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Spectral Vibrations

Page 8

by Mercy DeSimone

  Reaching for her hand, I step forward to meet her, easing the control on my energy slightly, allowing it to slip from my fingertips and entwine with her own as my vibration begins to elevate.

  I quickly pull back again as Phire grunts, "Stop playing with the child, Aquam."

  Looking slightly guilty, Aquam pulls her energy to her, flouncing back in her chair before complaining, "Stop being so rigid, Phire! I was just trying to make the femme feel more comfortable. It's not like anyone else other than Paz has tried to make her feel welcome.”

  Turning to face Phire, I find him still frowning at Aquam as if annoyed by her very presence. Aren't they supposed to be in sync? I mean, as a Spectrum, I thought the vibrational energy was supposed to tie them together as a cohesive power. My face must betray my thoughts because Chalce leans from the far side where she sits, beckoning me past Phire who is still frowning at Aquam, to reassure me.

  "Ignore them, Tanzy. They're not happy unless they're agitating one another. Good Light to you. You're as beautifully resonant as Amet assured us."

  Warmed by the thought that Amet had spoken of me, my eyes began to well with tears as I think once again of the loss of my mentor.

  "I hadn't realized Amet had spoken about me," I say, my lip trembling slightly, until I finally realize my own pain is being amplified by Chalce's.

  "Oh yes, Tanzy, Amet and I were great friends. He told me that you were one of the best students he ever had. He had very high hopes for you, indeed. That's why we had to meet you."

  I'm slightly stunned by her artless confession, my feelings still jumbled as Chalce's sense of loss recycles my own, until I consciously pull back before I'm fully engulfed in sorrow. I know Chalce has tasted a sense of my pain at having experienced Amet's Unlightenment, and I see the satisfaction cross her face as she also pulls back her emotions.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I never realized Chalce was a strong empath. Although, as part of the Spectrum, it made sense that she would have that power. Odd that no one ever speaks of or directly acknowledges it. Glancing to where Titan stands off to the side I see him nod imperceptibly and realize what he was trying to tell me about keeping your talents hidden. Odd. I am definitely floating in a different cosmos here.

  There's a gentle buzz of energy in the room that feels familiar. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I know I've felt this energy before. Trying to glance casually around me, I catch the Red Guard who saved me from falling staring at me with a small frown on his face. I can't imagine why he's staring at me that way, after all my presence here was requested. It's not like I was given a choice.

  As I stand before the Counsel trying not to fidget, another sharp bite of power zaps my silica. Again, it's a familiar sensation, but different from the first. Trying not to fidget, I again sweep my eyes around the perimeter of the room before stopping short at the being who steps from behind a curtained alcove.

  "Lian," I inhale quickly, my lips pinching tightly in displeasure at seeing him here. What on earth is he doing in this chamber? A broad grin crosses his face as if anticipating my question and delighting in my confusion.

  Just seeing him here reminds me of one of the last times we had been alone together. The thought still makes me uncomfortable even now. It was during one of the many sanctioned mixers where all of the eligible offshoots were expected to meet and politely test their energy under the more relaxed eyes of the elders.

  Flashback - Krysalis 2080

  I really hated those affairs. As others socialized and mingled, I wandered off alone to read in the moonlight before being startled by a tremor in my vibration. It was nothing that I had ever felt before. Initially, it was like a light tickling along my senses that turned to a sharp buzz.

  Strengthening my boundary, I pushed my energy out, as we were taught to do, to counteract the sensation now coiling through my nerve endings before looking carefully around me for the source. It was then that I realized Lian stood half-hidden in the trees, watching me with a hungry expression on his face.

  Marzzian in nature, Lian had the dark coloring and broad structure of most of the beings in his warrior race. The long, twisted braids common to his brethren hung past broad shoulders, a narrow waist and powerful thighs encased by his tight jumpsuit which emphasized the ridges and curves of his musculature. The overlapping design of triangular scales sat under his silica like a shield, contrasting sharply from the more delicate nature of mine.

  We'd met several times throughout the yarns at the gatherings designed to socialize the colors and teach polite societal behaviors, where he acted as if he had no memory of harassing me when I was younger. As shy as I am, I always avoided direct contact with him and his friends as they were always loud and aggressive, taking up too much space in the room.

  They naturally attracted red, orange, and yellow femmes who knew that one day these males would be the most likely match to their vibration. But even many of the blues, indigos, and violets seemed drawn to their energy, like moths dancing a little too close to the flames.

  I'd always been a bit frightened by the air of natural command that leaked from their personalities, like water corroding the shine of metal, until it cast a rusty shadow on its surface. I didn't like the overwhelming feeling of powerlessness that assailed me when they were near. As a healing color, my nature runs naturally to more nurturing energy although I would never deny the need for the warlords who defend our boundaries and society, or hesitate to help one in need. Still, it always made me uncomfortable to find Lian's assessing gaze following my movements and tracking me as I interacted with others, while trying to immerse myself in lightly testing their vibrations.

  Now, orange flecks danced in his dark pupils, a small fiery corona shadowing the ring, while broad, flat cheekbones and thin lips pursed, supporting the aura of aggression that radiated from him as naturally as breathing. As an Orange, Lian was destined for a position of protector, which is why I couldn't understand the dark look in his eyes as he directed his energy my way.

  Stepping back hastily, I pleaded, "Lian, please back down your energy." Grinning lazily in reply, the buzzing painfully increased, feeling like small slices to my being. Stumbling back further in confusion, I asked, "Why are you testing my boundaries with such force?"

  We were taught to test our boundaries on the elders who could guide the energy within us to help establish a safe zone; to get an understanding of what force was acceptable so that we couldn’t unknowingly injure another being. It is only when we learned that lesson that we were freed from our home in the Pod to take our place in society and fulfill the role of our molecolor.

  Stalking toward me, Lian laughed, "I'm done testing boundaries. Now I'm ready to form bonds - or break them. I'm going to take my rightful place in this world, and you're going to bond with me and help me. Or not. I could just take what I need and leave you without.”

  The painful buzzing increased again until I felt small fractures appear in my fragile silica, like a hammer tapping an icy surface, looking for the weak spot that would shatter the whole.

  Squeezing my eyes tight, the buzzing engulfed my senses until I thought I might pass out at any moment, when it stopped abruptly, the pounding of my heartbeat all that I could hear inside my head. Blinking back to awareness, I found Laz standing beside Lian, his arm around his neck, as Lian choked slightly.

  "What the ASH are you doing, Lian?" Laz asked, shaking Lian as he struggled to get away. "Are you trying to shatter her?"

  Lian bucked and twisted, quickly breaking away before standing abruptly and straightening his tunic, a sneer twisting his lips.

  "What would you know, Laz? You crave Orange energy, don’t you?” He taunted. “But no Orange would want your weak color. You’re energy will never garner more than a position reading books and testing equations in some lab. You'll be lucky to ever reach healer status, let alone match frequency with someone of any true power."

  Gazing in my direction he looked at me hungrily again. "I can
feel the buzz of Tanzy's power. She and I could do something together... if she would just open up her senses to me."

  Flinching at the pure ambition in his eyes I stepped back once again, knowing that I needed to avoid him in the future. All I ever wanted was to be a healer, and Amet said I was well on the way to my dream. There was no way I was going to fall prey to some power junkie who wanted to use me for his own purposes.

  Glancing at Laz, I mouthed, "Thank you," before fleeing out of the gardens back to my cell and away from the others. After that, I avoided the social gatherings, preferring to test my boundaries in private, and begging Amet to teach me defensive energy shielding against those who were too aggressive. Amet never asked me why I was suddenly so concerned with wanting to know defense; I think he suspected the reasoning if not the actual circumstances.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Seeing Lian again brought back all of my fears. I was never ambitious when it came to power. Having met Lian as a young male, and knowing he was the offshoot of a Counsil member, made me believe that power was a major concern to all within the Counsil. Which is why I feared being summoned before the Counsil now.

  Normally, the only reason a being is summoned before them is for punishment or reassignment. Since my conscience was clear, and I wasn’t brought in by a Protector, it must be for reassignment. That would mean leaving the place where Laz and I had been so happy. But as long as we were together I knew we didn't have anything to fear. Laz always tells me that I'm his strength, but without Laz that day, I could well have fallen prey to Lian's influence, or been injured enough to drain my source. Laz is my strength, and as a Duo we can accomplish great healing. Now, I just need to convince the Counsilary of that.

  Stepping forward now, Lian hands a sheaf of documents to Carn before stepping back toward the wall to take his place next to the other guard who pointedly ignores him. I can feel the wave of animosity that pours from Lian as he stares at the Red Guard. When did Lian rise to Red status? I never heard that he acquired a bondmate. The implications of his power boost leaves me breathless as I watch him warily.

  Closing my eyes to search inwardly, I take a deep breath, my senses almost tasting the air for emotion. Waves of anger and... jealousy... emanate from Lian; directed toward the Red Guard. As if sensing me observing his emotions, he quickly locks down his emotional field causing me to tilt my head slightly and concentrate harder as his thoughts twist and become covetous. Feelings of lust and avarice are directed my way, floating on the air like a viper slithering around its prey, just waiting until it's been weakened before striking.

  I wonder if I am being deliberately tested. Taking another deep breath, I allow a small amount of my empathic sense to sip at the energy again. Yes, there it is. Zirc! I can feel the Red Guard's composure becoming more brittle as he continues to ignore Lian's pointed stare.

  Just as suddenly, I feel my own senses begin to buzz as if they have acquired a signal I wasn't feeling a moment ago, searching for a charge. Not quite the way I feel with Laz, but a similar sense of awareness as a warmth from a positive charge begins to flutter along my nerve endings, and a burgeoning of pleasure begins to ripple through my core.

  As my eyes widen at the energy assaulting my senses, I realize that the Red Guard is now staring at me as intently as Lian has been focusing on him. A look of surprise and confusion suffuse his face; his hands suddenly tightening to fists before one grips tightly to the hilt of his weapon before relaxing again. The energy begins to back down and a look of wonder quickly crosses his face before he consciously wipes his expression clear again, although I sense regret as he feels my energy retreat.

  Silence echoes around the room as I suddenly realize that all of the Counsil members have stopped speaking and are focused on me. Zirc! What did I miss? My mouth opens, and then quickly closes again as I resolve to let them lead the way before I embarrass myself further.

  The buzzing along my nerves has receded and my thoughts begin to clear as feelings of amusement and, oddly, satisfaction ripple through me. As one empath to another, Chalce smiles sympathetically at me while her eyes drift slightly down the line, widening almost in question at Jaden.

  His smug smile tells the story. For whatever reason, which I honestly can't fathom, he boosted my vibration to test against the Red guard's. I'm mortified as I carefully avoid looking at the guard, who is once again stoically standing at attention as if there had been no disturbance or tension between us. While I always knew that boosting vibration was the gift inherent in a Green tuner, never did I expect to have that power wielded toward me. No wonder the elders mourn the loss of the Greens so deeply. It's almost magical how effortlessly my senses began to resonate with another's. I can't imagine what the world was like when Greens were everywhere and matches could be made of even the most unlikely frequencies.

  Shifting my glance slightly to Lian, I realize that I have also now become a recipient of his hostility as he watches both me and the guard closely, as if he sensed what happened between us.

  Clearing my throat, I continue to wait as the others just watch me curiously. I will not be the first to break. They asked me here... it's not my place to lead the discussion.... there’s power in silence…. don’t show your ignorance…

  "My apologies. I was distracted by the splendor of the room," I say calmly, "did you ask me a question?"

  "We need a new healer, Tanzy," Chalce begins. I know I'm staring at her blankly because I don't understand what this has to do with me.

  "You want me to assist your new healer?" I say with surprise, even more confused when she bites her lip to suppress the amusement I feel radiating from her.

  "No. We'd like to evaluate your suitability to be our new healer."

  I know I'm missing something important here. For the life of me I can't figure out what it is. I'm not usually this unnerved by other beings, but it's rare for someone like me to stand before the Spectrum, for Zirc's sake! Floundering, I shrug my shoulders lightly to indicate my lack of understanding until Paz finally pipes up from his place at the table.

  "Do you have an objection to working for the Counsil?" His raised brow indicates his impatience, even if I couldn't already feel it pouring off him in waves.

  Fluttering my hands before me, I stutter, "But, I'm barely a healer. I'm not qualified to heal the Counsil."

  "That's not what we were lead to believe," Phire offers from where he sits. "Amet was convinced that you were the person to succeed him one day. We just never believed that would be so soon." Regret drips from his words as his eyes darken with sorrow. I'm flooded with a sense of sadness, which is echoed by Chalce, as their vibrations communicate their shared loss.

  "I'm sure that Amet must have also thought that day would be yarns from now," I try to interject reasonably. "I barely had five yarns working as his apprentice. Surely there are stronger Violets than me who are closer to the Counsil."

  A secretive look passes between several of the Counsil members. It appears that Chalce has been appointed the spokesperson for this conversation because the others just continue to wait until she speaks again.

  "Others have also been evaluated, but it was Amet's wish that you succeed him. We will not dishonor his light by ignoring his request. We'll begin testing your skill tomorrow. In the meantime, we've prepared a room for you in the Violet wing. I'm sure you'll enjoy the accommodations."

  "But," I sputter, "I need to get back to the lab. Laz can't complete our research without me."

  "I'm sure he can manage quite well without you for the rest of the sunphase," Chalce chides, "besides, if what we desire comes to pass, he'll need to find another partner in the lab each sunphase."

  Sensing the anxiety beginning to race through my veins she continues gently, "Don't worry, we would never dream of unnecessarily stretching your bond. If we come to an agreement, Senator Titan will have Laz transferred to a more comfortable proximity for you both."

  My shoulders relax as I realize that I've been holding my breath.
I'm dizzy with relief; I can't imagine what would have happened had they tried to separate me from Laz. My heart aches just at the thought.

  "Jasper will escort you to your Quarters. We'll look forward to your sensory exam next sunphase."

  Clearly I've been dismissed. I bow my head slightly before realizing that the Red Guard has moved to my side. Nodding his head at me, he turns abruptly toward the door and it's clear that he expects me to follow him.

  Chapter Seventeen


  His long legs quickly eat up the distance and I pick up my pace to follow in his wake. There’s so much I’d like to stop and explore as we pass, but it’s all a blur as I’m rushed along.

  "What is the urgency?" I get out, sucking in air as I struggle to keep to his pace, watching his back stiffen and his steps falter when he realizes how far ahead of me he's gotten. He waits for me to catch up before turning once again to lead the way at a slower pace.

  "My apologies," he grunts. "I'm not used to having to cater to a femme's pace."

  It's good that his back is to me once again because the temptation to stick out my tongue is almost unbearable. The thought makes me smile; I'm rarely provoked to act childishly, except when Laz tries to make me laugh. The thought of Laz centers my focus again as I gaze at Jasper’s back.

  "So, how long have you been a guard for the Counsilary?" I ask as we walk more slowly now. As the silence stretches I assume he has no plans to answer when he abruptly turns his head toward me, frowning as if deep in thought.

  "How many yarns are you?" he asks. "Where is your family?"


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