Lothar's Descension

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Lothar's Descension Page 5

by Dave Qymlore

  Lothar shrugged and lay down on the wide stone slab. It was cool and smooth as he stretched out his wide shoulders and wiggled his toes, pointing them down while stretching his arms above his head. The feeling of having emptied his balls so expertly made it easy to relax in that position, but he didn't feel the least bit tired. He wondered if he needed to sleep any more. "So when the last core died, he exploded..."

  "Yes, that's a risk every last one of his followers knew they were facing. It has never happened here before. This is the first time I've been ... alone like I have been until now. That's another reason why I'm a little out of it. You might be too if you spent so long with no company but your own, and all of the wonderful things the previous cores had made were destroyed, leaving nothing but the bare structure and chattels of this domain." Lothar turned his head to look at her. She was pouting again, one arm crossed over in front of her firm, flat stomach, holding onto the other arm by her side. She shuffled one foot around nervously like she was a homeless child asking someone for a piece of bread to help stave off starvation.

  He sighed and looked back up at the exorbitantly—grotesquely—decorated ceiling above him. The scenes of debauchery and sexually charged bloodlust where starting to feel less shocking than they had when he first fell down into the temple, when he was still a real human. "And so why is everything still in tact when there was an explosion big enough to split open a mass of solid rock enough to make a canyon up above?"

  "They cannot be destroyed by the dungeon core's magic. It prevents them from ... doing too much damage to this ancient domain, if they do end up letting their conscience overcome them."

  "And why would they have such a sudden rush of conscience? Because a dungeon core is a wicked thing? Evil? What exactly would you have me do that could be so horrible?" Looking up at the way the surface high above him was decorated, it was pretty easy to imagine what the powers that made this place liked to do for entertainment.

  "Your actions are your own, sir. Good and evil is in everyone, mortal or not," she said. She'd taken flight, the delicate flutter of her beautiful butterfly wings caressing the air now. It created a subtle freshness to the air, which was honestly somewhat stagnant after being closed off for so long. She appeared above him, several feet away, her globulous breasts hanging a little and her nipples pointing down as though they were beckoning eyes. Lothar made eye contact with them.

  "Alright, you have my trust ... for now at least. Do me a favor and don't abuse that, do you understand? I'm a reasonable man but crossing me has never turned out well for any man, or woman." He was thinking about ordering her to swallow his cock again, but there was just one more thing he needed to know. "Tell me something else, if you would be so kind, fairy," he said in a mock-noble tone, trying to play around to lighten the mood. "If this has only happened once before, what happened to the other dungeon cores?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "The explosion. You said a core explodes when they lose all their lifeforce. Well, how can one die without losing their lifeforce and being destroyed in a burst of magical energy?"

  "They weren't killed. They chose to die ... They used a certain spell called self destruct." She seemed especially saddened talking about that. Those cores must have been like family, or at the very least like respected masters.

  "I see ..." So as long as he didn't get himself killed, all he needed to do was not kill himself? The thought had never crossed his mind and it wasn't going to now that Lothar had such power and access to the best sexual pleasure available. But he was tired of discussion. "Harmony, you can tell me how you think I should prepare for these greenskin bastards, should they choose to come back and try to find the real entrance to my dungeon."

  "I would be happy to!" she exclaimed with a sudden grin, eyes lighting up at the thought of more servitude.

  He hesitated. "How can I know how much lifeforce I have left though? I don't want to accidentally deplete it all."

  "You can see how much lifeforce you have left on the looking glass, displayed similarly to an hourglass. When it's full, your lifeforce is as high as it can get within the confines of your current power level. When it's completely empty, well we are all fucked. But you would know if you were running low, trust me. When you use lifeforce, it will appear in your vision in an admittedly ghostly form. You might have noticed something strange in your peripherals? The fact that you're still standing shows that you still have a ... goodly ... amount." She looked away as she paused, her body's curves displaying different curves and angles as she fluttered to the side in her hesitation.

  Lothar thought he could remember having seen something strange appear in the corner of his vision, but he'd been too fascinated with the raw power of moving around a rocky mountain face to take much notice. "Why did you hesitate then? What?"

  "You can see how much lifeforce you have left on the looking glass. It will display as an hourglass. See..." She pointed over at the looking glass and there was indeed something that resembled an hourglass illustrated on the magical surface. It was roughly halfway full.

  "Halfway dead..." It was a sobering thought. "Are you telling me that I used half of my total lifeforce, my mana, my power, just to fill in some rocks? Something that mortal men could have accomplished with enough man power and some basic tools? And plenty of time, I suppose."

  "Moving the very face of the planet in an instant is not something that comes lightly, I'm afraid, sir. Please, don't be upset with me. I am honestly only trying to give you the best possible advice. And you are more than welcome to do anything you like, of course. Perhaps I should just learn to keep my mouth shut ..."

  "No, I think you have a great many gifts to give with that mouth of yours." Lothar felt his groin twitch at the thought of the fairy sucking his dick. "I'm sure this is going to be less daunting once I understand things a bit more clearly. And I suppose some might say that my lifeforce is half full instead of half empty." He chuckled a little at the platitude, the kind of pseudo-wisdom they dolled out to school children and beggars to make their lot in life seem less dreary.

  "You want me to help you choose some defenses?" Harmony asked doubtfully.

  "Yes, I would appreciate that. But you can do it from this slab. And I think we'll have to talk about getting something a little more comfortable to rest—and play—on."

  "Oh, sir, you are a horny one aren't you? I do love a master who gives me a proper workout."

  "Get that shapely ass down here and bend over this deus while you tell me more about creating defenses. I want to know a little more about casting different spells."

  "Very well, sir!" Harmony did not need to be told twice. She had barely been ordered to fly down when she had rushed through the air and positioned herself on her hands and knees on the stone slab that Lothar had been lying on. He moved aside to allow her the space to do so, and stood up behind her. He inspected her body like she was some newly purchased livestock, albeit highly prized livestock that cost a pretty penny. "This is going to help me think, oh yes," he said as he slapped her on the ass almost as hard as he could. He had to hold back a decent amount to make sure this was still fun and not sadistic. And he didn't want to go full power yet, in case she actually did something that required serious discipline later.

  "Mmmmm." Harmony didn't speak as her master slid his cock, still moist and clammy from their throat fucking session, into his magical servant's perfectly formed pussy. The labia was only just enough to give that iconic impression of the delicate rose that was the female genitalia. She had nothing in the way of excess pussy lips and it looked as though she had never had any pubic hair. Otherwise, she was a true artist in cleaning away the hair there, but that was hardly surprising for a magical fairy, either way.

  "Tell me more about the defensive spells I have. How can I use them against these goblins?" He started pushing himself inside of Harmony and could not believe how much she felt like a young virgin. There was nothing at all about the sensation that wasn't the highest quali
ty. She put even the best whores in the land to shame. He wondered if he would ever tire of fucking the same woman, but that thought quickly evaporated as he started to thrust faster, at a more mid-paced speed. It felt amazing.

  "Yes, sir! Firstly, while you can use—" she groaned with pleasure as Lothar spanked her ass again and grabbed a cheek in each hand, pushing himself inside deeply and holding that position so that he could really get in there. "Wow," she said. "Firstly, big boy, you probably don't want to use your spells directly on intruders unless you absolutely have to. It's a much better use of your lifeforce to create traps and minions. However—oh, fuck me, sir—you can of course use regular spells like a wizard or sorcerer. If you take a look at the looking glass, hopefully not until after we're done, you'll be able to bring up lists of the spells you can cast now. Anything else will have to be gained as you become more powerful, or through special artifacts or tomes, and things like that."

  "I can create solid objects that aren't magical? That is impressive.

  "Oooooh, you are impressive, sir!"

  "That's right, whore," he replied with a joyous smirk. This was turning out to be an ideal situation. No army general in the land was enjoying this type of power rush. Sure, rulers had magic users at their disposal, but they were only users of spells, not literally magical beings themselves. Man was never meant to be able to enjoy the best of both worlds: the power of elemental beings, and mortal pleasures of the flesh. But here he was, doing both things as he pleased. "I think I'm going to enjoy this very much," he said. "Enough talk for now!"

  Lothar began to go faster, using his newly formed body's strength to make an earnest attempt at hurting her pussy so that she would ache for days. He'd done just that before, but never with such an experienced women. That was much easier to do to virgins, or even young whores who had barely taken a handful of different cocks since they started working.

  "I love your cock!" Harmony cried out, her supple and firm back arching in her ecstasy. The way her delicate shoulders angles toward her slim waste in such perfect lines of symmetry, then sloped to the absolute pinnacle of perfection—her wide, wide hips and big, round butt cheeks that made Lothar think of the most ripe and juicy peach he could imagine—it was almost too much for him to comprehend as he pumped his cock in and out of her tight, slippery wet pussy and finally unleashed his seed inside of her again. Only this time he was filling up the other end with his cum instead of her mouth.

  "One last thing," Lothar said in between trying to catch his breath. "If the last dungeon core's lifeforce was depleted and he destroyed everything and everyone here—why are you still alive?"

  "Oh ... would you mind if we talk about that another time? It's ... not my happiest memory. Please?" She turned to look at him from her position before him on her hands and knees atop the immense stone slab. As she turned her head to look behind herself, her upper body resting down on her forearms, the twist to her spine showed him her curves in new ways, the skin now glistening with sweat; her pussy juice's scent combining with his own to give the air a special aroma. If Lothar didn't have something important for his own survival to take care of, he would have taken her again immediately. And he could already think of plenty of different ways to have fun with his willing servant.

  "I can respect that. As long as you do tell me soon enough. Now let's go to the looking glass."

  "Oh thank you, sir, you're the most understanding dungeon core I've had the honor of serving!" She got up from her doggy-style position and slid off the deus, rushing over to where he stood to give him a big, warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was considerate enough not to try to kiss him on the mouth after swallowing so much of his semen earlier, which was really saying something for how highly she thought of him; many whores were not so considerate, but then again, she was not just some random whore.


  Now standing before the looking glass, Lothar was much quicker to find what he wanted to know. He thought about his available traps and a window of information appeared, covering the other ones that had been there. "Now, let me see if I have this right, before you tell me any more."

  "Yes, Sir!" Harmony kept her mouth obediently shut and looped her arm around her master's arm, their sweat from passion mingling and adding to the warmth their skin shared. Lothar saw the following on the window:

  Level 1 Traps

  Spike pit

  Falling rocks

  Spore plant, poisonous gas

  "If you focus on any of those traps, you'll be able to see more information," Harmony said. Lothar didn't hesitate to start with the first one in the list, then each one after that:

  Snake Pit

  A square shaped pit in the floor ten feet deep with a series of long metal spikes jutting up from the bottom. The spikes are barbed to ensure extra difficulty in retrieving fallen comrades should they still be alive after falling into the trap.

  Falling Rocks

  An opening above releases large, heavy rocks that drop onto unsuspecting heads.

  Spore Plant, Poisonous Gas

  A seemingly normal plant that, when triggered by proximity of a large enough body, will release a cloud of gas that causes pain and sickness to unsuspecting victims.

  "What is this 'level one'? Are these only available for the first level of my dungeon?"

  "No, it's not the same as floor levels. This type of level denotes your current level of power. As you absorb fresh souls, you will be able to improve your level. For now you only have a limited number of different options, but that's going to improve exponentially, Sir. You are going to become more powerful than even the greatest king or mortal spell user!" She was excited to talk about this and the enthusiasm in her voice was encouraging.

  "Interesting. Don't souls restore my magic though?" Lothar stared ahead at the meager selection of traps he could choose from. He wanted to know more, but didn't want to rush into anything without more information this time. He'd unwittingly spent half of his own lifeforce on that move rock spell and didn't even realize he was doing it at the time. He was decided on being more careful and taking a more scholarly approach to this, which was something he had never really done in his mortal life. But now he had power, he had his own realm to rule over, and he could actually read, which is something he never thought would come into fruition. He wasn't going to mess up like he had when he'd died so stupidly.

  "I can see you want to get this straight before you make any more decisions," Harmony said understandingly. She was a very empathetic and compassionate fairy from what she had displayed so far, despite her sly attitude. "Don't worry, you will learn everything over time. I don't want to sound too negative, but even with your current level of power being more than the majority of men, there are still magic users out there who are just much more experienced. There are also specialists who spend their study learning how to deal with dungeon magic, or even how to fight against magical cores. This is a good time to bring that up, since we are already on the topic."

  "Thank you for telling me, Harmony. I want to learn as much as I can. I want to be the greatest dungeon core this domain has ever seen. That you have ever seen too."

  "Aw, you want to impress me? You're such a sweetheart, thank you." She leaned over and gave him a big kiss on the cheek again. Lothar wanted to kiss her on the mouth, but he'd done that with a woman once on a drunken dare and it was a seriously unsavory experience. He wasn't about to kiss Harmony when she'd just taken a mouthful of his seed recently.

  "Will all of these spells use so much of my lifeforce?"

  "Unfortunately move rock takes some serious power, but you are playing with the landscape itself when you cast it."

  "Shifting a mountain around in a matter of seconds is nothing to scoff at, I guess. And I didn't have much choice if those greenskin rats do decide to come back. It needed to be done anyway. How can I replenish my lifeforce then?"

  "You will regain it over time, gradually. The more powerful you become, the faster you're going to be
able to do that. Right now I would not expect to see it go up very quickly. That's why I'm glad you're taking your time on this next quest item. Once you put some traps and minions in your dungeon, it could take days for you to regain all of your lifeforce at level one, or maybe even longer than that. Everyone is different and I can't tell you any more details, Sir. I'm sorry."

  "There's no other way? Even if I create some defences, what else can I do to stop intruders? If anyone notices the canyon has moved, or they saw it move with their own eyes, we might expect explorers to come looking for the cause of something so strange."

  "I love that you're starting to think so tactically, Sir. Soon you'll be training me." She winked and ran her hand up his arm in admiration, then bit her bottom lip and tilted her hips. That talk of training was probably a sexual innuendo, which was more than fine with Lothar. She continued, "But don't worry. As you already know, you can also gain lifeforce from souls. That includes all manner of creatures, from animals to men, to monsters, and even other magical beings such as yourself. The more powerful an intruder is, the greater the risk—but also the greater the reward if you should defeat them. And then you will get experience on top of that! Play your cards right and you can build up your lifeforce, and your levels, pretty fast.

  "There are also your spells, which you can cast like any magic user might. The only thing is, you really are more adept at traps and minions. It's what a dungeon core does best, after all. That's why those types of spells tend to use less lifeforce than more traditional spells, like move rock for example. That's why it used up so much of your lifeforce when compared to making a trap or creating a minion to place in your dungeon domain, Sir."


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