Daddy Biker: MC Romance
Page 138
Deftly, Zephyr leapt from the taxi and then reached up to grab a strong but gentle hold of her as well. He brought her down and held her in his arms and she forgot all about her disappointment. He held her like a princess. She was his princess, and he was her brave and kind space General. She amazed herself with how much she cared about him now, after railing against the very idea of mating with a Daskani for so long.
He carried Celeste into his mansion. It was built into the side of a jagged stone cliff. The whole planet was rocky and spongey, almost like it was made of one giant bog. The froglike appearance of the males was beginning to make sense. She did not see any other beings when they came off the ship, and she wondered if the reason the Daskani had answered Earth’s call was because they were a planet in need of females.
“You have a beautiful home,” she complimented as he carried her inside and brought her straight to a sprawling bedroom that was more like a ballroom with a bed. Unlike the chromatic space ship they had been on, Zephyr’s home was white and bright, with a lot of windows that looked out on an expanse of water. An ocean perhaps? “Really, your whole planet is beautiful. The people of Earth should all just move here. You seem to be doing much better for yourselves.”
Zephyr smiled and placed her gently onto the bed, the only real piece of furniture in his bedroom. The windows were open, allowing a gentle breeze to blow into the room. The bedsheets were like the curtains, white and opaque. Looking up at him, Celeste wondered at how this brawny beast had managed to keep his home so immaculate.
“This is – what do you Earthlings call it? - my bridal suite,” he informed her, leaning over her so he could kiss her and touch her breasts through her dress with his fingertips. “Daskani do not all have a home like this. It is given to those who have a mate for life.”
Celeste opened her eyes wide. What was he talking about? Mate for life?
Cerulean Savior
Celeste stayed there on the bed and let Zephyr continue to kiss and fondle her, but she was practically frozen in place. “What did you mean, mate for life?” she asked him nervously. “I’m supposed to get pregnant and then bring my child home to Earth, to help the population problem… I cannot stay with you.”
Zephyr stopped necking her and leaned back a bit so that he could look into her eyes and face and see that she was sincere in her statement. “But… I thought you were my mate.”
She felt so bad for him. “It’s not that I want to leave you when this is all over. But I have a duty to my people.”
It worried her now, that he might not want to have sex with her anymore. Why did I have to open my big mouth? she thought. I just wanted to be honest with him…
“What if you can fulfill your duty to your people and still stay with me?” Zephyr asked thoughtfully. “What if I said that I would follow you wherever you go, even if I should have to live on Earth for the rest of my days?”
She looked deeply into his green eyes. “You would leave this palace for me? Earth is nothing like this place.”
He shrugged and moved in closer to her once more, gently taking her by the arm and pulling her into him so he could kiss her more easily. “There is no one like you in the whole of the galaxy,” he said in a soft tone before kissing her deeply and passionately.
Celeste pulled him further so that he was fully on top of her. She brought her hands up under his shirt and ran her fingertips along his curly, dark blue chest hair. Then she relieved him of the shirt and he relieved her of her dress, and her bra as well. He was handsy when it came to her breasts. “You’ve never seen these before, have you?” she asked through a smirk. “Before me, I mean.”
Zephyr shook his head a bit. “Our females have breasts, but… not like these.”
As he squeezed, she felt a pang of pain. Could it be that she was pregnant? She did not want to think about that right now. Nothing was a bigger turn off for her than the thoughts about her being forced into this… Although, the more she did think about it, now that he had proposed to stay by her side no matter where they landed next, Celeste thought that they were going to make a freaking cute baby.
Maybe if she was not already pregnant, she would be by the morning.
He kissed her face and neck and down her entire body, slipping her panties from her as well.
“Mmm,” she murmured. “You haven’t done this much, but you’re clearly a fast learner.”
Zephyr smiled against her sensitive skin and then he went down and kissed her opening, gently nuzzling his nose against it as he began to lick at her wetness.
Celeste gripped the white sheets of the bed. The room was immaculate, but not for long. More than the sheets were about to be tousled, if she got her wish. She lifted her legs up a little, inviting Zephyr to perform as much cunnilingus on her as he wanted. She threw her head back and moaned his name.
He used that alien dragon tongue of his quite well. He got her all hot and bothered and then, grinning a shimmering grin that could only be shimmering like that for one reason, he rose back up above her and plowed his long, thick cock inside her.
“Let’s get you good and pregnant,” he growled, thrusting in and out of her and making sure that he went as far in as her tight pussy would allow. “We don’t want to return you to Earth without my spawn growing inside you, now do we?”
“Ahhh, I don’t want to go back until I’ve had our baby,” she said back, hissing the words out because Jesus Christ he felt so good. “I want to fuck you as much as possible here, my Daskani General. I want our baby to know its birthpla-AHH, YESS!!”
She bit her bottom lip so hard it started to bleed a little, but she did not care. Her orgasm came intensely and fast, and she instantly wanted another.
Zephyr beamed proudly down at her, happy to see that his movements and touches were causing such a stir within her. He kissed her on the mouth again and quickened his pace, feeling her feminine juices on his shaft. It made his thrusts more fluid with less friction, which brought him moments away from his own orgasm.
Celeste had a feeling that this was it. This was the time that she would for sure become pregnant. She could see herself feeling miserable tomorrow morning, but this was so worth it. He was not able to hold on for very long and she could tell by his expression that he was really fighting his ejaculation so that she could enjoy herself.
“Come inside me,” she whispered, kissing and nipping his chin.
She did not have to tell him twice. Closing his eyes tightly, Zephyr came thunderously inside her, feeling as if sparks were going off under his skin in a way that did not hurt but instead felt wonderful. He held onto her, holding her close in a hug as the ripples of the orgasm continued and his heart rate did its best to slow down again.
When he tried to pull away, she held him fast and snuggled against his chest. He was not inside her anymore, but that did not mean she did not want him to stay there with her.
“I love you, Zephyr,” she told him softly, eyes closed as if she was dreaming. “The old me would probably say that I’m crazy, but I do not care. I’m not the old me. And I love you.”
He kissed her forehead and petted her hair. “I love you, too,” he said. He said it with such conviction that she knew he was telling the truth. She was so glad that he knew what love meant. It was not exactly an easily-definable word.
They fell asleep together there, in each other’s arms, feeling safe and contented with their choices of mate. She was not looking forward to leaving this strange and lovely planet, though she was excited to see her mother’s and sister’s faces when she arrived back at home with the handsome and powerful Zephyr holding her hand.
The following morning looked a great deal like the day in which they had arrived. The sky was still bright and the weather was still the sticky kind of hot that Celeste imagined rainforests back on Earth must have been like, at least until the humans destroyed them with their greed. She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw that Zephyr was still right there wit
h her, holding her in his arms like he had done back when they were on the Daskani space ship. Like he loved her.
She carefully and slowly disentangled herself from him and went over to the sheer-curtained window of their room. She gazed out at the sky of russet and gold. There were thick, green trees for miles around, as far as her eyes could see. She could understand now why there had been such a need to keep things hot on the ship. The Daskani were used to hot climates. She still did not think it was right of Zephyr to assume the human females would be okay with that, but she could not blame him as much now that she knew him and his home planet better.
What was not made of sky or trees seemed to be made of rock. That dark, metallic looking rock that she had seen before. The cliff their manse was attached to was made of that type of rock. Celeste thought that she could get used to that rock. She would not have minded if Zephyr gave her a ring made of that rock…
The thought of marrying her Daskani man made her stomach do a nervous flip flop. Either that or it was something else. She bolted from the room in search of the nearest restroom. Sickness had fallen over her like a blanket and it was then as she lay there on the hot floor over the water basin that she knew.
She had a Daskani spawn in her womb for sure.
Unfortunately, Celeste did not have long to feel excited about her pregnancy. As she was tidying herself up and about to make her return to the bedroom, she heard a loud sonic boom. At least, that was what it sounded like. Not fully used to the planet yet, she was not sure if that was a normal thing to hear. She rushed out of the bathroom and to the nearest window, which happened to be one in the living room. She had not looked out of this window yet, or really explored the living room. Zephyr had carried her to the bedroom with haste as soon as they arrived; so much of the home was unexplored by her so far.
The view from the window was a shock. She had not expected it to be such a big drop. Hadn’t there been a patio or something yesterday? It was a blur. When Celeste stopped marveling at the height of her new home, she noticed the giant, sparkly space ship in the near distance. It was ruby red and it took up half the sky. At first glance, she had taken it for one of the rocky mountain peaks of Daskan, but now that she looked at it she could see that it was a) not a mountain and b) not from Daskan.
Zephyr rushed out from the bedroom to join her, wrapping his arm around her as they looked out the window together in bafflement. “Do you know who they are?” she asked him.
He nodded his head in a way that somehow suggested that he was not happy to see that glistening ship on the horizon.
“Care to enlighten me?”
“They’re the Yaargothens,” he told her, glaring at the space ship with narrowed eyes as though the ship itself could feel hit wrath. “They’re a rival planet from just outside this galaxy. They’re facing a bit of a crisis themselves, but I never thought they’d have the nerve to come here.”
Celeste turned to look at him, into his eyes. “Outside this galaxy? What kind of crisis?”
Zephyr sighed. Before he had a chance to tell her, however, the screech of a loudspeaker could be heard emanating from the ruby ship. “Citizens of Daskan,” a growly, booming voice announced. “We come in peace. Well, mostly. We are here because we have learned about your trade deal with Earth. As you are aware, we citizens of Yaargoth have also been suffering a fertility crisis. The last of our females has died. And so, we turn to you, as our… friends. We have come for your Earthling women. They should have been traded with us in the first place.”
The loudspeaker gave another screech and silence fell again.
Celeste looked at Zephyr with wide eyes. This was bad. This was very bad.
“What should we—”
“Look out!” Zephyr shouted before she could finish her question, grabbing hold of her arm and pulling her down to the carpeted floor.
He made sure to land first so that she could lie nestled against him. He wrapped his strong arms around her and she closed her eyes as some kind of projectile came into the mansion via that window. Celeste smelled smoke and the scent of what can only be described as burning hair.
She thought she was going to have a good day here on Daskan, exploring the hills and rainforest-like beaches. Letting Zephyr know that he was going to be a father. But no. The universe or whatever controlled these things had determined that Celeste just could not have nice things.
“Please tell me they did not just fling alien poo in here,” she muttered.
“No,” Zephyr replied. “Worse. They flung themselves in here.”
Celeste opened her eyes and looked at him as if he was crazy or making things up to get a reaction out of her. She tilted her head at him and arched an eyebrow. “You can’t be serious.”
The projectiles that had burst through the window were indeed moving on the floor a few feet away. She hesitated to even look as a sick feeling washed over her. The things appeared to be light brown, fuzzy balls and they grew and grew as they squirmed and writhed on Zephyr’s white carpet.
When they stopped growing, they reached quite an impressive size. Five gorilla-like beasts now stood before Zephyr and Celeste, staring down at them menacingly. Well, staring down at her. Zephyr rivaled them in size. They were wearing what almost looked like brightly colored Speedos, which she could not take seriously except she had to admit that they were appropriate for the temperatures on Daskan. Their thick fur, on the other hand, was not.
“Forgive us this intrusion, General, but we Yaargothens have reason to believe that you have impregnated your Earthen female,” the largest and most brutish of the brown aliens said. His voice was a low, deep hum like that of a vacuum cleaner.
He did not look at Celeste at all when he said this. In fact, he had not so far given her the slightest attention. She wondered if he thought she was not the Earthen female he was talking about. What might he think she was? Zephyr’s breakfast?
All that changed when Zephyr turned his blue face towards her. His mouth had fallen open a bit at this news. “Are you with child?” he asked her, his voice so soft and tender that she was almost able to forget that enemies were present.
She smiled a bit, biting her lip and nodding. “I was going to tell you…”
The large brown alien growled. “Then our informant was correct!” Suddenly, he lurched forward and grabbed Celeste by the wrist.
Zephyr leapt forward at once, but he was too late against the Yaargothen’s shifting powers. The fuzzy alien took off at a jump towards the window again, shrinking as he went and causing Celeste to shrink along with him!
The last glimpse of her mate that she got as she rose with her captor into the sky was Zephyr’s look of complete bewilderment and anger. She did not know what was going to happen to her now. She had no defenses against this new alien. She had barely learned his species’ name.
Suddenly, they crashed together onto a hard floor. Their bodies stretched and grew until Celeste was lying on the cool, metallic floor of the spaceship, writhing in space sick agony. The brown monstrosity stood above her, smirking.
“I can tell that you were not with that Daskani for long,” he boomed. “You are as puny and fragile as I always expected Earthen females to be. But no matter. If you are fertile, then you will come along with me back to Yaargoth, where we shall repopulate!”
Celeste was scared and overwhelmed, but she was not about to let this happen without a fight. Shakily, she stood up and looked the beast in the eyes. His eyes were beady and black, not at all the attractive green of her Zephyr’s. Was she really thinking of him as hers now? Had they really come this far? As she looked at the ruthless Yaargothen, she knew so well that she loved her Daskani mate and she was not about to abandon him!
“I am not going to Yaargoth with you,” she said. “And I am never, ever going to be your mate.” She was so much smaller than he was, so she was not quite sure how exactly she was going to prevent him from taking her. So, short of doing nothing, Celeste spat up and into his face.
> The alien howled as if she had struck him with hot coals, rubbing at his eyes to get her phlegm out of them. Then he grabbed her by the wrist once more, making a shackle out of his claws. “Hyperspace!” he shouted to some unseen crew.
Without warning, the ship shook as they proceeded into hyperdrive. She was glad that he was holding onto her now, if only so she would not meet the harsh floor again. She was not sure how much her body could take of this, though. The baby moved in her stomach; the first real proof that she was carrying Zephyr’s child and was not just having a bad reaction to the food.
“General Zephyr will not let you get away with this,” she told the alien once she had regained equilibrium and could look him in the eye without her stomach doing a flop. She did not even know this alien’s name, and she hoped to keep it that way. She did not want to become at all familiar with him or his shrinkage power.
He laughed a cannon fire-like laugh and began pulling her away from the space ship’s big window and down a long, winding hallway not too terribly unlike the one on the Daskani ship.
“Help!” Celeste cried as she was dragged by her arm, appealing to the last glimmer of sunlight before she was swallowed up by the hallway, as if Zephyr could hear her cries from his planet which was far, far behind her now.
The Yaargothens, it turned out, were not so very different from the Daskani. The main one – the general? – placed Celeste into a small cell. She was provided with some water and a dry, unappetizing cracker thing. The ship was not stifling hot, but somehow, she missed that aspect. That aspect felt more like home to her now. The Yaargothens were apparently from a colder climate, hence their thick fur.