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by angelaw

  “Wanna come, Dini?” Jonas licked around her mound and the tiny bud he’d found with amazing accuracy.

  “Yes please.” Duh.

  “No problem.” Jonas shifted a little. “One of my favorite things, making a woman come like this.”

  Idly, she let a hand riffle through his hair. “You’re a rare treasure, Jonas Smith.”

  “That’s me.” He chuckled. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do here.”

  “Don’t let me hold you back.”

  He took her at her word. Dini’s pulse accelerated as Jonas delved between her pussy lips, lapping and licking with increasing enthusiasm. Knowing she was getting wetter by the second, she let her breath out on a slight moan, enjoying every second, anticipating every soft swipe and determined touch.

  “Oh yesss…” He found one place that gave her exquisite pleasure and sent a shiver of arousal through her entire body. He paid particular attention to it, running his 35

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  tongue lightly over it a couple of times, leaving to suck and lick other places, then coming back and doing it all over again.

  Responsive to her every move, Jonas was learning to play her body, she realized.

  And he was a helluva quick study. Her breasts ached and she lowered her arms from above her head to find her nipples and toy with them, electrifying her body with the twin sensations of pleasure.

  “Attagirl.” Jonas encouraged her, sliding his hands beneath her buttocks and lifting her as her tension mounted.

  Knowing she was drowning in the pleasure, Dini simply surrendered and let her body take over. The room faded away, her brain took a nap and her world narrowed down to one man, one tongue and what he was doing with it.

  The sensations built, overlapping, each one driving her higher. Closing her eyes, Dini relaxed into the wave, knowing she was riding it steadily upward, relishing each second but eagerly anticipating the moment it would crest.

  Tiny tingles began, deep within her body, stimulated by Jonas’ tongue as it slid ever deeper between her pussy lips, probing and withdrawing then sliding over all those wonderful places he’d discovered.

  She tensed as the tingles turned sharper, her muscles contracting with the feel of one finger, then two entering her. In concert with his tongue, Jonas stoked the fire, touching her clit as his fingers gently moved in her cunt.

  Dini jumped in surprise as he touched— something—some extraordinarily sensitive spot that set off a tiny explosion of pleasure.

  “That’s what I wanted.” He sounded very satisfied and did whatever it was again, with the same exquisite result. “Hang on, pixie girl.” Hang on to what? Dini didn’t know, but with the ripples of arousal threatening to swamp her, she clasped her breasts tight just in case this wave turned into a tsunami and washed them away.


  My Fishnet Fetish

  And within seconds, she knew it was a distinct possibility. More than just a simple orgasm was rushing toward her. Jonas kept up his gentle stroking deep in her cunt and put his mouth back on her clit. His tongue, his fingers—the dual assault catapulted her toward a blindingly high peak.

  She opened her mouth to shriek but managed only a whimper, since at that very moment she broke—and the air left her lungs in a rush.

  Blind, helpless and swept away, Dini flew into a place where there was nothing but stars, galaxies and a vortex of interdimensional pleasure. Her entire body shook with spasms that defied description.

  She could feel her womb contracting, her legs shuddering, her toes curling and the rest of her trembling as she flew down into a spiral that seemed endless. The heat of Jonas’ face as he buried himself in her pussy added to her wild ride, almost as if he was sharing her madness, drinking her climax—pushing her higher with soft touches of his fingertips on that one particular spot.

  She couldn’t possibly survive this much pleasure. She’d die, a victim of orgasmic overload.

  Dini was astonished that she didn’t at least pass out, but as the wave finally diminished to mortal proportions, her body unclenched and an amazing feeling of peace replaced the tension that seemed to have held her in its grasp for an eternity.

  “Oh wow.” She whispered the words through a throat that felt hoarse from screams she’d been unable to release.

  The bed moved as Jonas slid up beside her and pulled her against his chest. “Hi, pixie girl. How you doin’?”

  Dini thought for a moment. “Hello. I wondered where you’d gotten to.”

  “Sorry. I had a project to attend to.”

  “Did it work?”

  “You tell me.”


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  She grinned and snuggled into his neck. “Oh yeah. You do good work, Jonas. Very thorough with amazing attention to detail.”

  “Like I said earlier. We aim to please.”

  Dini sighed sleepily. “You pleased. You definitely pleased.” She closed her eyes.

  “This has been real fun, Jonas. Thanks. Goodbye.” And she drifted into sleep, missing the frown that crossed Jonas’ face at her words.

  * * * * *

  “Whoa. Wait up a minute.”

  Fenny Whitfield reached out across her kitchen table and grabbed Dini’s arm before she could help herself to a chunk of cheese. “You’re telling me that that’s it? The man gives you fabulously decadent sex and then it’s goodbye, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out?”

  Dini nodded. “Of course. You know that’s the way I am. Diva Dini. Never give a repeat performance when it comes to men and sex.” Dee, sitting across from Dini, stared at her intently. “You’re full of shit.”

  “Nope.” Dini shook her head. “Full of wine and this really good cheese.”

  “Dini.” Fenny’s voice took on an exasperated tone. “He was gone when you woke up?”

  “Yep.” Dini nodded, refusing to even acknowledge the slight twinge that thought occasioned, someplace deep inside her she wasn’t about to explore.

  “He left you his number, though, right?” Dee tilted her head to one side.

  Dini sighed. These two were not going to be satisfied with juicy details, of course.

  They’d dig and dig until they got every little drop of information. Because that’s what friends did. And right now, Dini was very glad she had them to dig, since she sure as hell didn’t want to do it on her own.

  “He left me a note.” She swallowed. “On my pillow.” 38

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  “With a rose?” Fenny lifted an eyebrow.

  “No. With an ear.” She giggled. “Besides, where the hell does one find a rose at six in the morning?”

  “He could’ve swiped one from a garden. There’s gardens in Cambridge.” Dee wrinkled her nose.

  “He’s a cop. That’d be theft.” Dini smiled.

  “I still think it’s rather Van Gogh of him.” Fenny looked skeptical.

  “It was one of my fairy ears. I must have left it lying around and he found it.”

  “So what did he say?” Dee leaned forward, waiting for Dini’s answer.

  “He said,” she took a breath, “he said If you don’t call me, I’ll call you. And there was a number underneath.”

  “Ahh.” Dee looked complacent. “He’s got your number, hasn’t he?”

  “I dunno. I didn’t give it to him. I’m anal about giving out phone numbers.” Fenny shook her head. “Dee didn’t mean it that way. She meant he’s figured you out.”

  “Huh?” Dini blinked in confusion. “There’s nothing to figure out. We had great sex.

  He’s a nice guy. That’s it. Over and done with.” Dee’s snort was loud and dismissive, but before she could follow it up with a pithy comment, Fenny rested her elbows on the table, cupped her face in her hands and stared at Dini. “One thing I don’t get.”


  “How the hell did he get up, find an ear, leave you a note and go without waking you?”

  Dini fought down a
blush. “Well, you see, I’m—er—not real good at waking up in the mornings.”

  “Damn, girl. You must sleep like the dead, in that case.” Dee chuckled. “I thought we outgrew that teenage vampire lifestyle as we aged.” 39

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  “Some do, I didn’t.” Dini shrugged. “I live with it and work around it. If I absolutely have to get up to be somewhere, I set three alarms. Usually by the third one I’m sort of awake.”

  “Well, that explains how Jonas snuck out. Probably wasn’t much in the way of snucking he needed to do.” Fenny dismissed the topic with a wave of her hand. “So that was last Thursday. You heard from him since?”

  Dini had a feeling that question was coming. But these were her closest friends on the planet. She couldn’t lie. “I don’t know. I haven’t checked my machine.”

  “What?” The outrage was there, on their faces and in their voices as they said the same thing at the exact same moment.


  “What the fuck’s the matter with you, Dini?”

  Oh God. How to explain it? Dini stood and walked to the fridge. “Got any more cheese?” She hoped for a diversion.

  It failed. “In the drawer on the right.” Fenny answered her question then dived back in. “Bring it here, sit down and stop trying to change the subject. And you might as well bring that other bottle of wine with you. I’ve a feeling we’re going to need it.” Dini did as she was told, mentally girding her loins to face the inevitable inquisition. The three of them had talked about men. They’d talked freely about sex. But it had mostly been focused on Fenny and Dee. This would be the first time Dini had been under the magnifying glass and she wasn’t sure she was looking forward to it.

  “Okay, babe. Spill the beans.” Dee crossed her arms in front of her and waited.

  “There aren’t any beans to spill, Dee. I have a policy, and you know I do. No more than one night with a guy.” She shrugged. “I get bored with repeat performances.”

  “So let me see if I’ve got this straight.” Fenny frowned. “You get an itch, you find a guy to scratch it. Then it’s hasta la vista, here’s the door and you move on?” 40

  My Fishnet Fetish

  “That pretty much sums it up, yeah.” Dini nodded. “Most times it’s somebody I run into, we have dinner or a few drinks. If I get that interested feeling—you know, the one that heats the pussy and gets the panties damp—then I go for it.” She squared her shoulders. “Works for me.”

  “Efficient, I guess. Saves time and a lot of the fuss and bother.” Dee’s gaze never left Dini’s face.

  “Almost clinical, Dini.”

  “I dunno, Fenny. When you guys put it like that, I suppose it does. But I like these men, don’t get me wrong. I don’t sleep around. I just don’t want—” She paused.

  “What, honey?” Fenny leaned forward. “What don’t you want?” Dini made a show of slicing the cheese on the plate and pouring wine into her glass while she considered her answer. She had a pretty good idea of what lay at the root of her “rules for sex”. But pulling that out for examination—well, she didn’t think she could do it, even with Fenny and Dee.

  “I don’t want a relationship right now.” And that was the truth. Not the whole truth but part of it. “I have two careers, Suzie and my writing. They’re both very demanding emotionally—I don’t have to tell either of you what it’s like getting lost in a story. I won’t give Suzie less than my best and I won’t compromise on my books either.

  So between them, there’s damn little time left for any kind of long-term thing with a guy.”

  Again, Dini told herself this was nothing but the truth. “It’s not fair to a man to ask him to share me with Suzie and with my muse. I sleep ‘til noon if I feel like it and work into the wee hours when the fervor hits or when a deadline’s creeping up on me. I need that, I love that—it’s who I am and what I do.”

  “I understand that, Dini. Both of us understand that.” Fenny reached out and rested a hand on Dini’s wrist. “But I guess what worries us is that all this creative expression you have pouring out of your brain doesn’t leave enough time to satisfy your body.

  Except with some almost anonymous sexual encounters.” 41

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  Dini frowned. “They’re not anonymous, Fenny. Honest. You make me sound like a nympho or a hooker.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”

  Dee intervened. “She meant that they’re emotionally anonymous, Dini. You find a nice guy, someone you respond to sexually, you take him to bed and fuck him and you’re done. There’s more to sex than tab A and slot B. And I know you know that because I’ve read your books. The sizzle in your sex scenes comes just as much from the emotional passion as it does the physical.”

  “Exactly.” Fenny nodded her approval.

  Dini sighed. There was no way to answer that. They were both right.

  “So when this really super detective walks into your life—” Dee persisted, “and you tell us he’s a one-off as well…” She spread her hands wide. “You can see where we have a tough time understanding it.”

  “Christ, Dini. He found your G-spot.” Fenny spoke the words with all the rapt awe of a pilgrim at the foot of a miraculous shrine.

  “You know, I always wondered if I had one.” Dini had to give Fenny a point for that. “I guess I do.”

  “So logically speaking, turning away the guy who discovered it, who gets to put his flag on it, doesn’t make a whole heap of sense.” Dee grinned. “After all, it isn’t every day a gal gets her own G-spot orgasm, now, is it? Wouldn’t you like him to do that again?”

  “Puts his flag on it?” Fenny sputtered.

  “Yeah, you know, like the mountain climbers do when they reach the peak.”

  “Different kind of peak, Dee.” Fenny wrinkled her nose at her friend.

  “Har har.”


  My Fishnet Fetish

  “It would have to be a teeny tiny flag, too.” Dini thought about it, wondering if there was a way she could work a visual image around that idea into Suzie’s next adventure.

  Dee rolled her eyes. “Hey.” She snapped her fingers in front of Dini’s nose. “Was it good stuff? The handcuffs, the G-spot, the whole shebang?”

  “Fuck yeah.” Dini felt a blush rising over her cheeks and put her palms against them. “It was good sex, okay? Absolutely nothing to complain about. I got off and got some experience I’m gonna use in Suzie’s strip.”

  “And what about Jonas?” Fenny’s voice was level and quiet.

  “What about him?”

  “Don’t you think he might want to see you again?” Dini shrugged. “Who knows.”

  “Dini. When was the last time you were this attracted to a guy?” Fenny nailed her with an intense stare.


  “When was the last time you came not once, but twice? When was the last time you were so sexed-out you let a guy crawl into bed with you and sleep? And then found yourself waking up to fabulous oral sex and have him climb the impossibly unreal female mountain to plant his flag on your G-spot?” Dini took a moment to unravel the complexity of Dee’s monologue. “Uh, never?” Fenny nailed the point home. “When was the last time you didn’t check your answering machine because you were afraid he was going to call?” Dini opened her mouth to deny that assumption—when her cell phone rang. “Shit.” She took it out and frowned. “Odd. I don’t recognize the number.” She shrugged and flipped it open. “Hello.”

  “Hey, pixie girl.”

  Dini gulped and took a breath. “Hey. Jonas. This is a surprise.” 43

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  Fenny and Dee tiptoed from the room, pausing only to grab the wine on the way.


  My Fishnet Fetish

  Chapter Five

  “A surprise? It wouldn’t be if you checked your messages. I’ve left a dozen or so.” Jonas pressed his cell phone to his ear, blocking out the noise of the restaurant
where he’d stopped to grab some food. He’d been on a case—Dini’s drug dealers as a matter of fact—and he was tired, happy they’d caught the perps and ready to see the woman who’d haunted him for the last week or so.

  And, to all intents and purposes, who had blown him off.

  “Uh, sorry. I’ve been in deadline hell.” She sounded…awkward. That was good. He wasn’t going to let this one get away without a fight.

  “Dini, I want to see you. Tell me when.”

  “Jonas, look…” She paused.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t give me the line, whatever it is. I refuse to let you dump me, okay?”

  “I wasn’t going to dump you.” It was an irate squawk. “We’re not in high school. I don’t dump guys.”

  “Then what do you call it? You haven’t gotten in touch with me. You haven’t returned any of my phone calls, or left me a text message or sent up a goddamned smoke signal.”

  “I know.”

  “So if that’s not an attempt to dump me, I don’t know what is. But there’s one thing I do know—I will not give up on this. I will not walk away from it. I’m sorry but you’re under my skin. I need to see you and figure out why.” There was a tiny gurgle of laughter that made Jonas ache from the gut down. His balls tightened at the sound. “It’s the fishnets. Get over it.” 45

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  “Bullshit.” Okay, so the fishnets hadn’t hurt. But he wasn’t going to believe he was that shallow. “If it was just the sex, I wouldn’t be on the phone right now. I can get sex any time I want it.”

  “Hah.” She snorted. “Not like that, you can’t.” He grinned. “So you admit it was pretty incredible, huh?”

  “I never said it wasn’t.”

  “So let’s do it again. And again. Several times. There’s no law against having lots of hot sex, Dini. I’m a cop. I know about these things. If we get into areas that might be classed as a felony misdemeanor in this state, I’ll be sure and mention it.” There was a second or two of silence. “Exactly what constitutes a sexual fel—oh hell.


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