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Highland Deception (Highland Pride)

Page 4

by Lori Ann Bailey

  He ran his fingers over his sporran with the letter ensconced safely inside. Another puzzle to be solved. If he was lucky, the missive would be enough to condemn Conall in the eyes of the other chiefs and bring the bastard to justice without having to use the lad’s unfortunate connection to the blackguard. In fact, ’twas best Conall not ken where the boy was, and even better if Robbie could avoid being called in front of a council of men to relive the horrific sights he’d seen.

  When they’d stumbled on Conall in Edinburgh and Robbie had accused him of murder, the man’s eyes had blazed with a bone-chilling hatred. Lachlan shook the image from his head. Robbie was now with the Camerons, and there was no better person to watch over him than Alan. The boy was safe for now.

  Chapter Three

  Opening her eyes, Maggie listened as birds chattered in the towering pines and oaks while the first rays of light peeked through the moss-covered branches. Morning came too soon. Maggie’s head still hurt, but not as badly. Wiping the sleep out of her eyes, her fingers rubbed speckles of blood and muck from her face. She needed to wash—she must look like a sow. The burble of a stream nearby was tempting, and a quick glance told her the men still slept, so she decided to go clean herself and be back in time to break the fast. From the steady gurgling, she guessed it wouldn’t be much of a walk.

  She slipped out from under a warm woolen blanket someone had draped over her and tiptoed toward the soothing rumble of the rushing water. When she came upon a river and not a small babbling brook, she was delighted—she could wade out and wash her body, too. She was sticky and sweaty and would welcome the cool wetness. Unfortunately, she would have to make it quick, before anyone thought to come looking for her.

  She undressed and waded out into the river. The glorious water slid over her skin, and gooseflesh rose on her arms, waking her senses. Peace filled her as she washed the grime from her face and body.

  All the fuss over her imminent marriage had been drowning her, threatening to pull her into a deep sea of misery. If not a death sentence, then she had been given a life term of miserable confinement and torture when her father had pledged her to Conall. The man had promised her just as much on his unwelcome visits over the past few years.

  Although she had been able to delay the wedding until her twenty-first year, due to her mother’s death, there was only so much time her selfish family would give her to grieve. She had tried to tell them what a snake Conall was, but they would not budge. Just like they’d treated her poor mother with disregard, they didn’t care what happened to her as long as they had everything they wanted.

  Thus her decision to join a convent. If she pledged her life to God, no man could force her to do his bidding ever again. She had always loved her Catholic faith, and if she couldn’t have a happy home, at least at a nunnery she would have a safe one.

  She was on her way north. She was free. This would be a new start for her, and there was nothing to fear.


  Waking at first light, when Dougal had taken Maggie’s horse and set out on his mission, Lachlan stayed where he was and contemplated his next steps. Lying on his back, he studied the gently swaying canopy overhead as he thought on how best to protect Robbie and expose Conall’s plot. He had come to the conclusion the lad would need to be hidden away, and the knowledge of the letter’s contents would be best shared among other Royalist lairds, who had an interest in ensuring the Highlands weren’t forced to bend to the will of the Earl of Argyll. The earl might be laird to the Campbells, but he didn’t speak for the rest of the Highland chiefs.

  Motion caught his eyes as Maggie left her bed and wandered off. He frowned, tossed off the blanket, and hastily dressed.

  A branch cracking beneath her foot gave her position away, and he moved to trail her. The lass was not to be trusted, but neither were these woods, as he wasn’t certain whose land they were on. They might be somewhere between the Murrays’ and the Macnabs’ territories. Both clans were friendly enough, but his band still could have been followed.

  Maggie didn’t notice she was being watched as he walked several paces behind her through the trees. He told himself he had followed the deceitful lass not knowing what she was up to. Now he questioned his motives. Did he just want to get her alone? Damn his cursed male parts for not listening to his head.

  As she stepped to the edge of the river, she reached for the end of her braid and unwound the binding she had there. Her hands went to work unplaiting her hair. Long, dark tresses fell free from the loose weave, and she ran her fingers through the length of it while he imagined his hands fisting in the silky strands and pulling her full lips to his. Closing his eyes, he shook his head to dislodge the wayward image.

  As his lids opened and gaze returned to her, Maggie scanned her surroundings quickly. Then in a blur, she pulled off her boots, shirt, and breeches and ran for the water. Lachlan’s mouth fell open, and his treacherous cock jumped as he took in the curves the oversize boy’s clothing had hidden so well.

  Her head disappeared beneath the surface before he’d had time to register what the lass had just done. Was she insane? They were God knew where and she didn’t know any of his men. Who in their right mind would bathe naked near a band of strangers?

  When she emerged from the water, it was as if she had been transformed by a sprite. Her black tresses clung to her shoulders and back, and the water came just above her waist. She swam out farther, and he considered giving her privacy. But when she resurfaced, he thought better of it. She needed him for protection. What if some real stranger came along? Oh, damn, was she safe from him?

  It wouldn’t hurt to peek. To ensure no one was lurking about watching her, of course. Besides, she had invited his attentions by sneaking away.

  She turned about, her face no longer coated with grime, and he noticed for the first time how truly bonny she was. He had suspected her to be fair, but he stood mesmerized. She was lovelier than any lass he had ever seen.

  She put Aileen’s beauty to shame, but he had learned the hard way that looks meant nothing without trust, and Maggie had lied to him last night. She could use some lessons from Aileen, because she’d not even been able to look him in the eyes as she spoke.

  Just what he needed in his midst—another beautiful, devious woman. He chided himself and started to walk away when he noticed something floating in the river. A massive log glided downstream straight toward the lass, and she had no idea. Damn, he had to do something—he couldn’t be responsible for her becoming injured again. She was going to know he had been watching her, but if he didn’t warn her now, she wouldn’t be able to get out of the way in time.

  “Maggie!” he shouted as he ran toward the bank. She looked over at him, startled, then attempted to cover her bare shoulders by sinking down farther into the fast-moving water. A little late for modesty.

  “Och, can ye no give me some privacy?”

  “Ye have to move,” he yelled louder.

  “Go away,” she scowled.

  “Look behind ye, lass.” She turned and her eyes grew large, then she shrieked and started to wade toward him.

  She slipped on something and went under.


  Maggie burst up through the water and pushed toward the shore. She looked back to see if she had made any progress, but she was still in the path of the ominous-looking object rushing toward her.

  Just a little farther. Swimming would be faster than wading, and she leaned into the water and kicked, stroking faster than she ever had. She paddled right into Lachlan’s waiting arms, his body wrapping around hers as he pulled her closer to land. Her breath was ragged and shallow from the exertion, but the warmth of him chased away the chill of her fear.

  “Thank ye,” she rasped out before her senses came back to her. She had made it to safety. But had she? Flowing water continued to glide across her ankles, but the rest of her was naked and vulnerable with a man who only the day before had tried to kill her.

  “Are ye mad, lass?”
The disapproval in his voice caught her off guard. He was rigid, and she peered up to see a gaze that danced with flames. Och, he was fuming, but then his eyes softened and tone lightened. “Ye could have been hurt. Someone else might have found ye.”

  He then searched the shore, but the only thing she saw were thick trees standing sentinel and the vibrant violets of thorny thistle bushes dotting the bank. A flush ran through her—he had been watching her. Now her own blood heated with embarrassment. She started to pull away, then she changed her mind and quickly circled her arms around him. As soon as he let go of her and backed up, he would see her in a way no man ever had before. Why hadn’t she just washed her face and gone back to the camp?

  “Were ye spying on me?” She risked a glance up only to be met with his chin as he stared off in the distance.

  “I followed ye,” he stated smugly, with no hint of remorse.


  “I dinnae trust ye.” His head tilted down, and she was met with an unyielding stare.

  Aye, that stung. But she had not been honest with him. “That doesnae give ye the right to watch me while I bathe.” She pinned him with all the exasperation she could muster, because it was easier than to admit he’d wounded her pride.

  “I was concerned for yer safety.” His gaze softened.

  She’d bet he was.

  His arms stayed wrapped around her, and his hands were hot on her chilled skin. She turned her face down so that he wouldn’t see the blush she imagined crept up her cheeks. Chill bumps erupted on her arms and legs, and her breasts tingled as they pressed against his shirt.

  “We should get back,” he said, but his voice was deeper and strained. When she looked back up at him, he avoided her gaze. She could feel his heart beating fast—or was that her own? Or was he repulsed by her?

  “If ye let go, ye will see me,” she whispered. The words were hoarse and throaty, and she hardly recognized her own voice. Mayhap her head was still reeling from the blow yesterday, because her knees were suddenly weak and unresponsive to her command for them to move. Wobbly, as if she would fall any minute, and he was the only person who could catch her.

  “What if I want to see you?” he rumbled.

  She gasped, and something in her chest fluttered. His gaze had returned to her, and his eyes were dilated and glazed over. She’d seen the same look in her brothers’ eyes as they’d evaluated women—he was appraising her in the way a man would when he wanted to take a woman to bed. She looked away.

  His hand skimmed up her back and left a trail of sinful sparks in its wake. His fingers splayed through her wet hair and cradled the base of her skull. Chills ran through the length of her body as he pulled back on her head to force eye contact. His blue eyes were mesmerizing, and she imagined drowning in their watery depths. She moistened her dry lips with her tongue, and he groaned.

  “I’m going to kiss ye,” he warned as his mouth came crushing down on hers.

  Fire seared her. It was alarming but exciting at the same time. His tongue jutted out and delved into her mouth, and she gasped in surprise. It was totally unexpected and sent shivers down her spine. She tentatively reached out with her tongue and was instantly rewarded as he pulled her body in closer to his masculine frame. She was lost to the thrill of her first kiss.

  He pulled back and seared her with penetrating eyes, desire pulsating in his gaze. Without warning, his stare turned distant. What had she done? As if being near her made him uncomfortable, he moved away and spun around so quickly she almost lost her balance. He didn’t even try to get a view of her naked body.

  The loss of his heat made her shiver. His rejection stung, but that was all right, because she would never have let him into her heart. No man would ever take from her what her mother had given to her uncaring father.

  While he strode farther into the trees, Lachlan called over his shoulder, “Get dressed and return to camp. We need to be on our way.”

  As soon as he was out of sight, Maggie yanked on her clothes. The moldering smell of the dirty rags assailed her, but she had nothing else—these would have to do. Once she got to the convent, she would be trading them in for robes.

  Her fingers rose to trace her tingling, swollen lips. How would she manage in a confined place like that after Lachlan had awoken her to the enjoyment of a man’s touch? Her body still thrummed, and her knees were weak. His rebuff hurt more than she cared to admit.

  Aye, she’d been told her whole life she was a beauty, but mayhap all the men who asked for her hand were only interested in alliances and hadn’t been honest. She had hoped some of them might have seen her for herself as a woman, but now she doubted all their words.

  She plopped down to pull on her shoes.

  I amnae completely naive. Need had shown in Lachlan’s eyes, and for a motherent he’d lost himself in her, but he must have decided he had nothing to gain and had pulled back—she wouldn’t further his position, so she was useless. With a curse, she picked up a stone and threw it into the water.

  The corners of her mouth turned up as a thought bloomed. Why not lie with him while she still had an opportunity? Her body had never reacted so strongly to a man, and she wanted to experience the pleasure her mother had told her of before she gave her life to God. He would be perfect. He wanted nothing but to get rid of her, so didn’t that make him the best kind of bed partner? And if she slept with Lachlan, should Conall catch up to her, mayhap he wouldn’t want her, as she wouldn’t be pure. Another reason to invite Lachlan into her bed.

  But he’d pushed her away. Men seemed so fickle, with their affections and moods that changed as often as the weather.

  ’Twas better this way. She seemed to so easily lose her mind around Lachlan, which could get her into more trouble than she could handle. Her only goal should be getting to the convent as quickly as possible, although she needed him on her side to keep her safe from Conall.


  Lachlan cursed himself as he stomped back to the camp. Maggie was a siren, and he had been trapped in her spell. Her beauty had bewitched him, and what was worse, he had allowed her seduction even knowing she was lying to him. Damn, it was Aileen all over, only more disastrous, as his body yearned for Maggie in a way it never had for Aileen. He had to stay away from her, because he couldn’t go through the pain and humiliation again. He didn’t even know who she was. Och, he was a fool.

  He readjusted his cock. It was still stiff as stone and ached with a throbbing need for release. If he’d not come to his senses, he might have taken her standing at the edge of the water. In fact, his cock begged him to go back and do so now, but his head disagreed. What was he going to do?

  If she stayed with his clan, he wasn’t sure he would be able to resist those blue eyes and the full lips that had so eagerly parted to let him in. There was only so much temptation he could resist. Maggie had to go before he made more mistakes he would regret. Currently, she was untouched and her family could make a good match for her, but he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off her for long. The faster she was sent home, the sooner he would come back to his senses.

  She must be a spy of some sort. Why else would she have appeared when she did, to save them and gain the confidence of him and his men? And she had shown an unusual interest in Robbie. If she were one of Conall’s spies, the boy could be in danger.

  Once she had fallen asleep, he had checked her bag for weapons and not found anything inside that appeared dangerous. But poison was a woman’s weapon, and he didn’t have the knowledge to analyze all the herbs and small bottles of liquid she had tucked away. He would have to watch her closely when she mixed up whatever concoctions she was making.

  Shaking his head, he knew he couldn’t fault the men for the appreciative glances aimed her way when she returned to the clearing. Her midnight-colored hair was down, still wet and clinging to her as she swayed seductively into their midst. Her shirt was slick with water from her swim and hugged her body, showing off her curves. He had held those curv
es in his hands and wanted to again, but she might be the enemy. Every eye was on her, but she didn’t notice, because she fixated on him. His groin tightened at the thought, but he quickly squashed down the lust.

  Mouths watering, his men gaped. Judging from their reaction to her, there was not a chance in hell he could keep them away if he didn’t secure her by his side. His fists clenched and urged him to knock sense into them. Although Lachlan was hesitant to be near this bonny but dishonest female, if he did not keep her close, one of his men would take her and might spill all the clan’s secrets—something he could not allow, given the letter in his possession. Spy or not, she was his.

  No one else would lay their hands on the pale flesh he could still feel under his fingertips. Still tasting her on his tongue, honey and innocence, he growled as his men continued to ogle her. Damn, why did she have to be so comely?

  Maggie looked at him with penetrating sapphire eyes that beckoned him to touch and taste her. They seared him and heated his blood. If he didn’t know any better, he would think she wanted him, that she was skilled in the art of seduction. That couldn’t be true. The way she trembled in his arms spoke of someone terrified of being in a vulnerable position with another. She had returned his kiss in the water, but it was unskilled, leading him to believe she had never been kissed before.

  Spy or innocent, he was guided by his values and honor to protect her until she could be returned safely. Especially after his rough treatment of her—faint bruises marked her neck where he had nearly… God, he did not want to think about what he had nearly done to her.

  A male form swaggered toward her, and Lachlan’s shoulders tensed. As Finlay, the shyest man of his group, blushed and drooled over Maggie when he held out a trencher filled with cheese and bread, Lachlan found his own breathing deepen and his chest tighter. She accepted the proffered plate and smiled at his cousin. Her eyes lit, and Finlay reached out to pat her arm as Lachlan ground his teeth. Bashful or no’, the man would be one of the group he sent to find her clan.


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