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Mine to Protect

Page 69

by Sarah J. Brooks

  Rose could tell that Noah was a little jealous over Matthew, and she had helped him. She even thought Noah might have considered that Rose would cheat on him with the president, but nothing could be further from the truth. Sure, Rose could be nice to the president. She could help him with his case and put on the face that he needed to see to reassure him that she was willing to handle everything he asked of her. But Rose would never sleep with a man like Matthew; at least the person she had become wouldn’t sleep with him. The old Rose would have certainly slept with the president.

  Life had given her some pretty rough breaks, but Rose felt stronger and more confident in where she was going than she ever had in the past. She was sure of herself in the law world, although she knew she still had a lot to learn. Rose was also pretty damn confident that Noah was the man she would someday marry and spend the rest of her life with; although she hadn’t told him that yet.

  Noah’s hands were firm and decisive as he grabbed Rose and flipped her over onto the bed. Her naked ass was up in the air, and she braced for him to spank her. Rose was ready for it, she was ready to play and have some fun. Noah was fully in control, and that was a huge turn on for Rose. As much as she did enjoy taking control at times, she was starting to really like letting Noah have the control. It was something new and exciting for her, and that was what she craved; excitement.

  Noah did spank her, he gave her one swift slap that echoed through the bedroom, but then he followed the slap with a soft, gentle kiss. Her ass had turned red from his hand, and he let his lips gently kiss her and sooth the pain. He wasn’t so sure he could get into the ass slapping, but he was willing to play along for the evening. Noah was willing to give anything a try at least once.

  “Yikes.” He laughed. “You’ve got my handprint on your ass.”

  “Again,” she responded.

  Noah did as he was asked and slapped her ass again, but that was about all he could muster before he pressed her onto the bed and pressed his tongue to her center. Licking her delicious body was by far his favorite thing, and he could have stayed there for the entire day. Her delicate skin was electrifying as his lips touched her and moved around to explore every inch.

  As Rose moaned and moved her body against Noah’s tongue, he heard her breathing getting heavier and heavier. Her moans got louder, and Noah felt positive that he was doing something right. It was always a good sign when the woman you were with was moaning so much that she could hardly catch her breath.

  His hands held onto her thighs as he pressed them open and let his tongue tease her until she was as close to exploding as he could possibly get her. His fingertips held on tight as her hips rocked against him, and her body urged for more and more pleasure.

  “I need to tell you something,” Rose moaned.


  “Matthew said Elaine is leaving the firm.”

  Noah just laughed. It didn’t seem like the best time for Rose to be bringing up Elaine’s name, and he certainly already knew that information. In fact, Elaine was probably the last person he wanted to be thinking about when he was naked in bed with Rose.

  “I know,” he said as he paused for a moment. “I found out from Elaine yesterday. Not sure about all the details, but I’m sure it will come out sooner or later.”

  “Okay, I didn’t want to forget.”

  They laughed and then went back to making love. As Noah moved his tongue along her body, his own body was getting harder and harder. He needed to feel himself inside of her, and he needed it to happen fast. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out.

  But before Noah could climb up onto Rose, she had pushed him back onto the bed and was hovering over his raging hard body. Her eyes teased him as she looked down at Noah and held his body in her hand.

  “I’m going to fuck you now,” she said with a sweet smile.

  “Oh, you are?” he joked.

  Rose let her body slide onto his and closed her eyes in pleasure as he filled her up. It struck her that they were a perfect fit in more ways than just their personalities and work ethics. His body and hers fit together like two pieces of a puzzle that were meant only for each other.

  Her hips thrust forward and caught Noah off guard, and he grunted with pleasure. Rose did it again so she could hear his pleasure again. Then again, and again, as Noah tried to control his body from releasing everything. Rose made him hard by just walking into a room, he certainly couldn’t be expected to last very long when her body was on top of him thrusting. He was happy he had lasted as long as he had that far.

  “Shit,” he moaned as his body betrayed him, and he felt an orgasm building.

  But Rose stopped her thrusting and stayed very still as she watched him. She could tell his body wanted to release. Rose could tell that she excited Noah, and she couldn’t wait for them both to come, but at that moment, she wanted to make him wait. It was fun to watch him build up so high and then have to wait for the release that he knew he had been moments away from.

  “How’s that,” she teased as she pretended like she was going to slide off of him.

  “No, no, no, you’re not going,” he held onto her hips.

  He pushed them in an effort to get her to thrust against him again, but Rose was teasing him. She wasn’t going to thrust for a few moments so that Noah could have the chance to let his body calm down and so his orgasm later would be even better than he had imagined.

  She smiled down at his frustration as it grew. Noah wanted her to move so desperately. She could see the longing in his eyes, and she loved it. That was the power she had always loved, but on that night, she had the power with a man she also loved. It was the perfect combination, and Rose felt herself giving in and letting him have his way. She slowly moved her hips as their eyes stayed glued to each other.

  He looked at Rose, and she knew at that moment that it didn’t matter what life brought to them; they would be able to handle it. Slowly their bodies moved together, and Rose felt her body building up. The more she ground against Noah, the more her body wanted more. Before she knew it, she was the one who couldn’t stop. She was the one that wanted to come, and Noah saw it on her face.

  “Don’t you do it,” she said with a smile.

  “Do what?” he asked as his hips stopped thrusting.


  “I’m just resting for a minute,” he teased.

  “You are not. You’re getting me back.”

  “Hmmm, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  He grabbed her and pulled her down to him so he could kiss her. Their lips pushed against each other, and Noah thrust his tongue into her and passionately let his hips start thrusting again. Kissing Rose was just as erotic as thrusting inside of her. The way she moved her tongue with his, the way her body moved in circles as her tongue moved; it was all perfection.

  Rose moaned as she kissed Noah back and felt her body start to explode. She tried to move her center away from his body, but Noah grabbed her and held her clit against him as he thrust hard into her. The sensation overwhelmed her and soon she knew she wasn’t going to be able to hold back. She was going to explode.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned again and again.

  “I love you, Rose,” he whispered as they made love.

  “I love you too,” she instinctively responded.

  It was the first time she had actually replied with her true feelings. She wasn’t hiding them; she wasn’t thinking about what it would mean to admit her feelings. All Rose could think about was that she actually did love Noah. She loved him so much that she wanted him to know how she felt.

  Her words were all he needed to hear, and Noah pressed deep to deliver her a final thrust and an orgasm that shook her whole body. With her pleasure finally delivered, Noah let himself release and absorbed the pleasure as their bodies shook with desire.

  Making love to Rose was something he had wanted for so long, and it had so quickly become something he knew he could never live without. Noah had su
spected Rose was the right one for him, and he had let her slip through his fingers far too many times. He wasn’t going to let it happen this time, though. Noah wasn’t holding anything back, he was going all out. He was giving her honesty, love, and anything else she wanted so they could finally build a life together.

  As Rose fell on top of Noah and their sweaty bodies held onto each other, she couldn’t help laughing. After everything she had gone through in the last few years, she was finally lying next to a man who she could screw and she could love. Rose was finally in a spot that she wanted to love, and just as she had decided it was time, Noah was there for her. It was perfection.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I just friggin love you. I always thought it would be so hard to love anyone else. But I love you. It’s not hard. It’s perfect.”

  Noah pressed her chin up and gently kissed Rose on the lips. Rose was so beautiful as she glowed with sweat and her breath came heavily on his lips.

  “I friggin love you too lady.”

  They fell asleep in each other’s arms as the day passed them by. Both of their cell phones had died because they weren’t plugged in, and neither Rose nor Noah wanted to turn them on and rejoin the real world. Surely everyone at the office would survive just fine without the two of them in the office for one day.

  As night started to fall, they finally decided to get up and make some dinner. It wasn’t by choice; they were simply starving and needed something to eat. If it had been only up to their primal needs, neither of them would have gotten out of bed. But their body had other needs, and the grumbling of their stomachs had to be calmed before they could continue with their hedonistic ways.

  “Do you think they missed us at the office today?” Rose asked.

  “Probably. But I’m sure they figured it out.”

  “Crap, Elaine was gone today too. They are probably freaking out.”

  “Oh, yeah. I bet they are. Let’s eat dinner and enjoy just a few more moments of peace then we will turn our phones on and catch up really quick before I take you back to that bedroom.”

  “Sounds like a perfect plan.”

  If anyone from the office had truly been worried about Noah or Elaine, they could have simply called Elaine. She likely would not have told them the news that she was leaving, but she could have confirmed that she was alright at least.

  It felt good to take a vacation from the real world for one day. Noah hadn’t taken days off from work very much in his career, and neither had Rose. They deserved to get a day home, in bed and making love to one another. Noah hadn’t vacationed because he never had anywhere he wanted to go or anyone he wanted to go with. Now that he had Rose, Noah suspected that he would be taking a lot more vacation time. Except, then he remembered the truth of what would be waiting for him back at the office. He no longer had Elaine, and that was scary as hell from a business perspective.

  With everything that they had dealt with, it was a well deserved day off. Although, they couldn’t exactly tell everyone in the office what had happened with the President. In fact, if everything went as it was planned, no one would ever know what Rose and Noah had done for their client. Well, no one would know except him.

  It worried Noah that Matthew felt so comfortable coming to them and asking for things like bribing a judge. Well, technically it hadn’t been bribing, more like letting him know that there was a generous benefactor who wanted to help him. Bribing would have meant that there was some sort of hurtful information involved, and Noah didn’t think that was the case. None of it really mattered any longer; it was all over, and they had to move forward. And hopefully moving forward would mean that he could keep his firm together and wouldn’t lose everything he had worked so hard for.

  Chapter 42

  “Washington Metro police,” a man’s voice bellowed as he pounded on the apartment door.

  Rose and Noah froze in terror as they looked up at the door. What was going on? Surely the police couldn’t be after them. There was no reason. Okay, well maybe there were some reasons, but surely not enough to bring the police pounding on their door within a day of the events.

  “What do you think they want?” Rose whispered, afraid the police would hear her.

  “I don’t know. But we should open the door.”

  “Or, we could just ignore them.”

  “No. Just open the door,” Noah said calmly. “Or I can do it.”

  “Yes, you do it.”

  Rose was terrified. She knew there had been a fine line between legal and lawyer in what she had done for the president. The idea that the police were already coming after her was too much, and she felt her heart pounding out of her chest.

  “Coming,” Noah hollered as he made his way to the door. “Yes, can I help you?”

  “We were called for a well check. Is Rosaline Tate here?”

  “That’s me,” Rose said as she walked to the door.

  “Are you Noah Conley?” One of the other officers asked.

  Noah swallowed hard as he tried to figure out why these two police officers knew who he and Rose were. As a law abiding citizen, Noah hadn’t spent much time around police officers, and it made him nervous. Even though he hadn’t committed a crime, or at least he didn’t know that he had, Noah was nervous.


  “We were just at your home.”

  “Can I ask what this is all about?”

  “Sir, your office called in a missing person’s report on the two of you. They talked with your partner and have tried to reach you by email and phone all day long.”

  Rose covered her face with her hands as she realized what was going on. Their office had not been able to do without them, or at least they had been worried enough to send out a literal search party. It was embarrassing that the police had to come and check on them, Rose felt horrible about it all.

  “Officers, we will call them right away. We are so sorry,” Rose said.

  “We took a little day off for lovemaking,” Noah added.


  Rose was so embarrassed; she could hardly look at the officers as the two of them realized what had been going on. Noah seemed pretty damn proud of himself as he let the officers know he had been making love to her all day long. But Rose was just totally and utterly embarrassed by the whole situation.

  “Next time, just send someone an email saying you’re not coming to work. That would have saved a lot of people a lot of worry.”

  “Yes, sir. We will. Thank you for your work. We appreciate it,” Noah said as the officers turned and left.

  “Noah! We took the day off for lovemaking. Really? You had to tell them that?” Rose was so embarrassed her face was bright red.

  “Hey, they are men. I thought it would ease the situation a bit.”

  “I suppose with Elaine gone and both of us, everyone probably freaked out a bit. I’ll call them right now.”

  “Oh, by the way, this bag is the bag from Matthew. Do you want me to open it?” Noah asked as he lifted it up. “Shit, this is heavy. I think he got you a dozen rocks so you could start your own rock collection or something.”

  Noah put the bag on the table but then went to plug his phone in so he could check up on business as well. Neither of them was all that fond of bringing business home at night, but considering they had skipped out on work, they both decided to spend a half hour catching up on things and making sure there weren’t any fires that needed extinguishing before the end of the day.

  “So what are you going to do about Elaine leaving?” Rose hollered from the bedroom as she sat on the bed with her laptop and Noah sat in the living room.

  “I’m not sure. I guess I’ll have to find a new partner or two. We had been talking about taking on a third partner because the workload was so much. I seriously don’t know how I can handle it alone.”

  “I’m sure it will be alright. There’s got to be plenty of old timers who want to be partner.”

  “Not really. There’s not that mu
ch financial upside, and you have to work twice as many hours. It’s not like the old days when partners sat back and let the associates bill the hours and they just supervised.”

  “Maybe someone from Warner’s firm would be interested in buying in with you?” Rose said as she came and sat next to Noah on the couch.

  “It’s worth a try. I need to get someone in there quick. I can’t do it all alone.”

  Noah was positive if he didn’t get at least one person into the firm, and quickly, he would end up bankrupt. His clients would see the chaos and move onto new firms, and his associates wouldn’t want to stay at a crumbling firm, and they would move on as well. He had to move fast and that made him extremely nervous.

  “Well, I think it’s a great thing, and I told Matthew that as well. You deserve to have your own company. It will all work out.”

  “Rose, it won’t’ just work out because we want it to. Elaine did a lot of work for the firm, and she had put nearly a million dollars into it. Once the firm pays her portion out, we will be very close to bankrupt.”

  Rose saw the fear in Noah’s eyes and felt bad about what she had said. She didn’t know the first thing about running a law firm, but she wanted to be as supportive as possible to Noah. It was obvious by the way he looked at her that Rose had put her foot figuratively into her mouth. She didn’t want him to stress out. Rose wanted Noah to know she was there no matter what happened. Rose honestly knew she would be there for Noah. Even if the firm lost everything, and they had to live in a studio apartment; Rose would be there.

  “I’ll help out wherever I can, and I’m sure we can get the others to do more if needed. Whatever you need, we will all work together and keep the firm afloat.”

  “Thanks,” Noah said reluctantly.

  He knew Rose was just trying to help, and he didn’t want to keep talking about the situation at all. His anxiety was through the roof and talking about it that night wasn’t going to make it any better. Noah was much better with action than he was with talking. He just needed to put a plan in place to get the new partner, and once he had the plan, he would follow it exactly. Plans were always Noah’s friend, and he knew a plan would help him out of the situation he was in at that moment.


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