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All He Desires – Nate & Eliza (Crossroads Book 12)

Page 13

by Melanie Shawn

  The only reason that she could think of was her past with Neil. It felt like a lifetime ago to her, but he was Nate’s brother. Maybe he felt like it would be some kind of a betrayal. The last thing she wanted to do now was bring up Neil.

  “Do you like them?”

  “Yes,” he hissed between clenched teeth as his hands fisted at their sides.

  Not knowing what else to do, what else to say, she begged, “Nate…please.”

  She needed him to say something. Do something. Touch her. Kiss her. Tell her this can’t happen. Make a move or stop this, either way she needed to be put out of her misery.

  Her plea caused his stare to shoot to hers. As soon as their eyes met, an explosion took place in the energy between them that resembled a bomb. It was like chemistry class in high school—two chemicals in their separate beakers, sitting there completely still and inert, not doing anything on their own. But the minute they were combined? Boom. Explosion.

  So suddenly and quickly that she couldn’t be sure if it was really happening or if it was one of her many fantasies, Nate snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. She stared up into his eyes and her lips parted. Her breathing was coming so fast now she thought she might pass out. His was the same. The heat of their breath mingled and fanned over her face.

  He leaned down, cursing beneath his breath before finally, with so much tenderness it brought a tear to her eye, pressed his lips to hers. She melted into his kiss. His mouth moved against hers more gently than she would’ve thought possible. But then again, that was Nate. So sweet with her, so considerate. Always wanting to take care of her.

  Their kiss sent new spirals of ecstasy ribboning through her. Her head was spinning with the sensation of his feather-light touch, teasing her with tantalizing persuasion. Anticipation heightened her senses, and a carnal ache pulsed in her center.

  All of the pent up desire, pent up passion, and pent up love rose in her like a wave building momentum as it moved towards the shore. She knew that at any moment someone could interrupt them but she could feel herself getting lost in his seduction. What she wanted at that moment, what she needed, was to finally…finally…give in to the urgency that only Nate had ever inspired.

  She slipped her arms around Nate’s neck and pressed her body even tighter against him. A whimper ripped from the back of her throat as she felt his arousal straining against his pants and digging into her belly. Everything about him was rock hard, from the muscles in his arms that encircled her body, to the chest that she was plastered to, to the erection that was pressing against her. And she loved every rock-hard inch of him.

  In a silent invitation, she parted her lips. He didn’t need more than that and he captured her mouth aggressively. Claiming her in a soul-stealing kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth the moment it touched hers and she felt a lightning bolt of pleasure shoot straight to her sex.

  She couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. All the thought that she had given it over the years and she had never once imagined that it could feel this good. That he could feel this right.

  In Nate’s arms was where she belonged. There was no doubt in her mind. This was perfect.

  Well…almost perfect.

  She unwound her arms from his neck, trailing her fingertips over his skin as she worked her way down the front of his shirt, unbuttoning with trembling fingers as she went. Breaking their kiss she moved her mouth to his jaw and down to his neck, covering him in open mouth kisses.

  Nate moaned, and she felt the vibration through his skin as she uncovered the rippling muscles of his chest inch by inch, and she felt a primal urge tearing inside of her.

  This still wasn’t enough. She needed more. She needed to be closer. She wanted to be naked with him, to have every inch of their skin pressed together from head to toe, to have no barrier between them at all. That might not be possible in here, but she was going to take what she could get.

  When she had unbuttoned his shirt entirely, she pushed the two halves to the side and marveled at the sight of her small hand exploring him. She spent a few moments letting her fingers wander over the landscape of his ripped chest, immersing herself in the sensation of how powerful it felt.

  She kissed her way down his chest, letting her tongue play where her fingers had just left. He groaned and tangled his hands in her hair. The feeling was intoxicating, like he was in control over where she kissed, where she moved. Like she was entirely in his hands.

  She started to unbutton his pants, wanting to explore his steel erection the same way that she had explored every dip, every line, every crease of his chest and abs. She loved the rubber band-like tension that she felt in his muscles under the skin where she touched him. She loved affecting him on such a visceral level. It was only fair, since he had at least that same level of effect on her.

  Once his pants were unzipped, without any hesitation, she slipped her hand into his boxer briefs and took his dick firmly in her palm, causing her inner walls to contract. She squeezed tighter and her sex once again clenched.

  “Fuck,” he gasped, and it was like she’d just downed a gallon of Spanish fly.

  She’d rarely even heard him curse before tonight, and knowing she was the one driving him to use profanity was a bigger high than making him laugh. She couldn’t think of a more potent aphrodisiac than the sound of Nate’s voice coming unhinged at her touch.

  Nate moved his hands out of her hair and, when he had her face firmly in his palms, he tilted it out gently until she was looking into his eyes again. Her heart melted. There he went again, being so gentle even when the moment was so fucking intense.

  He crushed his mouth against hers and kissed her passionately as she began stroking him slowly, keeping rhythm with their entwining tongues, building the pace with her hand as he kissed her harder. Faster.

  She heard herself moaning. She wasn’t even aware that she was doing it until she heard the sound of it. Her head was whirling with sensation. She wasn’t aware of anything in her body aside from the swirling pleasure that filled it. She felt as if she were being carried down a rapid river of ecstasy, being tossed wherever the current flowed, with no rational control of her own. And, for once in her life, she was happy to just relax and go with the flow. She liked the flow.

  Nate broke their kiss so that he could move his hot lips and tongue over her neck. She never stopped stroking him and he grew even larger in her firm grasp. As his lips traced small curlicues over the sensitive skin of her neck, and the pressure and ecstasy in her belly built in intensity, she stroked him even faster.

  His hand moved down, trailing up underneath her dress. He traced the line of her bikini panties over her hip, settling there against her skin and grasping her tightly. Damn, nothing compared to how she felt at the touch and powerful grasp of his hand on her hip.

  The skin-to-skin contact was part of it, but also the authority and strength that flowed from his body to hers through that touch. He relinquished his grip, which she missed for a moment, until she realized that his fingers were determinedly tracing the top hem of her panties. She was fairly sure where he was headed.

  “Spread your legs,” he demanded roughly as his lips brushed her ear.

  Her knees went weak at not only his words, but also the feeling of his hot breath against her sensitive skin. Luckily, one of his arms was still anchored around her and he held her in place. Feeling so safe and so secure was an even bigger turn-on than she’d ever imagined it would be.

  When she did as he’d asked, his hand dipped beneath the thin, wispy fabric of her panties. As his fingers slipped between her wet folds she lost the ability to think. To speak. If breathing had taken any conscious effort on her part, she would have lost that ability too.

  It was sensual torment feeling his strong and demanding fingers slide into her, his gentle thumb tracing slow circles over her clit. She groaned loudly. It was so good. Better than anything she had ever felt.

  The pleasure became nearly overwhel
ming as she felt her clit hardening under his gentle but consistent pressure. She gasped and buried her head in his shoulder, but he tilted her chin back upward.

  “No,” he gritted out. “Look at me. I want you to look at me when I make you come.”

  His candid words caused her to become lightheaded, but she did as he asked. What she saw in his stare was almost too much to bear. It was all-consuming. It was connection. It was him owning her. Claiming her.

  She’d never been this turned on in her life. Every instinct inside of her screamed that she had to roll her eyes back into her head, or squeeze them shut or throw her head back—anything to break up the intensity that she was feeling. It was just too much.

  But she pushed through. She made herself stand there, not moving except for the unbroken rhythm of her strokes up and down his manhood. She continued to stare into his passionate eyes as he moved his hand inside of her and over her sensitive pleasure button. She felt her body stretch as he added one finger and then another.

  She gasped and groaned at the same time as he worked her body. Her body began to tense up at his thick fingers’ intrusion, but she forced herself to relax and accept him into her tight opening.

  He growled softly. “I’m getting you ready for me. I want it to feel so good when I bury myself inside of you.”

  His words had barely registered when suddenly, and without warning, they triggered an orgasm ripping through her that was so powerful it made her tremble all over. Every muscle in her body became completely useless when faced with the sheer force of the pleasure current that charged through her.

  Nate held her firmly upright. And that knowledge allowed her to lose herself in wave after wave of ecstasy. If his arm hadn’t encircled her, she was sure she would have crumbled to the ground in a gasping, trembling mass.

  But Nate—her sweet Nate—would never let that happen. He would always take care of her. And that was something he did nothing but continue to prove again and again. Maybe he was telling her who he was and she should listen.

  * * *

  Nate had to exert a kind of control he had never been called upon to use before in order to keep himself from exploding all over Eliza’s pretty dress when he saw her come apart in his arms. It was the single most erotic thing he had ever seen.

  He knew this wasn’t a good idea. He needed to talk to her, to tell her the secret he’d carried around for nearly a decade. But when she’d reached into his pants, he’d known that this was happening. And since it was, there was no way that he was going to let this amazing encounter between them end with him coming all over her hand after two minutes like some high school kid who was seeing a naked boob for the first time. No, he was going to make sure that this was done properly—well, as properly as it could be done in a coat closet, at any rate.

  He wanted to touch her. He wanted to hold her. He wanted to be inside her. If they were going to do this, he wanted to show her what she meant to him. How treasured and loved she was. In his heart, he knew this wasn’t right, but if it was wrong, he was at least going to make sure it was worth it. He was glad somehow he’d been able to control his impulses well enough to give her the kind of experience she deserved.

  But now, the time for self-control was over. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer. “I want you.” He rested his forehead on hers. His voice was low, in both volume and timbre as he told her exactly what he wanted to do to her. “I want to pick you up, put you against this wall and make you come while I’m deep inside you.”

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Yes, please. Yes.”

  With much more ease and speed than he should’ve had considering the space he was in, he pulled a condom from his wallet and made quick work of tearing the package open with his teeth and unrolling the plastic sheath over his throbbing, rock-hard member.

  Then, wasting no more time, he did exactly what he’d told her he wanted to do. He lifted her off the ground and her legs and arms automatically snaked around him. He moved his hand between their bodies and roughly pulled the damp fabric of her panties to the side so he could plunge into her without a single second more of delay. He couldn’t even stand the two seconds that it would take to rip her panties all the way down her thighs and legs—he had to be inside her right then.

  Once his path was clear, he entered her with a powerful thrust, holding himself still once he was completely inside of her. He tried to be as present as he possibly could, memorizing the moment. The sound of her panting breath and small moans. The sight of her eyes fluttering at half-mast. The feeling of her body clamping around him with strong, hot, inner walls. The smell of her sweet, citrusy shampoo as he buried his nose in her hair.

  He knew he was going to want to remember this and treasure it forever. He wanted it to be as clear years from now as it was right now.

  She, however, had other plans. And just like she had when they were kissing, she took what she wanted. Her hips began moving and it snapped something inside of him. Taking over, he held her in place and he pulled back and pushed in, over and over. He retreated out and glided in her, picking up speed, feeling each stroke reverberating through his body like an earthquake. Each movement was like an erotic sledgehammer hitting him square in the gut and he couldn’t get enough. As soon as the impact from one strike was over, he was desperately grasping for another dose.

  He could feel the intensity building up in his body and his brain. The fog of arousal had almost overtaken him. He was nearly to the point where he wouldn’t be able to control himself because of pure animal instinct.

  Eliza breathed encouraging words as she kissed and licked his shoulders and neck. Telling him how good he felt. How big. How hard. How much she loved him being inside of her. Then he felt a sharp sting at his neck and realized that she’d bitten him. Not hard, but enough to give him a distinct thrill of pleasure at the sharp edge of the contact.

  His fingers dug into her firm and luscious ass, giving him more leverage as he pumped into her. It felt amazing. It was the most intense experience of his life. Nothing else came close.

  After several more pumps, her head fell back against the wall exposing her neck. He watched the muscles stretching and bunching. He only needed to lean forward a few millimeters to kiss her sweet skin, so he did. She was an irresistible temptation.

  “Oh, yes,” she whimpered when his lips made contact with that sensitive skin. He angled one of his arms under her so that his other hand was free to slip the front of her dress down and uncover the skin underneath—which was, as he had predicted, even softer and prettier.

  The cups of her corset came with the material of her dress revealing two of the most perfect breasts he’d ever seen. He stared at them for a moment without breaking the pace at which he moved in her. Then he lowered his head to capture first one nipple, then the other in his hot, demanding mouth.

  He ran his tongue over the hard nubs and they stiffened under his attention. He felt a rush of arousal coat his shaft as he nipped and licked her tight nipples, alternating between the two. Her body began milking him as she trembled in his arms.

  Fuck. Her body’s reactions to him—so immediate and so extreme—were the sexiest thing that he could imagine. And every gasp and every sigh, every tremor and every moan, every scream and every movement of her beautiful body—they all powered him, fired him up and gave him strength and passion to continue on.

  Her body was a fascinating landscape that he knew he would never fully understand the mysteries of, no matter how much time he spent exploring it. And, oh God, how much he would love to spend as much time as possible exploring it!

  He sucked her nipples completely into his mouth then, not content to just tease them with his tongue and teeth. He wanted to devour them, own them. He liked the way that they were already hard when he uncovered them, and he loved the way that they became even harder as he suckled them and flicked them with the hard edge of his tongue. Now, he wanted to see just how hard he could make them. What were the limits? How far could he push
her body? How much pleasure was her body capable of, and could he give that maximum level of ecstasy to her?

  He pushed his hand down between their bodies, finding her hard button so that he could work it while he pumped her. He was obsessed with giving her pleasure, with stimulating every single erogenous zone that she had, separately and simultaneously. She was like the most fascinating science experiment—the best kind of example of action and reaction. He did A to her body, and B was the result.

  Her hips bucked wildly against him as his finger flicked her clit. Because he was inside her, he felt every twitch and every movement magnified. It was so surreal and felt like a dream he never wanted to wake up from.

  His ears buzzed and head swam. He felt a disconnect from reality, as if he were in a sensory deprivation tank. But instead of the distant, dark unfeeling of the deprivation tank, this was a colorful swirl of sensation that wrapped up his mind and took it away. Like a sensory stimulation tank. But what the two experiences had in common was that they brought him out of his head. He existed solely in the physical at that moment. His brain was turned off in favor of his body. His reason was turned off in favor of his instinct. And he couldn’t get enough.

  He felt her plump, soft lips brush against his ear and her hot breath hit his neck as she whispered, “I’m gonna come again. Oh, Nate, please. Yes! It’s so good.”

  And with that, he felt her muscles constrict around him. He crested the mountain peak at the same moment she did, both of them exploding with ecstasy within seconds of each other. It felt so good that he almost couldn’t even process the extent of the pleasure or the intensity of it.

  But, to his surprise, the powerful force of ecstasy ripping through him as he came wasn’t even foremost in his mind. Even at the exact moment that it took hold of him. No, what he enjoyed even more was the feeling of her coming apart in his arms for the second time that night. That was the most powerful and the most pleasurable thing, in his mind.


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