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Paranormal Magic (Shades of Prey Book 1)

Page 76

by Margo Bond Collins

  Adam knelt down next to her. “It's going to be all right,” he whispered. She nodded and leaned into him, but he knew that she was only half-listening.

  A wolf knelt down on the other side and gingerly picked up Jon. “I'll take care of him,” he told Gemma. She nodded thankfully.

  Carmichael touched her shoulder.

  “Are you ready?” he asked. “We're with you all the way.”


  Gemma stood up, flanked by Carmichael, Adam, and several other wolves, but she still didn't feel safe. But it wasn't her safety that she should be concerned about now.

  She needed to be the pack leader she was meant to be.

  She reached out and grabbed the handle to the door of the bar. I'd better be ready, she thought.

  They were immediately attacked by all-too familiar blurs of fur. My own pack has turned against me, Gemma thought sadly. One caught her so hard, she fell backwards and slid along the floor until she hit the wall.

  Adam, enraged at the sight of his love being thrown into a wall, immediately transformed to come to her rescue. His blood boiled and his eyes glowed an eerie shade of pale yellow that all wolves had just before they transformed. Muscle and sinew ripped and contorted as he came into his second transformation as her lover. He wasted no time hurling himself, fangs first, into her attacker, tearing and throwing him off of her. The collision stunned the other wolf as it tumbled and rolled away from Gemma. Adam then bared his teeth as he positioned himself in front her while she recovered. His mouth was a warning for everyone to stand down. Blood and saliva dripped from his fangs, making him look even more imposing.

  She took a split second to marvel at how well he was assuming his rank as an Alpha. Already he seemed bigger, stronger, and more ready to fight.

  It's because he has more to lose now, she realized. Her heart ached at the thought.

  You leave your pack leader alone! he yelled to everyone.

  What pack leader? one of their opponents snarled back. Someone who never runs with the pack? Someone who would rather leave the entire pack vulnerable to attack by not choosing a mate? He looked at Gemma. Look what happened now, you bitch. I'd rather run with someone – anyone – who at least cares.

  Adam growled at the wolf. She shouldn't be forced into making such decisions. You should be glad that she wanted to find love.

  “Besides,” Gemma said, a strange calm coming over her, “I have already chosen a mate.” She stood up. “And I am here to make a stand as your pack leader.”

  Her eyes turned golden with her lycanthropy.

  A more brazen wolf launched himself at her. She easily sidestepped and grabbed him with both hands and threw him away from her. He hit the wall with such force that she heard the distinctive crunch of bones against brick. That gave her enough time to finish her transformation. She tore off her clothes with a roar and white fur and sinew covered her flesh. She fell to all fours, her hands and feet turning into claws. With a roar, her transformation was complete.

  She never did enjoy turning into a wolf, especially in front of other people. It was a weird, personal thing that she didn't want anyone else to see. As a wolf, she was well-proportioned and larger than any of the other females in her pack and rippled with hard muscle. She took the form of a white wolf with golden eyes, a rarity in the werewolf world. Her parents used to comment that she was the prettiest wolf they had ever laid eyes on. Even Mark's brown wolf form, who shared her genes, looked scraggly next to her. That was why he jealously named her “Snowflake” when they were kids.

  Hopefully, she wouldn't look worse for the wear after this fight.

  Carmichael's large gray wolf form stepped in between the lovers and the traitorous wolves. He cut an imposing figure in the fight – all of his years as a werewolf made him lanky, strong, and battle-scarred. He was intimidating, even next to Gemma.

  Yeh'll have t' go through me, he declared.

  Gladly, one of the wolves cried.

  Carnage erupted then, with all of the wolves attacking each other.

  Attack, but don't hurt them! Gemma cried. These are my wolves. Even if they had betrayed her, she was still going to try and make them see her side.

  She could only hope.


  This was the first time Adam had seen his mate transform. He now knew where her nickname came from, but it was so silly, it was disgrace to her beautiful form. She made an ethereal presence among the carnage, elegant and deadly at the same time. While they were battling, he couldn't help glancing over and marveling at her beauty as a wolf.

  Gemma was an Alpha for a reason and she was reminding her pack why. If she was fast as a human, her speed and strength multiplied exponentially in her wolf form. She seemed to be the perfect killing machine, but she was gentle enough not to hurt her assailants too much.

  He truly did love this beautiful beast.

  A clapping sound interrupted them then. Every wolf stopped in mid-stride at the sound. Someone stifled their whimpering as the source of the clapping appeared.

  “So, the little lady has tried to make a move by choosing a mate,” a booming voice cried. “Which means that I'll now have to kill your precious Adam.” Gemma responded with a growl, baring her teeth. Her fur stood straight up in white tufts. The voice laughed. “Let them come in, so I can see them both together.”

  Everyone was stepping back, parting the way for the lovers. Vincent stood in the middle of a ring, watching them with an air of contemptuous curiosity. He was nearly seven feet tall, a big, muscular man in his early thirties.

  For a brief second, Gemma could see how Adam's ex-girlfriend Cheryl had left him for the bigger man. Adam had an air of innocence about him, but Vincent had an air of danger. Where Adam exuded quiet confidence, Vincent seeped arrogance that could be mistaken for confidence. If you were into bad boys, Vincent was the perfect specimen.

  Cheryl got caught up in the wrong crowd, Gemma thought sadly. She wasn't going to make the same mistake. She was lowly growling.

  Vincent watched her in contempt, sniffing the air. “Oh man, Gemma you know how to try and fuck up a man's plans. Going and sleeping with a runt.” He smiled at Adam, which ended up looking like he was baring his teeth. “I'll show you what it's like to be with a real wolf.”

  He's Alpha now, she told him, he's higher rank than you Vincent. Stand down.

  “I am pack leader!” Vincent snarled. “You are beneath me.”

  Then why are you still interested in me? she growled back. You know that your assumed position won't hold up against other pack laws. You know, deep down, that without me, you're a worthless fake. You're still Beta.

  Vincent lunged at her, transforming as he did, so that she fell to the floor under him. She yelped in pain as he bit through the scruff of her neck. Stars exploded across her vision and she struggled to get back to her feet.

  Quicker than they both could have seen, Adam threw the big wolf off her with a howl. Vincent landed on his feet and growled at him. Adam answered back with another snarl.

  I challenge you, fake, the smaller wolf barked. I challenge you to see who's stronger.

  No, Gemma thought. She didn't want Adam to get hurt in all of this. He was Alpha now, but Vincent was far bigger and more used to his new abilities. Adam hadn't grown into his powers yet. It was suicide.

  No, Adam! she yelled. But her mate ignored her.


  We'll finish this, once and for all, you worthless piece of shit, Adam snarled at the imposing Beta before him.

  Adam hadn't been a werewolf for very long, but he knew that none of them had heard the sound coming out of Vincent just then. It was the closest thing to hysterical laughter that he had ever heard from a wolf.

  It wasn't a nice sound.

  Fine then, if you have a death wish, the bigger wolf said. Shouldn't be surprising, given how pathetic you are.

  Adam tensed up, ready at the slightest movement from Vincent.

  Adam, Gemma started, panic in her wolf-v

  I love you, Gemma, he told her. I fell in love with you from the moment we met.

  She seemed shocked at that.

  Vincent growled and circled him. He stood his ground, tensing up his muscles, waiting for it. Vincent was the bigger and stronger animal, but it meant that he would also be slower than Adam. He'd have to use that against his opponent.

  Then again, Adam had more to lose.

  Vincent chose that moment to attack.

  Adam caught the bigger wolf in his run, pushing him up with both of his front paws to expose the large gray wolf's tender belly. Vincent snarled, but when Adam's teeth connected with soft tissue, he yelped loudly. He rammed his head into Adam's, momentarily knocking them both senseless.

  They broke their fighter’s embrace, Adam nursing an instant headache while Vincent was wincing with every step. Except he was faking most of it.

  He launched at the smaller wolf again, biting the fur at the scruff of his neck. He growled himself, and fell to the floor in a roll, in an attempt to knock him off. They rolled around the floor for a few minutes, both trading hits and bites. It really looked no different than dog fighting.

  And just when it seemed like Adam was going to lose, he managed to grab Vincent by the throat and throttled him with a loud growl.

  You worthless runt, Vincent told him.

  He faked as if he were going to try to throw him over his head. Adam steeled himself against it, but that put his face at an awkward angle and with one paw, Vincent scratched his right eye.

  Adam reeled from the shock and the pain and slackened his grip.

  Vincent then rammed the back of his head into Adam's face and threw the younger wolf off of him.

  Adam landed in a heap, stars dashing across his vision. Don't lose consciousness, he told himself. Don't pass out. He couldn't see out of his eye, but he could feel that he was bleeding all around it. It hurt too much for him assess if his actual eyeball was in pieces. He drew a shaky breath into lungs that were screaming for air.

  Gemma screamed his name.

  Painfully, he got to his feet and looked around the bar. There were howls of disapproval from both sides.

  Vincent and Gemma were gone.


  It was only moments since Vincent cast a badly injured Adam from him, but in that time, the bigger wolf had set his sights on Gemma. He bared his teeth and then chased after her.

  He left the duel just like that. Leaving a duel to attack a bystander was against the rules, but Vincent didn't concern himself with that. The look in his eyes meant that he was no longer interested in her as a mate – he was going in for the kill.

  Gemma, in her wolf form, screamed Adam's name before she retreated, luring the bigger wolf away from her injured lover. Some of Carmichael's wolves tried to step in and block her assailant from leaving the duel, but Vincent just tossed them aside like dirty laundry. The Beta had gone berserk, and there was no stopping him.

  She made her way to the stairwell, taking the stairs three at a time as she scrambled to get to higher ground.

  A wolf as desperate as Vincent was incredibly dangerous. She didn't want to meet him head-on like this. She had to run and figure out her next move, and Vincent wasn’t making it easy for her.

  She heard roaring behind her as she ran, coming closer and closer. Fear and adrenaline fed her motion – she was running without knowing exactly where she was headed.

  It wasn't until she had climbed to the roof that she stopped, cursing herself for leading her would-be killer to the most exposed area of the bar.

  Of course I had to choose the fucking rooftop, she thought with a sense of detachment. She felt drained. There was nowhere left for her to run.

  The rain was coming down in steady sheets, instantly soaking her through her fur. Even as a wolf, she shivered.

  From out of nowhere, Vincent threw her across the rooftop, towards the edge. She roared, half expecting him, but half in shock at how much pain she felt from it.

  He landed on top of her, facing her, snarling.

  You are mine, he told her.


  You'd readily give yourself to the runt, he said, but you won't mate with a true were.

  I am his, she told him through gritted teeth. And you are not a true were.

  He grabbed her throat with a claw so tightly, her neck began to bleed through the gashes. She felt blackness entering her vision. If I can't have you, he said, then no one can! He increased the pressure on her throat and blackness threatened to consume her.

  A strange calm fell over her. This was it. This was her death.

  A howl from another wolf sounded on the rooftop, which distracted Vincent enough to slacken her throat in his teeth.

  Adam, she cried out.

  The small, brown wolf collided with Vincent, knocking him away from her and off the building. Vincent's big wolf body flew over the edge of the building and she heard the crunch as his body crashed into the cars in the parking lot.

  Gemma sat for a few moments with her back to the ledge, taking in short, gasping breaths. She couldn’t stop crying. She lay there, watching the door, half-expecting the bigger wolf to come back in. A fall from this height wouldn’t kill a Beta wolf. Aside from a few broken bones, scratches, and bruises, he could still come up here to take care of both of them. With how hurt she and Adam were, it wouldn’t take too much.

  A few minutes passed by without Vincent coming through the door.

  She chanced a look over the edge of the building. Laying broken atop two cars parked next to each other, their windshields cracked and the hoods dented, was a naked man, his throat torn out. A large, gray wolf was standing over him, blood dripping from its muzzle.

  Carmichael, she realized. The pack leader must have gone outside at the sound of Vincent’s body hitting the cars and killed him.

  The wolf’s amber eyes met hers. I finished th' job, he told her. This whole thin' started in me own pack. I'm th' one who needed t' finish it. It won't make up fer what happen'd, but it's a start. The wolf sniffed the air. Ye should check on yer mate, Snowflake.

  Thank you, Carmichael, she told him. They had won. Just barely, but they had won. The people that she cared about the most were still alive.

  Adam, human again, lay across the edge, nearly falling off himself. He was panting heavily and bleeding from several wounds. His left eye was covered in so much blood, she thought it was gone.

  She called back her lycanthropy again, transforming into a human. She couldn't assess her own damage until she returned to her human form, although she was afraid to do it. It hurt much worse than she thought it would. She lay on the floor, sobbing for breath as her rib cage transformed back to its normal shape.

  She hurt everywhere.

  A hand touched her shoulder. If she had the strength, she would have jumped then. Adam had dragged himself over to her.

  He kissed her and stroked her check. “I thought I was going to lose you.”

  “Adam,” she cried in relief. “Adam.”

  He kissed her again and hugged her tight, wincing as he did so. “Don't ever do something like that again.”

  She laughed and winced at the pain in her throat. “Trust me, I won't.”


  Several minutes later, they gingerly made their way down the stairwell with a tarp they had found on the roof wrapped around their naked bodies. Regardless of being a werewolf her entire life, Gemma was still incredibly modest by their standards. Adam had poked a little fun at her for grabbing the tarp, but she insisted.

  “We're not animals,” she snapped at him, embarrassed at her embarrassment.

  He kissed her then. “We're werewolves.”

  That statement resonated with her as she helped Adam down the stairs. She was hurting badly herself – but her lover had it much worse. His breath was ragged and his body tensed up with each step.

  It hurt her to see him hurt.

  I do love him, she thought. She squeezed him tighter to

  They emerged from the stairwell, into the dimly lit bar. There was obviously a stalemate as the wolves stayed on opposite sides of the room to lick their wounds.

  Gemma and Adam's entrance had broken all conversations in the room as all the wolves looked over at them. She gave a nervous swallow, but held her head up. “We won,” she said simply, giving her voice an air of command. “Although Vincent turned it into a mockery of what a duel is supposed to be.”

  A bruised and bloodied Carmichael emerged from the crowd. “Welcome back, Gemma,” he said softly, relief in his voice. She gave him a curt nod and made eye contact. A wry smile broke on Carmichael's face. He knew what she was going to say.

  Gemma kept her head straight and cast an eye about the room, daring one of the traitorous wolves to speak.

  Finally one of them did.

  She stepped out and glared down at Gemma accusingly. She was a tall, pretty woman in leather pants and a cowboy hat. She had meant for her height to intimidate Gemma.

  But Gemma wasn't about to feel intimidated.

  “Why did you care if Vincent took over the pack?” the woman asked gruffly. “You haven't been a part of this pack since your parents died.”

  Gemma looked at her thoughtfully. Sara. The woman's name came to Gemma's mind and she instantly recognized her as someone who had always dissented – first against her parents, then against Mark. She was never satisfied with how things were run. So it didn't surprise Gemma in the slightest that she would have turned to another leader like Vincent.

  “I know I haven't,” Gemma said softly. “And I'm sorry for that.”

  Sara seemed surprised.

  “I was born a werewolf,” Gemma told her, raising her voice so that everyone could hear her. “I was born to two great pack leaders who treated everyone with the respect they deserved. I was different. I resented my heritage and I resented what being a werewolf meant. The worst thing that I thought that could ever happen to someone was for them to be turned into a werewolf like me. I tried everything to just be a normal human being – I didn't run with the pack, I never attended meetings, I left you all vulnerable. I didn't want anything to do with you.” She bowed her head down. “I was wrong to do that. And I hope that you will give me a second chance as a leader.”


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