Spectral Vibrations

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Spectral Vibrations Page 15

by Mercy DeSimone

  As if sensing my retreating thoughts Jasper’s grip tightens on mine, bringing my hand down to rest on his chest as if to feel the beats of his hearts where I see the quickening rise and fall in his silica. His look suddenly becomes more vulnerable, his emotions almost pleading with my own for acceptance, before I feel a door quickly seal off his emotion as his expression becomes bland and his hand releases mine.

  Looking at him more closely I try to determine the abrupt change of mood and suddenly I know—he’s already prepared himself for rejection. He read the confusion in my face and drew his own conclusions, and now he’s steeling himself for the formal words of acknowledgement rejecting his claim.

  Sighing deeply, I lay my hand flat against his silica over the twin hearts and speak to Marin softly without turning away from Jasper’s now averted gaze.

  “Marin, I believe he’s doing much better now, can you please give us a moment alone?”

  Looking a bit panicked, Marin objects “Are you sure that’s wise, Tanzy, that was quite a serious wound, perhaps we should continue…”

  “Marin, see for yourself. He’s healed and in no further danger. I just need a moment to confer with him privately, and then you can feel free to return and test his vital signs to your heart’s content.”

  As he shifts from foot to foot in indecision, I finally lose all patience. “Marin,” I snap, “please just leave. I’ll call you back momentarily. I take full responsibility for the consequences.”

  A sharp rumble begins to escape from Jasper’s chest and Marin stares at him in alarm before turning quickly on his heel and escaping. A sense of amusement begins to transmit from Jasper to me as I realize that he has grasped my hand again, flattening it against his chest as if he can actually feel me.

  Blowing my bangs out of my eyes with another sigh, I slowly turn my gaze back to him to see his intent stare focused on me once again. Without thinking, I reach down and pull his braids back onto the table where they’ve fallen away from his head and fan them lightly around his shoulders, killing time until I figure out what to say. As if he can’t wait any longer, he finally breaks the silence, his voice like a deep rumble of thunder from a distant starshower.

  “You can feel me,” he demands challengingly as if expecting me to deny it.

  “Of course,” I say softly, lifting my eyes back to his, “energy doesn’t lie.”

  The satisfaction in his face is like a beacon of hope, and a blinding awareness of his energy sizzles down my spine as I start to recognize the pattern of his frequency buzzing in the background, like another harmonic thread binding to my own. My melody has changed I realize with a sense of awe; instead of a simple tune with a line of harmony, it’s almost as if a sense of percussion has been added, a deep drumbeat of energy that throbs at my core, bringing an awareness of strength and danger.

  “I need to feel you,” his voice rumbles again and I’m caught in that drumbeat, the throbbing becoming more insistent as it wraps around me to taste my essence. My eyes flutter closed as I feel tendrils of his power stroking inside my silica, tasting my energy, until a small whimper escapes me. It’s so different from what I feel with Laz, darker and more demanding. Where’s Laz’s energy is more sweeping and fluid, this has a bite to it, but one that makes you lean into it rather than retreat.

  The red of Jasper’s eyes turns molten as my energy tentatively flutters around his like satin sliding over granite, having trouble getting traction, instead swirling and dancing on the surface, waiting for something to anchor it.

  The swoosh of the door opening startles me into pulling back my energy as Jasper growls in annoyance, reluctantly releasing my hand and his energy from mine, before finally swinging his legs off the table and standing to tower over me once more.

  Titan’s shuttered expression regards us from across the room and we all stand in silence, staring at each other in a silent tableaux, until Marin enters behind him and looks to each of us, a question in his eyes. A disgusted expression breaks across Titan’s face before being hidden quickly again; a true politician I realize, so easily able to conceal what he’s thinking. Unfortunately, as an empath I’m fairly adept at reading emotional signatures and there is more than a bit of frustration vibrating in his energy, tempered with jealousy and regret.

  The room remains in silence until Marin clears his throat and ventures closer to scan Jasper with a synapse meter, trying to determine if his brain and bodily functions are firing correctly. The sweep of Jasper’s hand sends Marin stumbling backward as Jasper brushes off his attempts to examine him further, instead spreading his long arms and stretching impressively in a show of strength.

  The sight of his massive arms and chest expanding elicit a drool of admiration that I quickly tamp down. While Laz always assures me that I am perfectly formed, I can’t help but be enchanted by the view of the sinewy strength that makes up his massive form and dwarfs my own. As a fuller being, I’m used to being closer in stature to the males around me; it’s intriguing to feel dominated in size.

  The red blaze of his eyes shifting toward me once more reminds me that he can now sense some of my energy as well. I reflexively try to hide my interest until his sudden frown reminds me that it’s not necessary, or even really possible. We’re bound now by our energy, and I suddenly feel stronger and more able-bodied. The soft, roundness of my chest and hips feel, if possible, even fuller but somehow firmer, as if a layer of more flexible steel lies beneath the surface.

  A wicked glint enters Jasper’s eyes as he brushes his energy lightly across my breasts in a subtle caress as if to focus my attention there, and my eyes fly to his to see the small twitch of his lips as I realize he’s teasing me. I’m delighted, and at the same time amazed to see this side of him, not that I know him well at all, but everything I’ve learned up to this moment pointed to a naturally humorless disposition. To find such playfulness is as unexpected as it is disconcerting.

  Titan’s tight voice brings our awareness back from our fascinated focus on one another to the room at large.

  “We need to brief the Council on the break in.” His brows lift significantly in Jasper’s direction and I sense Jasper’s irritation, followed by chagrin, as he pulls away from me.

  “Tanzy,” Titan continues, “while this demonstration of your skill will go a long way to proving your suitability, there is still one last exercise to facilitate. Jasper and I will confer with the Counsil while Marin gets you set up. We’ll see you afterward.”

  Watching Jasper walk away is like feeling a thread bound in my energy stretch and bend. It’s definitely different than my bond with Laz and I’m puzzled. No one ever told me that energy bends differently with different bondmates. Wryly, I realize that it might be because most people don’t know. The amount of Triads, and Quads I’ve ever encountered have been very few and far between. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever met a Quad before.

  Well, this should be interesting, my scientist’s brain is already firing questions, ricocheting through my mind as I try to figure out what I want to know first, before realizing that inevitably, I’m going to learn it all. One way or another.


  “Why are you glowering at ME, you Shard? You’re the one who shot me!” I know my stare is somewhat hostile as I watch Titan’s stiff back march down the corridor beside me.

  “Just tell them what you told Rubis. I’ll back you up,” I assure him absently, as my thoughts turn to the wonder that is Tanzy once again. Seeing Titan’s expression turn even darker, I punch him on the shoulder.


  I’m a bit shocked to see such an arid expression on Titan’s face and suddenly it hits me, no wonder he’s so disgusted. I’m so consumed by the wonder of bonding with Tanzy that it never occurred to me how he would feel.

  “Sorry,” I grunt, looking sideways at him as he continues to stalk toward the Counsil chambers. “But, I’m not… you know… and you wouldn’t be either!” I can’t help but snap defensively.

Watching Titan blow out a frustrated breath I know I’m right, and I feel the regret creep into my mind. This is going to make everything that much harder. But I know if Titan was in my position he wouldn’t question it. He would grip the opportunity and pull it to his chest with both hands and protect it with his soul, no matter who else was hurt in the process.

  “Just tell me one thing.” Titan’s abrupt stop has me backpedaling to get back to his position. Raising an eyebrow in question I watch as he struggles to voice the question I know he’s dying to ask.

  “How does she feel?” Titan asks in a low voice, a look of longing in his eyes.

  “Exactly the way you always dreamed and anticipated,” I say briefly before turning quickly and walking away, not wanting to see the resignation I know will fill Titan’s eyes as he acknowledges that I won, and he lost, and that this will cause a rift in our relationship that neither of us ever wanted.

  But I can’t allow myself to dwell there. While I wish we could have both won, I’m not unhappy to be the victor. And as farfetched as it seems, maybe my Diamond Girl has something more in her. Let’s face it, she certainly didn’t see me coming, and she already has Laz. I wonder if she can harness more colors? It would certainly be a feat, but she’s surprised us multiple times already.

  Watching Titan’s retreating back as he brushes past me and takes the lead, I don’t voice that thought out loud. No point in getting his hopes up. Besides, I’m not certain how well Tanzy is going to deal with working two disparate energies. This should be an interesting experience for all of us. For now, I can’t wait to see how Titan is going to convince the Counsil that an intruder shot me.

  Grinning to myself, I prepare to settle in and enjoy the show. He’s a politician for a reason, and if anyone can talk circles around a situation, it’s Titan.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The rage flowing through my body needs an outlet although I’m ashamed to have it directed at Jasper. It’s not his fault, and I would kill anyone who had tried to take the opportunity to bond with Tanzy away from me. However, knowing that I’m inadvertently the one that just gave him the gift of a lifetime, while crushing my own hope, enrages me even further.

  Common sense begins to temper my rage as I realize I’m happy for Jasper, just really, damn envious. I can’t believe it happened. And why him, why not me? If I threw myself, shattered, before her, would I be able to recreate the result? The pure dismay in my thoughts forces me to again remember that Jasper is my friend; I forced this on him, and damn it, I will make him grateful every centon of his life that he has her.

  I know that’s a ridiculous thought as well. Jasper would never do anything to harm my Gemma; if anything I should feel relieved that we have him there to protect her. But damn it, I can’t even stand the thought of watching them laugh and bond, knowing how badly I want to push my way between them and demand equal treatment. I’m going to have to be very careful of my emotions now. My little Gemma sees too much. Still, I can’t help but ask…

  “So, how does she feel?” I wait for the reluctant answer, watching Jasper’s face twitch with regret before he replies.

  “Exactly the way you always dreamed and expected.”

  Damn it! I knew I was going to regret asking the damn question. Brushing past him abruptly, I tuck all of these thoughts away. What’s done is done, there’s no point in examining them further. My cock twitches slightly in protest as I lock away any expectations of ever achieving my desire of tasting Tanzy’s energy. Better to focus on how to keep her safe.

  Perhaps I should have created a better strategy before shooting Jasper, I realize, trying to decide how to spin this story to my best advantage. Fooling my father will be the hardest, and that bitch Hesson. A viper always has a good sense of when another predator has entered her nest. I’ll have to be careful there. As always, it seems that I’ll need to distract them with something bigger; which means, of course, I’ll have to reveal Jasper’s news before he can.

  Staring at him assessingly, I can feel the question in his eyes. It’s only fair, Geode, I laugh bitterly in my mind. After all, you got the femme. Now I’m going to use that knowledge to my advantage. Sorry, not sorry.

  Pressing the airlock on the smaller Counsil Chambers, I enter quickly, Jasper on my heels, and stalk forward to stand before the round conference table where they’ve gathered in anticipation of my briefing. Or rather Jasper’s briefing, I laugh softly to myself, realizing he’s looking a bit at a loss now as he has to decide what to tell them.

  Clearing my throat, I step forward as Jasper looks relieved, standing his ground but allowing me to lead the conversation.

  My father’s concerned expression meets my own.

  “Titan, what the Zirc is going on?”

  Smiling reassuringly at him, I turn to face Carn, who as the Counsil’s Red, is ultimately responsible for Counsil security. I realize he is glancing oddly at his offshoot as if he already senses something different about him, so I speak quickly to distract his attention.

  “Carn, we believe that someone entered through the kitchens with the intent of reaching the Violet’s chambers.”

  His eyes snap to mine, narrowing in thought as he asks the obvious. “What the Zirc do they want with the Violet?”

  Shrugging, I try to act as nonchalant as possible, “I have no idea, but when challenged, he shot Jasper.” I wait for the intake of breath as each of the Counsil members turn their attention to where Jasper stands glowering.

  “Well it’s clear they were a bad shot.” Carn says, staring at his offshoot, his eyes running assessingly over his form, looking for any injury.

  I can sense my father’s suspicious nature focused on me, as he gears up to ask questions I do not want to answer. Gesturing dramatically toward Jasper, I proclaim, “Actually, they were a better shot than expected. They hit Jasper’s seminal vein.”

  I wait for the slight gasp from Chalce, Aquam, and Carn as he stares down his offshoot, a frown marring his features before grumbling, “I don’t understand. You’re perfectly fine.”

  Jasper stares at the ceiling for a moment before turning to me once more, a pleading expression on his face, which I completely ignore.

  “Tanzy healed him,” I declare, waiting for the reaction I know is to come.

  Chalce stares at me in wonder, a small “O” of surprise framing her lips, before a smile of satisfaction settles across her face. Hesson’s gaze is calculating as her sharp eyes dart from mine to Jasper’s and back again.

  I casually glance around the room and lean in, as if to share some great secret with them all. Jasper’s eyes narrow, commanding me to stop before revealing too much.

  “And Jasper and Tanzy have bonded.” I can’t help the small hint of envy that slips into my words as I stop to watch the stunned reactions around the table.

  Carn is the first to recover as his eyes widen in stunned acknowledgment before a smile crosses his broad features and he stands to grasp his offshoot’s hand. “Zirc! You have found your bond at last.” Wrapping his extra digit around Jasper’s own in the traditional way, he pulls their grasped hands to his own chest, thumping their clenched fists against it, before pushing back toward Jasper’s chest and repeating the gesture there.

  Jasper winces at the acknowledgement, but I can see the relief and pride swell his chest at his father’s words, knowing that he has at last, fulfilled the promise of his existence. To bond, to boost, and to lead.

  Chalce offers her hand to Jasper from where she sits next to Carn, closing the circle of color, and soothing the edges of his frayed emotions. “May your auras be bright for all the centons to come.” Jasper’s hand tightens briefly on hers as he bobs his head in acknowledgement, before acknowledging the congratulations of the rest of the Counsil.

  “It seems the next part of the test will be even more important now,” I state blandly, glancing significantly from Jasper to the rest, all but Carn, who smiles delightedly.

  I watch
the significance sink in as the rest of the Counsil look at Jasper with new eyes, each of them wondering what this frequency boost will mean. And just as intended, their own self-interest has distracted them from the discussion of the intruder as if it was a non-event. Which it truly was, I laugh silently to myself, while Jasper glowers at me from where he stands before the Counsil, struggling to answer their intrusive questions with the least amount of words possible.

  All except for Hesson. She merely sits back in her chair watching the others with a distracted air; I can almost see the datastream flying through her thoughts, trying to gauge how this new information affects her situation. Like a sun suddenly bursting to light, I see the moment that she has reached a possible conclusion, her lips pursed as she nods almost as if to herself, before rising gracefully and addressing the room.

  “Well, let’s not keep Tanzy waiting any longer. I for one am eager to see how she reacts to this last challenge.”

  The others begin to shift in their chairs eagerly, following her lead, when I realize that Jaden stares at me from where he still sits. His unwavering stare unnerves me somewhat, as if he’s still trying to find the kernel of truth in my story, before nodding at me finally. A slight smile crosses his face as he grasps my shoulder before exiting.

  “Don’t lose heart, Titan. Your yarn will come. Timing is everything.”

  My mouth drops open slightly as he passes, wondering what he means. My mind leaps to wonder if it’s possible that he’s planning on stacking the deck for me, then immediately shies away from that hope. My brain refuses to go there; I’ve spent an entire centon wondering if it would ever be possible to stay on Krysalis for the duration of my Enlightenment. I can’t allow even a small kernel of hope to blossom because the chances are so small.


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