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by angelaw


  My Fishnet Fetish

  She considered her position. Not something she’d like to maintain for several hours, but definitely—given the way Jonas was eyeing her body—arousing.

  “Jonas? Now what?” Her breath was catching in her throat as he reached for her jeans and with one smooth move pulled them down to her boots, hobbling her.

  “This, for a start.”

  “Oooh.” The cool air wafted around her pussy, bared to his gaze beneath the fishnet pantyhose.

  “Yeah. Sweet, Dini. Very sweet.”

  She ached, yearning for his touch between her thighs. She couldn’t part them thanks to the mess of denim tangled around her boots. Frustration mingled with lust as she fidgeted and watched Jonas staring at her crotch. “Do something, Jonas. Please?”

  “I’m thinking about it.” He slipped off his jacket and casually tossed it onto a chair.

  “Might need some time to consider my options.”

  “Jesus Christ.” Dini was getting hotter by the second and all Jonas could do was stroll around and stare at her pussy.


  “Easy for you to say.” Never one to willingly wait too long for anything, Dini rattled her handcuffs. “I’m here. I’m ready. You gonna do something about it?”

  “In time.” He neared her. “But you know, now I come to think about it, I might need some extra inspiration.”

  Strong hands reached for the snaps at the front of her corset, undoing them, slowly, one by one until Dini could cheerfully have sunk her teeth into his ear and ripped it off if it would get him to move more quickly.

  Halfway down, he stopped. Biting back a scream, Dini simply watched as he reached for the two halves and spread them wide, then lifted her breasts free to lie on the unfastened corset.


  Sahara Kelly

  “There. Much better.” Jonas casually flicked a fingertip over one nipple, bringing a cry to her throat. “There’s a lot to be said for corsets. They keep things right where a man wants them to be.”

  He leaned in and fastened his mouth to her breast, delicately licking around the taut nub then opening his lips wide and sucking as much of the small mound into his mouth as he could.

  Dini whimpered at the exquisite sensation of warm wetness enveloping her and the feel of his tongue abrading her nipple. He let her go and repeated the procedure on her other breast, leaving them both wet and swollen, nipples rigid and sensitive to every tiny current of air.

  Then he walked away again.

  “I’ll—I’ll kill you if you don’t get back over here. Felony or not.” She hissed the words at him, almost blind with desire. Her hips were moving of their own volition, an inviting sway and thrust, an encouragement and a plea for attention.

  Jonas watched her as he slowly removed his shirt, revealing a well-toned body with a soft dappling of hair arrowing down to below his belt buckle. “Well, we can’t have that, can we?”

  He prowled back to her, blew softly on her breasts then knelt in front of her, blowing again—this time on her pussy.

  Dini whimpered. She was aroused to the point that the fishnet was pressed tight into swollen folds, she was dripping wet and every tiny breath forced her even higher.

  “Pretty. Such a pretty pussy.”

  The whimper turned into a shriek when a slick hot tongue began to delve between the woven strands of net, toying with the sensitive rippling lips that wept hot juices down the inside of her thighs. Dini found herself straining against her bonds, helpless to do anything but stand there and let Jonas fuck her with his tongue.


  My Fishnet Fetish

  Breathlessly she waited, wanting something inside her, whether his finger, his tongue, his cock or his pistol—at this point she was too far gone to care what it was just as long as it filled her the way she desperately needed to be filled.

  “I— I…need to come, Jonas—” She choked out the plea as his mouth toyed with her, taking her so far—and then withdrawing.

  “And you will.”

  He walked away again, damn him to Hell and back.

  Making sure he was in her line of sight, Jonas reached for his belt and unfastened it.

  The hard bulge beneath was reassuring—he was going to fuck her. Dini held her breath as the belt fell away, the zipper parted and Jonas lowered it with all the skillful teasing of a seasoned male stripper.

  Pausing before she could see any more than the flash of white briefs, he toed off his shoes and peeled away his socks, taking his time to put them next to the chair holding his coat. It was aggravating, frustrating, seriously annoying and probably funny. Or would be when she wasn’t hanging mostly naked by her wrists and desperately horny.

  He pulled down his jeans and briefs and finally— finally—released his cock.

  Dini’s jaw dropped as it sprang free, hard and red, thick and swollen, rising in a slight curve away from his groin. The hairs there were a little darker than the light brown of his head, tight curls nestling at the base. The head was flanged, ringed and nearly purple as a tiny drop of pre-cum sparkled at the tip.

  She sucked in air. “God Almighty, Detective. You’ve got one splendid weapon there.”

  Jonas’ mouth twitched. “Thank you. We aim to please.”

  “Well aim that thing over here and please me, for God’s sake, or you’re gonna be calling the Coroner yourself. And I’d like to see you explain the cause of death.”

  “Nobody’s ever died from waiting for an orgasm, Dini.” Jonas stood naked and apparently unconcerned.


  Sahara Kelly

  “Until tonight.” She glared at him ferociously.

  He lifted an eyebrow and reached for his cock. “So you want this, huh?” He casually ran his hand over his length, stroking himself with evident pleasure.

  “Jesus, Smith. Are you dense or what? Yeah. I want that. Here. Now. In me.”

  “How do you feel, Dini?”


  Jonas grinned. “This is research, baby. How do you feel?”

  “Christ.” She dragged her mind out of her pussy. “Horny. Frustrated. Angry with you and desperate to get fucked.”

  “Good. Now you’ve got something to work on next time Suzie’s in the same fix.” Gritting her teeth and mentally promising herself never ever to put Suzie into this position, Dini glared at Jonas. “The hell with research, Jonas. Get over here and fuck me.

  Now. ”

  * * * * *

  Jonas paused for a moment and let the wonder drift over him. He was living out a fantasy, drowning in a pool of hotly sexual lust that threatened to overwhelm him. He’d hung on to the tattered remnants of his control thus far, but his cock and his balls were perilously near detonation.

  Just looking at this amazing woman, dangling by his handcuffs, her breasts framed by glittering purple fabric and her pussy wet for him, encased in fishnet tights—well, it was almost more than a mere mortal could bear.

  But he was driven by a fierce determination to see this night through and make it one Dini would never forget. And of course it would be part of his dreams for the rest of his life. He had a strong suspicion that Dini wasn’t one to get “involved”. She presented an image of being all about the sex, but Jonas was a cop with a cop’s instincts and a very well developed ability to read between the lines.


  My Fishnet Fetish

  What he’d picked up from Dini over a few beers was that she thought of herself as the original “free spirit” when it came to men and sex. And he believed that beneath her façade was a woman who ran scared of anything resembling a relationship.

  A guy’s wet dream, right? Jonas wondered at himself for his lack of enthusiasm when it came to being Dini’s dude for the night. She was so much more than she knew and Jonas wanted to explore all of her, not just the really tasty bits he was currently staring at.

  But in order to do that, he first had to fuck her senseless. Well, hell.
A guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do. He would give her a night to remember then deal with tomorrow when it arrived.

  She was trembling, hobbled by her pants, tethered at the wrists and licking her lips as her gaze darted from his cock to his face and back again. He grinned, mentally summoned what little control he had left and strolled toward her.

  “How ya doin’, honey?”

  “Jonassss…” she hissed as her brows snapped together in a frown. “I can’t stand much more of this.”

  “Sure you can.” He knelt and freed her legs and feet, tossing boots and pants aside and running his hands over her stockinged calves. “God, that feels so fucking good, Dini.”

  She moaned in response as his hands drifted up to her thighs. They parted for him, wide and inviting, her pussy shining and her scent rich and heavy. Delicately, he let his fingers drift over her mound, stopping short of touching her clit or pushing into her cunt—he wanted her like this, shuddering on the brink, waiting for that orgasm, not knowing when he’d allow it to explode inside her.

  He knew something of how to play these games. What knowledge he had, he intended to use to the fullest on Dini.

  Rising, he unfastened the rest of her corset, ignoring it when it dropped to the floor.


  Sahara Kelly

  “Mmm.” Those breasts—perfect. Small and round, but perfect. He dipped his head and once again suckled, amazed at the sensation brought on by having all a woman’s breast in his mouth. He could pull on her flesh, toy with her nipple and tease the other one if he felt like it with a minimum of effort. There was a lot to be said for small breasts.

  She sighed and arched into his caress, her skin softly dewed with sweat, her heart pounding rapidly close to his ear. He let his hands drift down to her ass again, this time hooking his fingers into the top of her fishnets. He really didn’t want to take them off, but his delight in them was being rapidly surpassed by his need to have her naked and touching him, skin to skin.

  Slowly, sensually, he peeled the hosiery down over her buttocks, letting his fingertips slide down the cleft, feeling her muscles ripple as he pulled slightly, parting her cheeks and adding some tension to her tightly clenched muscles.

  She groaned aloud. “Jesus, so good…”

  He touched her then, pressing into her ass, watching her response. She closed her eyes and her head fell back a little. Oh yeah. She liked anal play. He’d keep that in mind.

  But for now, he wanted her nude. Quickly he stripped off the fishnets, sparing nothing but a passing instant of regret as they too fell to the floor. She was finally as he desired. Naked, ready, wet and more than willing.

  His cock throbbed painfully at the sight. He ignored it as best he could and closed the distance between them, letting his body rub hers, abrading her nipples with his chest and kissing her neck, her ears, her cheeks—then holding her tightly and plunging between her lips with his tongue as his cock rose hard, crushed between them.

  This time the moan was his. She felt— perfect.

  Jonas fought for control as Dini’s mouth melded passionately with his. Their desires and lusts were peaking, her body moved urgently in his embrace. He tore his lips from 30

  My Fishnet Fetish

  hers and watched as her eyes opened, vague and unfocused as the sexual heat ran through her. “Dini.”

  She blinked. “Jonas.” Again a tremble shuddered her slender frame. “I want you.” The battle to keep from thrusting into her and granting her wish was a mighty one but Jonas fought it. Instead, he reached down with one hand and grasped her pussy firmly, holding it tight enough to make her gasp. “When I’m ready, you’ll have me. This is kinky, Dini. This is what you wanted. I’m going to let you come, honey, and if you say the word I’ll do it now. Or you can let me control it. You got the guts to wait?” It was a challenge Jonas guessed she wouldn’t turn down. He was right.

  “I can take anything you can dish out, Smith.” Her voice wavered, but it was enough for Jonas.

  He pulled his hand from her pussy roughly, knowing his palm would scrape across her clit. She cried out then thrust her hips toward him. “Not enough—oh God, more—” Knowing he couldn’t last much longer, Jonas stepped away, walked to his jeans and retrieved the essential condom he always carried with him. Sheathing himself was an exercise in requisite delicacy since he was so close to the damn brink his toes were starting an orgasm of their own and he knew he had to get this show on the road or he was going to come all over her non-Republican footstool.

  He walked back to Dini, sheathed, harder than he could ever remember being in his entire life and with an orgasm screaming for release. It would have to be soon or he’d make a liar out of himself and die from wanting her.

  “What do you want, Dini?”

  Close enough to see her pulse fluttering, but not touching her yet, Jonas stretched out the seconds as best he could.

  “I want you.” She muttered the words.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Fuck me.”


  Sahara Kelly

  “How? Tell me. Specifically.”

  She groaned and her eyelids fluttered down over eyes that were glazed with desire.

  “I want your cock inside me, Jonas. I want you thrusting deep in me. I want to feel you hard and stretching me. And when you come I want to feel that too.” He bit down on the inside of his mouth. Her words were fuel to his already scorching fire. “Where do you want me to fuck you, Dini? In your cunt? Up your ass?

  You want to suck me until I come in your mouth? You have to tell me.” Jesus. Where am I getting this shit?

  “In my c-c-cunt,” she stuttered, color flooding her cheeks and spreading over her breasts. “Oh God, Jonas. Pleeeeeease…”

  “Okay.” He gripped her hips savagely, not caring if his fingers left marks on her skin. “Put your legs around me.”

  “Yes, oh yes…”

  Silken limbs clamped around his hips, her ankles locking at the base of his spine and digging in as she tried to draw him closer. He held her easily, she was a tiny bit of a thing and he had no problem reaching between them with one hand and thumbing his cock into the right position—cuddled between her swollen pussy lips.

  “You ready?” He glanced at her. The furious glare he got in response made him smile.

  And then he thrust—once— hard.

  She exploded on a shriek, the angle of their bodies permitting his groin to crash roughly against her clit. Massive spasms rocked her and rippled up and down the entire length of his cock, straining his already-tenuous hold on himself to the maximum.

  He pulled away from her cunt then thrust again, knowing that was all he had left in him.


  My Fishnet Fetish

  Even as she shuddered and sobbed her way through her climax he was there, balls tight and hard and trembling as he let go and felt the sizzle of his orgasm detonate low in his spine. He groaned harshly, their voices mingling in the silent room, cries of fulfillment and celebration—the ultimate moment two people can share.

  Her legs squeezed him fiercely as he held her against his chest, straddling the footstool in an effort to keep her plastered to his body. Her neck was stretched as her body arched into his, her mouth open, her eyes closed. She was lost in her ecstasy and at that moment Jonas lost himself in his, pumping hard, emptying his balls, most of his guts and probably half his soul into this amazing woman.

  How long it lasted, he couldn’t say. He was adrift on an ocean that smelled like Dini, steered by a hand that belonged to Dini, clutched inside a slick and silken volcano that looked like Dini.

  He’d come before. He’d had massive orgasms before.

  But he’d never experienced anything quite like this.


  Sahara Kelly

  Chapter Four

  Dini was dreaming, a wonderfully erotic dream about her current favorite movie star. He was between her legs eating her out.

Brad, yeah—right there. Do that again.” Her hips shifted and she woke to find the dream a reality.

  “Who the hell’s Brad?”

  “Jonas?” Dini blinked, surprised to find herself in bed with a man between her thighs.

  “You were expecting someone else?”

  She could see his grin in the dim light of her apartment and groggily tried to piece her brain back together. But then he dipped his head, licked her clit and she gave up trying to think at all.

  Hot and wet, his tongue seemed to have a tracking device built into it, one that was tuned to her most sensitive places. He knew which side to tease, how long to tease it, when and—more importantly—when not to suck her clit.

  She sighed deeply and sank into the pleasure of his attentions, letting everything fade away but for the slide of such exquisite slippery tenderness around her pussy.


  Feeling like a well-petted cat, she stretched, languorous limbs sprawled wide, open to whatever Jonas chose to do. She was all his. He could devour her, suck her toes, bite her ears—Dini didn’t care. She was, for that moment, one supremely content and sensual sex machine. And Jonas was oiling the cogs.


  My Fishnet Fetish

  Why he was there, in her bed, she wasn’t sure. Vaguely remembering him carrying her to the mattress and freeing her from the cuffs, Dini realized she must have fallen asleep within seconds.

  Unlike her, she mused. Sleeping next to a man? She hadn’t done that since—well, this was a first for her in a long time. She hadn’t shown Jonas the door and thanked him. He hadn’t given her his phone number nor had she promptly thrown it away, as was her usual routine.

  Instead, he’d taken her to bed and tucked himself in beside her, only to wake her from the most delicious dream by doing something even more erotic than Brad probably would’ve done if it had been him tucked between her thighs.

  “Oh—oooh—” She gasped a little as Jonas’ teeth gently grazed her clit, a ripple of sensation tightening her buttocks and forcing her hips up into his face.


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