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Ray of Light (The Incandescent Series Book 1)

Page 24

by Elle Scott

  ‘All clear, she doesn't have a phone,’ Adam says closing my jacket across my chest.

  As Adam walks me over to the row of people he whispers, ‘Xander's looking for you. You shouldn't be here, if you have a portal orb—leave now!’ He pushes me down.

  I am sat in between Shannon and Dr Harwell, people I haven't seen for five years. Shannon had been my personal trainer; he was the lead coach in the gymnasium. When I was here he was in charge of making sure the explorers were in shape, I wonder what he does now. He places an arm over my shoulder and whispers. ‘What are you doing here?’

  I smile to myself as I feel my orb dig into me, I hold my jacket closed. ‘Putting an end to this!’

  When the Uprising are all huddled together, deep in conversation, I pull out the orb.

  Dr Harwell grabs my already bruised wrist. ‘What is that?’

  I suck in air through my teeth so as to not bellow in pain. The orb shimmers and a small spark hits his hand. He pulls away. I raise a finger to my lips and mouth “sorry”. I focus on the orb, and I know when I'm invisible because of the collective gasp of those sitting near me. I hold my breath as I make my way closer to the cluster of Uprisers.

  ‘The building looks secure,’ one Upriser, with short spiky hair and bulging eyes tells David.

  ‘Well let's go get them then!’ Another says.

  David looks at them with disdain. ‘I appreciate your enthusiasm but we need to wait, I've been planning this for five years, why would I want to rush the most important part?’

  ‘Come on, we get it—they need to be handled carefully, the Red Orb will disintegrate every fibre of skin off your body blah blah blah. You've prepped us, we are ready!’ The bulging eyed man says.

  Adam glances over to where he sat me down. ‘Can you go over the plan once more Dad?’

  A collective moan echoes through the other Uprisers.

  ‘No, that's fair, he hasn't been here long,’ David says patiently. ‘Martin, Adam, Jesse, Kip, Evan and Sal—the six of you are to stay here and guard these people. Frank will search the building again for anyone else. Roger and Miguel, will come with me to break into the containment room and vault. I've brought with me only six portal orbs, I’ll leave one here for the seven of you to get the hell out of here, while Frank, Roger, Miguel and I will use the other five portal orbs to transport the vault with all the orbs back to our lab. Clear?’

  ‘What about them?’ Adam asks pointing to everyone.

  ‘Never mind about them,’ David says.

  ‘Yeah, they'll be taken care of!’ An Upriser with a sleeve of tattoos and low dark eyebrows says. A few other Uprisers whisper and smirk to each other, all except Adam. ‘What do you mean taken care of Miguel?’

  ‘You don't need to worry about that son. Are we ready?’

  Adam looks apprehensively at the people sitting along the wall, scientists, researchers, technicians, trainers, cooks, cleaners. ‘So, the orb you leave here will be for all of us to use? Can it handle seven people?’ he asks.

  Frank squints at him. I realise Adam is stalling… for me. I hold the orb over my heart, please let me be making the right decision.


  The containment room is like no other room, even the mesmerising orb room at the Fort pales in comparison. I see the white polished tile floor lead up to the glass cabinets that sprawl across three walls. One wall for each orb. Each wall emanates the colour of every particular orb. On the corner of the centre wall is a keypad, I can only assume that, behind the silver portal orbs is where all the other orbs are contained. Hundreds, if not thousands of them.

  I place the orb onto the floor and remove my jacket. I lower my knees to the ground—to anyone looking on it may seem as though I'm praying, worshipping the orbs in front of me, but that is a mistake only made by Ladlow and Nichols. I slide my fingertips along the tiles and roll the orb into my hand—I cup it between both of my palms. Rolling up, I centre myself in the room, narrowing my vision. I feel my toes and heels strong and stable on the ground beneath me, my legs relax. I breathe in slowly and tighten my core, I breathe out slowly and bring the orb up to my chest. I feel the cold air rush through my nose and fill my lungs with life, I circle my lips and push the air down onto the orb. Breathe in, breathe out. I see the orb shine rays of blue and green through my fingers, bright light desperate to fly out. Breathe in, breathe out.

  I close my eyes, this is it.



  I don’t know when I stood up or when I began running towards the cabin door but I have to leave the walls, the people, the fog that clings to my mind. Everything I've fought for is now clouded by the revelation that I’ve been lied to. Nichols killed Xander's parents, not Ladlow—and if he lied to me about that, what else isn't truth? It doesn't make sense, he confided in me with this plan, what he has in store for Palladium. Something bad. I never agreed with it but I thought it was justified considering everything I was told they had done and will do. None of this makes sense, Miles must be lying.

  I slam the door behind me and the morning wind on my face slaps me back to earth. I step out onto the veranda. Strands of purple and green tap against the edge of the steps, lavender as bright and fluffy as I’ve ever seen peeks over the wooden boards. I settle myself beside them and hold my hand out to pick one but instead of gently tugging at its stem, I rip a whole bunch. I shred and tear them in my hands until they sift through my fingers like dust.

  ‘Guys… we have a problem!’ Xander's voice breaks through the cabin walls and pushes me upwards.

  ‘Did you find her?’ Miles asks concerned.

  I press my ear up to the cabin keyhole. The door is paper thin and so old that paint peels off from a single touch. I wipe a whole streak of paint away from the keyhole and this time I put my eye up to the hole.

  ‘I don't know, I was only there a few seconds. The orb took me to the Square and it isn't good. The Uprising has taken over the whole Base. There is no one around and Frank was patrolling the mezzanine,’ Xander passes the portal orb to Ross. ‘Can you make this more accurate? I didn't have a chance to look around but shouldn't it have taken me right to Nora?’

  Ross looks like Xander's asked him to sing in front of a thousand-person crowd.

  ‘Forget it,’ Xander snatches the orb back. ‘I'm going back to the Base to find Nora, who's coming with me?’

  ‘Kate, can you get Viv?’ Miles commands. ‘We're all coming!’

  Kate rushes to the front door and Eli follows her. I open the door before they reach it and I stand in front of them in painful silence.

  They’re waiting for me to speak, so I do. ‘David didn't want the tablet for the evidence to tear Palladium apart… he wanted passwords, theories, correspondence, codes, research.’

  ‘What are you saying?’ Miles runs his hand through his hair.

  ‘They aren't going to just shut down and steal from Palladium—they are going to destroy it entirely and unethically. They are planting a bomb; it will be set to go off ten minutes after they take the orbs.’

  Miles’ jaw drops.

  I look at him. ‘Your dad has had those orbs protected so well, no one has been into the containment zone for years—you're lucky he's given you a few of your own to display. Although, I guess the whole freaking perimeter of The Fort is protected. You've made it so hard.’

  I step forward next to Kate and smile through tears, I smile because I love her and I cry because I should be guilty but all I feel is defensive. ‘I was going to steal the tablet myself, I had it in my arms once too. But David begged me to make you do it. I'm sorry.’ I mean it but my words are flowing too fast, too much of it has to get out still. ‘Anyway, that's what he's been waiting for, the tablet.’ I turn to the rest of them. When they look at me, I know they don't see the same independent and vivacious young woman I once was. They see a shallow empty vessel that has been drained of the fire I once so fully embodied.

  ‘Tell us everything you know!’ Eli holds my shi
rt and pushes me towards Miles and Xander. And like the puppet I so obviously am, my whole body goes limp, numb. I put my hands up as I fall on Miles, he stands still and strong barely reacting to the force.

  He doesn't steal his hands around my back and comfort or protect me like he would have years ago. ‘It won't matter, she can't be trusted anyway,’ he says in a monotonous tone.

  ‘Please believe me Miles,’ I beg, my fists make creases on his shirt. ‘They'll have everyone held up in the food hall, if Nora is there—that's where she'll be.’

  Miles steps away from me and walks towards the futon, he pulls out a backpack from under it. He reaches his hand in and pulls out another portal orb.

  ‘Eli, do you want to come with me to the Base? I will be stopping off at The Fort to let my father know and get a static orb, if that's OK with you?’

  ‘Yeah, I'm with you man.’

  Miles puts his hand on Eli's shoulder and looks at Xander. ‘Find her!’

  ‘No, I'm coming with you!’ I reach my hand to Eli's, I close my eyes and hold onto him with all the determination I have left. Please let Nora be fine.



  I sit against a tree and look at the Corridor. I roll my head to the side—that river, those tree lines, so perfectly beautiful and uniform, no amount of years has affected their ability to stand strong and true. Leaves glisten in the sunlight as the wind swims across the tops of the trees. I close my eyes and strain my ears to hear the sound they make. A collective bustle, so busy yet so calm. Together they breathe in unison. An unexpected tear rolls down my cheek.

  Miles was right, I had the ability to figure it out on my own, I could do it. I've never felt that kind of confidence before. Even though my whole life I've been alone, I've never felt more alone than I do right now. I miss him, I miss my friends, my father. Is this over? Have I done enough to set myself free?

  ‘NORA?’ I hear my name being screamed out.

  I stand up and look behind the tree I lean on. I lose my breath at the sight of him.

  ‘Xander?’ I feel so meek saying his name. I don't know how else to say it.

  He walks towards me, slowly yet decidedly. I know that look in his eyes, he will kiss me once he reaches me. Will I let him?

  Yes, I will.

  ‘I'm sorry,’ he says on repeat between kisses. I move my hand up through his hair, it's short—not like Miles' silky mane. I pull away and look down, why am I thinking about Miles right now?

  ‘Are you alright?’ he asks me so tenderly.

  ‘Yeah, I think so.’

  I look into his eyes and try to find the Xander I fell for but all I can see is the harsh stare he gave me in the food hall the other day. He did hurt me. I was fooling myself if I could think a little bit of clarity from a stupid orb would be able to take away my pain of rejection.

  ‘You were looking for me?’ I want to hear him say how sorry he is.

  ‘You have no idea,’ he says holding me so tight I could almost burst. I let my head fall onto his chest and listen for a signal in his heartbeat that shows me how much he cares.

  ‘Are you ready to go back to the cabin?’ he asks.

  ‘The cabin? You've been there?’ I pull away.

  ‘Yeah, Kate and Ross are waiting there for us.’

  ‘Where's Miles?’ I begin to panic, he was supposed to stay, didn't he read my note?

  ‘He went with his dad, Eli and Viv to the Base to try and stop the Uprising!’ Xander speaks with such indifference, like he doesn't fully realise the issue.

  ‘What?’ Full on panic mode. ‘No, they can't be there!’

  ‘It's okay Nora, they'll meet us back at the cabin!’ Xander strokes my arm like I'm a little girl needing direction. Like I'm not capable of making my own decisions. Like I didn't just do what I had to do.

  ‘Don't patronise me! You don't understand Xander, they don't need to be there. We've got to go to the Base. NOW!’

  I pull the orb out of my pocket and Xander looks at me perplexed. I've got no time to explain, so I grab his shirt in my fist and transport us to the Base.

  We stand at the edge of the large hallway outside the containment zone and peer around the corner. Frank is holding a gun in Ladlow's direction, Miles is by his father’s side. Viv and Eli stand to their right in shock. David, Roger and Miguel are standing at the containment door repeating numbers they read from the tablet. The lock won't work though, I disabled it.

  ‘What's the code?’ David screams.

  Ladlow looks sideways at the tablet. I can tell he is confused as to why it isn't working but his poker face shows defiance, ‘I wouldn’t know.’

  ‘Liar! Like always!’ David yells.

  Ladlow scoffs, ‘yeah okay!’

  ‘Open the DOOR!’ David screams the last word, his face red, veins popping.

  Frank steps closer to Ladlow and presses the barrel of the gun against Ladlow's temple. ‘You should do as he asks.’

  I can't help it. I transport myself into the containment room and look at them through the glass.

  ‘How did you do that? Where is your orb?’ David steps away from the door.

  I turn my hand over to reveal my small orb in all its shining glory. I look at Miles, he's smiling. I smile back. A thin red streak of blood lines the gap between his bottom lip and chin.

  I tap my chin and mouth, ‘Are you okay?’

  He wipes his face with the back of his hand. ‘Yeah, I'm fine,’ he mouths back, still smiling.

  I step towards the door and unlock it with my orb.

  ‘Nooo!’ Ladlow yells, stepping towards the door and away from the gun. He brings his hands out from behind his back and points an arm at David. A static orb buzzes in his gloved hand.

  David stands at the containment entrance, the only thing blocking him from getting inside is me. Ladlow stops a metre away, his faced scrunched in homicidal rage.

  ‘Do you really want to do this?’ I ask them, ‘We've all got choices here, choices that lead us down paths, that not only affect us but everyone around us. This is not a good versus evil situation here. This is us as humans, who are facing the consequences of our messed-up choices. And right now, we have before us a wonderful chance to make a choice. What path will you take?

  ‘You can take these orbs,’ I offer David.

  ‘No!’ Ladlow shouts.

  ‘Yes! I'll get to you in a minute Professor.’ I look back at David. ‘You can take these orbs, live with the guilt or satisfaction, or whatever it is that drives you—or… you can leave them, and with them, the mess for someone else to clean up.

  ‘And you,’ I glare at Ladlow as Frank hovers behind him. ‘You can choose what's more important. The orbs or your life. Simple!’

  Roger steps out from behind David, I feel his shadow tower beside me, looming like a bear on its hind legs. As his hand is about to grasp my arm I touch him first, and he's gone. I’ve never tried to transport someone somewhere without me going with them but I had no time to wonder. I turn towards Miguel and lift my chin at the same time he raises his gun to me, the barrel meets my eye line.

  ‘No!’ I hear Eli's voice echo across the walls.

  The acidic taste of bile coats my throat—he's too far to send away and if I protect myself in a shield, how will I know the bullet won't ricochet off and hurt someone I care about? Then, his eyelids flutter for a second and I look closer, his finger hovers away from the trigger, he's shaking, nervous.

  ‘Let us in little girl.’ Frank's left arm is now hooked around Miles’ elbow. He moves his gun from Ladlow’s direction and presses it against Miles’ chin forcing him to look upwards.

  ‘Take them, just take them!’ I gasp and I move out of the doorway. The glass wall is the only thing separating me from Miles but it may as well be a fifty-foot canyon.

  Ladlow steps around behind David, his arm still locked in position, the static orb sends small sparks every which way it can. Doesn't he care about his son?

  David begins to wa
lk into the containment room.

  ‘They're my legacy!’ Ladlow boils over as he darts his eyes between his son and his orbs.

  ‘HE is your legacy!’ I yell. I yell because if he doesn't lower the orb, he's the one pulling the trigger on his son. I yell because he looks like a madman unable to make a proper choice. I yell because the choice he's about to make will be a mistake that will haunt us all for the rest of our lives. But most of all I yell because I’m fifty feet away and I need Miles and he can't leave me.

  My whole body eases when Ladlow's arm loosens and lowers. Frank rushes past him and shoots the keypad, the shattered screen litters the foot of the door. He looks across to me and points the gun in my direction, but I’ve already surrounded myself in a transparent shield, a bubble of blue and green. He grunts and joins David, collecting orbs from their cabinets, they scoop and roll them into three open black cases. Nichols begins unloading more portal orbs from his bowling bag.

  I don't know if it is madness or if he thought Miles was now safe, but Ladlow has made a choice, I can see it in his frenzied haze-filled eyes. He marches into the containment room and lifts the static orb with both hands, shards of lightning hit the floor before he even aims.

  A sound deafens me, it wasn't the orb though—it was gun fire. I stand inside the containment room, surrounded by glass, in a cage that separates me from those I love. I run into the hallway scanning my eyes in desperation—Xander runs out from the corner towards us. Viv screams, so loud and sharp it pierces my soul. Eli leaps at Miguel and brings him to the ground, his gun falling from his hands onto the floor. Beside the gun, I see blood. And beside the blood I see him. At first I see his legs, bent at the knees; then I see his chest, as it hits the floor. Miles.

  Black clouds tunnel my vision, everyone and everything around me begins fading into darkness, blurry versions of themselves. I can't breathe, I can't speak, I can't move.


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