t sure of anything anymore.

  I stood there long enough that Ryan assumed it was a yes to his requested to stay.

  He flipped me around and pressed me up against the door. His lips pounding down on mine and roughly coming together. His tongue searching my mouth for some secret that he needed.

  I could feel my body moistening for him.

  I didn’t fight him. I didn’t turn around and leave.

  “You want me to fuck you, don’t you?”

  I bit my lip. I didn’t want to answer yes, that would sound too needy. But I certainly wasn’t going to say no.

  I looked down at the ground and continued to ignore his question.

  Suddenly he grabbed me and flung me onto the conference table. My ass hurt from the strength of his throw.

  “Answer me.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know if you want me to fuck you?”

  His eyes stood at salute waiting for me to give him the go ahead. He wanted me to say yes. He wanted me to say yes to fucking him.

  “I don’t know.”

  I exasperated him. He stood in front of me and ran his fingers through his hair as I continued to look down at the ground.

  Then he moved up next to me and with a sudden sweetness he lifted my chin and brought my lips to his. Gently he touch my lips and softly moved his tongue with mine. It was a sharp contrast to his behavior only a moment before.

  He started to unbutton my blouse and moved his lips down my heaving breasts. I tried to calm my breathing, but my desire was growing fast and I could hardly catch my breath.

  “I think you know,” Ryan said between kisses to my chest. “I think you want me to please you. I think you want to please me.”

  My face was already pink with embarrassment but now started to turn a whole new shade of red. It was like he could feel exactly what I was thinking.

  His lips moved up my neck slowly and I tilted my head to the side to allow him more access. I loved the feeling of his lips on my body. The soft firm pressure was hard to stop thinking about.

  “Let me taste you.”

  His eyes looked intently at me and I didn’t know what to say. How do you answer a request like that? My mind raced with the righ
t answer. But it never really came to me. Instead, I just shook my head up and down to say yes.

  Ryan’s face lit up like a kid in a candy store when he realized I had just said yes.

  “Oh, yes.” He mumbled under his breath.

  Quickly he unbuttoned my slacks and slid them down to the ground. He stopped to admire my silk panties and let his hand rub me through them.

  I moaned as the pressure of his touch and the softness of the silk made my clit pulse with desire. I wanted him to stay right there and keep doing that for hours, it felts so good.

  He pressed me back against the table and let his lips move down my body towards my stomach. He bit the top of my panties and used his teeth to pull them down my legs.

  The mahogany conference table was cold against my skin, but the smooth hard coating of the wood enticed my body. Urging me to relax.

  Ryan let his mouth make a trail up my moist thighs and landed on my wet center. I tried to be quiet. I really did try. The way his tongue felt against my body was too much though.

  Soon I was moaning so loud that Ryan grabbed my panties and put them into my mouth to muffle my moans. It helped a little.

  His tongue lapped against my clit and I could feel my body building in excitement. Goosebumps formed on my skin as I tried to hold back the explosion. I willed myself not to cum so quickly. I didn’t want to give him the pleasure of knowing how quickly he could make me cum.

  I willed myself to think about something not sexy, but with each flick of his tongue it was like torture as I tried to hold myself back.

  Ryan looked up at me and I felt like he could tell what I was doing. He wasn’t going to have any of that.

  He took two fingers and slid them roughly inside of me as his lips clamped down on my clit.

  I spit out the panties and let out a moan that was surely heard throughout the offices on that floor. Ryan continued, he held tight against me as my body finally released in defeat.

  “Oh, shit…” I let out as my body felt a sensation that I couldn’t compare to anything I had ever felt.

  The thrusting of his fingers, combined with the sucking on my clit and forced my body into some sort of ultra orgasm.

  Ryan stood up and used one hand to pin my pelvis to the table. With his left hand, he slid his ring and middle fingers deep inside of me. He started pulsing his whole left hand up and down toward to ceiling. All the while he continued to hold my pelvis firmly against the table.

  I didn’t know exactly what he was doing, but it felt wonderful. His hand move faster and faster in a rough up and down motion.

  Then I felt it.

  My body started to shake and he pulled his fingers out. A liquid shot out of me as I screamed in ecstasy.

  He forced his fingers back into me again and repeated the move. Again I felt the intensity build and my body start to shake. Faster and harder he moved up and down. Hitting my g-spot at the just right angle and forcing me to squirt with another orgasm.

  “Stop, stop, I can’t take it.”

  “You can take it,” Ryan said firmly.

  He continued again. This time my body arched up into the air as I felt a surge of power shock throughout me. I had never felt anything like this before. It was more than just an orgasm. It was a primal explosion that had my body shivering with excitement.

  Ryan stood over me and watch with satisfaction as my body continued to twitch and shake from the intensity of my orgasms. He gently moved his hand up and down the side of my body and kept his eyes fixated on what he had just done.

  A look of pride came over him. He was happy with what he had just done to me.

  I felt embarrassment fill me at how my body had reacted to his touch. Shooting out liquid like that had never happened to me. I didn’t know what to do or say.

  Ryan grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the table. But when I tried to stand, my legs weren’t strong enough. He grabbed a towel from a gym bag he had sitting nearby and wrapped me in it. Then he brought me to the chair in front of his desk.

  “Drink this. You’ll feel sick if you don’t.” He handed me a bottle of water.

  I drank it was urgency as I was already feeling so parched.

  “I’m sorry,” I said as I looked down at the ground.

  “What? Why would you say that?”

  He got down on his knees in front of me and wrapped his arms around me. His eyes looked up at me and I saw a glimpse of a child, with an urgent need to be cared for. It was only a fleeting glimpse though, he quickly turned back into the distance man I had become to know.

  “Um, for cumming all over like that. I couldn’t stop it.”

  A smile came over Ryan and he stood up and kissed me.

  “Your body did exactly what I demanded of it.”

  I didn’t know what to say. He had wanted me to cum all over like that?

  He grabbed my chin and pulled my face up and away from the ground.

  “Remember, never look down. Be confident in everything you do.”

  His finger lightly touched my lips and for that moment I felt very happy with him. This was the Ryan that I wanted to know more. This was the Ryan that I dreamed about when I lay in bed at night.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “Well get yourself together and get out of here so you don’t miss class.”

  Ryan grabbed his things and left the room abruptly.

  I was there in a bit of shock. Why had he turned so cold so quickly? He didn’t need to be so rude and tell me to get dressed and leave. I obviously was going to get dressed. It wasn’t likely that I was going to continue to sit naked wrapped in a towel in his office all day long.

  Chapter 5


  After class had finished, I was angrier than ever. Why would he want me to have sex with him just so he could act like a jerk?

  I went right to the Dean’s office and filled out the form to request a new supervisor. I didn’t need this anymore. I didn’t need the sex and emotions of dealing with a guy like Ryan. I just wanted a normal supervisor who could teach me about the law and keep his hands to himself.

  I ran into Rose and Markus after lunch and we decided to study for our torts class test together. We found the perfect spot at a local pizza place and we settled into a booth for most of the afternoon. Luckily the place wasn’t busy and the waitress didn’t mind us keeping one of her booths occupied.

  “Can you even imagine what it’s like for Jen to be with Mr. King as her supervisor? That’s epic Jen.” Markus said as he shoved a piece of pizza into his mouth.

  “What’s he like Jen?” Rose asked.

  Rose still didn’t know that Mr. King was the same guy they had run into while at the club and I didn’t want to go into all the details at that moment with Markus there.

  What I couldn’t figure out was why everyone thought it was so great to have Ryan King as my supervisor. He wasn’t anything all that special. Yeah, so he defended a famous athlete; big deal.

  “He’s a jackass,” I said as I took a sip of my coca-cola.

  Rose and Markus both stared at me intently, a bit in shock at the way I spoke about this man that they admired so much.

  “Uh, Jen…” Rose tried to interrupt me.

  “Seriously Rose, he’s an egotistical maniac. He likes to boss people around and then get mad if they don’t do what he says. Quite frankly I don’t know why anyone would want to work with him at all.”

  I started to make some funny faces and puff up my chest.

  “He’s always like…Hey, Jennifer, research this and do my work for me. But I’m going to be a jackass to you so just keep doing it.” I continued with my impression of Ryan.

  As I finished my sentence, I noticed a look of terror on Rose and Markus’ faces. They seemed to be looking behind me and I slowly turned around to see what had them so enthralled.

  My heart sank as my eyes came in contact with Ryan’s.

  “Hello, Ms. Roy.” He said as he looked at me with a look I had never seen b

  I thought he would be mad, any normal person who heard someone talk about them like I had just done; they would be mad. But this wasn’t a look of anger. Instead, Ryan had a look of amusement on his face. He looked like he thoroughly enjoyed the fact that I hated him so much right then.

  “Oh, my God. You are that guy…” Rose started to say before I cut her off.

  “Yeah, Rose let’s talk about that later. We really need to get going.” I grabbed my things and started to leave. “It was nice seeing you Professor King.”

  I didn’t wait for him to respond and quickly grabbed Rose and made our way out of the restaurant.

  “Really! Really! You didn’t think you should tell me that your supervisor was the super hot guy from the club that was hitting on you?”

  Rose was excited about this news. She wanted me to have a hot love affair and she was beyond excited to know that the guy I had flirted with was my supervisor. She would literally have a heart attack if she knew the whole story, and I wasn’t about to tell her.

  “It’s no big deal. He’s kind of a jerk anyways.”

  “He’s a gorgeous jerk.” Rose smiled as we made our way toward our apartment.


  “Declined!” I screamed as I looked at an e-mail from the Dean’s office.

  It had to be Ryan, there was no way he was going to let me just switch to another supervisor. But I couldn’t keep working with him, it was too much. Mentally, all I was thinking about was him. I needed a nice boring supervisor that wasn’t an asshole and would teach me what I needed to know.

  I gathered my things and headed into the school to talk to the Dean. Perhaps he didn’t understand how urgent my request was. Maybe I should tell him that my supervisor and I were fucking during my supervision time.

  No, that would probably look just as bad for me as it would for Ryan.

  I parked my car and stormed into the building making a V line for the Dean’s office. When I got there, I was met with a horrible surprise.

  Ryan was sitting in the office and talking to the Dean.

  Really! How did he convince the Dean not to let me change supervisors? He must have lied to him and made up some sort of story. There was no way the Dean would listen to me now.


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