Bad Coach (An Alpha Male Bad Boy Romance) (Forbidden Romance)

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Bad Coach (An Alpha Male Bad Boy Romance) (Forbidden Romance) Page 99

by Claire Adams

  The end of practice nearly took me by surprise; I was so lost in thought that I didn’t know it was ending until the shrill, sharp whistle cut through my mind. I came down from the bleachers, grinning in spite of my anger and confusion, hoping against hope that I’d be able to get a minute with Devon before I had to leave; I realized that I had to get to class within a few minutes—I’d spent most of the morning watching the guy I liked play or thinking about Kelly.

  “Hey Jenny,” Devon called up to me as I made my way down. I rolled my eyes.

  “It’s still not working,” I told him with a pretend scowl. “I still hate to be called that.” Devon laughed, taking my hand and helping me down the last step onto the court.

  “I’ll just have to make it really, really good next time I say it then, won’t I?” He grinned at me, and I couldn’t help but smile back. Devon leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips, giving me a quick hug.

  “You’re going to have to work really hard to make me like that nickname,” I warned him, blushing as he gave me a flirty, knowing look.

  “I will,” he promised. “But first; have you got a minute? I want to introduce you to the guys.” I looked at the clock on the wall—I only had a few minutes before I had to be in class.

  “I wish I could,” I said, smiling sadly. It gave me a thrill to know that Devon wanted to introduce me to his friends; it made what he had said the night before about being serious about me, about really wanting to be with me, that much more real. “I’ve got to get to class in like ten minutes, though. Not even for you am I going to be late.” Devon laughed.

  “It’s all good babe,” he said, giving me another quick kiss. “Let me dry off some of this sweat and I’ll walk you there, how about that?” I grinned, unable to help myself.

  “I’d love that,” I said, standing up on the balls of my feet to give him another fast kiss. Devon grabbed a towel off of the bench and dried himself off quickly.

  “I’ll grab a shower once I get back to the house,” he told me, tossing the towel into his duffel and slinging it over his shoulder. He took me by the hand and led me out of the practice court, and I felt the envious glances of all of the girls who’d come to cheer on the team in practice.

  We chatted while we walked across campus together, hand-in-hand, and I couldn’t help but feel absolutely thrilled. Not only was Devon willing to introduce me to his friends; he was making it clear to everybody that he liked me, more than just a one-night stand, more than just a fling. He teased me about being a bookworm and study freak and jokingly asked for my critiques of his practice; I pretended to break down his gameplay, making ridiculous observations about his flashiness and crowd appeal.

  We took the stairs up to my class—I reasoned that I might end up being a minute or two late, but it was worth it for the extra minute or two I could spend with Devon. “I have an idea,” Devon said, pulling me close to give me one final kiss as we came to the door for my class.

  “Oh?” I asked, wishing I didn’t have to leave him, wishing that I could just blow the class off and spend the rest of the afternoon with him.

  “Come by tonight when you’re done with classes; I’ll introduce you to the guys then.” I thought about it. For sure it would be good to have an excuse not to be in my dorm, especially with how jumbled up my thoughts were about Kelly still. I definitely wanted to meet Devon’s friends and frat brothers.

  “Sure,” I said, giving him a quick hug as he finished kissing me goodbye. “I’ll come by tonight. That sounds great.” Devon grinned at me and I turned to go into class, barely able to make myself pull my hand free of his. Even if I didn’t want to be part of Devon’s life, spending the evening with him and his frat brothers would be a welcome distraction. The fact that he really wanted to introduce me around, that he wanted to make sure people knew that he was dating me, meant a lot to me. I couldn’t help but feel like it had to mean that Devon was sincere.

  I knew that Kelly would probably hate it if she heard about where I was spending my evening; but even though I couldn’t quite bring myself to totally disregard her insistence that she had never been involved with Devon, the severity of her dislike was a little much. I didn’t want to be around her at all if I could avoid it, and if Devon hadn’t invited me to hang out, I would have been forced to figure out my own excuses for not being in the dorms and avoiding everyone. I would much rather spend the hours hanging out, maybe watching a game, getting to know Devon’s friends and being around the guy I liked than sitting around in the Library or the Student Union, pretending to study or take part in some club-sponsored event but really stewing about my friend the whole time. I went into the classroom and got settled in; I had been just in time, and from the looks on the faces of some of the girls who had come in around the same time I had, they hadn’t missed the fact that Devon had walked me there. I grinned to myself and told myself that I would do the right thing and be good and attentive through my classes, so I could really enjoy myself that evening hanging out with “the guys” and the man I was quickly falling for.

  Chapter Four

  In spite of my anger and worries and confusion about Kelly, my classes for the afternoon flew by. All afternoon, I was giddy at the fact that I was going to actually be meeting Devon’s friends, although a little voice in the back of my mind—Kelly’s voice, it seemed like at the time—told me that it was just part of the act. Part of Devon trying to make me feel special. But if he was just trying to get in my pants, I thought, then there would be no point in keeping up the act and making me feel special.

  I avoided my dorm room like the plague and didn’t even bother trying to find any of my other friends when I grabbed lunch. I decided against even going up to change my clothes before I headed over to the Phi Kappa house; it was just asking to run into Kelly, and after our confrontation that morning I couldn’t imagine anyone I wanted to see less than her.

  I sent Devon a text that I was coming over. As I was walking across campus, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Can’t wait to see you! I even got showered and dressed. I grinned to myself, shaking my head. I had to admit that I was really excited to spend time with Devon—and even more excited to meet his friends. I was a little bit wary of the Phi Kappa guys; the reputation they had on campus as the rowdiest partiers—confirmed by how the party I’d gone to at the frat house had played out—made me think that by the time I showed up there, they’d already be drinking, hanging off of the ceiling, daring each other to crazier and crazier stunts. But if Devon wanted me to meet his friends, it was a good sign, and I wasn’t about to push it away.

  I got across campus as quickly as I could, hurrying to avoid running into any of my friends who might ask where I was headed and why. My heart was beating faster and faster in my chest as I came closer to the fraternity row; I didn’t know whether it was because I was anxious to see Devon, anxious his friends wouldn’t like me, or worried that it was some kind of elaborate prank.

  I was surprised as I walked up to the front door of the frat house; there was no pounding bass, no crowd of revelers, and no sign that any kind of party was going on at all. It’s not even night yet, Jenn, I thought, shaking my head at myself. Surely even these guys aren’t partying all the time. I came to the door and hesitated just a moment before knocking; I had already told Devon I was on my way—I couldn’t just back out of it now. “Just a minute!” someone from inside called out. My heart hammered away in my chest, my blood roaring in my ears. I swallowed against the tight, dry feeling in my throat, holding myself still so that my feet wouldn’t take off of their own volition while I waited.

  The door opened, revealing a perfectly normal-looking guy—I thought I’d probably seen him once or twice in the dining hall—in jeans and a tee shirt. “Hey, you’re Devon’s girlfriend, right? Jenn?” I smiled, nodding. “Come on in; Devon said you were coming. We’re all in the living room.” I stepped through the door, taking in a brand-new shock: the frat house was actually reasonably clean on the inside—a far cry
from the state it had been in when I’d been there for the party. It occurred to me that I hadn’t paid enough attention when I’d been there the night before to notice whether it had been clean then.

  The frat brother, who introduced himself to me as Brian, led me through the front hall to the living room. “Hey, Bri—don’t think you can go scamming on my girl, now,” Devon said, crossing the room to meet me. I blushed, laughing and rolling my eyes at him as Devon took my hand in his. He kissed me lightly on the lips, holding my gaze for a long moment while he smiled.

  “Dunno man, Brian may not have the skills on the court, but rumor has it he’s got other skills,” one of the other brothers commented from the couch. Devon rolled his eyes and led me deeper into the room, his hand holding mine.

  “This is Jenn, everyone; she’s the one I was a creepy stalker to the other day.” Everyone snickered, and I felt my nervousness starting to dissolve. The rest of the brothers hanging out in the living room—I counted about a dozen of them, scattered around the couch, on the floor, in a couple of the chairs—looked up from the video game they were either watching or playing, pausing long enough to smile and wave and murmur a quick hello.

  “Want anything to drink, Jenn?” One of the guys, sitting towards the edge of the room, asked. “We’ve got soda, beer, water, whatever you want.”

  “That’s Jason,” Devon told me, leading me towards one of the uninhabited chairs in the room. “Do you want anything?”

  “Water would be nice,” I said, almost asking instead of saying it plainly. Jason stood up and went into the kitchen, bringing back not only a bottle of water for me, but a bunch of other drinks that the other brothers called for.

  “Don’t be nervous,” Devon murmured in my ear, sitting on the arm of the chair next to me. After the flutter of attention, everyone began to relax—even me—and I asked questions about the game they were playing; it was a first-person shooter game, but one I’d never heard of before. I sipped my water and watched as the different brothers in the frat took turns going up against each other.

  What shocked me the most about the situation was how respectful everyone was; I had expected a bunch of guys talking about girls in the crassest terms, comparing their scores—but whether Devon had talked to them about being on their best behavior, or they were just acting polite because I was there, the guys talked about their classes, about the upcoming games—NBA and NHL games, mostly—and the party they would be hosting in coming weeks, without making a single rude remark about girls. Nobody was getting drunk, everyone looked as though they had showered in the last 24 hours, and although they cussed each other out as they played, I got the vibe that they were mostly normal guys.

  I managed to keep myself involved in the conversation, talking a little bit to everyone around me, and enjoying Devon’s comforting presence next to me in the chair as the evening went on; but in the back of my mind I was still thinking about Kelly. I hated the fact that even when I wasn’t hanging out with her, even when I was with a completely different group of people, I couldn’t manage to put my roommate and best friend out of my mind—nor her betrayal.

  Time slipped away from me completely; as it got dark outside, a few of the brothers in the frat went into the kitchen and came out with pizza and other snacks, and I dug in with everyone else. “Good job picking a girl who won’t turn her nose up at such fine cuisine,” one of the brothers commented to Devon.

  “Yeah, Sam’s last girlfriend was always asking if we had any salad or anything like that.” I laughed.

  “I have a stash of junk food in my room that I eat as often as I eat at the DH,” I said. “I’m not turning up my nose at pizza.”

  After a while, the guys started heading to their rooms or to classes, and Devon gave my hand a squeeze. “Feel like coming up to my room?” he asked me in that perfect, not-quite-a-whisper that always sent shivers down my spine. I grinned and nodded.

  “It’s a long way back to the dorms, and it’s already really late,” I pointed out as we went up the stairs to the bedrooms.

  “I think you should stay the night,” Devon told me, pulling me close as we came to his door. He kissed me hungrily on the lips, his hands wandering all over my body, and I could feel the tension in him. More than once in the evening I had caught him looking at me, a little flicker of desire in his eyes, in his smile, a hint of it in the way he squeezed my hand; I had been distracted all night by thoughts of Kelly, but never so distracted that I hadn’t started feeling a little humming buzz of desire myself.

  Devon opened the door to his room and I saw that he had cleared out all the candles from the night before; there was one candle burning on his desk, infusing the room with a heady, warm smell. Devon pulled me through the door and closed it behind me, kissing me once more once we were alone and private. His hands wandered all over my body, touching and teasing and caressing, and after a moment’s hesitation—I still wasn’t entirely sure what to do with myself in Devon’s company—my hands came to life as well, trailing along his back and shoulders, kneading and massaging him where I could feel little areas of tension as we kissed.

  Devon pulled back from my lips, reaching out for something on his bedside table; I chuckled as he found the remote and turned on his stereo, filling the room with the sounds of Frank Turner—one of the musicians I had mentioned to him that I liked. “You didn’t seriously download that just for me, did you?” I asked Devon. He grinned.

  “Well, it started out that way,” he admitted, kissing along the column of my throat. “But he’s pretty good, you were right.” Devon nipped along my neck playfully, his hands slipping up underneath my shirt, tickling my ribs. He brought his lips back up to mine and kissed me until I was breathless, his hands gliding over my skin, moving up to cup my breasts through the fabric of my bra. Devon’s fingers brushed against my nipples through the thin lace, teasing them until they hardened into firm little nubs under his touch; I fumbled with the bottom of his tee shirt, trying to find the hem, trying to drag it up along his back and sides. Even though it had been less than a full week since I had lost my virginity, I was eager to have as much sex as possible—as long as it was with Devon.

  I finally managed to pull Devon’s shirt over his head, and he broke away from my lips long enough to tug my tee-shirt up along my ribs as well, slipping it off of me with a little flourish and tossing it across the room without almost any concern for where it landed. He cupped my breasts again, bringing them up to meet his lips as he buried his face against me, nuzzling. “God, I’ve been thinking about you all day,” Devon murmured, tugging the fabric of my bra down and bringing one of my nipples up to his lips. He sucked and licked the firm little nub even as his fingers twisted and rolled the other, sending jolts of hot, electric pleasure through my body that made me shake and shiver. I touched him everywhere, my hands wandering and exploring the planes of his back, the ridges of his spine, kneading the muscles in his shoulders, moving up to his thick, curly hair to tangle there.

  Devon lifted me up onto his bed and covered my body with his own, quickly unhooking my bra in the back and guiding it away from my skin. I squirmed and writhed underneath him, pushing my hips down as Devon began to rock against me. I could feel the hard ridge of his erection pressing against my already-wet pussy, rubbing against me, sending little tingles of pleasure through my body as we moved together, touching each other everywhere. My clothes fell away and they only way that I knew about it was the feeling of the warm air brushing my skin, the sensation of Devon’s hot skin against mine.

  The music swirled around us, and I shivered as Devon slipped one hand down between my legs, stroking my slick labia. “I love how wet you get, babe,” Devon murmured, rubbing me up and down, working his fingers deeper between my wet folds. “It’s so hot.” I chuckled, pushing my hips down to meet Devon’s touch. I kissed along his neck, up to his lips, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he stroked me, turning me on more and more every moment. Devon found my clit by touch, swirling his f
ingertips around the little bead of nerves, and I moaned out—no longer aware even of the fact that there was anyone else in the house with me.

  Devon slipped two fingers inside of me, and I reached down between our bodies, pulling and tugging at the fly of his pants until I got it open. I slid my hand underneath the waistband of Devon’s boxers, reaching and shifting against his skin until I had his hard, hot cock in my hand. I stroked him up and down even as Devon worked me with his fingers, making it more and more difficult for me to think or even focus on what I was doing. “You need to stop,” I said, chuckling between my panting gasps for breath. “Or I’m never going to get you off.” Devon laughed, kissing me on the lips.

  “But the whole point is to get you off,” he told me, rubbing my clit firmly with his thumb as his fingers rubbed along my inner walls. “I can get off anytime, babe. I want to see you come.” I moaned out, twisting my hips, my hand tightening on his cock. Devon groaned against my neck, squirming out of his pants and boxers somehow, even as he continued to work me.

  Devon lifted himself up, pulling free of my grasp, kissing me hungrily on my lips. “If you want us both to get off, we can make that happen,” Devon told me, smiling against my skin.

  “That—that sounds good,” I said, draping my legs around his waist. Devon rocked his hips against mine, rubbing his hot, hard cock along my slick labia. He brought his fingers away from my pussy, bringing them up to his lips and licking them clean. Devon teased me relentlessly, rubbing his cock against my soaking wet folds, the tip pressing against my clit as we moved together.

  Devon finally shifted against me, guiding his cock up against my inner labia. He thrust into me slowly, filling me up inch by inch, pushing past the resistance of my body. “Oh—fuck, Devon,” I cried out, pushing my hips down to meet his, taking him deeper.


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