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Evan’s Rescued Mate

Page 3

by Claire Ashlynn

  “Of course.” Allie replies at the same time Tom firmly states “No way am I going back out there in the dark!”

  Allie gasps. “You unbelievable jerk. This is your fault. Why did you grab her anyway?!”

  “Please, I barely touched her!” Tom’s face turns a deep red.

  “Okay enough, we’ll deal with this later, right now we need to find your friend.” I finally had enough. I can deal with the douche bag later after the girl has been found.

  Turning to the radio, I grab the radio transmitter, “Base this is tower one. Do you copy?”

  “Tower one, this is base.”

  “Two of the girl's friends just showed up at the tower. We are going to have one of them lead us to the last location. If you can, send someone to pick up the other one.” I roll my eyes at Tom. “And an investigation should be performed because it might not have been an accident,” I give Tom evil eyes. I feel like I could just beat the shit out of him.

  “Roger, base to tower one, out.”

  Turning to Allie, I reach out and shake her hand. “I am Evan and this is my partner Lucas. Let’s grab our gear and we can get started.” I look over at Tom. “You stay put, a team is on the way to evacuate you.”

  Tom looks pale and upset. “Whatever, man. She was a bitch.”

  I step toward him growing tired of his whiney ass and the bullshit he’s spewing, but Lucas walks between us. He shakes his head at me, “He’s not worth it. Get the gear, the temperature is dropping fast and if she’s hurt, we need to get to her ASAP.”

  Allie whimpers. Lucas looks her in the eyes, “She’ll be fine, we do this all the time.” He wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her in tight.

  I grab mine and Lucas's packs. “Let's go.” Giving Tom one more hard look as we walk out the door, “Stay.” I follow them out the door. Lucas has gone from shoulder hug to holding Allie’s hand. Hmm, something is going on there. I’ll ask him later.

  “We’ll take the four-wheelers, it’ll be faster,” Lucas says over his shoulder as he heads to the area under the tower with Allie in tow. He helps Allie put on her helmet as I gear up.

  We head down the trail with Lucas in the lead and Allie on the back of his four-wheeler wrapped around him tight and me following close behind.

  * * *


  “Layla!” Distant voices and a buzzing sound wakes me up from a restless sleep. It’s still dark out when I look at my watch to see that it is only 11:00 p.m. Man, I have only been asleep for less than two hours. Feeling dizzy and nauseous I sit up slowly. The sounds seem to be getting closer. “Here!” I scream as loudly but cautiously as possible that my messed up ribs will allow.

  “Layla!” a woman’s voice yells more clearly but still far enough away that it sounds like a whisper. It has to be a rescue party. Thank you, Allie.

  “I’m here!” I call out again. Crawling out of the shelter, I look around and spot faint blinking lights up on the mountainside. Stray lights from their flashlights are hard to see through the trees. Standing up and stumbling, the dizziness comes on strong and the throbbing in my ribs and on the back of my head increases. I plop back down because with shit hurting like it is, there’s no way but down and down hard. With a grunt, I land on my ass. Whimpering “Here” I lay backward and my eyes flutter closed, the pain is just too much.

  “Layla!” Allie screams, “This is the spot. I just know it, I remember.” Looking frantically around.

  * * *


  “Calm down, we will find her,” I tell Allie who is beginning to freak out and frankly starting to piss me off. Something about this rescue mission has become personal to me. Lucas looks at me sharply and growls low so only I can hear. I give him a questioning look. There is something definitely going on there.

  Allie throws herself into Lucas’s arms and starts to sob.

  I scan the area where Allie indicated that Layla went over. “If she went over the edge, then we’ll need to find a way down there.” Thanks to my excellent shifter vision, I can see multiple footprints and slide marks on the ground. A few yards away, there is a game trail that’s a path that small game have been using to get up and down the incline.

  Giving Lucas a meaningful look, I nod over in the direction that Layla fell. ”I’m going to scout around.” When he nods in agreement, I head for the path. Carefully I make my way down. “Shit!” Slipping and sliding my way downward, my animal starts to stir and gets restless. I use the radio, “Lucas, it's pretty steep. If I find her down here and she is hurt, I will have to find a different route out. Copy?”

  “Copy that. Waiting on your response,” Lucas replies.

  Near the bottom, I see a drop-off. After taking a quick look at the distance, I leap and land on the creek bed. Looking around, I lift my head and sniff the air. Smoke with a hint of vanilla scent the air. My bear stirs. Weird. Heading in the direction of the smell, I can see a small flame. Got to love those shifter senses, with everything enhanced.

  The closer I get, the stronger the scent grows, with the vanilla scent overpowering the smoke. Almost like warm sugar cookies, so sweet, so delicious. My bear growls. Shit, get real. We’re on a job. There is no time for that nonsense.

  “Hello to the campsite? Anyone there?” I call stepping closer to the makeshift campsite.

  A weak hello is the only response. Spotting the tent flap used as a windbreak, I notice a curvy figure laying on the ground, I move quickly. I can smell blood and pain. My animal paces inside ready to rip out of me. What the hell is wrong with him?

  Coming to a sliding stop, I’m down on my knees next to the woman. Grabbing the sides of my head, my animal roars “Mate!” Shit, what the fuck? Of course, my stupid beast chooses now, during an emergency, to find our mate!

  “You okay? I thought I was the one hurt,” comes a weak, but smart ass voice.

  Pulling myself together, I put on a cocky grin. “Of course, my name is Evan, and you must be Layla. This is your lucky day, I'm here to rescue you.”

  “Yeah, right. My lucky day...” she says with a small pained laugh.

  “Where are you hurt?” Getting down to business I start evaluating her injuries, my bear pacing back and forth. He’s not a happy camper. I start to run my hands up and down her body assessing for any injuries. My bear practically purrs. Shit, get it under control. She’s hurt, for fuck sakes.

  “I think a concussion, a couple broken or bruised ribs, and a few scrapes and bruises. Any more and I could come up with a morbid song counting down my injuries.” laughs Layla. She is hot.

  Taken back by her knowledge, I start with her head. Running my hands behind her head feeling around her long sandy blonde braids, I can feel the stickiness of blood and a small lump that has formed. Grimacing, Layla draws a shaky breath but sits still waiting for me to be done. Moving on I brush against her ribs and she gasps in pain. Shaking my head, I look over her body slowly inventorying her superficial and severe injuries, while my animal is having a shit fit that our mate is hurt. “I don’t think you have any broken bones but you are really banged up.”

  “So, how are we getting out of here? I don't think I'll be climbing back up.” Layla implores, biting on her lower lip. Damn those lush lips. Focus!

  “There is a game trail near here. The drop off is not as steep as this one. I think working together, we can get you out of here,” smiling at her with indulgence. I finish my assessment of her injuries while trying not to look too obvious checking her sexy-as-hell body out. “I can do the heavy lifting while you just keep moving.”

  With a snort. “Heavy lifting?” her eyebrows lift to her hairline. From the looks of her, Layla has a killer body with curves that go on for miles. She isn’t one of those stick figure girls. I can tell she had some substance to her. Lush breasts with oh-so-nice curvy hips, and even though she is laying on her back, I can guess that she has a nice rounded ass that goes with her thick thighs.

  Layla tries sitting up and I quickly put my arm behi
nd her back for support and slowly get her on her feet. “Come on, we need to get you out of here.”

  “Thanks,” Layla tells me, grabbing my arm. We slowly walk down the shore of the stream to the area where I came down. Looking up at the five-foot cliff, “No way!” Layla cries shaking her head in denial. “There is no way I'm getting up that in this condition.”

  “It’s fine, I’ll help you up and we can go slowly. Your friend is waiting at the top,” I offer, hoping to put her at ease while I survey the best way up. “I’m going to lift you up. Ready?”

  Taking a slow, steady breath while looking up again, Layla timidly nods her head at me, “As ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s get this over with.”

  I pull out the short-range radio. “Lucas, do you copy?”

  “Evan, shit man, it took you long enough. Did you see any sign of her?” Lucas sounds pissed.

  “Yes, I found her. She needs medical attention but she can walk out. We are on our way up, let base know that she will need transport to the hospital when we reach them.”

  “No I don’t, I can drive myself.” Layla interrupts stubbornly. She acts like she doesn’t want me to know how bad she’s hurt. That doesn't make sense. She seriously needs to be checked out. She has labored breathing and can barely stay on her feet. There could be internal organ damage that can be seen with proper medical equipment.

  I give her a look that tells her I know differently, but instead of arguing I let it go for now, “Let’s get going. Stand here under the small overhang, I’m going to lift you so you can climb up.” I turn her with my hands on her shoulders to show her what I’m talking about, my bear is happy to be touching her.

  Grimacing, she hobbles over to the area I indicate and looks back at me. She shivers, I need to get going. My animal is roaring for me to take care of her. Shrugging out of my jacket, I walk over and help her into it. She says a small thank you. I grab her around her lower waist, “Let me know if this hurts you.” Knowing from the past comment, I doubt she would tell me she was hurting much less if she was dying. Shaking my head, I lift her up and over my head. She gasps in surprise and I give a little chuckle.

  Layla grabs the nearest brush and tries to pull herself up. I push at her feet to give her more leverage. “Wow, you're strong,” she says.

  Not really ready to disclose that I am a shifter because of not knowing her feelings toward my dual nature, I just laugh it off. “Must be all the weight lifting I do.”

  “Yeah right,” She lets the subject drop for now. “Okay, I’m up.”

  I can see her sitting close to the edge to look over at me. “Stand back,” taking a small running start, I leap and pull myself up next to her. She looks flabbergasted. I might have overdone it, I was kind of showing off. Stretching my hand to her, “Let's get you out of here and somewhere we can get your injuries looked at.” She grabs my hand and I start to lead the way up.

  Fuck, I can tell that she’s struggling with the climb. Layla releases my hand to grab small trees and brush to help her move along. My bear silently growls with the loss of her touch. I know she’s determined to walk out on her own, but my need to protect my mate and care for her outweighs her desire to prove herself. I walk up to her and sweep her up in my arms. “What?...put me down,” Layla gasps.

  “Just stop, we can get to the top faster this way. I know you're struggling. With your injuries, I am surprised you’ve lasted this long.” I continue to climb with my mate cradled in my arms next to my beating heart. My animal is turning over with joy having her this close. I take in her scent and I calm.

  I can tell that we are near the top when I see lights. Laying her head against my chest, I can tell that she’s fading fast. She feels so right being in my arms. I am loving being this close to her, my bear is ecstatic.

  “Layla!” Allie comes running up to us as we crest the incline. Lucas is not far behind carrying an emergency blanket. As he steps up to wrap the blanket around Layla and to take her from me, I can’t help but growl at him. Having an unmated male this close to my unclaimed mate is too much for my bear. Layla lifts her head sharply and looks questioningly at me. Laying her hand against my chest, she comforts me, “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

  Lucas gives me a strange look and nods his head once.

  I take the blanket from Lucas and wrap her in it. “She’ll ride with me. We need to get her checked out.” I walk to my four-wheeler. “I’m going to sit on it and I think it would be better if you ride in front of me.”

  All Layla could say was okay. She seems to be getting weaker. I get us situated on the four-wheeler with layla cradled in my arms and start it. “Lucas, you lead and I’ll follow.”

  Lucas gets on his four-wheeler and looks at Allie who follows behind him and climbs on. She wraps her arms around him and off he goes.

  “I got you.” I say trying to reassure my mate and wrap the blanket tight around her. She buries her head inside it and lays against my chest again. My chest starts to rumble in contentment. Boy, I am in for a long explanation.

  Chapter Five


  Less than an hour later, we arrive at the base ranger office. Waiting for us is an ambulance and as well as Tom and Allen who are talking with the Professor. Naturally, the dick that caused all of this is still around. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them again. I see Tom walking toward me beside the professor. “Damn, I have to deal with that asshole again.”

  Evan looks down into my face,” Don’t worry about it, I got you covered.”

  The paramedics with a gurney came running up to the four-wheeler as it came to a stop. Allie is next to me before I could lift my head. “I got this,” she says after seeing my face.

  The professor walks up to me, “Thank goodness you're alright. Tom told me about your slip. We really need to talk about you going off on your own but we can do that later.”

  “Excuse me.” I am pissed. “I didn’t go off on my own. Tom suggested we take that trail so he could get to the first point faster. And I didn't just slip.”

  “We don't need to go into that right now,” Tom interrupts.

  “Of course, you would say that.” Allie stops him. “You caused her accident when you grabbed her and wouldn't let go.” Lucas is hovering near Allie.

  “What the fuck?!” Evan intervenes. Everyone starts talking at once. “Enough!” The professor is not happy. “I believe there’s more to this story than Tom’s let on. Let's get you to the hospital and checked out, then we’ll get to the bottom of this.” She gives Tom a dirty look that makes him cringe and look away. Good! Maybe he will fail the assignment. He deserves it!

  The paramedic pushes the gurney that I’m strapped on into the back of the ambulance. I’m exhausted and ready to rest. What the hell, my injuries are catching up with me. Everywhere hurts, more than before. My bones were achy and sore. Strange, I didn’t feel this bad before, I think before blacking out again.

  * * *


  As Layla is taken away in the ambulance, I turn on Tom with anger. My bear growls, “He touched ours,” with a ferocity that causes me to go from angry to straight up pissed off. Closing the distance between us, I’m in his face before he can step back, “What the fuck is your deal?”

  Tom stumbles back a few steps from me at the same time Lucas grabs my arm, “Calm down. Let the local police handle it.” His voice carries a sense of authority that I can’t refuse. With him being my Alpha, I can’t refuse his authority when he uses that tone.

  Tom whines,” I did nothing to the bitch, man. She fell on her own.”

  The professor walks between us, “I don’t believe that for one second. Whose idea was it to go off course? I set up your routes based on the ability of each student and the safety of the trails. There was a reason that trail wasn’t on your map. I’ll be taking this up with the Dean and you can be sure that you won’t be completing my course.” She turns and walks away to her car, Tom following behind her whining the whole way.
  Lucas pulls me to the side, “You going to tell me what's going on with you and your bear?”

  “She’s my mate. I sensed her, but knew without a doubt when I saw her. I am already feeling the separation symptoms,” I admit. My body started aching as soon as she was put in the ambulance. When shifters find their mate, their true mate, they have to complete the bond or there are consequences. It starts with body aches when they are apart and increases until it hurts so bad that they can barely function. They’ll have a strong desire to be near one another and a massive sense of protectiveness sets in. If the mating bond isn’t set in place, then the fun really begins.

  * * *


  The hospital is all bright lights that hurt my head and multitudes of people touching me and running tests. They confirmed that I have a concussion, bruised ribs, but none were broken, thank god and several bruises and abrasions on different parts of my body.

  Now resting in a hospital room on the third floor, I’m trying to listen to the doctor through the pain meds, “We gave you some pain medication, your pain level should be manageable. We will be keeping you overnight for observation and if everything is all clear tomorrow, you may be released under supervision. If you need anything just ask.”

  I feel medicated, but I still have the sore, achy feeling that should have faded with the meds. In walks Evan, “Hey, sunshine. How are you doing?”

  With a silly smile on my face, -man, these are some good drugs- I reach to hold his hand “The Doc said if all goes well, I can get sprung tomorrow.” I have this instant feeling of completeness when he is near. Maybe it's just the drugs, but it seems like the achy, sore feeling goes away when Evan is close. I’m so confused, why is he making me feel this way?

  “That's great.” Evan seems to physically relax. “So a deputy is here to talk to you about your accident, do you think you’re up for it? If not, I can send him away until later.”


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