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Children's Book : The Millennium Squad 1: Mystery of the Stolen Amulet (Mysteries, Spy Kids, Cat Detective, Book for kids ages 9 12)

Page 4

by Amma Lee

  "And if things go wrong?" Dylan asked. Dylan was intelligent as well, but he was more of the ‘muscle’ behind the Millennium Squad. If a battle was going to go down, he was the squad's best offense and defense.

  "Then we'll fight!" Leonne responded. They nodded their head, and Thomas started speaking again.

  "There was a locked hatch on the ground that appears to have been made in the 1950s. I've picked the lock with my nails, and it should lead us to the basement. I can confirm at least two magical beings on the upper level. Going in through the basement will give us a better chance of getting in undetected."

  "Alright boys, let's bring the witches and warlocks to justice," Leonne said enthusiastically.

  "Sir!" The four of them made their way down the hatch. Everything seemed to go as planned, but something was off, something that even baffled Thomas. When they entered the darkened basement, a red light turned on and in front of Thomas and the Millennium Squad, was a warlock with crimson eyes staring at them with a grin on his face.

  Chapter Eight

  "I've been waiting for you three. I hope you didn't think that I didn't see you shuffling around the back of the building." The mysterious man said with a dark and grueling voice which made the hairs on the back of the boys' neck stand. Thomas inwardly sighed. He didn't sense that man at all! The spell he had created was perfect, so how did he know?

  "How did you know we were here?" Leonne asked between gritted teeth. He was angry. He didn't blame Thomas at all, though. Thomas had done everything that he could to get them there safely, something just fell through in the middle somewhere.

  "Your little spell for the most part worked, but there was one thing that your magic was unable to do," The man pulled off his hood revealing a bald head and pale skin. The man definitely looked like a warlock. "You didn't take into account if any of us had psychic abilities." Thomas hissed at the wizard and the man laughed. "Now now, kitty. I have never been too fond of animals other than snakes, so watch who you're hissing at."

  "I see," Theodore said pushing up his glasses. "Yes, the spell that we used on ourselves would undoubtedly be rendered useless against someone who could see into the future." It was unfortunate that he did not think about this possibility, but they didn't run into psychics every day.

  "How many of you are there?" Dylan asked jumping in. He had a feeling they'd get discovered sooner or later, but the young boy was hoping for the latter.

  "My brothers and sisters have already left to our meet up point. When our mistress is done figuring out how to release our magic from the Restrict Amulet, she will meet us there and give us our powers," the warlock grinned wide at that. "And then we will wreak havoc on you puny humans!"

  "Then we don't have a lot of time!" Theodore shouted and pulled something out of his bag. Theodore threw a vial of liquid at the warlock, and the warlock let out an ear-splitting scream when the contents spilled on him.

  "Leonne! Thomas! Go! We got this!" Dylan screamed as he rushed the warlock.

  "Right!" Leonne and Thomas said as they ran passed the man. Leonne looked over his shoulder and saw Dylan and Thomas dodging what seemed to be fireballs. Leonne wasn't worried about his team. They were combat ready!

  "We have to get upstairs now!" Thomas said, and Leonne nodded his head. It was hard to keep up with the cat, but pure adrenaline allowed him to be able to. There was no way they were going to let witches and warlocks achieve their mission. The Millennium Squad and Private Detective Thomas Fe'line will bring them to justice!

  Leonne and Thomas allowed their instincts to take over them. They ran up the stairs towards a room towards the back of the hall. There was no time to remain subtle when they were so close to losing to the culprits. Leonne wasted no time kicking down the door. He may have been young and small, but he had strength that most twelve-year-olds, aside from Dylan, did not have due to his line of work. Leonne and Thomas entered the room, and a woman with long red hair with the amulet in her hand turned towards them in surprise.

  "You fools!"


  Melanie was in her true form, and she was agitated. She was so close to figuring out how to release the power from the amulet, but she had to be interrupted. Where were the others at? She thought she took care of the Millennium Squad so why were they back? They were smarter than she thought.

  "Where are the others?" Melanie said when she noticed Leonne and not the other two members.

  "Taking care of a warlock infestation in the basement," Leonne said, getting into a battle stance. She was a lot taller and stronger than Leonne, but Leonne could use his stature to his advantage. He could probably run and dodge quicker than the witch could cast any spells.

  "No matter, the fools were useless anyways if they could let three little brats by them." It was apparent that Melanie hadn’t noticed Thomas, so Thomas took the chance to access the situation from a different perspective. "I don't have any time to play with you human," Melanie said, not willing to speak any longer. Melanie summoned a fireball and threw it at Leonne, and he barely dodged the quick ball of fire.

  "Ah!" Leonne yelled as he ducked under it and ran towards Melanie and pushed her. Leonne's quick movements caused Melanie to drop the amulet.

  "You little brat!" Melanie said as she tried to grab the amulet, but Leonne kicked it away from her reach. "Grr…" Melanie growled and snapped her fingers, causing lightning bolts to fall from the ceiling. Leonne hasn't gone up against witches before, but he and his squad were prepared for it.

  "Too slow!" Leonne yelled as he dodged the quick bolts that fell from the ceiling. Being the smallest of the Millennium Squad has its advantages. He definitely had more agility.

  "When I release my magic you'll be the first I banish from this world!" Melanie shouted and got up from the floor and darted towards Leonne. This was Thomas' chance! Thomas ran out of his hiding spot towards the amulet when Melanie wasn't paying attention. It took him no time to get to it.

  "Restrict all magic!" Thomas shouted, and Melanie stopped in her tracks and turned towards the cat. Her eyes widened in surprise as she felt her powers leaving her. All of her magical essence had left her body, and she fell to her knees in shock.

  "All of my work ruined because of some brat and a cat!" Melanie said in anguish.

  "Leonne! Thomas!" Leonne looked towards the door to see Dylan and Theodore running towards them. When they got to the room and saw Thomas with the amulet in his mouth and Melanie on the ground, they knew they had won.


  "Well, my boys are on their way to nab the other magical folk," Chief Stewarts said as he loaded the warlock from the basement into a large magic proof container.

  "Right," Leonne said and grinned at his friends. They have successfully stopped the witches and warlocks from destroying life the way that it was. Behind them, a police officer came out of the house carrying adistraught Melanie.

  "I was… I was so close. But this boy and that cat… they ruined my plans… my freedom." She said incoherently.

  "Tell it to a judge!" Chief Stewarts shouted as the officer put her into a container and slammed the door shut. "Well," Chief Stewarts said looking back at the boys. "Your work is done. I expect your full report to me by Monday morning."

  "Sir," the boys said in unison. Chief Stewarts tilted his hat to them and teleported out of the swamp.

  "We did it!" Dylan shouted as soon as the police left.

  "We sure did, and we couldn't have done it without you, Thomas!" Theodore said looking around. "Thomas?" Theodore called out when he noticed the cat was not around. Theodore was about to walk around and search for Thomas, but Leonne placed his hand on his shoulder.

  "Thomas left Theo, and we should get going too," Theodore would have questioned him, but when he looked into Leonne's eyes he understood. "We'll see him again soon," Leonne said. Leonne remembered that Thomas liked to do his work and get out of their before thanks were given. He was a private detective after all, and he couldn't remain private if a lot
of people saw him.

  The Millennium Squad teleported home and went straight to work on their report. Leonne couldn't help the smile that spread across his face. He had wanted something new and exciting to happen, and it had. This was one of the best missions that the boys had ever been on and they were all thankful that Thomas had been to help them.

  The Millennium Squad and Private Detective Thomas Fe'line made a great team, and Leonne was positive that the four of them would work again together in the future. Knowing this to be a fact made Leonne, Dylan, and Theodore excited.

  "Humph, we're a great team indeed," a voice could be heard saying as yellow eyes disappeared from a tree looking directly into the Millennium Squad's hideout. "Today has truly been an exciting day."


  Adventure Series for Kids


  Book 1: A Suspicious Neighbor

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  Book 2: Cat’s Revenge

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  Book 3: The Aliens Invasion

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  Book 4: The Beginning

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  The Cat Detective (FREE For Kindle UNLIMITED!)

  Book 1: The Mystery House

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  Book 2: Thief in the School

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  Book 3: The Secret

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  Book 4: Kidnappings in the Legendary Mine

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  Book 5: A Witch's Hypnosis

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  Book 1: A Troubling First Day

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  Book 2: Rival School's Challenge

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  Book 3: Competing for the Promotion

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  Earth of the Dragons (FREE For Kindle UNLIMITED!)

  Book 1: Attack of the Fire Dragons

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  Book 2: The Treasure of the Dragon

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  Book 3: The Snowstorm of the Ice Dragon

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