by M. O. Grenby
human body See body
humour and the body
and food and waste 261–2
and the gruesome 262–7
See also body
Hunt, Peter: Criticism, Theory and Children’s Literature 5–6
Hurd, Clement
Goodnight, Moon 72
The Runaway Bunny 72
Town and Country 64
Hutchins, Pat: The Tale of Thomas Mead 138–9
iconoclasm and fairy tales 104
iconotexts 160
See also picture books
ideographs 129
copyright and illustrators 44–7
printing techniques 43–9
as retold stories 101–2
See also under picture books and individual illustrators’ names
imperialism 213–17
indestructible books 41
See also baby books
Ingelow, Jean: Mopsa the Fairy 233
and children’s poetry 114
for dissemination of works 117, 220
impact on books 121
Ipcar, Dahlov: The Cat at Night 61
Islam and literacy 130–1
Jackson, Rosemary: Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion 231
Jameson, Fredric
capitalism and family values 197–8, 203
Postmodernism: or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism 197–8
Jane Eyre 148
Janeway, James: A Token for Children 4–5, 6, 176, 178, 259
anime 103–4
Jarrell, Randall ‘A Sick Child’ 86–8
The Bat-Poet 78
Jenkins, Jerry B.: The Rise of the False Messiahs 23
Jessica’s First Prayer (Stretton) 178–9, 182, 197
Jiménez-Landi, Antonio: La ciudad (with Aguirre) 63
Johnson, Crockett: Harold and the Purple Crayon 71
Johnson, Jane 11–12, 134
Johnson, Kathleen R.: Understanding Children’s Animal Stories 247
Johnson, Richard 38, 39
Johnson, Samuel: Edgeworth’s challenge to thoughts on fantasy 227
The Jolly Postman (Ahlberg) 24, 33, 73
Jones, Diana Wynne
The Dark Lord of Derkholm 229
Howl’s Moving Castle 102–4, 105
Witch Week 223
Judaism and literacy 131
The Juvenile Review (periodical) 110
Kate Greenaway Medal xxiv
Keats, Ezra Jack 40
Keim, Franz: The Nibelungen (with Czeschka) 71
Kemp, Gene: The Turbulent Term of Tyke Tiler 222
Kilner, Dorothy 14
Life and Perambulations of a Mouse 263
Kilner, Mary Ann: The Adventures of a Whipping-Top 248
Kingsley, Charles
Glaucus, or, The Wonders of the Shore 230
The Water-Babies 228, 230–2, 242–3
Kipling, Rudyard
Captains Courageous 146
and generational dynamics 160
Jungle Books 160
Just So Stories for Little Children 16–17, 160
originary stories 16–17
Puck of Pook’s Hill 228, 233
on Robert Louis Stevenson 86
Stalky & Co. 216
Kitamura, Satoshi: Duck Is Dirty 24
Knoepflmacher, U. C. 15–16
Ventures into Childhood: Victorians, Fairy Tales, and Femininity 15–16
Knowles, John: A Separate Peace 215
Komensky, Jan See Comenius, Johann Amos
Krutch, Beth and Joe 163, 169
and The Borrowers 170
Kunhardt, Dorothy: Pat the Bunny 69, 267
Kurelek, William: A Prairie Boy’s Winter 65
Lacan, Jacques 247, 267
Lady: My Life as a Bitch (Burgess) 266, 267–8
LaHaye, Tim: The Rise of the False Messiahs 23
Laing, R. D. 202
Lamb, Charles and Mary: retelling of Macbeth 95
Lancaster, Joseph: Improvements in Education as it Respects the Industrious Classes of the Community 135–7
Lang, Andrew 94
The Blue Fairy Book 98
Latour, Bruno 251
Le Guin, Ursula: Earthsea trilogy 155, 226
Leach, Edmund 202
Lear, Edward 83–4, 263–5
Book of Nonsense 44
Lehmann, Barbara: The Red Book 72
L’Engle, Madeline 200
A Wind in the Door 238
A Wrinkle in Time 237–8
Lenski, Lois: cubist and futurist techniques 72
Mr Small series 61
Lesnik-Oberstein, Karín: Romantic view of children and animals 242
L’Estrange, Sir Roger 7, 269–70
Lewis, C. S.
effect of Puffin Club on Chronicles of Narnia 50
indebted to Bunyan 230
Chronicles of Narnia 117, 157, 226
on writing for children 3
hardbacks for 50
and publishing industry 39
review journals and children’s literature 110
and teaching of children’s literature 111
The Life of Poetry (Rukeyser) 79–80
Lion and the Unicorn Award for Poetry 88
Lippi, Fra Filippo: The Annunciation 101
Lippit, Akira Mizuta 253
Lissitzsky, El 69
literacy 127–41
and class 9, 135–6
DIBELS (instructional method) 135–6
DISTAR (instructional method) 135–7
factory model instructional method 135–7
and life and death 127
Locke’s educational games 29–30
‘look–say’ instructional method 135, 138–9
and mothers 9–14, 133–5
‘phonics’ instructional method 135
pleasure from reading 130–1
reading assessment 139
reading the Bible 130
and religion 129–31
textbooks for 137–41
See also education
Little Women (Alcott)
class bias in 196–7
diminished readership of 117
gender roles in 147–8, 150, 157, 184
plotline used in Friends 114
Lively, Penelope: The Ghost of Thomas Kempe 233
Lobel, Arnold: Frog and Toad series 140
Locke, John 10, 31–4
as part of wider educational movement 7–8
Some Thoughts Concerning Education 4, 7–8, 28–34, 130, 176–7, 178
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: Hiawatha 137–8
‘look–say’ instructional method 135, 138
Lorenzini, Carlo See Collodi, Carlo
Lucas, E. V.: What a Life 60–1
Macaulay, David
Cathedral 63
Pyramid 63
MacDonald, George 179
At the Back of the North Wind 42, 230–2
‘The Fantastic Imagination’ 231–2
The Light Princess 265–6
Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women 230
machine printing presses 41
effect on books and literacy 129–30
in machine-press period 129–30
Macmillan, Alexander 40
magazine production 41–2
individual magazine titles
Maguire, Gregory: What-the-Dickens: The Story of a Rogue Tooth Fairy 93–4
Mahy, Margaret 205
Maid Marian and Her Merry Men (TV series) 104–5
Mallan, Kerry: Laugh Lines: Exploring Humour in Children’s Literature 267
Manguel, Alberto: A History of Reading 130–1
Manlove, Colin: The Impulse of Fantasy Literature 226, 232
Marryat, Captain Frederick 153
Children of the New Forest 194
Marshall, John (publisher) 6, 49
Martin, Rafe: The Rough-Face Girl (wi
th Shannon) 94
Martineau, Harriet: The Crofton Boys 212
Marvel (comic book) 153
Marx, Karl 249
masculinity See gender roles
May, E. J.: Louis’s Schooldays 212–13
McCallum, Robyn: Retelling Stories, Framing Culture (with Stephens) 97
McCloskey, Robert
Homer Price 119
Make Way for Ducklings 64
McGuffey, William Holmes: Eclectic Readers series 137–8
McKay, Hilary 200
McKay, Windsor: Little Nemo (comic strip) 73–4
McKinley, Robin: The Hero and the Crown 156–7
McNaughton, Colin: Red Nose Readers series (with Ahlberg) 140
Meade, L. T. 218–20
mechanical printing presses See machine printing presses
Meggendorfer, Lothar
Im Stadtpark 64
as pioneer of movable books 67
Mendelsohn, Leonard 133
Meredith, Lucy: abridgment of the Grimms’ Dornröschen 93
Miles, Bernard: retelling of Macbeth 95
Millard, Anne: A Street Through Time 63
Milne, A. A. 84
The House at Pooh Corner 234–5
Pooh stories 15
Miyazaki, Hayao 103–4
modern classics 121
See also classics
Mole, John 77–8
Molesworth, Mary: The Carved Lions 217
Montgomery, Florence: Misunderstood 197
Montgomery, Lucy Maud: Anne of Green Gables series 157, 194, 217–18
and social class 185
Monvel, Louis-Maurice Boutet de See Boutet de Monvel, Louis-Maurice
Mordan, Avi and C. B. 74
Morris, William 71, 226
Morrow, George: What a Life 60–1
Mortimer Adler: founder of Great Books movement 114
Mother Goose’s Fairy Tales 110
as educators 9–14, 133–5
homemade educational aids 11–12
justifying their publication 14
represented in eighteenth-century fiction 11
movable books 12, 42–3, 64, 67
hinged flaps 42
movable type 129
Mr Gumpy’s Outing (Burningham) 101
Munsch, Robert: More Pies 261
Myers, Mitzi 133, 159, 227
Naidoo, Beverley: The Other Side of Truth 201
Nancy Drew series 122
Napoli, Donna Jo
Spinners (with Tchen) 99
Zel 96
National Book Award 112
Needle, Jan: Wild Wood 102, 244
See also Grahame, Kenneth
Nesbit, E. 228
absent parents in fantasy stories 199–200
The Phoenix and the Carpet 232–3
portrait of 16
serialised in magazines 42
New Criticism and poetry 79
The New England Primer 137, 138
Newbery, John (publisher) 4, 6, 28, 144
commodification of homemade products 11–12
The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes 9, 131, 194, 201
A Little Pretty Pocket-Book 4, 12
Newbery Medal xxiii, 112, 113
Newell, Peter: The Hole Book 67–9
Newman, Lesléa: Heather Has Two Mommies 186
Nicholson, William: Clever Bill 69
Nodelman, Perry 242
Noon, Steve: A Street Through Time 63
Northern Lights (Pullman) 238–9, 240
Norton, Mary: The Borrowers 161–73, 187, 260–1
Norton Anthology of Children’s Literature 112, 113–14
nursery rhymes
Ahlbergs: The Jolly Postman 33
by children 76
and copyright 51
Crane and Caldecott’s nineteenth-century books 57, 67, 72
as ‘domesticated playground poetry’ 83
and humorous nonsense 228
picture-book versions of 57
Nutt, Robert Van: The Savior is Born 74
objects in stories 248–50
animal and animated object stories
Olsen, Sylvia: No Time to Say Goodbye 223–4
Orbis sensualium pictus (Comenius) 30, 37–8, 55, 57, 130
Orbis Pictus books 55, 59, 61–2, 63, 65–6, 72–3
origin stories/myths 3, 14–17, 60–1, 162–3
Original Stories from Real Life (Wollstonecraft) 10, 134, 210, 217, 219
origins of children’s literature 3–17
domestic and cultural changes 9–14
historical origins 4–9
individual works 3, 14–17, 60–1, 162–3
and animals 242–4, 256
and children’s literature 174–89
and retellings 96, 97, 103
See also difference and children’s literature
Our Young Folks (periodical) 110, 234
Oxenham, Elsie: Abbey series 220
paintings: as retold stories 101
paper (material)
and annuals 42
and colour printing/photography 48–9
endpapers 49–50
in hand-press period 40–1, 49
and illustrations 43–9
limitation of sheet sizes 40–1
in machine-press period 41
and magazines 41–2
paper duty 41
paperbacks, rise of 50
Parain, Nathalie: Mon chat (with Beucler) 69
Pardi, Charlotte: Pigen der Ikke Ville Pa Potten (with Hansen) 262
The Parent’s Assistant (Edgeworth) 14, 177–8, 195, 198, 227, 228
Park, Nick: Chicken Run (animated film) 246
Pasley, Louisa and Madalene 61
Paterson, Katherine: Bridge to Terabithia 202
patronage system 6–9
Pausacker, Jenny: What Are Ya? 222
competing with comic books 153
separate for boys and girls 144
individual periodical names
Perrault, Charles 164
infantilised and masculinised texts 159–60
Tales of Mother Goose 61–2
Pfaller, Robert 267
Philbrick, Rodman: Freak the Mighty 187
Phillips, Melanie 197–8
philosophy of education 7–8
‘phonics’ instructional method 135
photography and book production 48–9
physical aspects of books See book production
physical desires 186
picture books 55–74
and art 58–9, 67–9, 71–2
cautionary tales 66
convergence with comic book / manga / graphic novel 74
crossing linguistic and cultural barriers 57–9
educational tableaux 55, 59–61
and literary history 72–4
meaning through visual format 55
and meta-fictions 72
modernist 71–2
movable books 67
novelty books 67–9
Orbis Pictus books 55, 65–6, 72–3
panoramas 55–7, 64–5
and performance 74
playing with visual questions 69–71
postmodern 72–3
printing techniques 41, 44
and retellings 99–101
Pieńkowski, Jan 43
Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan) 209–10, 229–30
Pilkey, Dav: Kat Kong 260
Pinkwater, Daniel: Slaves of Spiegel 269–70
Plessix, Michel: comic book series of The Wind in the Willows 101–2
See also Grahame, Kenneth
poetry, children’s See children’s poetry
poetry awards/honours 88
Children’s Poet Laureate 82–3
Lion and the Unicorn Award 88
Poetry Foundation 76, 82
pop-up books
The Christmas Alphabet (Sabuda) 128�
See also movable books, picture books
See also picture books
Potter, Beatrix
and origin stories 60
and representation of animals 252
and retellings 105
and sketchbook elements 63
The Tailor of Gloucester 39
The Tale of Peter Rabbit 35–7, 38, 51, 52, 105, 252
and visual play in Tale of Two Bad Mice 69
Pratchett, Terry
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents 104–6
Truckers trilogy 104, 260
The Wee Free Men 260
Prelutsky, Jack
Nightmares: Poems to Trouble Your Sleep 261
as Poet Laureate 82–3
Random House Book of Poetry for Children 82
printing techniques 48–9, 61, 67
copper-plate engravings 37–8
in hand-press period 40–1, 49
in machine-press period 41
Prinz Lennart’s A. B. C. Bog 71
publishing industry 6
early British printed books 4
effect of government legislation 8
fear of sanctions 38–9
Locke’s importance to 28
and profitability 38–9
and rise of the paperback 50
See also book production and under names of individual printers and publishers
Pullman, Philip: His Dark Materials trilogy 194–5, 238–9, 240
Quigly, Isabel: The School Story as Adult Novel 223
Qur’an and literacy 130–1
Rabelais, François: Gargantua 261
Randolph Caldecott Medal See Caldecott Medal
Rankin, William: A Mirrour of Monsters 243
Ransome, Arthur 179–80
older children taking on parenting role 204
Swallows and Amazons series 49–50, 179, 180–1, 200
Rapunzel stories 96
Raschka, Chris: Arlene Sardine 251–2
readers, child See child readers
readership and response
and book as physical package 52–3
defining children’s literature by 5–6
and pleasure from literacy 130–1
reading: linked to moral development in Fielding, The Governess 209
reading assessments 139
reading instruction See literacy
Reading Rainbow (TV series) 118
Reed, Talbot Baines 218
religion and literacy 129–31
retellings 91–106
in The Amazing Maurice 104–6
becoming definitive versions 118–19
challenging cultural hegemony 94–5
defined 91–2
and Howl’s Moving Castle 102–4, 105
and intercultural communication 94
literary and social functions of 91
and narrative strategies 94–7
and narrator/narration 95–7
naturalisation of changes to pre-texts 92
and other/otherness 96, 97
picture books and illustrations as 99–101
pre-texts 91–2, 94–5, 103–4, 105, 106