Lothar's Descension

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Lothar's Descension Page 4

by Dave Qymlore

  "Impressive," was all he managed to say about it. Then, after collecting his thoughts and closing his mouth from its slack jawed position, he continued. "What is all of this?"

  "What you're seeing are different statistic sheets for your domain. There is also a map of the dungeon, the temple, and the temple city. If you want to see something that is not currently being shown on the looking glass, you need only think of it. You can move things around with your thoughts as well, but sometimes it's easier for new cores to use movements of their hands. Would you like to try it?"

  "What do you mean movements?"

  "Just swipe your hand over something and you can move it to the forefront of what's being displayed."

  He did and a page of writing moved to the side, making room so that he could see a map there instead. "That's a map of Grundel," he said. But with how long you have been down here without outside contact now, surely it must be completely outdated." He looked closer and started to realize that this map could not be so old.

  He could see his own home area on the outskirts of the farming village of Yondere, a place that he had come to think of very fondly during his time as a civilian. And leading from that are was the small river that served as the lifeblood of the area, where traders and travelers could move to the city of Sollum. If he'd been rich enough to have his own boat, he never would have been ambushed by goblins in no-man's land.

  And there was a whole expanse of other areas that he was familiar with mostly from seeing them on maps, but he had not travelled the area himself extensively. There was no war that tore through this area, so he had not been to the other places in his own homeland. That was something he found darkly humorous: the only thing that had given him any kind of life worth mentioning was the seeking of violence and death.

  "I'm not a scholar, I went straight into the military when I was young. It was either that or live a live in the pig shit with the rest of the poor."

  "Wow, that really does paint a picture. Well, look at you now, you're a lesser god—please pardon my use of the term, you're certainly anything but lesser as far as I'm concerned." She let her eyes flicker from the screen and down to his crotch, where his little friend was still semi-engorged with blood. "I am very happy with your size. Some of the cores I have served were, let's just say less than average in that department."

  "I'll take that as a compliment if you're being serious," he said. Lothar was starting to come back to his senses completely now. That amazing blowjob had sure settled him and cleared up his head so that he could think, but he was starting to grow wary of this strange magical woman's motivations. But on the other hand, he really didn't have any other option but to go along with whatever she told him. It wasn't like he knew a way to turn himself back into a normal man.

  He noticed that she was staring at his face now, expecting him to say something. "I can't read..." is what he said. There was no use pretending any different to safe his own ego.

  "Are you so sure about that? Take a closer look."

  Lothar looked at the looking glass again and actually took the time to slow down his gaze on one place instead of just looking back and forth trying to figure out what he was even seeing. The words did make sense in his head now. "I can read?"

  Harmony let out a joyous little laugh and beamed at him. "I take it you're happy with that improvement?"

  "You bet those lovely tits of yours I am. I always wanted to know how to read, I even used to take lessons from men in the units I was in sometimes, whenever I was able to find the time or trade something that they wanted in return for teaching me. It was just so difficult to manage, what with the war going on."

  "That is very noble of you to try. And you have no idea how happy it makes me to see that you are happy, sir." Melody leaned over closer to him and let her soft, curvaceous nakedness press warmly against his own naked body. "So, take a look at that page. I've taken the liberty of suggesting some tasks that I think you might agree need to be taken care of. Of course, I was only trying to help and ease you into your role. Plus I was just too excited to do nothing while I waited for you to regain consciousness after you were, reborn."


  Lothar looked at the magical page of writing that Harmony had gestured to.

  Quest Log:

  Collapse the canyon above the upper temple.

  Rebuild minimal defenses, being careful not to exhaust your lifeforce.

  Consider goblin dungeon raiders.

  "Quests? How are these different from regular tasks?"

  "Oh, I suppose they're the same, sir," she replied. "This is just how things are. And the way things are were decided by being much greater than you or I."

  "And what if I don't agree to carry out these 'quests' you've decided for me?"

  "Well, you're the boss. I am your servant ... you're willing slave." Harmony's face shone with clear delight as she said that last part, and she made a slight curtsey to embellish how much she was enjoying her new servitude. "I may not be able to leave this place without being commanded to do so by a living core that is attached to it, but I do have eyes and ears that see and hear beyond this room, and beyond your new subterranean domain. Those filthy goblins that you so valiantly stood against before you drew your last breath? They spoke among themselves of returning to whatever shit hole they call a home and gathering up a raiding party to come back here."

  "You can understand their language?"

  "Theirs and many more," she replied with pride.

  "I can imagine how their beady little eyes would have lit up at the sight of all those rare stones and golden fixtures in that room I broke my leg in. But why was it so easy for them, or something like me, to access in the first place?"

  "Since I was left to my own devices, I've started to sort of drift in and out of consciousness. I can't explain why, but I've gone to sleep and woken up, and I could just sense that a long, very long, time had passed. Oh, sir, it's been so long since everyone was killed..." Harmony's stunning eyes began to water up and Lothar couldn't do anything else but reach for her and put his arm around her. There was not a man alive—or dead either, it would seem—who could resist doing just that in that moment.

  "Tell me more about the death of the previous core," he said.

  "Well, a magical core is a very powerful thing, yet also very complex. There is a lot of conflicting emotion, as well as plenty of mixed up types of magic—ranging from the most holy white magic to the most evil and dark you could possibly imagine in your worst nightmares. On top of all that, dungeon cores are made from a mortal with a soul. That can make for a volatile being, to say the least."

  "Are you saying that the previous core killed everyone on purpose?"

  "Oh no, not at all. Trust me, once you understand the full power and, benefits, that come with being in your current position, you would never want it to end." Harmony winked at him and just like that her face went from one of sadness to one of seduction. It filled Lothar with a warm sensation that was more than just sexuality. Yes, there was that also, but she seemed to have some kind of hold over him already. That was elating but also frightening.

  "Alright, I will concede that you have more experience here, by how many years, or decades ... uh, centuries?" Each time he extended the scope of his guess, Harmony raised her eyebrow even farther until it looked like she was about to start laughing. "Exactly how old are you?" he finally asked.

  With a dismissive little shake of her head Harmony made a "tut tut" sound. "Please, I thought you were more of a gentleman than that, even for a naked warrior-farmer. You should never ask a lady her age."

  "If I didn't know better, I would guess that you take some kind of odd pleasure in toying with me. Anyway, go on with your explanation, fairy." Lothar was finding his emotions all over the place—for now—but he was surprised at how well he had been keeping it together, considering that so many bizarre and unbelievable things had happened to him recently.

  "Who, me?" She fake-pouted and adopted a lost pu
ppy dog look so convincing that once again, Lothar found it difficult to resist caressing her with his strong hands. If this ravishing creature were truly this capable of manipulation, and as old and possibly powerful as she seemed to be, he was deeply starting to hope that she was on the side of good. Failing that, he at least wanted her to be on his side.

  He snapped himself out of it and moved aside to give himself some space between his own body and her ever hot body. "How can I go about caving in that canyon that's exposing the top of my temple?"

  "You already have a spell that can do just that. It's called move rock and that includes the moving of earth and other similar things to, like sand or gravel."

  At this point Lothar was more credulous about whatever seemingly outlandish things the fairy told him, so far as their existence went. He'd been in armies with magic users and fought alongside some of them on the rare occasion. They were almost always ranked or valued too highly to be placed near the now dead warrior's ranks, but he was familiar with seeing them with his own eyes. The things he remembered most about them were fighting against them. Yes, he would not soon forget going up against such unbalanced and seemingly out of control power like that.

  "I have magical ability?"

  "Yes, you are a deity after all; even lesser deities are still powerful beyond the wildest dreams of normal mortals. Why don't you test it out and see how such power suits you, sir? I bet magic will look damn sexy on you."

  After standing there staring at the looking glass for a time, thinking about all the power that could be within his grasp, Lothar realized that he was going to again be forced to act like the apprentice here and ask more questions. "Uh, how do I use magic?"

  "It's just like using the looking glass. That is a magical item, after all, so you were manipulating magic while using that. It wouldn't have worked for a non-magical person at all, let alone anyone but you. See, you already have used magic, handsome. Now, think about seeing the canyon just outside of your dungeon domain. You can see the land just outside of your area, including the surface and the underground parts around it. Most of the latter is filled with earth and rock, so you probably won't be interested in spending a lot of time looking around there. It can be very useful for spying on tunnelers or underground creatures that might be about to encroach on your turf though." She was so pleasant to watch that it would have been easy to listen to her give instructions all day. Her face was so beautiful that even her amazing tits didn't distract Lothar's gaze—not too often at least, although they were a definite eyeful.

  "Alright, I will try." Lothar thought about the canyon where those cursed goblins had boxed him in and it appeared on the looking glass, albeit in a small window of space. They did look like little windows with slight borders, the different sections of information and imagery displayed on the looking glass; more so than they did actual documents or pages.

  Harmony read what his next wish might be this time instead of waiting for him to have to ask her. She was already improving how subservient she was, and that was a wonderful trait in any woman as far as the new core was concerned. She said, "You can maximize the space taken up by one single thing on the looking glass so that it takes up the whole thing, or you can easily change the sizes and shapes of them as you like.

  Lothar thought about making the "window," as he had decided to think of it, take up the entire surface of the gigantic looking glass. He could now easily see the canyon area displayed from a bird's eye view not far away. It was a perfect vantage point. "Now I'm going to use the move rock spell to fill in that canyon, so it goes back to how it was before the disaster here." He took a mental note to ask more about that particular disaster. The last thing he wanted was for that to happen under his watch. There were villages and trade routes not too far away, and he wasn't going to be the one to kill off a bunch of innocent farmers.

  "Let's hope this actually works," he mumbled to himself. The fairy did not reply, although it was likely that she heard him. He closed his eyes for a moment to gather his inner strength and then opened them wide and inhaled deeply as he used to when his line was just about to charge in to attack the enemy, or when they were on guard and being charged themselves.

  The looking glass began to very subtly vibrate, and then suddenly it was shaking noticeably. Wait—no, it wasn't the looking glass. The image it was displaying was shaking, the canyon's rocky surface was shaking and then just like that, it started to move as if it was water. Water that floated on the air, that is. He could feel it connected to his mind as though that whole area of the landscape was another limb, all the tiny particles that made up the rock and dirt, the withered shrubs that were nestled within that soil, everything that could remotely be considered part of the actual earth itself, were all like fingers extended from a magical arm.

  He used his mind to magically shift the canyon as though he was just filling up a ditch with dirt, only his control over it was a lot greater and more precise than any man could achieve with even the best made shovel or rake. He flattened out the low, rocky hill area so that it filled in the canyon. By the time he was done, there was nothing to indicate that this had ever been anything but naturally formed rock.

  "There," he said. "It would take an army of workers a decade to get into the temple where I fell down."

  Harmony was ecstatic, she couldn't take her eyes off him. It was like he had just won a tournament and she was his most adoring fan in the crowd watching, cheering him on. Only she had simply turned to watch him with a mild grin on her face. The eyes—those gorgeous, enchanting eyes—were what told the story for her. She was burning into him with her gaze, with a deep adoration, a longing, and many things that Lothar would never have to words to describe with his limited education, despite his new found ability to read.

  "You are impressive, sir," was all she said for some time. Then she just continued to stare deeply into him. Lothar could see her out of his side vision, although he continued to look at his handiwork on the screen. He wasn't going to let himself lose this moment of achievement by getting lost in those eyes again for more than the moment he took to gauge her reaction.

  "I am ... glad that you think so." He didn't want to give her too much; he knew the toll that good pussy could take on a man when he allowed himself to start thinking with his cock instead of his brain. He was adamant about letting her prove her loyalty before he started to trust her too much, or let her know how strongly he was already starting to feel about her. It's just good pussy, he told himself as he had the other times he'd started to feel somewhat enamored with a pretty face and a sweet pair of tits. It is some fucking pair of tits though.


  "How do you feel?" she asked him, her face suddenly going from one of subdued elation to concern. "Drained at all?"

  "Well, now that you mention it I do feel tired. But that's normal, right?" He knew enough about magic users to know that they used up their mana and started to feel physically and mentally drained as they did so. "There's no harm to using my mana though, is there? I imagine immortals have plenty of time to rest and recover when that happens?" He was starting to get into the swing of this, and was honestly enjoying the idea of being a magical, immortal being.

  "Well, here's the part I probably should have told you about already. You don't use regular mana like mortal spell casters tend to. This is a somewhat ... darker, magic."

  "The more you tell me some things, the less I am liking the situation." That wasn't true, but he was trying to keep up an air of caution.

  The lovely fairy put her hand on his shoulder, sending a jolt of warmth rushing throughout his body, especially to his dick. She said in a soothing voice with an almost lulling quality, "You have nothing to worry about, sir, please believe me. You use life force instead of regular mana. As far as every day use goes, it is perfectly suitable to think of them as much the same thing."

  Lothar shrugged a little away from her tender touch. "That sounds a lot like it's tied to my life though, wouldn't you say, fairy?
Tell me all the details now and don't try to sugar coat it or sway my thinking—that's an order." He cut himself off short of telling her that he was becoming suspicious. If she was trying to utilize his power like he was a pawn in some game, telling her that he was onto her would only make her even sneakier. Although, she really wasn't taking much care to actively hide things from him. That made it very hard to get a good read on her motivations.

  "Do you not trust me?" she asked, looking earnestly crestfallen at the implication. "Master, please don't start to doubt me, not already. I am named for the quality I am most able to create in your domain, I assure you. If you work with me and help foster an atmosphere of harmony, I can truly serve you and help you do such wondrous things."

  "Tell me why my magic is linked to me dying then."

  "I cannot explain the reasons any more than you can tell me who your creator is, let alone why they made you and the rest of the creatures walking this world. But I do know the rules for how things work, and I am your most trustworthy adviser. The ultimate decisions are always yours. Oh, did I forget my place by presuming to make these quests for you? They are only recommendations to help you get used to your powers."

  "The quests are fine, but I need to know just what happened to the last dungeon core. Why did his death result in total destruction of the people here?" Lothar walked away from the screen and went back over to the stone deus he'd awoken on, taking a seat on it and eyeing the luscious female intently.

  She turned to him but didn't follow. "As I said, there is a lot of complex power inside a magical core. You are not like other lesser deities. While they tend to be created as they are, you were a mortal who is now a god. But you are also something like an elemental force, while still maintaining almost everything about you that made you a man before your death. That is why I have taken care to only give you the absolutely necessary information for now. Too much, too soon, could be upsetting to a core who is so new to this, sir. You're just starting to come to terms with what's happened to you, and I am only doing my best to maintain harmony so things go smoothly."


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