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Dreamspinner Press Year Eight Greatest Hits

Page 81

by Brandon Witt

  As soon as he walked through the door of the library, Ridley caught sight of Alex waving from where he was standing next to the front desk. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved white Henley, nothing special, but…. The images of Alex, both dressed and undressed, had been seared into Ridley’s brain, but for some reason he looked even sexier than Ridley remembered after not seeing him for a week. For a moment he forgot all about the run-in with Kyle, school, exams, what day of the week it was. It sounded lame, but it was nonetheless true.

  “Hey, Alex,” he said in greeting as he moved to stand next to him.

  Alex leisurely ran his gaze up and down Ridley’s body. Ridley discreetly pushed out his chest and stood a little taller. “Looking good,” Alex responded with a wink. “How ya feeling?”

  “Well, I can bend over and tie my shoes without doing a face plant and I can remember what I had for breakfast. Still dizzy, but the room no longer spins.”

  He couldn’t help but smile at the sound of Alex’s laugh. He might have noticed it once or ten times, but Alex had a really, really great laugh.

  “That’s good to know.” Alex raised his soda bottle and took a long drink.

  Ridley’s gaze was instantly drawn to Alex’s throat, the way his Adam’s apple bobbed. He’d been excited about seeing Alex, horny as fuck actually, but was still shocked at how incredibly fast his arousal was spiking. Ridley forced his gaze away from that sexy working, swallowing throat and the fantasies it inspired. He shoved his hands in his coat pockets, pushing it down to hide the effect the man was having on him. The library was really no place to be popping a boner.

  “So, how has your week been?” Ridley asked, needing a subject change, something other than his dick to focus on.

  “It’s been crazy. Working, studying, exams.”

  Alex screwed the cap back on his bottle, and Ridley got a good look at the thick scabs on the knuckles of Alex’s right hand. Ridley had hoped as the swelling in his head went down, his recollection of the fight would return, but it hadn’t. He had so many questions. Like why Kyle was suddenly scared shitless of him. Why the cops weren’t showing up on his doorstep or hauling him in for a full statement? What had happened to Kyle and his goons and how in the hell Alex had come out of the whole mess with nothing more than some scraped knuckles? Problem was, Alex wasn’t much of a talker, and any time Ridley tried to talk about anything other than fucking, the man closed up like a steel trap. Ridley knew scarcely more about Alex than when he’d first met him, which only made his curiosity grow.

  What hell are you hiding behind that geekish appearance and calm demeanor? “Any more problems?” he inquired and nodded toward the damage on Alex’s knuckles.

  Alex’s brows rose and he looked down at his hands as if he didn’t know what Ridley was talking about. He shook his head. “Hey, I gotta go get clocked in,” he murmured without meeting Ridley’s gaze, something he was learning Alex did when he didn’t want to talk. “You going to be around for a while?”

  “Yeah. I have a make-up test I need to study for.”

  “Umm…. Okay…. Good,” Alex muttered, sounding distracted as he scanned the area, looking everywhere but at Ridley. “I’ll hit you up later.”

  Ridley watched as Alex walked away, his normal confident swagger jerky.

  Ridley took in the library but didn’t see anything or anyone unusual. With a shrug he headed to one of the empty tables, chalking up the uneasy feeling that was skittering along his spine as a lingering effect of the concussion. He knew it was more than that, but he was unwilling to let it damper his excitement in seeing Alex.

  He tried concentrating on his studies but found himself constantly seeking out Alex, thinking about him and what had happened. He obviously had no problems focusing, only his attention was on the wrong subject. He couldn’t get the look on Kyle’s face out of his head. Alex had put a hell of a beatdown on the guy, and Ridley suspected it was Alex who had made Kyle so afraid of him, but how?

  “You going to hang out here all day?”

  Ridley jerked his head up and found Alex smiling. He’d been so deep in thought for the last—he checked the wall clock—two hours. Wow. More amazing was he hadn’t even been aware of Alex’s presence. “I…. Uh, yeah…. Sorry was… was daydreaming.”

  “You okay?” Alex’s smile fell, a concerned expression taking its place.

  “Oh yeah, fine,” Ridley assured him. “Theory and application of structural analysis has a way of scattering my brain,” he lied and pointed to his laptop screen.

  Alex cocked his head and studied him as if he were a bug under a microscope. Was he looking for hints of deception? He had the strange feeling Alex was pulling away the layers, discovering the secrets buried under each one. A droplet of sweat rolled down Ridley’s temple and his heart rate quickened, but he refused to look away. He also tried not to squirm while keeping his expression light and carefree, but it was difficult. As Alex continued to stare, analyze him, Ridley took the opportunity to do the same. To really look at the man, not just the handsome features. Alex had a small cut above his left eye, partially hidden in his brow, but it had taken quite a few stitches to close as indicated by the spotted scar. His nose had a bump and turned slightly to the right. It appeared as if it had been broken more than once. But there was something in his eyes, something deep. Sorrow? Anger? Regret? All of the above? Ridley wasn’t sure, but one thing he was sure of was that there was wisdom in those eyes, knowledge normally only seen in a man or woman who had lived twice as long as Alex.

  Alex suddenly spun as if someone from behind had called out to him, though Ridley hadn’t heard anyone. “Library closes in an hour,” Alex grumbled and strode away. Alex walked across the library, his steps quick, with purpose. He never even looked back, simply disappeared into the office and slammed the door.

  “What the fuck just happened?” Ridley muttered under his breath and ran a hand through his sweat-dampened hair.

  Everyone around him still had their noses buried in books or was writing frantically. A couple of girls had their heads close, hands over their mouths, giggling. No one seemed to have noticed the intense moment he’d just had with Alex, one that left Ridley trembling. It was as if he’d been dropped into some strange, unknown place and had no idea what to do next.

  This was going to drive him crazy: the uneasy feelings, the secrets, Alex’s refusal to talk about what had happened. How the hell was he supposed to get to know the man if he wouldn’t talk to him? No, he didn’t have to know him to fuck him, but dammit, he’d like for him and Alex to not only be fuck buddies but also friends. Ridley drummed his fingers against the tabletop. Yeah, he was also a bit intrigued… okay, a lot intrigued. Where did someone who looked like Alex learn to fight, and how in the hell could a geeky library assistant instill so much fear in Kyle?

  Decision made, Ridley stuffed his laptop into his backpack. Somehow he had to do the same thing Alex had been doing to him. Ridley would just have to peel back the layers on Alex and find the secrets beneath. Sex and alcohol might just help him get a couple of those layers lifted.

  RIDLEY LEANED against the railing watching Alex tromp down the steps of the library. The moment Alex noticed Ridley, his brows furrowed and he scanned the area around them.

  “Hey, Ridley,” Alex said in greeting, the wary expression giving way to a slight grin. “Fancy meeting you here.”

  “Was just out for a stroll, hoping to find a little companionship for the night.”

  “Is that so?” Alex snorted. “Most guys don’t scope out the library for dates.”

  “Most libraries don’t have hot assistants working in them. Can I interest you in a drink?”

  “I….” Alex looked up and down the street as if he were looking for someone.

  “Oh, if you already have plans—”

  “No, that’s not it,” Alex interrupted. “I’m just not sure hanging out in a bar is the best idea right now. You know”—he shrugged—“with what happened th
e other night.”

  “What did happen the other night?” Ridley pressed.

  “You got yourself knocked upside the head. I got some booze and snacks at my place,” Alex said, quickly changing the subject. “No pool table but I’m sure we can find another game to wager on.”

  Ridley was suspicious of the way Alex continued to take in his surroundings, his eyes constantly moving as if he were watching for someone, but who? It couldn’t be a date if he was asking Ridley back to his place. Was it Kyle? That seemed unlikely considering the way Kyle had behaved earlier. The man had been scared shitless, and the chances he’d be looking for or going after Alex seemed highly unlikely. His curiosity piqued, Ridley started to press Alex about the events of the other night, but changed his mind. He’d work on that later, after a few shots to loosen Alex’s tongue.

  “What kind of game did you have in mind?” Ridley settled on.

  “Strip poker?”

  “Hmm, I’m pretty good at poker.”

  “I do like a challenge. Let’s go.” Alex nodded to the right and they headed down the sidewalk.

  For being only nine at night, the streets were oddly deserted. It was a weeknight, so Ridley expected the crowds to be light, but it seemed strange to be this dead. “Anything going on tonight?”

  “Yeah. I’m going to get drunk and win me a pile of clothes.”

  “I do like your confidence.” Ridley sniffed and bumped his shoulder against Alex’s. “But I meant in town. Where the hell is everyone?”

  “No clue. I don’t really pay attention to much of the extracurricular shit that goes on around here,” Alex admitted.

  “Hmm, me neither, but I’ve never seen it this quiet.”

  “Maybe it’s finals that’s got everyone home cramming for exams,” Alex suggested.

  It was plausible, although finals weren’t for another couple of weeks, but Ridley shrugged it off.

  They crossed the road at the corner, and Alex pulled out his key fob and hit the button. The lights on his car flashed in the parking lot. “You got your car here?” Alex asked.

  “No, I walked.”

  “You want to ride with or would you rather meet me at my place?”

  Ridley thought about it for a second. On one hand, if he had his car he could sneak out in the morning if so inclined. On the other, he knew he wouldn’t want to be sneaking out anywhere and the thought of waking up with Alex was quite appealing.

  “I’ll ride with you, if that’s okay?”

  “Sure, I wouldn’t have asked otherwise.” Alex opened the passenger door and ushered Ridley in. “Your chariot awaits you, good sir.”

  “Sexy, tough, and polite,” Ridley mused as he slid into the passenger seat and buckled in.

  “I’m the complete package,” Alex informed him before he shut the door.

  No, the complete package would be if you were boyfriend material. The idea shocked Ridley. Where the hell had that come from?

  Alex ran around the front of the car and slid in behind the wheel and started the car up. He cocked his head at Ridley. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” he said, sounding confused.

  “You could say that.” Ridley shook his head. Man, he was all over the place lately. A total flake. He shook his head again. “I’m good. So, about that game?”

  “You sure you’re not still feeling the effect of your concussion?” Alex asked once he got them heading down the road.

  “Nah, I’m good. Doc gave me a clean bill of health,” he assured him. “Though I still don’t remember too much about the fight,” he admitted.

  “Not much to remember. You jumped, got hit, knocked out cold, and I called the ambulance.”

  Ridley shifted in his seat so he was facing Alex a little more directly. “But what happened after I got hit?”

  “You got knocked out,” Alex deadpanned.

  “Yes, so you’ve told me and then you called the ambulance. But what happened between the time I got hit and the call?”

  Alex tapped his thumbs on the steering wheel. From the guarded expression on his face, he was choosing his words carefully.

  “Why is it such a secret?” Ridley prompted.

  “Not really a secret, nor much to tell.”

  “I don’t believe that. C’mon, Alex, you don’t take on five guys on your own and come away with just a few scraped-up knuckles. Where did you learn to fight like that?”

  “I didn’t take on five. You took out one,” he pointed out.

  Ridley gave Alex an exasperated look. “Seriously, dude, where did you learn to fight like that?”

  “I was always a bit of a scrapper. Used to drive my mom and dad nuts. This one time I got kicked out of junior high school for five days and then the day I was allowed back, got kicked out for fighting again. My dad tore my ass up for that one.”


  “Yup,” Alex laughed. “Couldn’t sit down for a week without feeling the sting.”

  “You just don’t seem the type.”

  “I was a bit high-strung.”

  “Why don’t I believe this story?” Ridley said suspiciously. “And even if it’s true, scrapping in junior high is a long way from taking on five big jocks by yourself in an alleyway.”

  “I told you—”

  “Okay, fine,” Ridley relented. “Four.”

  “Don’t know how I can convince you. Want my mom’s phone number?”


  Alex stared at him wide-eyed for a second before turning his attention back to the road. “Wow, you really don’t trust me, do you?”

  “I don’t know if it has anything to do with trust. I’m just trying to figure you out.”

  “Don’t try,” Alex said curtly.

  “Why is that?”

  “You won’t like what you discover.” The hard set to Alex’s jaw and the harsh tone of his voice told Ridley he’d pushed the man far enough.

  The tension in the car was instantly thick, nearly palpable. Ridley was far from done with this conversation, but he’d let it go. For now.

  The rest of the ride to Alex’s place was made in silence. Ridley half expected Alex to turn around and take Ridley home, so he was surprised when they pulled into Alex’s driveway and he cut the engine. Neither of them said a word or made a move for a long moment, the tension increasing with each tick of the clock.

  “I’m sorry—”

  “C’mon in,” Alex said at the same time. He ignored Ridley’s attempt to apologize for putting a damper on the evening and stepped out of the car. Ridley followed him up the walk. Alex’s movements were once again jerky, something Ridley was beginning to recognize as something Alex did when irritated or wary.

  Alex unlocked the front door and pushed it open, allowing Ridley to enter first. Alex shut the door behind them, and the room suddenly pitched into complete darkness without the glow of the porch light.

  “Shh,” Alex whispered.

  Ridley stood stock-still and held his breath as his pulse began to race, and he strained to listen for anything out of the ordinary. He heard nothing. What the hell was going on?

  Ridley jerked when his hair was pulled, and before he could protest, his mouth was covered and Alex’s tongue was pushing deep. A thrill of fear and danger raced down Ridley’s spine, causing him to shiver.

  GODDAMN THIS was a bad, bad, bad idea. His dick was going to get Alex in trouble again, but even as he thought it, he was deepening the kiss. He knew better and yet here he was. He curled his fist in Ridley’s hair, tilting his head for better access as he devoured the man’s delicious mouth. He’d used the kiss to cover up the fact that he’d hesitated to listen for any movement within his house, for not turning on a light. Alex should be checking the house out, not standing here in the dark fucking Ridley’s mouth with his tongue, but shit that man was irresistible. A bonus was the way Ridley was responding and not asking any more questions Alex was unable to answer. It was going to make it that much harder to leave Ridley, but at least they wo
uld have this one more time.

  Alex continued to explore, licking and nipping at Ridley’s mouth for another moment until he pulled a deep moan from the man. Only then did he end the kiss and flip on the light switch.

  Their mouths still only an inch apart, Ridley blinked against the sudden light and licked his lips. “Well now,” he murmured.

  Holding Ridley’s gaze, Alex released Ridley’s hair and ran his hand down Ridley’s rapidly rising and falling chest to his groin. Alex cupped Ridley’s erection and gave it a squeeze. “What can I get you to drink?”

  Ridley pushed into Alex’s touch. “Whatever you’re having,” he responded, a little breathless.

  “Bourbon,” Alex said with a wink and stepped away. He heard Ridley groan behind him and smiled.

  On the way to the kitchen, he ran a critical eye over the area. Everything looked as he’d left it, no signs anyone had been there, no light tripped on the movement sensor. He retrieved two glasses from the cabinet and a bottle of bourbon and set them on the island. After adding ice to the glasses, he poured them each a generous amount and handed one to Ridley as he joined Alex in the kitchen.

  Alex took a healthy gulp, keeping his eyes on Ridley as he did so. The man looked a little stunned, a little off balance, and a whole lot horny. Good. He’d use it to his advantage to keep Mr. Too-Many-Questions from asking any more tonight.

  “That’s just the warm-up. I think I have a deck of cards here somewhere.” Alex set his glass down and started rummaging through a drawer.

  “Right to the games, huh?”

  Alex shrugged. “If you’d rather get right to the fucking, that works for me too.”

  Ridley choked on his bourbon. “Nothing like getting right to the point.”

  Alex found what he was looking for and slid the cards from their box. “I’m not big on games.”

  Ridley looked at the cards in Alex’s hand, then back up and arched a brow.


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