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Mine to Protect

Page 28

by Sarah J. Brooks


  The second the hotel room door was opened, Ryan pulled me into the room and started to strip my clothes off. He threw them all over by the window and then proceeded to take his own clothes off as well.

  He leaned down and gently kissed me as he guided me from the main room into the bathroom. Our lips stayed locked together the whole time. My heart fluttered at his sudden desire and gentleness. I loved to be around him when he was like this, it made me want to be around him more and more.

  “Get in the shower. I’m going to fuck you,” Ryan said as he turned the shower on and then pulled me close to him.

  “Oh, you are?” I teased.

  He had gone from sweet and gentle to demanding to fuck me all in the span of about 30 seconds. Something was definitely going on with Ryan.

  He closed the bathroom door and leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear.

  “I’m sorry. I think Roberto has my things bugged,” Ryan whispered.

  We stood naked in the bathroom with both of us speaking as quietly as we could but so we could hear each other over the shower.

  “Oh no, Why would he do that?”

  “He doesn’t trust me anymore. I know you are going to hate me when I tell you this, but that day I brought you with me to his prison cell was to see if he liked you. I was supposed to get him a young girl to fuck when he got released.”

  I just stood there and stared at him. Was he saying what it sounded like he was saying? Because it sounded like he had been trying to fix me up with a convicted murderer.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that day at the club I was really there to pick up a girl for him. He had specific things he wanted and I thought I could find it for him. I’m sorry Jennifer. I really am. I thought I could win him over if I introduced him to you.”

  “What a minute, you mean this whole time you were basically trying to pimp me out to him?” I said in a louder than whispering voice.

  Ryan reached over and covered my mouth with his hand.

  “Listen to me, please. That was the original plan, but when you showed up as my intern, I changed my mind. I wanted to keep you for myself. I just had to show you to him to close the deal and then I was just going to find him another girl before he was released.”

  I tried to pull away from him, but his naked muscles held onto me firmly. He wasn’t forceful. Instead he wanted me to stay there so he could explain himself. I didn’t need to hear any more.

  I pulled away.

  “You mean this whole time this was all some game between you and Roberto? I actually felt bad for you and getting wrapped up with him. I actually liked you, Ryan.”

  “Jennifer, it’s not as bad as it seems. He’s a powerful man; he has me by the balls. If I don’t do what he says I’m going to lose everything.”

  “I don’t care if he has your balls down his throat, this was pretty shit.”

  “I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to lose it all.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you lose.”

  I tried to be angry with Ryan, genuinely I wanted to scream and yell at him and storm out of that bathroom. The problem I was having was that we were both standing there naked.

  He stood there, naked with his cock erect as he tried to explain his situation. It was impossible to concentrate. All I could think about was all the times we had been together; I knew in my heart he wanted me. You couldn’t fake the kind of passion we had together. What I didn’t know was how much he and Roberto had been playing each other.

  “Jennifer, come here.”

  Ryan reached his hand out and waited for me to put my hand there. I stood there for a minute and just let him leave his hand in the air, waiting for me. When I finally reached out for him, he pulled my naked body up to his and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t know this would happen. I didn’t know.”

  “How can I ever trust you?”

  “You shouldn’t trust me,” he said with a deep seductive look in his eyes.

  Ryan was being honest; I could tell he didn’t want me to trust him. He didn’t want me to believe anything he had to say. Somewhere in all of this I felt like he wanted me to give up and just run away. I felt like he wanted to protect me from the horror that was Ryan King.

  Ryan's hands pulled my face up from his chest so I looked at him. There was deep sorrow in his eyes. Again, his apology appeared so genuine that I couldn’t ignore it. I was still mad at him, beyond mad, but for that moment I would have to forget about those thoughts.

  His sincerity seeped through his lips to mine as he kissed me passionately. He was there with me. His mind, his body, all of him was there in the moment. He wasn’t trying to put on a show for me. Ryan wasn’t trying o proved he could make me cum, he was just there; kissing me and making me feel like I was the only person in the world.

  He lifted me up onto the counter and I shivered as my skin touched the cold hard stone. I wanted him so bad at that moment. It was the first time I felt like I genuinely needed him. Not just a lust for his body, but a genuine need to have him in my life.

  Of course, I was still pissed off at him, but I felt like there was much more about Roberto Calvertino than Ryan was telling me.

  Ryan was a billionaire; he didn’t need to work another day in his life. Something dark was going on between the two of them, something so dark that Ryan was only willing to tell me a small portion of the story.

  Even if Roberto was blackmailing Ryan, there had to be more. I felt it deep down. There had to be more between the two of them that had Ryan feeling obliged to do whatever Roberto told him to. I had come to know Ryan very well and he didn’t bow down to anyone, the idea that he had let Roberto Calvertino control him over a few million dollars was ridiculous.

  Slowly his lips moved down my body and explored every inch of my chest. I arched in ecstasy as he pulled my nipple hard. I felt out of control when I was around Ryan, like nothing else in the world mattered.

  “I’ll do anything you want. Forgive me,” he whispered.

  I smiled and let my hands move their way through his hair. I would have to hold onto that offer for something really special. I certainly would love to have Ryan be at my beck and call.

  He picked me up and brought me back out to the large king size bed. As he laid me down I looked around the room. I wondered if Calvertino did have a bug in Ryan’s phone or even mine. Or perhaps he bugged Ryan’s briefcase or my purse. I didn’t know. The technology had gotten so hi-tech there was no way to really know if he had bugged us.

  “Make love to me,” I whispered in Ryan’s ear as he climbed on top of me.

  I felt his warm skin as it moved against mine. He electrified me; just being next to him was enough to send my nerve endings into overdrive. So having him on top of me made it hard for me to calm myself down. I felt the wetness build between my legs as I longed to feel him slide inside of me.

  His hands moved gently along the side of my body as he traced his way up and down from my hip to my neck. I closed my eyes and relished the soft touch of his fingers on me.

  I felt him spread me open as he moved in closer to me and then slid tight inside of me. Slowly he moved with me and I felt the perfection of his muscles as we timed each thrust just perfectly.

  “Open your eyes,” he whispered as he continued to thrust inside of me.

  I did as he asked and looked at him.

  There was something different like a mask had been peeled away and I was making love to the real Ryan for the very first time. This Ryan had emotions and cared about me. This Ryan didn’t just want to fuck me and hear me scream. The Ryan that was on top of me, this was the one I wanted all of the time.

  I had to figure out a way to keep this Ryan around.

  Chapter 18


  After school, the next day Ryan and I went back to his house. As much as we both wanted to avoid Roberto, we couldn’t just disappear. He was probably already very suspicious since we ha
d been gone overnight.

  Ryan walked into the house and I stayed a few steps behind. Only a few steps after walking in the door, Ryan held his finger up to his mouth to motion for me to not make a sound.

  I heard Roberto in the other room and he sounded like he was on a phone call. His voice was raised and it sent shivers down my spine to hear how he talked.

  “Just kill her, I have no need to play these games,” Roberto said coldly.

  Ryan reached behind me and slammed the front door. He grabbed my hand and we started to walk up the stairs, but Calvertino hung up his phone call and came out of the study to the entryway.

  “Where have you two been?” He demanded.

  I just looked at Ryan and did not answer. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest and I held onto Ryan’s hand as tight as possible as I waited for Ryan to answer the questions. I certainly wasn’t going to tell Roberto where we had been or what we were doing.

  “Fucking in a hotel room,” Ryan said.

  My eyes got huge as I looked at Ryan and then back at Roberto. I couldn’t believe he had just told him exactly what we had been doing.

  He pulled on my hand to bring me up the stairs, but then I felt a tug on my other arm. I stopped dead in my tracks. Roberto held onto one of my hands and Ryan had the other. Neither man let go, I was stuck.

  I was frozen between the two men and felt a weird surge of excitement. Roberto looked at me with unfulfilled desire while Ryan looked pass me to Roberto with a piercing look for him to let go of me.

  “Well don’t rush off, let’s have some dinner,” Roberto said.

  Calvertino wasn’t the kind of man that you refused, so Ryan and I made our way back down the stairs. We followed him into the dining room where dinner was already on the table.

  Calvertino pulled a chair out for me and I looked at Ryan, but then sat down in the chair across from me. I could feel my heart as it pounded like it would actually jump out of my body at any moment. Calvertino let his hand gently rub my neck as he looked at Ryan and waited for him to object.

  Ryan sat right across from me and didn’t say a thing.

  I desperately looked at him for guidance. I didn’t know how I should behave around Roberto anymore. If he had bugged our things, then he knew I didn’t really like him much. I had talked about it with Ryan on several occasions.

  I was afraid. So afraid that Roberto would do something and try to hurt me or Ryan.

  My eyes continued to search Ryan’s for some sort of help, but he wasn’t looking at me. Ryan kept his eyes on Roberto and the two men eyed each other with disdain for well over five minutes, while Roberto continued to massage the back of my neck.

  “Ryan, I need you to go grab a file from your office about the financial accounts in Russia,” Roberto said as he finally moved from behind me into his own chair.

  He didn’t look at Ryan but instead went right to work eating his dinner.

  I shook my head at Ryan. There was no way I was going to be left there alone with Roberto. No way.

  “I’ll get it for you tomorrow,” Ryan said.

  The two men refused to look at each other and seemed to be in another battle of wills. Roberto looked at me and smiled as he put some of his steak into his mouth. My heart sank; I knew he would get Ryan out of the house. I felt his power. I knew Ryan did as well.

  “No, I’d like it tonight.”

  “I’ll go get it, where is it at?” I offered.

  I put on my best fake smile as I tried to smooth the tension between the two men. I would much rather go run his errand than be stuck there with Roberto alone. Slowly I stood up from the table and put my napkin down.

  “Sit down!” Roberto yelled.

  I did as he said. Adrenaline shot through my body as I felt my hand start to shake. I sat there and tried to calm my breath while my eyes avoided looking at either of the men.

  “Go get my mother fucking paperwork Ryan,” Roberto yelled and slammed his fist onto the table.

  I looked at Ryan and begged him with my eyes not to leave me there with Roberto. I tried to tell him with a look of fear, but Ryan ignored me. He looked right past me and got up and left the dining room.

  My breath quicken as I sat there alone with Roberto. He continued to eat, so I started to eat my meal as well. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. I didn’t want to be there, I wanted to be anywhere else in the world than alone with Roberto.


  “Calm down dear, I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I’m calm. That was just a lot of yelling for me. I like a more gentle man,” I said to Roberto as I ate my salad.

  I knew what I had to do around him. I had to revert to flirting with him or he got defensive and angry. I certainly didn’t want his temper directed toward me.

  “I can be gentle my sweet. My soft hands can make you explode from their gentle stroke.”

  My mouth suddenly felt extremely dry. I reached for a sip of my water, but Roberto put his hand out and grabbed the glass. He stood up and moved over behind me and held the glass gently up to my lips.

  I parted my lips and he slowly tilted the water into my mouth.

  A small bead of water escaped my mouth and moved slowly down my chin and then to my chest. I felt the cold ice water and wiped it away.

  Roberto reached into my water glass and took a piece of ice out. He lifted my chin and then slid the ice down the side of my neck and into the crease between my breasts. My body temperature melted the ice quickly and I felt the water as it dripped down my torso.

  I looked into Roberto’s eyes and there was something familiar about them. I hadn’t noticed it before, but now that he was standing right over me he felt familiar to me. As he stood there I wasn’t afraid of him at all, in fact, I was aroused. I felt my body reacting as he touched me, as much as I didn’t want to like his touch; I did.

  He leaned down and let his mouth suck up the water from my chest. He didn’t touch me with his hands; he didn’t try to move his lips to any other part of my body. Instead he just licked up the watery mess he had made on me.

  “Tell me where you two were last night,” Roberto demanded.

  It was a strange demand, very authoritative. He continued to lick the water off of me yet he demanded me to tell him about my night with Ryan in the hotel.

  “We gathered information for your case and then slept at the hotel,” I said.

  I decided it would be way too risky to try and lie to him. He probably already knew exactly where we had been.

  “Why the hotel? You didn’t like me watching him fuck you?”

  “Um, well. We were tired.”

  “So you didn’t like me watching you?”

  I didn’t know what to say. No, I didn’t like him watching when Ryan and I had made love. He just stood in the doorway and directed Ryan like he was some sort of drill sergeant.

  But I had to admit it was exciting to have someone watching. I secretly had always thought about having a threesome with two guys, but that was just a weird fantasy. I had no intentions of ever actually participating in such a thing.

  “We were just tired.”

  “Let me watch you now,” Roberto said as he pulled me up to stand in front of him.


  I had no idea what he was talking about. What did he want to watch? Ryan wasn’t even there.

  “Take your clothes off for me, I want to watch you.”

  “Um, well. I should probably get going,” I said as I started to head for the front door.

  Roberto grabbed my hand and pulled it up to his lips. He kissed the back of it and then continued with small kisses all the way up my arm.

  I felt panicked as I stood there with him. I was excited by him, way more excited than I wanted to be. I felt my body pulsing for him; I felt my lips as they urged him to keep kissing up my arm all the way.

  I parted my lips gently and watched him as he slowly and gently kissed my skin. Goosebumps formed and my eyes met his.
r />   Quickly he pressed his body up against mine and let his lips move to meet my parted lips. It all happened so fast.

  I felt his body throbbing as he held onto me. His passion toward me was intense and I hated that I liked it so much. I continued to kiss him back and then he started to pull off my shirt.

  My brain said to stop, but my body just kept complying with everything he wanted. I let him hold my hands over my head as he gently pulled off my shirt. His lips against mine were soft and oddly familiar.

  Soon he had pulled off all my clothes and I stood there naked.

  It wasn’t every day that I stood naked in the dining room of a mansion, with a convicted murderer. My heart continued to pound with excitement as I looked at Roberto. His hands were gentle and he turned me around toward the dinner table.

  With a thrust of his arm, Roberto flung all the dishes off the table and onto the floor and then bent me over the table. I thought he would slide inside of me right there, but he didn’t.

  I tried to calm my breath, but I just couldn’t. I was aroused, I was wet, I was not thinking straight at all. I heard the door from the kitchen open and then close quickly.

  I tried to stand up, but Roberto put his hand on my back and pressed me down toward the table. After the door to the kitchen closed again, Robert let his hand move down to my ass.

  My eyes were closed as I enjoyed the touch of his fingers on the delicate skin of my ass. He used one of his legs to spread mine open and I felt exposed. My nakedness was right there for him to look at and I felt self-conscious.

  He stood behind me and I felt his hand as it slid down my ass and touched my wetness.

  Roberto let out a deep sigh as his fingers gently played with me. It had been years since he had been with a woman. I knew that and continued to lay bent over the table with my ass in the air.

  The goose bumps had faded from my body and now I felt the sweat as it formed on my brow. Thinking about Roberto and his desires as he looked at me, it was very erotic.

  Roberto came to the side of the table and I saw the bulge in his tan pants. My hand instinctively reached out and felt him. His cock was pulsing and throbbing so hard that I could feel it through the fabric of his pants.


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