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The Ways of Mages: Starfire

Page 32

by Catherine Beery

  The balcony doors creaked and she heard clicking sounds. A fuzzy head bumped up under her arm. Even though she had heard Russy, she still jumped at his touch. Startled, Terana looked down into Russy’s amber eyes.“Hungry?” He asked.

  A moment later Kadrean came through the door carrying a tray laden with sandwiches. Zeeve sat on his shoulder. There were some chairs in one corner of the balcony. Kadrean sat in one and placed the tray on the small table. Terana joined him. Russy laid down at her feet.

  “It’s a beautiful day.”Kadrean remarked as he passed her a sandwich.

  “It is.”She stared at her sandwich then looked up at Kadrean“I’m sorry.”

  Kadrean looked startled.“For what?”

  “For running away.”She replied softly.

  “Terana, there is nothing to forgive. Today has not been kind to you. Or to any of us. Don’t let it bother you.”He put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

  Terana smiled at him. He really was a healer. Gathering her courage, she asked“So, when am I to face the Keep Stone again?”


  “Why so late?”Terana asked.

  Zeeve glanced up from his nearly gone second sandwich. He wiped his mouth off on his green sleeve.“I would like to know why too: since I only came in at the end of the conversation.”

  “Razyan has a hypothesis as to why Terana seems to be magicless. He doesn’t want a crowd around when Terana tries the Stone again.”

  “Wait, Terana seems magicless?!”Zeeve asked, flabbergasted.

  Terana nodded and uncurled the fingers holding the kadelle.One couldn’t tell it was glowing in the sunlight. Zeeve stared with his jaw on the ground. Figuratively.“I did something…I’m not sure what.”She explained.

  “Razyan thinks you somehow locked your magic away. I don’t know how you could have done that, though. Or why.”Kadrean continued thoughtfully.

  “I don’t know, but I was scared that the Keep Stone would…something would happen to it.”Kadrean gave her a puzzled look, but left it alone.

  They finished lunch. Kadrean and Zeeve left her alone. Russy stayed. Terana sat and watched the water and mist. Eventually her hands became restless. She went inside briefly to fetch her bag. Back on the balcony she began to sketch the vista before her.

  Evening came early because of the clouds that blew in. Her drawing hand ached from the hours of creativity. She was happy with the result of her work.

  “You have talent.”Razyan said, sitting next to her.

  She gifted him with a smile.“Thank you.”She said. She saw that the milbrestill perched on his shoulder. The bird had black eyes and was now preening its feathers. It noticed her watching it and…sang. There was no other word to describe is voicing. Other birds were said to sing, but really? Those were just pretty whistles. This was a complex song that left Terana speechless. Razyan noticed her expression. He smiled.

  “Chaya says hello, and that she is sorry for this morning.”He said

  “She is a milbre, right?”Terana asked.

  “Yes, how do you…?”he began to ask.

  Terana moved her gaze to his beautiful green one.“My moth…the woman who took care of me was a school teacher. She encouraged Jeremy and I to read. I liked reading fairy tales. Milbresare in a lot of them.”She explained.

  “Ah yes. They are.”Absently he gently stroked Chaya’s neck feathers. Chaya cooed again. Razyan studied Terana’s artwork for a moment before glancing up at the artist.“Are you ready?”He asked her. She didn't ask 'for what'. She knew. She felt her stomach fall, but she nodded anyway.


  In a different part of the Keep, in the tower in the remotest part, stood Jewel looking out the window. She had chosen this tower centuries ago. Chosen it after the Marlheman dragons initiated the spell that she anchored for them. After they disappeared and just as the school for mages was beginning. She chose the tower because it was so remote. That way she could keep it and not inconvenience the school. Yes, the school did use the lower levels as storage.And yes, young mages did try to see what the upper levels were like, but ancient wards kept them safely out.

  The tower was large enough for Jewel's companions to be comfortable after their long journey. It was not a drafty tower and what dust may have been there was made scarce by a few spoken words and a little magic. Seeing that everything had been how she had left it made her smile. The inside of the tower did not change unless she wanted it to. It was a point of stability in an ever changing world.

  Now that it was night, Jewel stood in her living room alone. With a sigh, Jewel left the window and walked toward her bedroom door. As she walked she wondered how they were going to tell who they were looking for. Was it the man by the lake? Was it the Child of Light? Were they male or female? How would Jewel and her companions know?

  This string of thoughts cycled through her mind as she entered her bedroom. It took her a second to realize that there was someone already there. Sitting in the chair by the banked fire was the Nirami's Child. The Child watched her enter. She raised an eyebrow at it and closed the doors. "You're far from home."

  "Yes. Hello Aunty."

  "Do you do this often?" Jewel asked as she began to change into sleeping clothes.

  The Child shrugged. "Yes and no. I only go to the places that interest me."


  "Yes. And I visit the important people."

  Jewel sat on her bed with a foot dangling toward the floor. "Important people? Does Arité know that you take these jaunts?"

  The child gave her one of its exasperated looks. "No. Mommy does not need to know everything. You have a question you want to ask."

  Brows raised Jewel asked "am I one of those 'important' people'?”

  "You are Aunty." The child said simply. A faint smile played about her lips as she looked toward the rosy coals. She looked back at the child and met its fathomless eyes. "Ask."

  Jewel sighed. "How will we know who we are looking for? Is it the man from the lake or is it someone else?"

  "Aunty..." The child said smiling. "You will see, aunty. You will know."

  "That is not helping. Give me a hint, here."

  The child rolled its eyes. "Your hint will be like nothing you have ever seen or felt. It will thrill."

  "That is not any better." Jewel said frustrated. "Give me a name or a gender. Something!" But the child didn't. Instead it faded away into a cluster of star-silver and black ribbons that streaked out the window and were lost to the night. Jewel stared after them before glaring at the fire place. How Arité could deal with such a unhelpful, half-sentient magic Jewel didn't know. She laid down in her bed and wondered at this hint that would 'thrill' her. She hoped she wouldn't miss it by falling asleep.

  Once asleep, the usual nightmare claimed her like an old lover...


  The hall that held the Keep Stone was dark and deserted. No grumpy Crystal Reader was there to cast judgments. There were no other young people coming to see what strength their magic had and its talent. There was only Terana, Razyan, and his milbre Chaya. Oh, and the Keep Stone.

  It still reminded her of a mountain cat. But at the same time, in the darkness, it seemed almost fragile. The others; Kadrean, Liam, Zeeve, and Russy waited outside the doors that Razyan had closed.

  “Now, touch it, but do not hold back. Let the Keep Stone release your magic.”Razyan said, gesturing her forward.

  Terana hesitated and he marked it. He raised an eyebrow in question.“What if it melts? The kadelle melted on me and Kadrean said the Keep Stone was like a kadelle.”Terana flushed at her babbling and closed her mouth. After a moment she continued in a quieter voice.“What if my magic destroys it?”She asked self consciously.

  “Terana,”Razyan waited until she looked up at him.“You can’t destroy the Keep Stone. It is impossible. The Keep Stone is old. Older than the school itself. Its from the time of the Dragon Kings. They had powerful magic. It was made by them. You cannot melt the Keep Stone.”He f
inished with a shake of his head.

  “Dragon Kings?”Terana asked curiously.

  Razyan smiled. He gently pushed her toward the Stone.“I’ll tell you more after you try the Keep Stone.

  Terana grumbled but took the necessary step to the Stone. Hesitantly she reached forward and placed her hand gingerly on a facet. She felt the hum and the Stone’s fingers whisper toward the well within her. The hum became a drone. Shivers curled down her spine as her nerves told her she was cold. But she was sweating as well. She felt flushed and feverish. Terana felt too large for her skin. She hunched her shoulders, feeling trapped. A caged creature use to the freedom of the skies. Light flickered in the dim hall. Terana gasped in surprise. There were blue flames lacing over the Stone and herself. It was the blue of starlight. Its nets were also spreading over the floor. Strands were climbing up the walls, reaching the ceiling.

  The trapped sensation increased tenfold. A tension, a weight, built and built. The trapped creature strained against its chains. Panic was claiming Terana. She grabbed for the chains, unsure if she was going to strengthen them or break them. Either seemed to be the right choice.

  A beautiful song cut through her confusion. And with it came help.“Terana, let it go.”It was a faint call, but she heard it. She hesitated before loosening her hold on the chains. That was all whatever the creature within her needed…


  The Story Continues in Book Four, The Way of Mages: The Three Swords




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