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Murder in the Parish

Page 10

by C T Mitchell

  “Well, that was some show you put on out there, Mr. Mayor.” Tom slid into the chair opposite the large, angry man. Usually, he would stand for this part, but with all the evidence, and the buffoonery of the mayor’s outburst, he felt relaxed enough to just tell it like it was.

  “Excuse me? And what is this news I’m supposed to be taking from you? That my wife was cheating on me or something? And that the person she was having an affair with killed her? I swear, the stories you people come up with, all this and no answers!”

  Tom just sat silently, staring at him, until he was finished. “That’s what you would like us to believe, is that right, sir?”

  The mayor looked genuinely puzzled. Not like the kind of genuine befuddlement of someone trying to figure out what he was being told, more of the look a toddler gives you when you find them eating the candy they weren’t supposed to have. He knew he’d been found out, you could feel the rift in the air that was created with Tom’s singular question.

  “I’m not sure what you’re playing at, Tom, but I can have you fired you know?”

  “Yes of course I know that but what kind of man would I be if I got scared every time someone politely offered to get me fired? Now tell us more about this affair you think was happening.”

  The man shifted in his seat. “Well I never said that, I was just assuming that’s what you were going to say.”

  “But you did think there was an affair, right sir?” Tom asked casually, seated so calmly it looked as if he could sit there all day. And he could, at that. Father Douglas had seen it before.

  “Well, I know there was an affair, actually.” The mayor straightened his jacket and wiped the sweat from his brow, attempting to change his direction.

  “Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. Tell me who she was cheating with.”

  “That scumbag Clifford! If you must know.”

  “Well, I do already know that actually, yes, but go ahead. Tell me more.”

  “Well, if you’re so cocky and already know everything why don’t you tell me what happened?! Maybe I’ll be enlightened.”

  “Well, I’m just waiting until you tell me which vet you hired to kill your wife?” Tom said flatly.

  The man’s jaw dropped but no sound emerged.

  “Why would I do that?”

  “You’re not very good at stalling, if I may say.” There was a short knock on the door, but no one opened it. “Luckily,” Tom added, “I am.”

  The mayor said nothing at first, but after what seemed like a long silence, finally asked what the police inspector was playing at.

  “It seems that your heartless hitman for hire has been plucked from his hiding spot. We found the goon that you hired to kill your wife. But here’s my question, what now? What’s in it for you if you rot in a jail cell the rest of your life?”

  “Because at least she won’t be out there rubbing it in my face that I wasn’t good enough! That is good enough to suit me. You know…. I left it alone for the longest time……I knew she’d been unfaithful to me, I did.

  But I let it go…. It wasn’t until Clifford resurfaced, all goody-two-shoes and helping children, did I get upset over it. I was going to let the past stay in the past, but they had rekindled some of that old reputed love for each other, I could see it when they spoke, and that just got under my skin like you wouldn’t believe. No way could I go on living every day as a man married to a woman who had feelings like that for someone else. No way.”

  “Wait, so you’re saying that they’d been around each other recently?” Tom asked, looking back toward the window, knowing that Father Douglas could see him.

  “Yes, of course. Like I said, I’d left it alone for ages, but then he showed up at a birthday party for one of Daniela’s friends, and the look on her face when she saw who it was really did me in, I mean…no man should have to see that.”

  “So you’re telling me,” Tom asked. “And this is honestly just out of curiosity…that if you were to run across an old love, and see them looking amazing and being kind and all that…that you wouldn’t perhaps let a smile run across your face after many years apart?”

  The lines on the mayor’s face fell flat, and the life drained from his eyes. “I didn’t have any other loves, she was my only one.”

  Father Douglas would never in a million years understand why people thought about things with such finality. With such a lack of hope or empathy or compassion. Without understanding, that’s fine, because as humans, rarely do we fully understand what’s going on….but such a lack of empathy was astounding to him.

  The fact that this man had completely rewritten his and Daniela’s entire future because he was jealous and sad… was mind boggling. But that’s the way things worked, and Father Douglas knew better than to question the Man upstairs as to why things are the way they are. It was best for him to just keep his head down and do the work that was set out before him.

  Doing it wholeheartedly and to the best of his ability was all anyone could expect to do in this life, and Father Douglas put the case of the mayor’s wife behind him, happy to have been of service in her memory.


  CT Mitchell is an Amazon bestselling author of mystery short reads and novels with a thriller edge. He is multiple 5 star recipient in the 2017 Readers Choice Awards for his novel Murder Secret (formerly published as Breaking Point).

  Street educated, Australian-born CT Mitchell has traveled the world in his business dealings as a real estate negotiator encountering many interesting characters; some outright crooks. He brings these experiences as well as a love for mystery thrillers to his writing.

  His fast-paced Detective Jack Creek Mysteries weave together traditional police procedural practice, global locations, and a hint of thrillers. Described by readers as “Rebus in a Valentino suit" Jack Creed is the ‘hard copper’ you want on your case.

  Dead Shot #1

  Dead Ringer #2

  Dead Wrong #3

  Dead Boss #4

  Dead Stakes #5

  Dead Lucky #6

  Dead Silence #7

  Murder Secret (published by Austin Macauley UK)

  CT Mitchell also writes cozy mysteries.

  Lady Margaret Turnbull, the 50 something, widow, is the bane of Detective Tom Sullivan’s life, but usually solves his cases. He’s secretly appreciative.

  Murder at the Fete #1

  Murder in the Village #2

  Murder in the Cemetery #3

  Murder in the Valley #4

  Murder at the Manor #5

  Murder in the Frame #6

  Two more cozy mystery series featuring Kate Mackenzie’s Sugar N Spice Cupcake Company and Selena Sharma Mysteries are also available on Amazon.

  CT Mitchell splits his time in both Brisbane and Cabarita Beach - a sleepy seaside village in northern NSW, Australia - the home of his award winning books. To grab two free mystery bestsellers, please visit, or follow him on Facebook or Twitter.


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