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The phone was ringing again. Felicity opened her eyes and realised she had fallen asleep on the kitchen chair; baby Charlie in her arms still suckling occasionally at her now relieved left breast. She put the baby up to her shoulder and stood up, steadied herself and glanced at the round sunshine clock on the wall. It was 1.20am. Who would phone at this time of night? Something must be wrong. She thought suddenly of her father and rushed through to the phone in the hall, steadied Charlie with her left hand and lifted the receiver with her right…….
‘Felicity?’ It was a woman’s voice and not one she recognised.
‘Is Ellie with you?’
‘What? …. No! …. Look….. do you actually know what time it is?’
‘Yes. Yes I’m sorry….. is your husband there?’
‘Your husband… David; is he there?’
‘Of course he’s here. He’s in bed. Who is this?’
‘Are you sure he’s there because …… I thought I saw him here.’
‘Look, who are you and why are you phoning at this hour of night?’ A sudden clicking sound coming from the kitchen then made her stop and lean sideways to look along the hall but she could see through the open doorway into the kitchen that there was no one there. It must have been the element in the kettle cooling down.
‘I’m sorry….. you don’t know me. My name’s Mary. I’m a friend of Ellie’s. I’m worried about her. She went out earlier. I mean …… we’d both gone to our respective rooms and said goodnight and then there was this banging outside and I looked out through the curtains and I saw her with ……. well it looked like your husband and after what happened with him the night before……. She was so scared when she came to me; and she’s scared for Ollie too ……. and for you, and the baby.’
‘Look I don’t know what you’re talking about but it’s half past one in the morning and she’s not here ok? David is in bed and has been all night; and that’s where I’m going right now and I suggest you do the same. Now please…….. leave us alone.’ Felicity slammed the phone down and went back into the kitchen, settled Charlie onto her right breast and then heard a creaking sound on the stairs. David appeared in the kitchen doorway barefoot, wearing just his trousers.
‘What’s going on babe? I heard voices. I thought you were talking to someone.’ He wiped the sleep from his half open eyes and flicked the switch on the kettle, then came over to her and gently stroked Charlie’s cheek as he suckled intermittently at his mothers breast.
‘I’m sorry David. I didn’t mean to wake you. It was the phone. It’s rung twice tonight. It was someone called Mary, Ellie’s friend.’
‘Mary Darch?’
‘Yes. She’s worried because Ellie’s gone off into the night somewhere.’
‘Oh God. She’s not started the sleep walking thing again has she? I told her she shouldn’t drink alcohol but of course she wouldn’t listen to me; out with that woman every night on the town. You know, alcohol just makes any medication you’re on completely ineffective. She should know that. Do you want another coffee babe?’
‘No I’m fine thanks. It’ll be hard enough to sleep tonight after all this. You should go back to bed David; get some sleep. I’m just going to bring up this little mans wind and change his nappy and then I’ll join you.’
‘Let me do that for you Flick. You get up to bed. You look worn out.’ Felicity passed Charlie to him and she kissed them both very tenderly.
‘What did I ever do to deserve you?’ she smiled, ‘I love you David.’
‘And I love you Mrs Felicity Wilson……… now go on, up to bed with you. We’ll be up in a bit, won’t we young Charlie?’
While Felicity slept; albeit somewhat fitfully, David opened the door to the dining room which was next to the kitchen and retrieved a bundle of clothes, then with little Charlie all winded and changed resting on his chest he carried his clothing and the baby upstairs and crept into the bedroom laying Charlie safely into his cot and his clothes tidily across the floor on his side of the bed, then climbed into the big king sized bed, snuggled up to his wife’s warm body and relaxed into the sanctity of sleep.
‘I said five minutes Coles. Where were you?’
‘Sorry Sir I went to the er………’
‘Never mind. Get in the car Coles.’
The young officer climbed into the back of Carters blue Sierra and Carter slammed the door closed and went around to the drivers side winking at Claire Peters as he went.
‘Where are we going Sir?’
‘You tell me Coles.’
‘As a result of your private detective work earlier we’ve lost a valuable witness. You’re going to help us to get him back.’
‘Yes but…….. I don’t know where he is Sir. I mean; where he’s gone.’
‘Sergeant Davidson said you’d been talking to Williams. What were you talking about?’
‘Nothing much Sir; I…….. just asked him a few questions.’
‘That’s our job Coles.’
‘Yes Sir.’
‘Fancy yourself as a Detective Inspector do you Coles?’
‘No Sir……… well yes Sir……….. one day maybe; obviously not yet Sir.’
Claire Peters smiled to herself.
‘Obviously Coles; what questions?’
‘What questions did you ask him?’
‘I asked if he saw the driver Sir.’
‘And did he?’
‘No Sir. Well; he caught a glimpse but he couldn’t be sure.’
‘Couldn’t be sure of what Coles?’
‘That it was Eleanor Wilson. Well; he said it wasn’t her and I said it had to be Sir.’
‘Were you there Coles; the night John Tressel was struck by the car?’
‘No sir.’
‘Then you don’t know anything do you Coles?’
‘No Sir.’
‘So what made the boy rush off?’
‘I’ve no idea Sir. He said they had long blonde hair right enough but it wasn’t her and I said he must be barking up the wrong tree and that was it. He just jumped up. I started to go after him but I couldn’t leave the desk unattended. I shouted to him to come back and he called from the doorway, I’ve got a hunch. I’ll be right back but of course he didn’t…… Sir.’
The unmarked car suddenly skidded to a halt as Carter slammed on his brakes. He reversed back to a gateway he had passed moments earlier and turned the car around and then took off back the way they had come.
‘Barking up the wrong tree?’ asked Claire and looked at Carter who nodded back at her.
‘The viaduct?’ He nodded again which confirmed her understanding of his sudden inspiration.
‘Am I missing something here?’ asked PC Coles.
‘Oh undoubtedly.’ stated Carter. ‘That’s why we are detectives ……… and you Coles, are not.’
As he pulled in to the wasteland behind Sainsbury’s Carter killed the lights and the engine on his car and free-wheeled it down over the overgrown land slowly, his eyes squinting as he steered it under the flickering light of the moon. Finally it came to rest at the side of one of the bridge’s huge concrete struts.
‘What are we doing?’ asked PC Coles.
‘Surveillance’ said Carter. ‘Keep quiet and keep watch.’
‘Yes Sir. Er; I have to be on duty again in the morning Sir.’
‘That’s ok Coles. We’ll have you back in time for your next shift’ snapped the DI quietly.
‘Oh right. I don’t suppose………’
‘Nothing Sir; It doesn’t matter.’
‘Good. Then keep quiet and keep watch.’
‘Yes Sir.’
‘And stop saying Yes Sir.’
‘Yes Sir; sorry.’
The moon was not yet at its full potential and the night sky was enveloped in dark clouds which drifted constantly across the circle of light givin
g them poor visibility. An owl called from the trees to their right, and was answered by another somewhere on the river path. Then a dog barked. It was quite close by.
‘Here we go then’ whispered Carter and both he and DC Peters put their hands on their respective doors ready for action. Coles did the same. They heard rustling
coming from the hedgerows to their right and then saw the shadow of a man emerging from under the bridge and the small dark shape of the little dog leaping and bounding in the undergrowth ahead.
‘Go!’ said Carter as he flicked the cars headlights on and both he and DC Peters leapt from the car and were on the man before PC Coles had had a chance to give chase. It was Stephen Williams.
‘Jesus Christ!’ he shouted and his eyes blinked; caught in the cars headlights. ‘I thought someone was mugging me!’
‘What are you up to Williams?’
‘Nothing; I’m not up to anything Detective Inspector. I’m clean, I swear! Jesus you scared me half to death! Don’t you people sleep?’
‘I’ll ask you again Williams. What are you up to?’
‘Walking the dog; for Christ’s sake!’
‘Withholding evidence from the police is a very serious offence Williams’ snapped Carter as he released his grip on Slims arm. ‘Now then; our friend here PC Coles tells me that you had a hunch about this hit and run case. We want to know what your hunch is. Now, are you going to tell us or is PC Coles here going to beat it out of you?
Chapter Fourteen
David had taken two weeks paternity leave from the bank but when he woke up the following morning to find he was alone in the bedroom and saw it was 8.30am he began to panic and then he remembered that he was on leave and hadn’t set his usual alarm call. Felicity was in the kitchen making breakfast. Charlie was in his carry cot in the corner having been changed and fed and Oliver was sitting at the kitchen table playing with his cereal.
‘Why didn’t you wake me?’ David asked, bleary-eyed.
‘I didn’t like to. You looked exhausted last night.’
She poured him a cup of tea and put some fresh toast in the rack.
‘Looks like you’ve got everything under control here.’
‘Yes. I actually got some sleep last night. Charlie slept right through until six this morning.’
‘You should have woken me Flick. I’m here to help for another week so you might as well make use of me. I know I can’t feed him but I can do everything else….. and you should be resting.’
‘I’m fine……… honestly David.’
Oliver was very quiet over breakfast and then he went off to play in the lounge.
‘He keeps asking about his real mummy and why she hasn’t come to pick him up. He keeps saying she’ll be here in a minute I expect, poor lamb. It’s a bit odd isn’t it? That she hasn’t phoned or called for him, and after that business last night I don’t know whether to ring or not. What do you think David?’
‘I’d leave it. She obviously had a late night. I’m sure she’ll be in touch when she’s ready.’
‘Yes.’ Felicity sat down opposite him with her cup of tea. ‘What do you think of this Mary, her friend?’
‘I don’t really know her. I only ever met her once or twice at school functions and stuff. Why do you ask?’
‘She just seemed a bit odd, that’s all. She said some strange things. I mean…… I was tired and I guess I was a bit short with her.’
‘Understandably so, phoning up at that hour of the night. What did she say?’
‘She asked if Ellie was here and she asked if you were here.’
‘Yes. I told her you were in bed and she said she thought she’d seen you outside with Ellie. I told her it wasn’t you because you were definitely here. Then she went on about Ellie being scared. She seemed a bit odd to me. You didn’t argue with Ellie did you, before she left?’
‘No. No; absolutely not. In fact I complimented her on her outfit before she left to meet Mary. Perhaps they both had too much wine last night.’
‘Yes. Perhaps they did. David, Mum and Dad are coming over some time today to see the baby if that’s okay?’
‘Yes of course. I could pick them up if you like.’
‘Oh would you David? That would be great. I’ll phone Mum and tell her not to book a taxi.’
As Felicity rushed off to the phone David cleared the breakfast things away. He filled the bowl with hot soapy water and stood at the sink looking out through the window across the back garden, a million thoughts racing through his mind. The sun was beginning to break through thick grey clouds and a hint of azure blue sky had already managed to peep through.
‘I think it’s going to be a nice day today Charlie Wilson.’ He whispered.
David had left for Compton to collect Margaret and Joseph. Felicity sat with Oliver and Charlie in the front garden. The sun was climbing high in a clear blue sky; a beautiful spring day.
‘Flick! Look at me! Look Mummy Flick!’
Oliver was at the top of the slide balancing precariously on one leg; his arms out at his sides.
‘Look at me! I’m flying!’
‘Oliver; no!’ Felicity scooped the baby up and placed him safely in the rocking seat her parents had bought then dashed to the slide to stop Oliver; but she was too late. He had leapt from the top as if he was diving into water. His head hit the side of the long chute and his body recoiled instinctively into a rolled up ball. The child seemed to do a double somersault over the side of the slide before landing in a heap on the grass below.
‘Oh my God; Ollie! Ollie, are you okay?’
As she reached him he got to his feet instantly and stood for a second or two; his lower lip trembling. He looked a little dazed but otherwise appeared unharmed. Felicity had crouched beside him on the grass and almost fell back with shock as Oliver shook himself off, laughed very loud in her face and ran back to the steps.
‘That was great!’ he screamed, ‘I’m going to do it again!’
‘Oh no, you’re not!’ Felicity reprimanded him. She caught him by his shoulder as he reached the second step.
‘Ollie that was stupid! You could have really hurt yourself.’
‘No! It was brilliant fun!’
‘It was not fun Ollie; you really scared me and you are not to do it again!’
‘Can’t stop me’ cried Oliver and he pulled away from her.
‘Anyway; you’re not my Mummy…….. not my real Mummy.’
In the three years she had been with David, Felicity had never experienced attention seeking behaviour like this from Oliver. He had always been such a loving child and she had put everything she had into his upbringing to give him a happy, normal home environment. Was it the new baby? Was Oliver feeling left out? From the day she had brought Charlie home she had tried to include Oliver in everything she did with the baby, specifically for that reason; to ensure he didn’t feel excluded and for them all to remain a happy family unit. Was it Ellie? Perhaps this sudden anti-social behaviour was a result of his mother not contacting him yesterday; or today as yet; and what a bizarre thing for him to do; leaping from the top of his slide like that! An action that even a four-going-on-five year old should know would result in certain pain and possible broken limbs. Did he have no fear? Had someone been talking to him about some of the bizarre things his Mother had done? Was he copying his Mother?
‘I’m going to do it again.’ he threatened.
‘That’s a shame.’ Felicity turned and walked away from him, praying to God as she did so that it was the correct strategy for her to take because if it wasn’t she may not reach him in time to stop him and this time he may not be so lucky. Perhaps she had given him too much attention……..
‘I was going to see if you and I could make a chocolate cake before Grandad Joe gets here but that’s no good if you’re all broken in bits on the garden is it?’
‘Chocolate cake!’ Oliver yelled, ‘Oh can we Flick?’ and he ran after her as fast as his legs co
uld carry him. Felicity smiled weakly as he shot past her through the front door. Reverse psychology and the power of persuasion. It worked every time. Well; that and chocolate cake……………
The Fiesta had been spotted at four in the morning by a police patrol unit. It was parked in a lay by on the A30. They had pulled in behind it, saw there was no one inside and radioed it through to the station as being abandoned, where DI Carter and DC Peters, having just finished interviewing Slim were about to go home to snatch a few hours sleep.
‘Ok Steve. Have forensics pick it up and we’ll look at it tomorrow. DC Peters and I are both going home to get some shut eye.’
‘Yes Sir.’ The radio crackled its reply.
Claire Peters yawned. ‘I’m off Sir. I’ll see you tomorrow.’
‘Night Claire.’
As she made her way to the door the radio sprang into life once more.
‘You still there Sir?’
Carter snatched up the mike and Claire stopped in the open doorway.
‘You might want to make a night of it Sir. We have a D-I-C Sir; (Driver in charge) out for the count across the front seats. It looks to be Eleanor Wilson.’
‘Oh wonderful; thanks Steve; we’re on our way.’
The lay by was almost eight miles out of town and when they arrived there they found two patrol cars parked either side of it and PC Hamden was standing at the back of the car talking to Ellie who was leaning against the boot brushing back her long golden hair, her eye make up smudged and her clothes dishevelled looking the worse for wear.
‘Well well; Eleanor Wilson. We meet again’ grinned Carter. ‘Had a good nights sleep?’
‘Oh cut the crap Detective Inspector’ she snapped, ‘Can we just get on with it please?’
Back at the station Ellie had refused a solicitor and had refused to comment when questioned. She had appeared quite shocked though when told about the Hit and Run; In fact, her only comment had been to enquire after the old man in which her concern appeared genuine. It had been a long night.