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Fatal Evidence

Page 8

by Kari Lemor

  “Ones that involve you and me with no clothes.”

  Those actions sounded yummy. Dropping her purse on the floor, she ran her finger down the low neckline of her dress.

  “You did ask if I needed help.”

  “You said you didn’t.”

  “A girl can change her mind, can’t she?”

  His pelvis ground against hers and she almost melted. God, she wanted him. But she shouldn’t have him. Why? Why shouldn’t she have him? Her muddled brain refused to cooperate and tell her.

  “I think I need help getting out of my clothes.” And him out of his.

  “Always happy to help there.”

  She couldn’t take her eyes away as he skimmed his hands across her shoulders then slid them under the thin straps of her dress. Pulling them down, he caressed her arms. The skin on his fingers was rough, but she loved the friction it caused, sending shivers up and down her spine.

  Her dress top fell around her waist and he licked his lips. Could she get him to lick her as well? Reaching up, she stretched her arms, pushing out her chest.

  He trapped her hands there with one of his then lowered his mouth. Yes, this was what she wanted. Oh, damn and double damn, his tongue twirling around her nipples sent her nerves skyrocketing, liquid pooling between her legs.

  “Shit, that is amazing. You have quite a talented tongue, Mr. Holland.”

  His chuckle vibrated against her chest and she shivered. Of course the hand he skimmed up her leg and cupped her ass with might also have been the source.

  “You have no idea how much I love touching you,” he growled against her nipple.

  “As much as I love you touching me, perhaps.” Damn, she shouldn’t be telling him this, but her tongue didn’t seem to have any control. Luckily, his knew exactly what it was doing.

  Inching his hand inside her panties, he stroked her sensitive flesh. Sweet Mother of all that was Holy. Heat built up between her legs then moved to the center of her desire. He continued to nibble on her rigid peaks and rub her slicked skin, causing the flames to grow. A moan escaped her lips.

  “Oh, my God, I need this so much.”

  More sensations assaulted her as he pulled her dress down then helped her step out of it. Somehow her panties had disappeared too. Nothing left but her high heels.

  “We should remove some of your clothes too. I’m feeling under-dressed.”

  “I think you’ve had a bit too much to drink,” he whispered against her mouth. “I should get you to bed.”

  “Only if you come along with me,” she said, attempting to pull him along.

  He scooped her up in strong arms.

  She wrapped hers around his shoulders then allowed her tongue to explore the thick column of his neck. Then she was falling, the mattress soft under her. If only she could get Scott on top of her. He simply sat watching, his eyes intense, hungry.

  Scooting over on the bed, she slid her hands under his coat and slipped it off his shoulders.

  “We’ll put this right here so it doesn’t get ruined.” Twisting to set his jacket aside, she heard an intake of breath. Her ass was right in line with his face.

  “Oh, God, woman, you do tempt me.”

  “I hope so. It’s what I’m trying to do.”

  “You don’t actually mean that. You’ve been telling me for months we can’t have sex.”

  Why couldn’t they have sex? They’d had it before. “It had been amazing.”

  “Amazing, huh?”

  Shit, had she said that aloud? But dammit, it had been good, better than good.

  Her hands clenched in the fabric of his suit coat. “I want it to be amazing again, Scott, please. I’m sick of my vibrator. It’s nowhere near as efficient as you are.”

  The laugh behind her made her freeze. Would she be frustrated again tonight? Then he grabbed her hips and pressed his soft lips to the skin on her backside. Oh, Lord in Heaven.


  He nibbled and nipped as he skimmed his hands up her legs. Still bent over, she pushed back into him, wanting more. Her breasts swayed from side to side. He reached under, playing with them, his thumbs flicking at her tight nipples.

  “Oh, my God, you don’t know how much I need this.”

  “I have an idea. I also think you might regret it tomorrow.”

  Straightening, she turned around, leaning into him. “Don’t even think about stopping without a happy ending.”

  He pushed her back until she lay sprawled on the bed then he crawled toward her. His eyes shone with a need that surely mirrored her own. Before he reached her, though, he bent his head and kissed up her thigh. Hmm, this was good too. They’d get to him later. His talented tongue got busy again right where she wanted it.

  “Yes. God, don’t you dare stop.”

  She rode the wave, flew higher as he licked and stroked her into a frenzy. Crying out, she saw colors spiraled across her vision and soon she was falling, falling into an abyss of sensual pleasure. Her eyes drifted closed as she landed softly on the ground.

  “Hope that was happy enough, princess.”

  “Mmm.” Her body was too satiated to move.

  Her shoes were slipped off and the comfort of sheets surrounded her then a warm body pressed against her back. Scott’s soft voice whispered in her ear, “I have a feeling you won’t remember this in the morning,” as she slipped into oblivious slumber.

  Chapter 8

  “Sir, I do think you should go to the hospital. Get yourself checked out.”

  Scott shook his head at the EMT and waved his hand toward the door. “Just get them there. Make sure they’re taken care of.”

  The two gurneys rolled out behind the emergency crew and he sighed. Damn it. More problems. A supporting wall had collapsed as they’d begun work. It shouldn’t have happened. He’d checked the wall thoroughly, made sure it was safe. But something happened and two of his men had gotten hurt.

  Rubbing his elbow where he’d been hit with debris, he pulled out his phone, pressed the buttons and put it to his ear.

  “Jian, do you have a crew of men who I could hire for a security detail?”

  He listened to his friend then gave him the short version of the story. He’d have men here in an hour. It might not be smart using members of a street gang to protect his building, but he trusted them more than anyone he could hire. Something was happening here, he just didn’t know what. Jian assured him it had nothing to do with the gangs. He believed him. But what the fuck was it?

  “Okay, let’s get back to work. We need to find a way to get this beam back up and make this damn wall strong enough so the whole fricking building doesn’t fall down on us.”

  The dozen men working on the first floor grabbed tools and headed toward the wall. Thank God he’d kept the job down here today. Imagine if someone had fallen through from upstairs when this wall went down. As it was his insurance premiums would go through the roof with the injured men.

  They got back to work and his aching muscles screamed in protest. Screw them. He’d stay here all night until the building was safe.

  An hour later the wall and beam seemed secure. He’d gotten word from the hospital that his men would be fine and were currently being released to family members. Thank God.

  “Scott, what happened? Are you all right?” The click of heels warned him who it was.

  No, he did not need the warrior princess here today messing with his mind. What they’d done a few weeks ago at the wedding still flashed through his memory too frequently. Luckily, she’d avoided him since then, aside from the occasional text to check on the work site.

  “Get out of here, it’s not safe.”

  She looked around, her expression concerned. Yeah, she should be. It was costing them money every time one of these damn screw-ups happened.

  “I stopped by to check
on progress and someone outside told me what happened. Are you hurt?”

  Nailing in a last board, he dismissed the other men then turned to her. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine. You’re covered in dust and scrapes.” She pressed a finger to his arm. “Your shirt is torn.”

  Looking down he noted a rip from his shoulder to his elbow. Blood soaked through the fabric. Shit, it was a new shirt too.

  “I’m tougher than I look. Now get the hell out of here. I don’t want you in here while we’re still doing renovations.”

  “This is my building too, so don’t tell me what to do. Why is it okay for you to be in here but not me?”

  “Because I know what I’m doing and I’m not wearing a skirt with three-inch heels.”

  “Then I’ll get myself a pair of work boots and you can’t kick me out. What are you going to do now?”

  “I’m waiting for a security detail.”

  “Security? Do you think someone did this on purpose?”

  “It’s a distinct possibility. Made even stronger by the rash of other shit that’s been going down since we took on this project.”

  “But why would anyone object to us renovating a building? It makes no sense. It’ll only add value to the neighborhood.”

  “Your guess is as good as mine.”

  “Dude, your task force is here.” Jian walked in with two large lethal-looking men.

  “Thanks, man. Appreciate the quick response.”

  “He’s providing the security detail?” Heather whispered behind his back.

  Grabbing her hand, he walked toward the gang leader. “I’m going to assume you’ll want this gig to be off the record.”

  Jian smiled coyly. “That might be best for all involved. Ms. Silva, nice to see you again.”

  Her hand tightened in his, but she responded, “You too. Thank you for your help.”

  “Anything for my man here.”

  Turning to him, she said, “And now that you have your security detail, I can take you home and clean up some of these cuts.”

  “I told you I’m fine.” The last thing he needed was Heather getting her hands on him.

  “Jian”—she addressed the darkly dressed man—“does he look like he’s fine to you, or do you think he should get someone to tend to his wounds so they don’t get infected?”

  A grin lit Jian’s face, damn traitor. “I think your woman might be right. Can’t have anything getting infected now. Let her take care of you and don’t worry. My men will see that nothing gets in here tonight.”

  Looking around to check out the mess, he sighed. It was late and his muscles were sore. He could use a hot shower.

  “You’ve got my cell. Call me if anything strange happens. Doesn’t matter what time.”

  Jian nodded. After cleaning up and replacing some tools into the toolbox, he escorted Heather down the few stairs to the street level door.

  “You seriously trust those guys?” Her eyes weren’t accusatory, merely curious. He appreciated that.

  “I trust Jian. He trusts them. That’s good enough for me. Plus there’s nothing inside to steal except some tools and lumber. Not exactly what they deal in.”

  “I don’t even want to know what they deal in.”

  “Smart girl. It’s better not to know. I stay out of it as much as possible.”

  “Where’s your truck parked?” Her eyes scanned the street.

  “It’s a few blocks over in a lot. We haven’t cleared out the back parking lot yet. You don’t have to follow me home. I promise I’ll go there and clean up. You’ve probably got important plans for tonight.”

  “Actually I don’t. Charlotte borrowed my car this morning then dropped me off at work. I took a taxi over here from my office.”

  “How are you getting back home? Not too many taxis in this small town.”

  She narrowed her eyes and glared, which made him grin.

  “I guess I could be persuaded to give you a ride home.”

  “I’ll drive. You’re limping.”

  Was he? He hadn’t even noticed, though now that she mentioned it, his leg did throb, plus a few other places.

  “I think I’m still capable of driving a vehicle. Thank you.”

  He was capable of a whole lot more than that. Remembering how she’d practically thrown herself at him after the wedding had his pants growing tight. Her whimpered admission that he was more efficient than her vibrator had worked him up so much it had taken every ounce of control he had and then some not to screw her right against the wall that second. But she’d gotten her rocks off. He’d gotten a sleepless night watching her naked form next to him on the bed.

  When they got to his truck, she moved toward the driver’s side. Opening the door, he allowed her to get in, a smirk on her face, then slid in after her.

  “No, get in the other side. I’m driving,” she argued.

  “Not in my truck you aren’t, princess.”

  * * * *

  Damn, the man was stubborn. Heather pushed over on the worn leather, lifting her skirt to help her get past the stick shift in the middle. Scott scooted in behind her, slamming the door.

  “I know you live in the same town as Jack and Callie, but you’ll have to give me directions since I’ve never been there.” Turning the key in the ignition, he started the car.

  “We’re going to your place so I can tend to your wounds.”

  “I told you I’m fine. I’ll take a shower and it’ll clean up all the dirt and germs. Unless you were planning on scrubbing my back for me?”

  “I’m more concerned about your arm and shoulder. How do you plan to bandage that yourself? It looks like it’s still bleeding.”

  His silence was like a win for her. As he drove, she studied him. Even covered in dust and debris he was still gorgeous. The loose waves of brown hair called out to her to push them off his forehead. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, showcasing the muscles of his forearms. Muscles honed to perfection by real work, not some gym equipment. His hands clenched the wheel, indicating his stress level. Because she was here, or the incident at the site?

  As he reached down to shift, his bruised and scraped knuckles stood out against his tanned skin. “Does this hurt?” She softly brushed the torn flesh.

  “Stings a little. I’ll let you kiss them better once we get to my place if you feel the need.”

  His knuckles weren’t all she’d like to kiss. Partners. You’re partners. Business and romance don’t always mix well. Remember that.

  Keeping her thoughts to herself, she remained silent the rest of the way. They pulled into an apartment complex and he turned off the truck.

  “I’ve got to warn you I’m not the neatest housekeeper in the world. I don’t even remember if I made my bed this morning.”

  “As I don’t plan on using your bed, it’s not a problem.”

  His eyes glowed. “Then why’d you come back with me? Don’t tell me my injuries, because I don’t think they’re all that life threatening.”

  Why had she insisted? They hadn’t seen each other or spoken since the wedding a few weeks ago. The wedding where she’d had way too much to drink.

  Scott opened the door on her side then walked beside her up to the front entrance. Her mind couldn’t get rid of the images she had of them together. But what was from the wedding and what were her memories of Vermont? They definitely kissed at the reception, but after that it was fuzzy. Scott kissing her against a wall, skimming her dress down her body played vividly in her mind. His head between her legs. Yeah, that was one that kept her awake at night, trying to recall if it had happened, or if it was only her imagination.

  But when she’d woken the next morning, he’d been up, showered and dressed already, and hadn’t said a word. There’d been no condom wrappers. She’d looked, and she hadn’t been
sore down there. But she had been naked.

  “I usually take the stairs since I only live on the third floor, but we can take the elevator in consideration of your shoes.”

  “I can do three flights of stairs in these, wise guy. I’ve been wearing heels practically my whole life. My mother trained me early how to walk in them.”

  “By all means.” He steered her toward a door. At the bottom, he grinned at her and said, “Want to race?”

  “Walk in them, funny boy, not run.” But by the top of the third flight it was apparent she should have taken the elevator. She’d do it on the way down. Which should be soon since watching his ass all the way up three flights of stairs had sent blood flowing to parts she shouldn’t think about right now.

  As he unlocked his door, she took in the hallway, then the apartment. Nice. Not too fancy or upscale but certainly clean and homey. One large room housed several areas. Kitchen behind a half wall, dining area in front of it. The living area had a couch, a few comfy chairs, and a large screen television. Of course. If she recalled, Scott was a big sports fan. A few open doors near the furthest wall were most likely bedroom and bath.

  “I’m going to jump in the shower and clean all this dust off. Feel free to check the fridge for a drink. I know I’ve got beer but there should be some juice or soda also.” He moved toward one of the doors then paused. “Unless you want to join me.”

  Damn his cocky grin. And the adorable dimple in his chin that made her want to kiss it.

  “As tempting as that is, I’ll pass. Come out when you’re done. I’ll patch you up. Where’s your first aid kit?”

  “In the bathroom. I’ll bring it out when I’m done.”

  Slipping off her shoes and dropping them on the floor, she waited a few moments after the shower started up then peeked into the other room. His bed had actually been made, though it looked more like he’d simply thrown his comforter over the sheets and smoothed it out. No accessories or designer pillows like she had in her bedroom. A hamper in the corner was full, with several items hanging off the side, like they were trying to escape the smell. Although she hated to admit it, she kind of liked the way he smelled. Earthy and clean even when he’d been working. Unlike so many of the overly cologned men who existed in her circles. Well, her parents’ circle. She still got dragged into it often enough, but she’d been trying to slowly extricate herself for years.


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