Book Read Free


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by Ros Seddon



  Ros Seddon

  All characters in this book are ficticious and any resemblance to real

  persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © Ros Seddon 2011

  To Jerry Fitzjames

  for believing in me………….

  Chapter One

  Ellie had never seen anything so beautiful. A wilderness of flowers and tall flowing grasses dappled in sunlight lay ahead of her through this dark thicket of trees and bare twisted branches, glowing like a light at the end of a long dark tunnel. She moved closer to the frame and a feeling of warmth washed over her. She glanced back at the demons who had stopped their chase and were floating in the darkness; hovering almost. They would not follow her now. Were they afraid? She heard their whispering cries as the forest began to consume them, then the tangled darkness slowly faded behind her and she felt the warmth of the sun on her face and her bare feet. Above her a rainbow; its myriad of colour washing over her as the sun’s white glow burst through soft floating clouds and sent shimmering rays all around her, dazzling her with their beauty. Never had she felt such joy inside. Her heart overflowed with pure emotion, pure love. Just one small frame stood between her and this heavenly paradise; her sanctuary. With no hesitation she reached up her hand and pushed it gently open, then moved through the frame and floated freely and joyously into her Utopia.

  The baby was crying when he came home. He could hear it from the street. It was a pitiful exhausted cry; weak and soulful; a cry of painful abandon and he knew that she had left him; left him when he needed her. The bedroom window was open wide creaking back and forth in the wind. He didn’t see her crumpled body until he was half way along the garden path and then he stopped in his tracks and cried out,

  ‘Ellie! …. Oh God….. No!’

  Adrenalin woke him from his drunken stupor as he rushed to her side and felt for a pulse. She’s alive. Thank God, she’s alive. He took off his jacket and laid it over her to keep her warm, then took his sweater off and wrapped it around her head being very careful not to move her. Her body was lifeless. Blood from her left ear trickled dark on her pale complexion and ran in three directions, across her forehead, down into the corner of her left eye and to the top of her left cheekbone where it had congealed and formed a ridge. She was unconscious, but breathing and her breath was shallow. He tried to rouse her, calling her name but Ellie did not move. He ran into the house and picked up the telephone receiver, his hand shaking all the while.

  ‘Emergency, which service please?’

  The voice cracked like thunder into the night.

  ‘Ambulance please. And please hurry. My wife is unconscious. She… she has fallen from the bedroom window…..’

  The train from Exeter was running late the announcement had said and Felicity had forgotten to take her filo fax out of the glove compartment of her car. She glanced at her watch and then at the station clock which she knew was two and a half minutes fast. Could she….. Dare she….? Within a heartbeat she was up the stairs; on the flyover and down the other side to the car park. Filo fax tucked safely into the front pocket of her briefcase she started back up the ramp and onto the bridge just as the whistle blew for her train’s departure. She began her descent two steps at a time, her arms clutching her briefcase, half aware of the tall dark figure at the bottom of the steps. She tried to slow down but too late; she flew as her heel caught in the tread of the final step sending her flailing into an abyss of darkness……. But, where was the pain; the awful dread of failure, of making a complete fool of herself being sprawled across the platform, her tights ripped and her knees bleeding, her documents trodden into a muddy winter puddle and her dignity on its way to Cornwall without her?

  Felicity looked up at her saviour and saw the deepest pair of blue eyes she had ever seen; piercingly blue eyes that seemed to look right inside her. He had caught not only her but her briefcase also-intact and was standing before her an archangel, his right arm still supporting her and his left holding her briefcase containing her all important paperwork.

  ‘Oh my God I’m so sorry.’ She regained her composure as the screeching of wheels started up and her train began to move.

  ‘My train!’

  The archangel turned on his heels and tapped a passing door then whisked her inside, her briefcase momentarily suspended between them before the doors closed and the train gathered momentum and she realised he was gone.

  ‘What….’ sighed Felicity as she searched for an empty compartment and finding one at last settled down, opened her wretched briefcase and took out her notes for the coming meeting ‘… was that?’

  Felicity studied her notes. She had prepared an agenda for her seminar based on information acquired from Uncle Jim in America whose experience of the property market was second to none and his extremely lucrative business of Waldark & Mason was climbing high up the US real estate ladder. As the train sped through Devon countryside she went over her introduction in her mind but no matter how she tried she just couldn’t concentrate on the subject in hand.

  ‘Hi. I’m Felicity Breen from the East Barton office and I’d like to talk to you today about the tall dark handsome man with eyes like the deep blue sea who probably has my filo fax……….Oh….. My……God!’ As realisation dawned Felicity fumbled around in her briefcase. It wasn’t in the front pocket. Had she moved it? She unzipped the inside pocket and felt in there, then in desperation she tipped the contents out on to the seat next to her. That was that then. No filo fax. Had it fallen out on the platform when she had collided with blue eyes or perhaps while she was rushing over the bridge or down the steps or in the car park? Ok so it’s gone. Worst case scenario is someone gets to read all her personal diary entries for the past three months and will know when and where she has appointments for the next few weeks. Oh, and her address and her phone number and…….

  ‘Is anyone sitting here?’

  ‘Um ….. No….. Sorry.’ She gathered up her paperwork and stuffed it back into the case as a rather large lady squeezed in beside her pulling an equally large shopping bag across her lap and Felicity’s, her elbow now boring into Felicity’s shoulder.

  ‘I would have gone further down but I have to get off at the next stop.’ The woman shuffled in her seat encroaching further on Felicity’s space. Probably couldn’t get much further down the carriage without having a hernia thought Felicity as she smiled weakly at the woman and turned to look out of the window. She knew the name of the hotel and the time of the meeting which was all that was important right now. The loss of her filo fax was a small one. If the meeting went well; if she managed to deliver a good speech today and if they liked her ideas to increase productivity her management of the East Barton office would be saved for another three months at least, or until the next review.

  The light was flashing on her answer phone when she got in that night. Felicity threw down her case and folded her suit jacket over the arm of the sofa. She went into the kitchen and took a mug from the cupboard for coffee but the familiar sound of meowing beside her followed by the gentle brushing against her legs told her someone else’s needs were far greater.

  ‘Hey pickle. Are you hungry? We’d better do something about that then hadn’t we?’

  The tabby cat arched his back and rubbed himself fondly against her legs once more. Felicity had never really been a cat person but when she had taken over the lease for her little cottage the cat seemed to come with the territory. He’d been wary of her at first, but here they were, eighteen months later, the best of friends; and anyway, she was glad of the company. She fed the cat and headed for the answer phone.

  ‘Hi Darling. Just wondering how it went today. Give me a ring when you’re home.’

/>   ‘Hi Flick its Sandra. Just wondering how you got on at the meeting and what you’re doing Saturday night. We’re all going into town for a night out and you have to come. Phone me.’

  ‘ Er Hi. You won’t know me. My name’s David. David Wilson. We……er bumped into each other this morning at the station. I believe I have your diary. Perhaps you could give me a call and arrange to meet so I can return it. My number is seven seven three two four. Thanks.’

  So blue eyes had the filo fax. Oh well. At least it was safe from thieves and vagabonds. That is, he seemed like a decent sort of guy and he didn’t have to phone did he? He could have just dumped it or something or just left it where it was and not given it a second thought; and he did have the most gorgeous eyes……Felicity sank into the sofa and picked up the phone.

  ‘Hi Mum.’

  ‘Oh hello darling. You’re home? So how did it go?’

  ‘Good. I think. The board was a bit scary, as always but they seemed to listen to my ideas and said they’ll give it some thought. I haven’t got the go ahead just yet but it looks promising. How was your day? How’s Dad?’

  ‘Oh he’s ok. Just having one of his off days I think; keeps rambling on about the garden and threatening to tackle it himself. I’ve arranged for that landscaping chap to come over and redesign it like you suggested. I think you’re right darling. A low maintenance garden is what we need now.’

  Felicity worried about her father. Since his retirement he had put everything into the garden and redecorating the house and just wouldn’t slow down. Then after a series of angina attacks he was warned by the doctor not to do any kind of manual work but just wouldn’t listen to reason. He’d worked so hard all of his life. Retirement hadn’t come easily to him. He wasn’t being put out to grass just yet he’d said.

  ‘Does he know; about the gardener?’


  ‘Mum? You have told him haven’t you? Mum?’

  ‘Oh look there’s the door. Have to go now dear. Will we see you on Sunday for lunch? Bye darling.’

  ‘Bye Mum.’ She put the phone down and sighed at the cat that was perched on his side of the sofa licking his paws contentedly. She would talk to her father on Sunday and try to reason with him. He had to understand that circumstances had changed and he had to change with them…. or suffer the consequences.

  He was sitting beside her when she came round from the anaesthetic. How could she do this to him and to little Oliver? Was her life with him so bad that she could even contemplate this?

  ‘How do you feel?’

  ‘Like I was hit by a train. I…… I don’t understand ….. What happened? I…… I went to bed and then……….Where’s Ollie?’

  ‘He’s fine. He’s with my Mother.’

  ‘How long have I been……….?’

  ‘Two days.’

  ‘My leg…… Oh………’ Ellie tried to sit up by leaning on her right arm and found that she couldn’t. She could barely move and both her right arm and her right leg were in plaster and they hurt really badly.

  ‘Don’t try to move Ellie. You’ve broken your arm and your leg is broken in three places. You need to keep still and rest. You’re going to be here some time I’m afraid.’

  ‘But how? …… I don’t understand. I don’t remember.’

  ‘So you don’t know what happened? How you came to be lying there in the garden at eleven o’clock at night barely alive?’

  ‘What? In the garden? No. I don’t…… I don’t remember.’

  ‘Shush dear and try not to move’ the little dark haired nurse with the accusing eyes that was hovering at the other side of her bed adjusted the drip that was attached to her left arm. ‘Try to rest.’

  He wanted to have it out with her right then and there. Ask her why she was so unhappy and why she hadn’t told him how she felt. Was it the new house? He’d

  thought it was what they both wanted. Was it post natal depression? Was it him?

  In the four years they had been together he had always done his best for her, given her everything he could. She had always seemed so happy and when little Ollie came into their lives he was like the icing on the cake. Their lives were complete. It had been her idea to upgrade from their little flat to a house with a garden and he had agreed. It made total sense to have a garden for Ollie and when the house on Rose Lane came on the market at such a steal she had been just as excited as he was. All their spare time was spent painting and decorating, getting it ready for the big move. Ellie had made curtains and they had hung them together. None of this made any sense……..

  The nurse gave him a discouraging glance. It was his cue to leave.

  ‘I’d better get back to Ollie. I’ll be in to see you in the morning.’

  ‘Oh no don’t go…..’ Ellie tried to pull herself up in the bed once more but the sharp eyed nurse was ready for her.

  ‘I have to go Ellie. Mum’s had Oliver ….. ever since it happened. Now that you’re back with us and you’re on the mend……… and anyway, the nurse is right. You need to rest. I’ll be here in the morning.’ He kissed her forehead beneath the bandage and then he left.

  ‘He thinks I did this to myself.’ She sighed.

  ‘And did you?’ the nurse took her left hand and injected morphine into the IV Cannula.

  ‘No; of course not. I would never do that. I… don’t …… know what…….’

  As the morphine kicked in her eyelids became heavier and heavier until she drifted into a deep sleep. The dark haired nurse left the room and went to the desk.

  ‘Has she said anything?’ The duty doctor asked.

  ‘No. I really don’t think she remembers anything…….. yet.’

  ‘We’ll need to keep her sedated tonight and we’ll see how she is tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes Doctor’.

  Felicity had picked up the receiver several times and replaced it on the handset. This was silly. The guy was probably happily married. You didn’t get to look like that and not have already been swept off your feet. Her fingers traced the keys, seven …. seven…...three two four. This time she pressed the call button. The call went straight to his answering machine.

  ‘Hi, this is Felicity Breen. I believe you have my filo fax. Thank you for your call…er….and for your help at the station. I shall be in town tonight if you’d like to meet up….. or perhaps you could call again and we’ll arrange to meet. Thank you.’

  She replaced the receiver and cursed herself. I shall be in town if you’d like to meet? Oh great now he’ll think I’m a complete floozy. Whatever possessed me? She touched up her mascara and checked herself in the bedroom mirror. The little black dress clung to her body like a second skin. It was sexy; really sexy. Felicity unzipped it and let it fall to the floor, and then she took out her beige skirt and a red strappy top and checked herself in the mirror once more. Half an hour later dressed in her jeans and a cropped top she threw an overnight bag into the back seat of her mini and set off for the city lights. She parked in the courtyard at the back of Sandra and Mark’s flat and rang the bell.

  ‘Hi hun, come on up.’ The buzzer sounded and Felicity opened the heavy oak door and went inside. The flat was a cacophony of activity with two of Sandra’s workmates sprawled on the sofa giggling and a young couple in the armchair beside the fire who barely looked up from each others gaze. Duran Duran was blasting out from Mark’s incredibly large speakers and all the girls seemed to be dressed to kill. As Mark came into the room followed by a dark haired hunk waving a can of lager Felicity wished she had stayed in the little black dress.

  ‘Hi Flick. Er, this is James. You know Marcie and Jane and these two love birds are Carl and Susanne. They’re babysitting. I doubt you’ll get any conversation out of them tonight though. Sandy’s in the Kitchen. Drink?’

  ‘Er thanks Mark. I brought a bottle of white. It’s chilled so if anyone wants some….?’

  She went through the hall into the kitchen. Sandra was wearing a pretty chocolate brown dress and s
he saw the look of disdain on her friends face.

  ‘Hi Flick. You okay love?’

  ‘Yes I’m sorry, I should have phoned. Here’s me in my jeans and you guys are all dressed up. You look amazing Sand. Are you going to the club?’

  ‘No, well we haven’t really made any plans yet. We’ll probably just head down to the Fox and anyway, you look lovely hun.’

  Half an hour later dressed in Sandy’s black skirt and black sling backs the girls were ready to hit the town. In two groups they set off to town, girls in front, and the guys, already quite merry tripping along behind them. Three pints of lager seemed to have the desired effect on James’ loose tongue and Felicity could see the boy about town beneath the handsome exterior so when Sandra honed in on him dragging her along and tried her hand at matchmaking Felicity agreed to dance with him, but that was all and, true to her word after one dance she walked away and spent the rest of the night avoiding him and his advances.

  ‘Hey Flick; you’ve made a bit of an impact on young James.’ Mark was beside her at the Bar. ‘What’s the story? You playing hard to get or have you met someone else?’


  ‘He’s really keen to get to know you better if you know what I mean.’ Mark raised his hand to attract the barmaid’s attention. ‘So….. What do you think?’

  ‘I think he’s wasting his time Mark. I’m just not interested, I’m sorry.’ Felicity left the bar and made her way across the dance floor to the ladies toilets. At a table in the corner of the room she saw a very pretty girl with long blonde hair having a tete a tete with a dark haired man who looked vaguely familiar although she couldn’t see his face clearly, then the sound of raised voices took her attention away from them. There was a disturbance at the bar. A short stocky man pushed another hard on the shoulder and shouted some obscenity and then all hell seemed to break loose. Two bouncers appeared and after a little heaving and pushing one man was escorted to the door and normality was restored. Felicity resumed her route to the ladies just as the couple at the corner table stood up to leave. Her heart skipped a beat as she now saw the face that had been hidden from full view a few seconds earlier. It was blue eyes. He was standing a few feet away from her holding a long red coat with both hands at arms length. He looked stunning in a black silk shirt open at the neck showing just enough of his broad tanned chest. Then the blonde bombshell snuck into the red coat that he held out for her and seemed to linger there for just a little too long as he wrapped the collar around her. Felicity had side stepped into the shadows. Had he seen her? If he had then he hadn’t acknowledged her. He turned and made a path through the crowded bar for his woman who stayed very close to his heels. Felicity sighed and checked her watch. It was only 9.40pm. Sandra and Mark were locked in an embrace as they slowly swayed along to Phyliss Nelson’s ‘Move closer’ and even Jane had a dance partner and was playing the vamp in time to the music. Felicity returned to their table to find that James had turned his attentions to Marcie. Oh and he had her full attention.


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