by M. O. Grenby
Rumpelstiltskin stories 96, 97–8
of Shakespeare’s plays 95
as timeless and universal stories 93–4
transmitting literary heritage 92
value as story 92–3
in The Wind in the Willows 105, 106
reviews of books 6–7, 22, 109–10, 114, 117–18, 120
Rey, H. A.: Curious George series 58, 64–5
Rhodes, Hugh: Book of Nurture and School of Manners 258
Rice, Bebe Faas: The Place at the Edge of the Earth 223–4
Richards, Frank 216
Richards, Grant: fails to protect his copyright 51
Richardson, Samuel 11–12
Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded 11
Rifkin, Jeremy 251
Robin, Christopher (fictional character): Winnie-the-Pooh 249–50
Robin Hood stories 96–7
Robin of Sherwood (TV series) 92
Rodgers, Mary: Freaky Friday 234
Rossof, Meg: How I Live Now 205, 206–7
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Émile: or On Education 8, 177, 178, 210
Routledge, George (publisher) 41
Rover (comic book) 153
Rowling, J. K. 156–7
character of Hermione in Harry Potter novels
classic status and Harry Potter novels 117, 119
families in Harry Potter novels 194–5, 206
and internet pre-ordering 121
internet statistics and Harry Potter novels 112–13, 114
and school stories 220–1
Rubin, Joan Shelley: Songs of Ourselves: The Uses of Poetry in America 88
Rukeyser, Muriel: The Life of Poetry 79–80
Rumpelstiltskin stories 96, 97–8
Rushdie, Salman: Haroun and the Sea of Stories 3
Ryan, Pam Muñoz: Esperanza Rising 185
Sabuda, Robert 43
The Christmas Alphabet 128–9
Sachar, Louis: Holes 112–13, 114, 119
Said, Edward: The World, the Text, and the Critic 215
Salmon, Edward 144, 145–6
Schmidt, Gary D.: Straw Into Gold 96, 98
school books 4, 137–41
school stories 209–24
basic plots 213
and discipline and surveillance 211, 223–4
gender in contemporary 222–3
and masculinity 216
read in context of Foucault’s disciplinary society 211
and realism 221–2
school metaphors 211–12
television versions 221
Schor, Juliet B.: Born to Buy 203
Scieszka, Jon: The Stinky Cheese Man (with Lane Smith) 267, 270
Scoppetone, Sandra: Trying Hard to Hear You 186
Scott, William R. 69, 71
Seager, Francis 4
Selznick, Brian: The Invention of Hugo Cabret 74
Sendak, Maurice 58, 66, 73–4
and adult/child hybridity 160–1, 169–73
Higglety Pigglety Pop! or There Must Be More to Life 160–1
Mommy? 140
Pierre 84
Where the Wild Things Are 49–50, 160–1, 169–73
Serraillier, Ian: The Silver Sword 204
Seton, Ernst Thompson
Two Little Savages 63
Wild Animals I Have Known 247
Seuss, Dr 160, 270
Sewell, Anna: Black Beauty 244–5
Shakespeare, William 95
Shannon, David: The Rough-Face Girl (with Martin) 94
Shaw, Charles G.: It Looked Like Spilt Milk 71
Sherwood, Mary Martha: The History of the Fairchild Family 182, 196
‘sight word’ instructional method See ‘look–say’ instructional method
Signal (periodical) 88
Simplicissimus (periodical) 57
Sinclair, Catherine: Holiday House 262
Sing a Song of Sixpence 61–2
Sís, Peter
Czechoslovakian background 58–9
exploring the shape of the world 63–4
Madlenka 64, 65
Sloan, Glenda 77
Slobodkina, Esphyr 58, 72
Smith, Dodie: The Hundred and One Dalmatians 118–19
Smith, E. Boyd 65
Smith, G. Castle (‘Brenda’): Froggy’s Little Brother 197
Smith, Lane: The Stinky Cheese Man (with Scieszka) 267, 270
socio-economic contexts of growth of children’s literature 9
class and social elevation
new understanding of parenthood 9–14
Some Thoughts Concerning Education (Locke) 4, 7–8, 28–34, 130, 176–7, 178
Sorby, Angela 80–1, 88
Spier, Peter 58–9
Spirin, Gennady 74
The Crane Wife (with Bodkin) 58–9
Spufford, Francis: The Child that Books Built 27–8
Spyri, Johanna: Heidi 117, 185–6
St Nicholas (periodical) 110
Stanley, Diana 163
Stanley, Diane
Fortune 74
Rumpelstiltskin’s Daughter 101
Steichen, Edward: First Picture Book 69
Stephens, John: Retelling Stories, Framing Culture (with McCallum) 97
Steptoe, John: Stevie 116
Stevenson, Robert Louis
A Child’s Garden of Verses 80, 86–8
‘The Land of Counterpane’ 86–8
Treasure Island 15, 42, 154
Stewart, Susan: On Longing 261, 267, 268
Stoker, Bram: Dracula 266–7
Stowe, Harriet Beecher 248
Strachan, Ian: Journey of 1,000 Miles 200
Streatfeild, Noel 200
Ballet Shoes 151–2
Tennis Shoes 152
Stretton, Hesba: Jessica’s First Prayer 178–9, 182, 197
Struwwelpeter (Hoffmann) 57, 60, 66, 84, 259
Sturgis, H. O.: Tim 222–3
Styles, Morag 77
From the Garden to the Street 80
Sumerian writing systems 129
Summerly, Mrs Felix (pseud.) See Cole, Marian Fairman
Surat, Michele Maria: Angel Child, Dragon Child (with Vo-Dinh) 200–1
and The Borrowers 163, 172
and literacy learning 127
and Wild Things 172
Swallows and Amazons series (Ransome) 49–50, 179, 180–1, 200
Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver’s Travels 235–6, 246, 260, 261
Sword, Elizabeth: A Child’s Anthology of Poetry 81
Szyk, Arthur 131
tactile books 69
The Tale of Peter Rabbit (Potter) 35–7, 38, 51, 52, 105, 252
Taylor, Ann and Jane
City Scenes / Rural Scenes 60
New Cries of London 59–60
Rhymes for the Nursery 85
Signor Topsy-Turvy’s Wonderful Magic Lantern 246
Tchen, Richard: Spinners (with Napoli) 99
advances in book production 8
internet See internet
Thackeray, William Makepeace
The Rose and the Ring 15–16, 265
Vanity Fair 25–7
Thomas, Joseph 81, 88
A Token for Children (Janeway) 4–5, 6, 176, 178, 259
Tolkien, J. R. R.: The Hobbit 15, 49–50, 155, 226
Tom and Jerry (cartoon) 263
Tom Brown’s Schooldays (Hughes) 15, 154, 184, 212–15, 222–3
Tom Thumb 262
Tom Tit Tot 98
See also Rumpelstiltskin stories
tomboys 152, 156
Alcott’s Jo March 147–8, 150, 157, 184
Enid Blyton’s George 143–4, 147, 157
Yonge’s Ethel 148–50
Touchstones: Reflections on the Best in Children’s Literature (Children’s Literature Association) 111
Toy Story (animated film) 249
toys in stories, representations of 248–50
See also objects in stories
sure Island (Stevenson) 15, 42, 154
Tresselt, Alvin: Hide and Seek Fog 69
Tribunella, Eric: A Separate Peace 222–3
Trier, Walter 58
Trimmer, Sarah
Fabulous Histories 245–6
The Guardian of Education (book review journal) 7, 109–10
Twain, Mark: masculinity in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 154
university syllabi and children’s literature 110–13
Vachell, H. A.: The Hill 222–3
Vardell, Sylvia: Poetry Aloud Here! 77
Velde, Vivian Vande: The Rumpelstiltskin Problem 98
Visible World See Comenius
Vo-Dinh Mai: Angel Child, Dragon Child (with Surat) 200–1
Voigt, Cynthia: Homecoming 157
volvelles 42, 67
See also movable books
Von Olfers, Sibylle 63, 71
Von Ziegesar, Cecila: Gossip Girl series 23
Wade, Lee: The Cheerios Play Book 24, 32–3
Wall, Barbara: The Narrator’s Voice: The Dilemma of Children’s Fiction 6
Waltz, Jean-Jacques 57
war 213–17
Warne, Frederick (publisher) 35, 41
The Water-Babies (Kingsley) 228, 230–2, 242–3
Watt, Ian: The Rise of the Novel 9
Watts, Isaac: Divine Songs 4, 80, 85, 259–60
Waugh, Alec: The Loom of Youth 222–3
Webb, Kaye 40, 42, 50
Webster, Noah 138
A Grammatical Institute of the English Language 137
Weetzie Bat (Block) 184, 205–6
Weisgard, Leonard: The Important Book 71
Weitzman, David: Rama and Sita 74
Westall, Robert
The Machine Gunners 15
on writing for children 15
Wharton, Robert: Historiæ pueriles 5
Where the Wild Things Are (Sendak) 49–50, 160–1, 169–73
compared to The Borrowers 169–73
White, E. B. 127–8, 160
Charlotte’s Web 127, 166, 246
White, T. H.: Mistress Masham’s Repose 187–8
Wiese, Kurt: The Chinese Ink Stick 63
Wilder, Laura Ingalls: Little House series 119, 199, 251
Wildsmith, Brian: Cat on the Mat series 140
Williams, Garth: Little Fur Family 69
Williams, William Carlos 85–6
Williams-Ellis family: In and Out of Doors 50
Williamson, Henry: Tarka the Otter 247
The Wind in the Willows (Grahame) 15, 101–2, 105, 106, 186, 243–4, 252–3
Wizard (comic book) 153
Wolff, Virginia Euwer: internet statistics and True Believer 112–13, 114, 119
Wollstonecraft, Mary
on children’s education 10, 134
Original Stories from Real Life 10, 134, 210, 217, 219
Woodcock, Louise: Hiding Places 72
woodcut illustrations xix, 37–8, 44–7, 71
See also printing techniques
Woolf, Virginia: The Waves 55
Writing systems
Chinese 129
Egyptian 129
Sumerian 129
Wyss, Johann David: The Swiss Family Robinson 117, 198–9
Yonge, Charlotte: on boys’ books 154
The Daisy Chain 148–50, 157
Womankind 148
Zelinsky, Paul O.: Rumpelstiltskin 99–101
Zindel, Paul: My Darling, My Hamburger 186
Zipes, Jack: Sticks and Stones 203–4
Žižek, Slavoj 247