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Undercover Submissive

Page 6

by Michelle Hughes

  Cayce awoke to the site of his beautiful head between her thighs and the most incredible pleasure she could imagine. Biting back a whimper her hands grasped his shoulders as his tongue delved in and retreated, leaving her on the edge of fulfillment. When he lifted his head, she groaned in frustration.

  "Good morning girl," he slid off the bed and stood up, his sex thick and hard against his ripped abdomen.

  "Good morning, Sir," she clenched her thighs together tightly to fight the need that he had awakened in her.

  "Stand up and offer me your hands," he gave a small smirk knowing just how aroused she was. He wanted her on that edge and removed the leather cuffs that encased her wrists as she held them out. Lowering to his knee he lifted one up as if he would ask her to sit on it, "put your foot up." He removed her ankle cuff. "Now the other," he removed the other cuff. His tongue flicked out over the soft petals of her sex before standing again. "Stand."

  Without thought she stood, her body trembling at the ache he had created. She held up her hair, with both hands as he touched her elbow. Her sex clenched painfully and she whimpered without thought. She was rewarded with a swift slap on her rear before she felt his hands move to her collar and quickly remove it.

  "Come," he turned and walked into the bathroom, knowing she would follow. He turned on the shower and checked the temperature before motioning with his hand for her to step in.

  Her legs trembled as she stepped under the warm spray. Her hands lowered to her sides as she waited for his next command. After a few moments he joined her. His hands held s bar of scented soap and a rag, he placed them on the small rack and then turned his attention to her.

  "You will wash me," he almost smiled when she grabbed the cloth and soap but stopped himself while grabbing her wrist. "Use the soap and your hands," he demanded on a low tone.

  Lathering the soap in her hands, she began bathing him having no idea if she was doing this right. She had never bathed a man before but was discovering she enjoyed getting to know his body. His biceps were strong and tense under her hesitant ministrations. His chest was broad and completely devoid of hair. She allowed her hands to run over his nipples, finding it strange how different they were from her own.

  Grasping the soap again, she ran it over the muscled ridges of his abdomen and bit her lip at how beautiful his body was. His long thick legs were perfection, muscled and firm and tensing under hands as well. She had no idea why but her body grew even more aroused with every touch against his heated skin. Moving behind him, she kneaded his shoulders with her soapy hands and lowered to his rounded backside. He was beautiful, she thought with a sigh.

  His sex twitched as her hands continued to explore him and he was hard pressed not to pull her in front of her and force her into a kneel to pleasure him. This was just a shower, he had never thought that such an inexperienced woman could affect him this way. He reached back and pulled her in front of him. "Finish the job girl," he spoke more roughly than he intended.

  Her hands trembled as she put more lather on her hands and lowered them to his huge sex. She caressed his thick shaft in the way he had shown her last night in his bed that he enjoyed. In curiosity she cupped his sack and was shocked at his quick intake of breath. Thinking she had hurt him, she let her hands fall quickly.

  He chuckled softly at her reaction. "You didn't hurt me girl, now make me come," he stated with a bit of gruffness.

  His words shocked her somewhat but her hand quickly moved back to his shaft and she stroked him again. She loved the feeling of the softness that covered the steel of length. Cayce had never really cared about learning the topography of a male's body before, but she discovered she wanted to know everything that pleased this man. Her fingers couldn't fit around his wide girth but she grasped him as good as she could and begin stroking him.

  Pulling himself out of her hands, he turned and stood under the spray washing off the soap before turning off the shower. He pushed slightly down on her shoulders indicating that she should kneel. "Continue," he demanded and was somewhat surprised as her mouth found him. "Your hands only!" The girl's mouth felt incredible on his cock, but he was not ready to move forward with that training exercise yet.

  Her face flushed at the reprimand, but her hand quickly replaced her mouth. She pumped him with slow even strokes, amazed as his shaft grew even long and thicker. Pressing her thighs together again, she was amazed at how touching him seemed to only make her body ache to find release.

  His hand covered hers as he quickened the pace, they had many things to accomplish today and his cock was near to bursting already. He helped her get him off quickly, and bit back his own groan of fulfillment. "Now clean me girl," he stated in a no nonsense voice.

  She released him and reached up for the soap but his soft chuckle stopped her. She understood what he meant then and flushed again. Her tongue lightly flicked out and lapped at his essence, before allowing her tongue to lave across the small stream that remained on the head of his shaft. Her tongue ran over the thick length of him and her eyes closed at how exciting she found this small task.

  "Stop," he was very close to getting hard again and this was not where he planned on taking her education today. As she released him, he grabbed the cloth and turned on the faucet wetting it. He wiped her face first before cleaning his cock and his ass. "You're learning very well," he smiled and stepped out of the tub, retrieving a towel.

  As he handed it to her she was smiling at his praise and dried him carefully. She was somewhat shocked as he took the towel and dried her with a strange tenderness. As the towel patted her sex, she held back a groan at the ache even the smallest touch gave her. She wanted to arch against his hand there but somehow knew he would not be pleased so she refrained.

  She was doing so well for someone untrained, he thought as he walked back out to the bedroom. He knew she was still aroused and planned on keeping her that way for now. The lesson wasn't one of cruelty though, she was about to walk down in front of his servants and he wanted her mind on him, more than on her own nudity. He placed her cuffs and collar back on and instructed her to lie on the bed on her stomach. Walking into the bathroom, leaving her in that position, he cleansed the plug before walking back out.

  He dressed quickly in a pair of shorts and polo shirt, and even slid on a pair of sandals before walking back over to her. Rubbing the plug against her wet sex, he was pleased at the moisture there. Parting her ass cheeks he slid the plug back in place, pleased that her body didn't resist as much as it had last night. "We will eat now," he walked toward the door and held it open for her.

  He meant for her to walk downstairs in broad daylight, she surmised and felt her heart skip a bit. The servants, she wondered if they were still here and felt her face heat. Lowering her head and forgetting her posture she walked out the door he held. It was one thing to be alone with him in this state of undress, but those people were just servants, she thought in humiliation.

  The sting of his hand on her bare bottom startled her out of her thoughts and she bit her lip miserably. She had disappointed him, she thought to herself and quickly changed her stance. Her sex still ached and the strange plug she wore made her feel like a walking sex sign, even so she didn't like the idea that he wasn't happy with her.

  Thankfully as they made it into the elegant dining room there were no servants to greet them. She thought with a relieved sigh that maybe he had asked them to give them privacy. He held out a chair for her at the table to the right of the head chair and she sat down. The strange plug pushed deeper inside of her at the motion and she jumped slightly.

  "You will grow accustomed to it," his voice was understanding, knowing that this would take some getting adjusted to for her. He rang the small bell on the table knowing that this next lesson would probably be harder for her. As the male servant walked in he could see her eyes widen as she quickly lowered her head so her long hair would cover her breasts. That was not acceptable he thought, and told the servant to bring in their break

  "I should punish you for that," he warned in quiet tone. "You are to always be proud of your body, now move your hair."

  His command left no doubts in her mind what he expected and even as she blushed, she pulled the strands behind her shoulders and pushed out her breasts. Her entire body was trembling at the action and she clenched her hands in her lap nervously.

  The servant walked back in with their covered trays and sat them down before Dylan. If he noticed that there was a naked woman at the table, she thought, then he obviously wasn't showing it. Keeping her eyes lowered while her head was raised she could only hope that he would leave quickly. He uncovered the trays and another female servant brought out a carafe with a small pitcher of milk and a ceramic bowl. Then they were left alone again. She expelled the breath she had been holding.

  "You did well girl," he smiled at her compliance. He could see the flush covering her cheeks but she had done remarkably well, he thought. His hand moved under the table and across her thigh and found her sex. He was more than pleased to find her silken folds soaked with her own juices. Sliding two fingers inside of her he slowly worked her body until she came undone.

  She bit her lips to stop the cry that threatened to escape as she found release. Knowing at any minute the servants could have walked in intensified the pleasure she felt. There was a part of her that wondered why she didn't feel shame at that thought. The other could care less as she enjoyed the completion she found at his fingers. As he lifted his fingers to her mouth she understood what he wanted and licked them. It was strange to taste her own flavor, but oddly enough she wasn't repelled like she thought she would have been.

  He pulled his fingers back and another smile found his face. There was such a sweet submissive aching to be unleashed, he thought to himself. How she had hidden from her own nature all this time was mind-boggling to him. He lifted a fork from the table and began feeding her eggs. She seemed a little shocked at the action but eagerly ate from his hand.

  It was a little strange to be fed like a baby, but she decided it was something she could easily get used to. He even lifted her cup to her lips as she drank and it was all oddly comforting. It was so at odds with how he commanded her but at the same time it was like surrendering her will to him. She was still considering this side of him when he stood.

  "We will talk about today's training now," he waited until she stood before walking back to his study. "Sit in the chair," he moved behind the desk and waited as she sat. He noted how careful she was with the plug in place and smiled, soon it would be second nature to her.

  "Normally I would not discuss what I planned each day, but I am also unaccustomed to training people with no experience in my lifestyle. I want you to understand Cayce that if anything happens that you feel unwilling to move forward with you must use your safe words." He knew that a untrained submissive would already be more unwilling to mention her own fears, but with her it also worried him that she would go beyond what she was physically or emotionally comfortable with in order to be ready for the scene they would stage in hopes of finding her sister. She needed much more time under his training than she was going to get and the thought was not sitting well with him.

  "I haven't been introduced to anything I can't handle, Sir," she blushed furiously at admitting this but it was the truth in her opinion.

  He chuckled softly at her admission, proud that her voice wasn't shaking as she spoke with him today. "See that it remains that way and we will have no issues. If something is abhorrent to you after we try it, you are to let me know immediately."

  "You have my promise, Sir," she felt more than a little empowered at his concerns, and strangely enough more willing to please him.

  "Good girl," he smiled feeling some of his doubts eased, "because today we introduce you to the flogger." He watched her body tense and knew she expected pain.

  "Y-yes, Sir," her voice trembled at the thought of being beaten by a whip and she was very close to asking him to bypass this lesson.

  She was so easy to read her thought, "You have my word if this gets too intense, we will stop immediately. Remember you only have to use your safe word."

  Taking a deep breath she nodded before speaking softly. "Yes, S-sir," she would at least attempt this she told herself. Her stomach was already knotting up in fearful tension at the thought.

  "Very well, let us go to the dungeon," he stood and walked out of the room.

  She hesitated only a few seconds before following him. By the time they made it down the stairs she was almost in a state of panic. Her eyes glanced around wildly and she shifted nervously from one foot to the other.

  He knew as terrified as she was that he had to calm her before they began. "Come to me girl," he held his arms out and was pleased as she walked into them. He held her against his chest and stroked her hair gently. The trembling of her body showed exactly how afraid she truly was.

  "If this is too much for you girl, you should speak now," he continued stroking her hair as if she were a frightened child. Her hands clenched in his shirt, and he knew it was just a nervous reaction to the unknown. This was a true test of her submission he thought to himself. He was very curious if she would take the out he offered.

  "I'm s-sorry Sir," she felt like an idiot for being so afraid, instinctively she knew he wouldn't truly hurt her and it was her fear of the unknown that was truly terrifying her. She wanted to put herself into his hands and trust him, and she had never thought herself capable of feeling that for any man. "I am ready, Sir," she whispered through the dryness of her lips. She could do this, she told herself even as her knees trembled. She wanted to please him.

  Smiling into the soft silkiness of her hair, he continued to pet her. "All will be well girl," he spoke calmly as he pulled away. With slow movements he walked over to the bars and held out his hand for her. He was pleased that she didn't hesitate, even though he could tell from how she walked her legs were trembling uncontrollably.

  He took her hand and led her into the right position before lifting one wrist and securing it to the bar above her head. His movements were measured as he secured the other. He noted how her hands balled into fists as she fought her own fear. As he spread her legs and hooked her ankles to the bars at her feet he understood what a huge responsibility this lesson was for him. She would forever judge what happened in this room to her experience with pain and pleasure.

  Moving over to the chest he pulled out a soft butter leather flogger, and a few other items. He had played this scene a thousand times with well conditioned submissive's, but there was something about this girl that demanded his best. He placed the flogger down and lifted a small clitoral vibe and a soft rabbit pelt of fur and walked over behind her. The vibe strapped on and he slid it into place, pleased at her swift intake of pleasure as he turned it on the lowest setting. He allowed her the sensation as his hand slowly rubbed her back in soft movements from shoulders to her ass with the rabbit pelt. Feeling her tense, he knew she was close to orgasm and turned off the small toy.

  Picking up the flogger he allowed the straps to slowly trail over her back, then lifted it over her shoulder so that they could caress her breasts. Continuing the gentle initiation he grabbed the ridged metal handle of the flogger and allowed it to slightly penetrate her sex, at her gasp of pleasure he slowly removed it. It was drenched in her desire and he smiled. She might be afraid, he thought to himself, but she was also very turned on. With that thought in mind, he turned on the small vibe on low and moved back behind her. He began the sensual dance with the softest strokes of the flogger against her back.

  The first touch of the soft leather swinging across her back was almost feather light and she let out a relieved sigh. The vibe against her tender nub was causing the most incredible sensation and her focus was on that pleasure as the flogger fell harder in rhythm against her flesh. The pain she had expected never came as the synchronized movements of her Master increasing the pressure continued.

  She wanted m
ore, both from the exquisite feel of leather against her back and the sensation of vibration against her sex. Her mind was overwhelmed with sensation and she felt her breathing become more frantic. As the swoosh sound of the flogger rent the air, she moaned softly awaiting its fall against her flesh. Grasping the chains that held her wrist cuffs she felt herself letting go of everything. Perspiration beaded on her forehead at the incredible pleasure and she was moaning with each fall of the flogger. Her sex tensed as she found release and it felt like the bliss continued on forever as she arched back aching to feel the pressure of the leather again. Without warning her body began to feel lighter than a feather and her breathing labored, she gasped for air. Then a strange feeling of strength moved through, like she was invincible. The feeling was short lived and her body sagged as the feeling left her spent.

  He put the flogger down at his feet and moved over immediately noticing her reaction. With quick movements he released her hands and feet and pulled her into his arms. He had not planned on riding her so hard with the flogger, but she had been so unbelievably resilient and shocked him. It was apparent to him that she loved the sensation from how she responded.

  She held on to him weakly as her body attempted to regenerate. The sensations she'd felt had been so overwhelming that she couldn't recall ever feeling so wonderful Tears pooled in her eyes and slid down her cheeks at the strange release she'd found under his hand. With no thought she slid down to her knees and hugged his calf with what little strength she possessed. Her entire life she had ached to understand why she didn't respond like other women. She found more pleasure under that flogger than she had ever known. The thought frightened her and her tears continued to fall.

  He was still taken back by her response and stroked her hair lightly allowing her the emotional healing she needed. Several submissive's had described the overwhelming emotion that happened when they came undone under extreme conditions, and he knew that's what she had discovered with him.


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