Sacred Talisman
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A Total-E-Bound Publication
Sacred Talisman
ISBN # 978-1-907280-34-4
©Copyright Kris Norris 2009
Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright October 2009
Edited by Christine Riley
Total-E-Bound Publishing
This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.
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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.
Published in 2009 by Total-E-Bound Publishing 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road, Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.
Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.
Voracious Vamps
Dark Prophecy
Kris Norris
To my brother, Norm, for always being there. I’ll always remember loose teeth, late night horror movies and brain eaters. I love you. You’re a man made of iron with a heart of gold.
Thanks to Claire, Alexa and the great cover artists at TEB. I couldn’t ask for a better publisher.
And a very special thanks to Chris. You’re more than an editor. You’re a mentor and a friend. Thanks for your wisdom, your ideas and for not gloating for always being right.
Trademarks Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Angel: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Chapter One
“Fuck. I hate Halloween.”
Rafe walked along the sidewalk, his collar turned against the late fall rain. He cursed the endless drone of humans parading down the street, dressed up as vampires and demons. The morons wouldn’t recognise a demon if the fucking thing bit them in the ass. And their take on vampires…hell if he bumped into one more cape wearing, cliché sprouting, Angel wanna-be, he’d forgo his usual animal fare and suck the asshole dry.
He huffed and turned down an alley, needing to distance himself. The constant cheer only emphasised his own inhumanity, and he didn’t need the reminder. The distant thrum of music vibrated through the air, as he stopped midway, shouldering up against the wall. He recognised the beat, familiar with the type of dancing that accompanied the song. Women, dressed in nothing more than bras and boy shorts, undulated across the dance floor, rubbing against any male body within reach. Then they’d follow their catch into the back rooms, fucking them against the wall or on any handy surface. The rooms were videotaped, but he doubted most of the lovers gave a damn.
A sharp clicking rang behind him, drawing his attention. He turned, pushing his back into the rough brick. A woman strutted along the pavement, dressed in what he guessed was a black cat costume, sporting a bustier with a lace garter and matching thong. Her fake velvet tailed swished across her calves, the soft sound echoed by the light patter of rain. She stopped several feet in front of him, casting a long, seductive gaze back across her shoulder. Her lips twitched into a smile as she rubbed her leather flogger across the sensual curve of her ass, slapping it against her pale flesh. She shrugged at his indifference and continued up the alley, no less confident she’d be able to sell her wares inside the bar.
Rafe growled, letting the rain cool his skin. How long had it been since he’d felt any form of desire heat his body? Since he’d revelled in the feel of a woman’s skin against his, her feminine scent surrounding him like a sensual fog? Breathed in the earthy sweet aroma of arousal until he could taste the flavour on his tongue? He loved eating a woman’s desire, the warm, wet juice filling his mouth until the succulent essence was all he knew. There was a time he would’ve been more than willing to take the woman up on her offer. To watch her body beneath his, her hands bound in silk ties, stretched out in front of her. He liked to bind both arms to the same post, accentuating the play of muscles across her back as she fought to free herself. Her skin looked pale, and he couldn’t help but wonder how dark the bands would contrast against her flesh, or how much it would flush as he brought her within reach of her climax.
Rafe cursed, slamming his fist against the wall. It’d been over a century since he’d indulged in pleasures of the flesh, his ability to couple fading along with his hope. He was a vampire, for fuck’s sake. Yet one cursed like few others—an Enforcer—destined to roam the earth searching for the sacred talisman he’d been created to protect.
“A vampire with a overactive conscience…who would have thought such a wretched creature existed.”
He turned towards the street when a faint whimper vibrated the air. He looked over his shoulder when it sounded again. “Damn it.” He glanced longingly at the street. He shouldn’t care, shouldn’t get involved. He was supposed to be a soulless, bloodsucking parasite…what the hell did he care if some woman was raped or killed? He’d saved his share of damsels in distress, and was just as likely to get a knee to the groin as a simple thank you.
“You fucking whore…that hurt!”
The words cut through Rafe like a knife. He shook his head, allowing his body to shift, giving the illusion he simply appeared at the end of the alley.
“You know. The more you fight, the more this will hurt.”
The creep chuckled, trying to rip the woman’s pants down. She countered his attempt, deftly connecting with the moron’s cock when he opened his legs to get a better vantage point. The guy doubled over, cupping his shaft in one hand as the other locked around her hair, pulling her face even with his.
“You’ll pay for that.”
He jerked her hair back, twisting the auburn mass around his fingers, just as Rafe grabbed the guy by the scruff of the neck, and slammed his head against the wall. The man’s hand fell to his side and his knees buckled. Rafe sighed and tossed the creep across the alley. The woman flinched as the body bounced off the far building and fell heavily to the ground. She looked up, her gaze skirting the length of the alley. Her eyes were rounded, glassy and the most brilliant green he’d ever seen. A rough smile touched the edges of his mouth as he nodded at her.
“You’re welcome.”
He turned to leave when her hand skimmed his forearm, so light he almost missed it. He looked down, not sure how such a delicate touch held him captive, when a flash of heat seared up his arm and across his chest, coming to rest in the sweet spot between his legs. He bit back a groan when his cock stirred and lengthened, as if trying to see whose touch had brought it back to life.
“Thank you.”
His head snapped up, his eyes drawn to hers. She stared at him, shifting on her feet, fear flickering in and out of her expression. She glanced up the alley.
“I’m alone,” he said, stepping closer. “And I doubt your friend is in any shape to bother you.”
“He’s not my friend,” she bit out, her soft voice trailing over his skin,
stirring the fire growing inside him. “I’d merely stepped into the bar to get out of the rain when the bastard grabbed me and dragged me out the back door.” She snorted and rolled her eyes, crossing her arms on her chest. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’d already kicked him…twice.”
The smile that captured Rafe’s lips caught him by surprise. “So you did. Though it looked like he was still eager to…play.” He allowed his gaze to sweep the length of her body, pausing at her perky breasts and luscious hips. Damn if she didn’t have the kind of body he fantasised about. Not much upstairs, but her ass. Shit, it was a dream come true, with plenty of cushion to soften the impact when you fucked her hard from behind. He could only imagine what it’d be like to actually sample her ass. Had other men taken her like that, or would he be the first?
She cleared her throat, dragging his attention back to her face. “Then I guess I’m lucky you came along. Now if you’ll excuse me…” She shifted slightly, a faint glimmer on her neck reflecting the eerie light. Rafe moved with her, focused on the small pendant nestled against her throat. It looked like a tiny tear shaped vial, adorned with a silver lid carved into a series of leaves. The fluid inside the pendant shimmered in the dull light, casting rainbow coloured dots across her skin. She stopped when he barred her way with one massive arm.
“Where did you get that?’ he asked, nodding towards her neck.
The woman palmed her hips, glaring back at him. “What on earth are you talking about? Where did I get what?”
“The talisman around your neck.”
“Talisman?” She looked at him as if he’d spoken another language. She lifted her hand, fingering the pendant. “You mean my necklace?”
He nodded, unable to speak. The air seemed charged, prickling the hairs on the back of his neck. He watched as she caressed the smooth glass, running her fingers across the vial. The liquid inside glowed against her skin, fading from purple into black.
“It’s an heirloom.”
Her breath hitched as he reached up, tracing the suede cord with the tip of his finger. A spark erupted along his skin, tensing the muscles in his shoulders as he neared the small object. The light in the fluid increased, burning brighter. He stopped just shy of touching it, his gaze darting to hers. Her eyes had darkened, the green hidden by the black. She looked aroused and scared, and he wasn’t certain which outcome he hoped for. Her hand reached for his, grazing his skin as he touched the cool glass.
“Well I’ll be damned,” was all he said before a brilliant flash erupted from the pendant, knocking him back. A wave of energy flowed through him, rippling outwards like the wake of an earthquake. It prickled his skin, electrifying every nerve as it billowed out, filling the alley before finally dissipating.
Rafe staggered forward, bracing his weight against the building, trapping the woman between his arms. She mumbled something under her breath, splaying her hands across his chest. He forced himself to look up, cursing the decision the moment their eyes locked. It was her.
Terryn could only stare at the man who held her captive with nothing more than his eyes. Sure she was wedged between his arms, her hands palming his broad chest, but it was his gaze that held her spellbound. Heat blazed from his pale eyes, turning the blue a deep shade of red. She blinked, a tendril of fear coiling in her stomach, but the crimson glow vanished. Her heart fluttered, making the world dip and sway. He looked more dangerous than the man crumpled on the pavement, but in a different way. His eyes spoke of heat and desire, of sexual promise and dark secrets. They burned like a man on the verge of discovering his greatest destiny, yet there was a sadness in them that tore at her heart.
He released a long, slow breath though his chest barely moved as the soft swirl of air danced along her neck, sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine. She fought the desire to feel his muscles contracting beneath her fingers, using the last of her strength to keep her hands still. The man lowered his face to hers, brushing his lips along the curve of her neck until his words feathered across her ear.
“Tell me your name.”
His voice was dark, like a thick fog curling across the land, slowly cloaking the landscape. Another shiver shimmied along her skin, beading it beneath her clothes. She tilted her head, unconsciously exposing her neck to him and jumped at the raw, beast-like growl that rumbled through his chest and into her hands. She drew back, pressing her head against the hard brick.
“Terryn.” It was all she could say before the soft press of his lips against her skin robbed the rest of her breath. It wasn’t quite a kiss, more like a gentle taste of her flesh, as if he wanted to categorise her very scent. He drew a deep breath, moaning at whatever aroma filled his head. She tried to move, but he inched closer, keeping her trapped between him and the wall.
“A very unusual name,” he rasped, easing more of his body against her. The hard length of his cock pressed into her hip, and she contained all but a small whimper building in her chest. She’d never reacted this way to a man before and wasn’t quite prepared for the sudden onslaught of emotion. The man smiled against her skin. She felt every movement as his lips kicked up at the sides. While she couldn’t see it, she knew it was more of a sexual promise than a grin.
“And you are?” she managed to rasp, wishing the scenery would stop spinning long enough for her to catch her breath.
“My name is Rafael, but I prefer Rafe.”
The deep timbre of his voice seeped into her, warming a hidden pool of moisture she didn’t know existed. She’d only had one lover in her twenty-five years, and he’d been more of a desperation fuck than a boyfriend. But Rafe evoked sensations bordering on orgasmic with nothing more than the sultry echo of his words. She met his gaze as he eased away, instantly missing his heat. He stared at his hand as he reached up and caressed the smooth pendant around her neck again.
“How long have you had this?”
She shrugged, bothered by the pesky details. She wanted him back against her, his body surrounding her as he sheathed himself inside her wet heat. Rafe chuckled as if he could hear her thoughts, brushing a single finger along her collarbone as he held the pendant in his hand.
“I—I don’t know. Like I said. It’s a family heirloom. It belonged to my grandmother.”
“And many of her grandmothers before her,” he added, releasing the necklace, allowing his finger to linger against her chest. “Your skin is so smooth, so soft.” He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. “And your scent…it’s enough to drive a man insane with hunger.” He opened his eyes and grinned at her. “Though I’m hardly a man.”
Terryn furrowed her brow at the odd statement. Though there was something different about him, a strange hollowness she couldn’t quite place, he was definitely all man. Judging from the size of his masculinity, she’d be hard pressed to fit him inside her. She started to speak when he silenced her with a cool finger across her lips.
“There is much we need to discuss,” he began, backing away and claiming her hand in his. “But it’s not safe to talk out here.” He looked around as if he could see evil lurking in the shadows. “Come with me. We need to find a place more…private.”
Rafe took a large step back, tugging her hand. Her body rejoiced at the thought of getting private with him, but her senses seemed to slam back into place once his body left hers. She pulled against his hold, freeing her arm. His eyes narrowed, but he remained still.
“Look, buddy. I appreciate your help, but I’m not the kind of girl who jumps into bed with every guy who throws a few punches and oozes charm. While I find the idea of sleeping with you intriguing, I—”
Her last word was still formed on her tongue when his body crushed her into the wall. God, he’d moved so damn fast she hadn’t even seen him take the few steps separating them. His hands wrapped around her wrists, pinning them beside her hips as his lips brushed hers.
“Do you think this is about sex?” he rasped, liquefying the arousal just staring to cool. “Hell, if I only wanted to fuck you I�
��d have your legs wrapped around my back and my cock speared inside your hot little pussy already.” He rubbed the head of his erection across her hip, coaxing a husky moan from her lips. “There’s far more at stake here than your pleasure.” His voice softened for a moment and his hands seemed to cup more than clench. “But mark my words, my sweet. Before this night is through, you’ll be so full of me you’ll taste my release in your throat when I pump my seed inside you.”
Terryn could only blink as he stepped back, grabbed her hand and led her up the alley, the dark promise of his words still echoing through the rain.
* * * *
Rafe headed for the street, his pace steady, commanding. Though he couldn’t sense any of his brethren in the immediate vicinity, he knew it was just a matter of time before the hunt would begin. While he could more than hold his own in a fight, challenging an army of rogue vampires wasn’t going to end well.
Fuck! Why the hell did he have to fulfil his prophecy tonight? All Hallow’s Eve marked the one night where the boundary between hell and earth was at its weakest…the one night when evil would have the upper hand.
“Wait. Rafe! Where are we going?”
Terryn lagged behind him, looking back over her shoulder as if she expected creatures to crawl out of the shadows. He chuckled, wondering if she realised how close to the truth her thoughts were.
“What do you mean you’re hardly a man?”
Rafe paused just long enough for her to stumble up beside him before he rounded the corner and headed for the bar. He needed to get her inside, buy a little time, before her damn pendant released another energy wave. His skin was still charged from the first ripple and he didn’t need the necklace pulsing out their location like a bloody beacon.