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Bound Hearts 01-12

Page 178

by Lora Leigh

Kia rarely showed her nerves. Even two years ago, facing him, knowing what he wanted from her, she hadn't shown any fear.


  Steel spine. Tears fell silently when they did fall. She didn't sob, she didn't latch on to him and beg for strength, even silently. She wiped her eyes with that damned handkerchief Khalid had given her and tried to still the tears and the pain.


  "I can do more than put a bubble around you," he told her. "I know what we're looking at now, and I do know how to protect you, Kia."


  She lifted her head, her tongue swiping over her pale, dry lips.


  "What are we looking at?"


  "Someone out of control," he told her. "Someone you can anticipate." He drew her into his arms, feeling the fine tremor that raced through her body.


  "Someone who will try again and again until he succeeds," she said.


  "And when they do try, there will be protection," Khalid stated, his voice harsh, hard. "And he will be caught."


  Kia shook her head, tense as Chase held her to him.


  "Trust me, Kia," he whispered against her hair, his hand stroking her arm, trying to warm her.

  "Do you trust me to protect you?"


  Kia kept her head lowered. She was aware of too many eyes on her, too many watching her.

  Khalid and Cameron. And Chase.


  "Who will protect you ?"


  She fought to keep her hands in her lap, to keep from touching him, just to make certain he wasn't hurt, even though she knew he wasn't hurt. She felt his lips against the top of her head, his hand warming her arm under the sweater she wore. And she was terrified. For Chase.


  "Protect me ?" Chase lifted her face. Something in her voice, in the set of her body, filled him with a heat that threatened to burn him alive.


  When his eyes met hers he felt that heat consume him. She wasn't worried about herself; the fear wasn't for herself. It was for him.


  He felt his expression tighten. He couldn't help it. Emotion tore through him like an explosion, tightening his arms around her and clenching his teeth with brutal force.


  Fuck. Damn her. She was ripping into his soul and there wasn't a damned thing he could do to

  stop her. No one had ever cared about his protection.


  With the exception of Cameron, there had never been anyone who gave his life a thought above their own. Until Kia. It was her life in danger. She had been attacked, hurt, everything she owned brutalized, but she was worried about his protection?


  "You watch my back, and I'll watch yours." He lowered his head and whispered the words to her as Khalid and Cameron found something fascinating to watch outside the car windows.


  He felt her start, her eyes dilating in surprise. The slightest lessening of tension, the hint of her heart rate easing.


  "You would let me?" Her whisper low enough that he knew only he heard.


  He touched her cheek, experiencing the same rush he always felt when he touched her skin.


  "Any day of the week, any hour of the day. Keep your eyes on me, Kia. Mine will always be on you."


  Kia let her head rest against his chest then, inhaling with a slow, measured breath. Nothing could happen to him, not because of her, especially because of her. She couldn't live with herself if it did.


  The drive back to Chase's apartment was made quickly and Kia had nearly managed to regain her balance when they pulled into the underground parking lot and she realized her parents were there.


  "Who called Dad?" She wanted to scream in frustration then.


  She loved her father and her mother. They were the bedrock of her life, but she knew exactly what was coming.


  "Kia, I couldn't not let your father know," Chase chastised her gently. "He'd kill me."


  "He'd only hurt you a little," she snorted as the chauffeur opened the door. "I would have made it worth your while."


  She was aware of the surprised looks as the men moved from the car and Chase helped her out gently.


  "He would have killed me," he reiterated. "And then you'd really have to make do with just the electric blanket."


  "There was more than that." The brief byplay was easing her nerves, giving her more to concentrate on than her mother's tearful face.


  "Remind me to spank you again for that one," he murmured in her ear as they neared her father's limo.


  And of course he made certain he got in the last word.


  "Kia, sweetheart." Her father pulled her into a bear hug, his big arms wrapping around her like they used to when she was a child. "Are you okay?"


  "I'm fine."


  "Oh God, Kia, I can't believe this is happening." Her mother was next. Her small body trembled as she pulled her daughter into her embrace. "Thank God, Chase was there."


  "I'm fine, Mom." She pulled back, shaking her head. She didn't want to talk about it. She couldn't bear to.


  "We brought the clothes you had at the house." Her mother gripped her hand. "Your closet was full there, remember? I brought your favorites for now."


  Her father and the chauffeur were pulling several suitcases and dress bags from the trunk of the limo.


  God, all her clothes. She shook her head and lifted her hand. "I need a drink."


  "Let's get her upstairs." Chase's arm came around her again as he led them to the elevator that she knew was rarely used.


  Not that the drink helped. Kia drank the wine Chase poured for her, then as the men gathered in the living room to discuss her, she escaped to the bedroom, Chase's bedroom, where Chase had directed the chauffeur with her luggage.


  "Kia, come home."


  Her mother didn't waste time. The moment Kia stepped into the bedroom to unpack her bags, her mother was there, worried, her face still damp with tears.


  Kia shook her head before setting her wineglass on the dresser and moving to the bags.


  "I can't do that, Mom." She wasn't going to do it. Whoever had destroyed her home had done her a favor in one way. It had forced her to stay exactly where she had wanted to be in the first place. With Chase.


  She had opened the first case when her mother laid a hand on her arm.


  Kia turned her head, staring into eyes similar to her own, into a face that was merely an older version of her own.


  "You're in love with him, aren't you?" her mother asked softly.


  Chase paused by the door, freezing as he heard Cecilia ask that question.


  "I've always loved him, Mom," she said softly, and the admission tore through him with a slash of emotion.


  Her voice was thick, filled with emotion, and it had his heart clenching in his chest.


  "Kia, do you know what you're doing?" her mother asked. "Moving in with him? Has he told you he loves you?"


  "He doesn't have to love me."


  Chase could almost see her expression. That stubborn tilt to her chin, th
e way her sapphire eyes brightened with determination.


  "If it's all over tomorrow and he asks me to leave, then it will have been worth it, Mom. I hid all this time, not because of Drew, but partly because I can't stay the hell away from Chase any longer."


  "He's going to break your heart." Cecilia sighed.


  "Probably." Kia's voice was soft. "But at least I'll know, Mom. It won't torment me any longer."


  "Knowing could torment you worse."


  Kia shook her head at her mother's sympathetic look.


  "I don't think it could," she told her. "He's tormented me for years, Mom. Now, I just have to deal with it."


  She saw the understanding in her mother's face then, the elemental woman-to-woman communion; she understood that Kia could do nothing other than reach out for what completed her. If she managed to live long enough, because it sure as hell looked like someone wanted her dead.


  Chase wasn't certain how the hell he managed to survive the hours, too many fucking hours, with an apartment full of people keeping him away from Kia.


  He watched her as she helped her mother put together sandwich trays from the food that was delivered. She was still too pale, too fucking wounded.


  He would never forget, as long as he lived, the feelings that had swept over him as he realized she was more worried about him than she was about herself.


  She had been brutalized in that apartment. Her very existence ripped to shreds and threats sprayed in blood-red letters on her walls, and she had been worried about him.


  And then later, hearing her admit she loved him, that she fully expected him to ask her to leave when this was over. Equal parts anger and lust had filled him.


  She was wrapping herself around him in ways he knew he was never going to recover from.

  Because he couldn't imagine letting her out of his life now.


  When her parents finally left, leaving them alone in the silence of his home, he turned to her, watching as she stacked the dishwasher, her movements graceful, though she appeared tired.


  Hell, she was exhausted. It was nearly midnight. The detective had arrived for her statement, and

  that had worn her down. Her parents' worry and concern hadn't helped much. Her mother's pleas that she return with them to their home had been even harder on her, Chase thought.


  Chase watched as she closed the dishwasher and set it to start before straightening up. Her expression was somber, her eyes still too dark, too filled with fear.


  She had changed out of the slacks and sweater she wore upon arriving at the apartment into a lounging set her mother had brought her. The soft, thin black velvet pants and long-sleeved loose black top made her look even paler.


  "You're tired, Kia," he told her as she turned and stared back at him quietly. "Let's go to bed."

  He held his hand out to her.


  Kia inhaled slowly. "I think, for tonight at least, I'm sleeping in the guest room."


  His brow arched. "Really?"


  Kia hadn't exactly started out with that decision. Over the past few hours it had evolved, a knowledge that she was too vulnerable right now, her emotions too close to the surface.


  "I really need to get up early and get in to the office. I've been away too long already for a job I only just started again."


  "And sleeping with me is going to change that how?" His arms went over his chest and he scowled.


  "One has nothing to do with the other." She shrugged and pushed her hands into the pockets of her loose lounging pants.


  His eyes narrowed on her. "You're exhausted, Kia. Let's go to sleep. Just sleep. I promise."


  He held his hand out to her. She stared at it suspiciously. She felt so off balance, on the verge of tears again, and she didn't want to cry. What she wanted she couldn't allow herself to have tonight. Because giving in to it could very well mean giving in to her need to beg him, just for a little while, to lie to her. To tell her he cared, because, right now, she needed so desperately for him to care.


  She was weak. She had always been weak where Chase was involved.


  "I need to be alone, Chase," she whispered. "Just for a little while."


  Just long enough to convince herself he was doing this, keeping her with him, just to be protective, not because, maybe, he could love her.


  "Well, isn't that just too damned bad."


  Before she could avoid him he swung her into his arms and he was striding through the open area of the converted warehouse to the bedroom in the back. He stepped into the room, kicked the door closed behind him, and dropped her on the bed.


  "That is just so juvenile," she snapped, pushing her hair back from her eyes as she stared up at



  "Look, dammit, I don't have to fuck you just because you're in my bed," he half snarled. "I know how to sleep with you without it."


  "I'm still surprised you know how to sleep with me," she snapped back, her voice rising as she glared up at him. "You're like a damned yo-yo, Chase. How the hell am I supposed to keep up with you?"


  He shot her a hard glare as he unbuttoned his shirt. Oh God, she really didn't want him to unbutton his shirt. Didn't want to see his wide chest with that dusting of dark hair across it and arrowing down past the band of his pants. She didn't want to want him tonight. Not while she was feeling like this. While the fear was driving her to hold on to him.


  "I'm easy to keep up with." He sat down on the side of the bed and removed his boots. "Are you going to sleep in that stuff or get ready for bed?"


  "I don't want to sleep with you," she muttered, blinking back her tears.


  It was crashing in on her. She could feel it. She could still see her apartment in her mind's eye, all her possessions destroyed, the spray of red. DIE BITCH, WHORE.


  She had already broken down once today, she told herself. Sitting in the hallway of her apartment building crying like a little twit.


  She glared at Chase.


  "Yeah, you do want to sleep with me." He shucked his pants, and she nearly lost her breath. All that dark skin rippling over tight, hard muscles. It was more than any woman should be expected to deny. "But even more, Kia, I need to sleep with you."


  Kia wanted to fight the overwhelming need to have his arms around her, to feel him curled against her, or coming over her. To share one more pleasure-filled night in his arms.


  He was her weakness. No woman should have to fight against such a man's need to be with her.

  Just with her. And Kia fought herself, shuddering as the fight went out of her.


  "Ah, Kia, sweetheart." He moved on to the bed, pulling the blankets back and sliding between the sheets.


  A small sob caught in her throat as he pulled her into his arms, surrounded her with the warmth of his body and sent a shaft of need spearing into her womb.


  "Why now?" There was a hint of a sob in her voice that she couldn't control. "Why, Chase? You couldn't bear to sleep with me before."


  His eyes were vivid, mesmeri
zing. Thick, dark lashes surrounded them, giving him an intense, sexual look.


  "I had to force myself not to stay with you before," he finally said softly. "Kia, sweetheart.

  Letting you sleep alone was the hardest thing I've ever done."


  She rolled to the side of the bed, with every intention of getting out of it and stalking from the room.


  Chase caught her before she reached the edge. His arm went around her waist, pulling her back as he dragged the blankets and sheet along, chuckling at her determined struggles as he pressed her into the pillow and braced his body over hers.


  "I don't like this," she snapped, pushing against his chest, refusing to let her fingers curl into the silky crispness of chest hairs.


  "I won't be able to sleep without you, Kia," he whispered against her ear. "If you go to the guest room, I'll just follow you. I have to have you with me."


  "Are we going to sleep, Kia, or are you going to keep turning me on with that defiant little expression?" He pressed his cock more firmly against her thigh, and Kia swore she felt the sensitive flesh between her legs melt.


  Damn him. He made her want, even when she didn't want to want him.


  "I want you, Kia." His teeth raked her neck. "I need you."


  Her lips parted to protest, but it was a moan that filtered through them as his lips covered hers, slanting against them, his tongue stroking until she let him in.


  Oh God, she needed this. She needed him.


  She wrapped her arms around his bare shoulders, her nails raked across them as that something so wild and desperately hungry rose inside her.


  Her lips moved beneath his, drawing in his taste, his heat and his warmth as she felt his hands move beneath her shirt.


  The material bunched up beneath her arms, the tips of her breasts grazed his chest, drawing a gasp from her lips as his head jerked up.


  His eyes, that light wild green, blazed into hers. Dark hair fell over his brow. His brooding eyes bore into hers.


  "Can you walk away from me, Kia?" He dragged the shirt over her head, pulling it from her and tossing it aside as his powerful thighs straddled hers. "Answer me, damn you!"


  "It's pretty damned obvious I can't," she cried out, the arousal and fear mixing inside her. "Do you think I would be here if I could walk away?"


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