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Then There Were None (Matt Foley/Sara Bradford series Book 2)

Page 22

by V. B. Tenery

  Emily filled a cup and passed it to him.

  “So, Em, Ian, have you decided what you are going to do? You’re both welcome here for as long as you want. I’d love to have the company.”

  Ian sat on the arm of Emily’s chair. “Mexico is too volatile for missionaries now. So I’m going back to England to take care of my father. He needs me now that Ann and her family…”

  Jack nodded. He understood. “And you, Em?”

  She reached out and took Ian’s hand. “If you’re serious about that invitation, I’ll stay here for a while. Later, I’ll probably join Ian.” She smiled and squeezed his hand. “He’s done such a wonderful job of taking care of me, I may decide to give him the position permanently. But I need time, time to deal with the grief over my mom.”

  Jack stood, walked over, and shook Ian’s hand. “Congratulations.” He pulled Emily to her feet and gazed into her eyes. “I’ll be happy to have you here, even for just a little while, and I’ll miss you terribly when you leave.”

  She kissed his cheek. “Now that you’re a billionaire, you can always hop a plane and visit us.”

  “Count on it,” he said.


  Global Optics

  Twin Falls, TX

  Sara’s phone buzzed, jarring her away from the marketing budget on her desk. Her secretary Jane Haskell’s teasing voice sounded in her ear. “Sara, there’s a handsome man outside who says he has a lunch date with you. If you don’t want to go, I’ll happily fill in for you.”

  Sara laughed. “I think I’ll handle this one, but I’ll keep you in mind. I’m gone for the day so you’re free to leave in case you want to catch some of the Black Friday sales.”

  “Girl, those sale items were all gone by nine o’clock this morning. I wouldn’t fight that crowd for a fifty percent discount.”

  Sara grabbed her handbag and met Matt in front of Jane’s desk. “Have a great weekend. I’ll see you Monday.”

  An overcast sky hung over the city, but the day was a pleasant low-seventies. They ate on the restaurant’s patio.

  “You haven’t forgotten our Christmas party invitation from my boss next week, have you?” Matt asked. “We don’t have to stay long, but I’m required to make an appearance.”

  She took a last bite of double chocolate biscotti and tapped her iPhone. “I have it on my calendar. Friday night, seven o’clock, semi-formal, right?”

  He nodded. “Before I take you home, I need to stop by my place and check on Rowdy. I gave Stella four days off for the holiday, and he’s been alone since I left this morning.”


  Gentle rain pelted the windshield as Matt pulled into his driveway. He parked in the garage, and they entered through the kitchen.

  Rowdy met them at the door, his nub of a tail wagging excitedly. Sara went into the living room while Matt refilled the Yorkie’s food and water bowls that sat by the doggie door. He heard the intercom stereo system flick on with Anne Murray’s “Could I Have This Dance?” Chore finished, he went in search of Sara.

  The great room had glass windows in the wall that overlooked the patio and the forest beyond, and that’s where he found her. She had removed her shoes and twirled in the grass, arms spread wide, her face upturned to the rain.

  He stepped out on the redwood deck, Rowdy at his heels, and placed his hands on his hips. “Sara Louise, what are you doing?”

  She stopped and grinned at him. “Oooo you’re wearing your cop face. I’m dancing. Come join me. It will free your spirit.”

  “My spirit is free. Come in before you catch pneumonia.”

  “Not a chance. You come out. Is the big bwave policeman afwaid of a wittle wain?”

  Rowdy looked at Sara and back up at him, then bounded out to join her.

  “Traitor.” Matt glared at the pup then spoke to Sara, “Not afraid, just smart.”

  She flapped her folded arms, made clucking sounds, and pranced in the grass on her tiptoes.

  He laughed and dropped his head. “You’re going to make me come out there, aren’t you?”

  She continued her chicken impersonation, trying to laugh and cluck at the same time.

  Kicking his shoes off, he joined her. Wetness dampen his hair and soak into his shirt and socks. His voice husky, he said, “I hate to see a lady dance alone.”

  With a curtsy, she twirled into his open arms.

  He slipped his hands around her waist, pulled her in close, and spoke into her ear. “Is there something you need to tell me, like perhaps insanity runs in your family?”

  She gave a soft chuckle and pressed her cheek against his shoulder, a wistful tone in her voice when she spoke. “It’s just that so much has happened to me lately, Matt. I made a promise to myself to never suppress an urge to live life to the fullest, as long as it isn’t illegal, immoral, or irreverent.”

  “I’ll buy that. Since I have your undivided attention, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you.”

  “Interrogate me at your leisure. I have absolutely nothing to hide.”

  “How would you feel about adding Foley to your last name?”

  She stopped and stepped back, her eyes wide. “Did you just ask me to marry you?”

  “I think that’s what I said, since we’re the only two anywhere close. Don’t tell me you’re surprised.”

  “No, yes, a little. Surprised that you asked me here, now.” Tears mixed with the rain on her face. She cleared her throat softly. “I can’t think of anything that would make me happier.”

  He removed a velvet box from his pocket. “I’ve been carrying this around in my pocket for more than a week, waiting for the right moment. I had planned a drier environment, but this seems appropriate.” He took out the ring and slipped it on her finger.

  “How did you know the size?”

  “Maddie. She also told me your favorite stone was sapphire, but if you don’t like it we can exchange it.”

  She held her hand out, gazing at the stones reflection in the deck lights. “What’s not to like? It’s one of the loveliest rings I’ve ever seen.”

  He looked into her lovely hazel eyes then lowered his mouth to hers in a long sensual kiss that fired his blood.

  “When, Matt?”

  “When what?”

  “When do you want to get married?”

  “Soon, very soon.”

  Her hand in his, he led her inside. “Let me get you into some dry clothes before I take you home.”

  Upstairs, he changed, then brought down one of his robes for her. “Get into this and throw your things into the dryer. I’ll make something hot to drink while you change.”

  He went into the kitchen to start hot cocoa. A few minutes later, the dryer door slammed, and she came into the kitchen wearing his robe and sat at the bar. “Mmmm that smells wonderful.”

  “It’s rich and warming. Just what you need.” He emptied the pot into two mugs and passed one to Sara.

  She placed her hand over his. “You never asked any questions about Josh, and I don’t want there ever to be any secrets between us. I would like to tell you about him.”

  “There’s really no need,” Matt said.

  “I want to. I fell in love with Josh when I was just a little girl. He lived next door. He was a teenager, and I was seven. He was handsome, charming, bright and funny. Although Mom and Dad liked Josh very much, I knew they didn’t approve of him for me. During my last year at college my parents were killed in a plane crash. I was lost without them. When Josh asked me to marry him, it was like someone had thrown me a lifeline. It was also the answer to a long-standing prayer. You know the saying ‘Be careful what you pray for.’

  Sara continued. “When I first became aware he was seeing other women, I was devastated. It completely destroyed my self-esteem. I assumed there had to be something wrong with me for him to seek the company of other women. It was a long time before I realized that the problem wasn’t with me. I’d lost respect for my husband and fell out of
love with him. To me, respect is one of the most important aspects in a marriage.”

  She took a careful sip of the cocoa. “I watched the relationship you and Mary had, and I knew that what Josh and I shared wasn’t a real marriage. And when I witnessed how you loved and cared for her while she battled cancer, I learned what cherished truly meant.

  “What I’m saying, Matt, is that long before I fell in love with you, you had won my respect. I saw you were a man of integrity and honor in all aspects of your life. And that is such a rare quality.” Tears pooled in her eyes. “It was only after I had personally experienced your character that I fell in love with you.”

  The dryer buzzer sounded. Matt leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “Get dressed. I’m taking you home before I decide not to let you go.” He took the cup from her hand and pushed her towards the laundry room. “We have a wedding to plan. I hope you don’t believe in long engagements.”

  Twin Falls Baptist Church

  Twin Falls, Texas

  Chance Crawford stood outside the church watching the crowd leave the candlelight service. A smoky fragrance filled the cold air from fireplaces in the residential neighborhood. After a while, Sara appeared in the church doorway, her hand on the arm of the man beside her. A man Chance now knew to be Police Chief Matthew Foley. Her children skipped in front of them, filled with the excitement of the season.

  Someone called the police chief’s name from inside the doorway. He leaned over, whispered something in Sara’s ear, and went back inside. The children followed him.

  Chance’s gaze fell on Sara, taking in the lovely picture she made in the red coat, her dark hair falling around her shoulders. She looked up at the clear dark sky where stars competed with street lights to brighten the night. Friends in cars, leaving the parking lot called out, “Merry Christmas” and she waved.

  Coming here tonight was an unnecessary risk. Chance knew that. But it was something he had to do. He opened his Blackberry and punched in Sara’s number.

  Sara pulled her phone from her purse, removed her black leather gloves, and ran her finger across the screen. She hesitated. Probably wondering who would be calling her this late on Christmas Eve. After a moment, she said. “Hello.”

  He pushed the phone closer to his ear. “Hello, Sara.”

  “Who is this?” she demanded.

  “You’ve forgotten me already?”

  She recognized his voice, and her head jerked up. “Tom...Chance, how did you get this number?”

  He chuckled. “I have people.”

  “W-What do you want?”

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “I’m not a stalker. Just wanted to check up on you and make sure you were safe…wish you a Merry Christmas. By the way, you look lovely in red.”

  He saw her stiffen and glance around until she spotted him standing next to his Land Rover across the street. “Tom—”

  “I mean you no harm, Sara. And don’t think about turning me in to your formidable looking police chief. I have a new profession, going straight as it were. Just wanted to know that all was well with you.”

  She pulled up her coat collar. “All is very well with me. What kind of new job?”

  He laughed again. “This is top secret, of course, but I think I can trust you. One of the alphabet agencies decided to expunge my record and put me to work. They needed someone with my talents and connections in Mexico.”

  “I’m happy for you. Truly, I am. I pray you’ll get your life together.”

  “I’m working on it. I also checked in on Emily. Do you think she’ll marry her missionary?”

  Sara smiled. “I think it’s a good possibility. Do you always follow up on your victims?”

  “Only on the ones that matter. Things worked out well, didn’t they? Your police chief solved the Grayson murders. And I understand the gardener’s son inherited the Grayson estate, and Emily will become Lady Hamilton when she marries her missionary. Quite a step up for the children of servants. Sounds like a Walt Disney movie.”

  She brushed back a strand of hair that blew across her face. “Don’t be cynical. They’ve both suffered a lot of pain. Jack will take good care of the inheritance. He’s grown up a lot.”

  He laughed. “Not cynical, probably just a little jealous.”

  “So you’re headed back to Mexico?”

  “Eventually, I’ll have to spend some time in Washington first.” He paused. “It’s been good knowing you, Sara Bradford. You’ve shown me there are still good people in this crazy world. And if you ever decide to dump your cop, or you ever need me in any way, just send up a signal. I’ll find you. Merry Christmas.”

  He hit the end button, stepped into the Land Rover, and drove away.


  Sara watched Chance leave and sent up a silent prayer that he would turn his life around. He could be a great force for good if he chose. She whispered a quiet, “Merry Christmas, Chance.”

  She flipped the phone closed and put it back into her purse as Matt and the kids joined her under the portico.

  “Who was that on the phone?” Matt asked.

  Sara smiled and slipped her arm through his. “Just an acquaintance. I’ll tell you about it later. What did Seth want?”

  “A few questions about Wednesday’s ceremony. We’re all set. You wanted something small and intimate. That’s what you’re getting.” He placed a lingering kiss on her lips. “Unless you’ve changed your mind about marrying a cop.”

  She shook her head and leaned in close. “No, not me. You’re not getting cold feet are you?”

  “Not on your life.”

  THANKS . . .

  Thank you so much for reading Then There Were None. I hope you enjoyed the experience. My objective is to write suspense novels that will engage your mind in the lives of the characters and in solving the mystery. I write novels that I would like to read, absent of violence, brutality, and erotic content, but with shining characters, settings, and exciting plots readers can’t put down. It is my sincere hope that my reader come away feeling delighted with the reading experience—honoring God in the process.

  If you enjoyed this novel please do me a favor and go to Amazon and leave an honest review at:

  Indie authors depend on reviews and word-of-mouth advertising.

  I’d also like to ask that if you find any errors or typos that you contact me directly at my email address:

  Even though all my novels are edited by others, we are all only human and mistakes occur. It is my goal to produce the most perfect product possible.

  I love to hear from my readers and have made many friends from the comments on my website and through emails. Please feel free to contact me at any of the following:



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  My Thank You gift to you . . . a Free copy of

  Broken Vows

  Prequel to the Matt Foley Series

  Available only to my newsletter subscribers. Get your free copy when you sign up at:




  A Prequel to

  The Matt Foley/Sara Bradford Series

  A Novella

  Attorney Josh Bradford can resist anything but temptation. A serial

  philanderer who, despite his failings, is still deeply in love with his wife.

  He has vowed to change, but when his most recent lover is murdered, he and Sara find themselves at the top of the authorities list of suspects.

  The murder is his wakeup call . . . his only hope . . . that the police will find the killer before his marriage and career are shattered beyond repair.


  Book 1 in the Matt Fol
ey/Sara Bradford Series

  Book 1

  Some secrets just won’t stay buried.

  A construction site provides a horrific discovery when a worker uncovers the skeleton of a small child wrapped in a sleeping bag. Police Chief Matt Foley soon links the murder to another cold case, the hit-and-run death of Attorney Josh Bradford.

  The long-suppressed memory of the young victim’s childhood friend, Sara Bradford may hold the key to both crimes. But Matt has mixed emotions about Sara—his prime suspect in her husband’s murder.

  Matt soon discovers the twenty-five-year-old mystery has the power to stretch across decades to kill again.

  Purchase WORKS OF DARKNESS on Amazon


  Matt Foley/Sara Bradford Series

  Book 2

  Mass murder doesn’t happen in Matt Foley’s town . . . it doesn’t happen to his friends. Someone is going to pay.

  Disturbing crime scenes are nothing new to the Twin Falls Police Chief. But this one is different. The victims are friends. In their Tudor mansion just inside the city limits, a family is dead—husband, wife, two kids, and the family cook.

  The killer made one mistake. He left a survivor.

  The husband is one of the big three in the microchip industry. The family lived a quiet modest life. It doesn’t make sense.

  Until . . .

  Purchase THEN THERE WERE NONE on Amazon


  Matt Foley/Sara Bradford Series

  Book 3

  Police Chief Matt Foley has a new bride and the most complex case of his career.

  A prominent couple prepares to retire, when an assassin’s bullets retires them permanently. And he doesn’t stop there.


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