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Taking Control

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “That’s it, baby, suck it hard,” he growled, encouraging her with his words.

  Her pussy pulsed with every word he spoke, the faked orgasm from the night before forgotten in the heat of the moment. Her body shook, quivered and pulsed with pent up desire. She’d never tried this without a push and now she wanted it all. She wanted to taste him on her tongue to take everything he had to offer and more. Melissa wanted to give Bruce everything he desired. She wanted to feel his cum shooting down her throat, so naughty and wicked.

  “Ahh, that’s it, I’m gonna cum sweetheart. Do you want that? You’re going to swallow my cum?” He asked her.

  Melissa nodded, moaning around his cock. She wanted it, she wanted everything he had to offer. With one final thrust the surge of his cock in her mouth pulsed releasing a load of cum shooting to the back of her throat. She could do little more than swallow every delicious drop.

  “Good girl.” Bruce stroked her head, his voice husky and satisfied. Melissa could see the pleasure in his eyes.

  She rubbed her face against his smooth thigh, sighing in contentment. Happy and pleased, she’d given her husband pleasure.

  “Well, well, well. That was definitely one of the best ways to start the morning,” a deep voice interrupted the moment.

  Melissa gasped and flew to her feet, snatching her wrap from the floor and burying herself inside it. Heat suffused her cheeks and her whole body trembled. Although she wanted it, Melissa was embarrassed at being caught. Embarrassed, yet turned on at the thought Chris, her husband’s best friend, had seen and watched what they were doing.

  Had he enjoyed what he’d seen?

  Completely confused and embarrassed about her thoughts, she left the room as fast as she could. She couldn’t deal with this, not yet.


  Bruce turned to his friend with a smile on his face. “You ever heard of knocking?” he asked as he put his cock back into his pants, zipping them up in the process.

  “I never expected to see you and Melissa doing the dirty in the kitchen,” Chris said.

  “Last night was the last straw.” He filled the pot with more coffee so there was plenty for his friend, knowing Melissa would try and stay in their bedroom for as long as possible. “She faked it last night,” Bruce admitted.

  “I thought you said she didn’t like to blow you?” Chris said. Bruce knew what Chris meant. Bruce could only imagine the sight Chris met as he walked into their usually placid home. Melissa was always calm and conservative. Bruce would have loved to have seen her completely lost, to see Melissa so taken, so fuelled with passion.

  Deep down Melissa was a sensual woman, Bruce knew that but sadly, Melissa didn’t. Bruce acknowledged that for once, Chris and his advice seemed to have come in handy.

  “Until this morning I gave her a choice. Today there was no choice. I told her to suck me and she loved it.” With the memory of her lips wrapped around his cock still clear in his mind, his cock began to stir in his pants. His wife could definitely suck cock, her little biting and nibbling a big turn on. He looked forward to changing the innocence within her. He filled two cups and moved to the table, sitting opposite Chris.

  “I think it worked. You were both completely gone.”

  “How long were you watching?” Bruce asked with a knowing smile. Chris loved to watch.

  “You were up against the counter when I first came in,” Chris replied. Bruce knew what his friend saw. Melissa exposed, her pussy lips creamy, flushed, begging for her husband’s cock. Instead of sitting talking to Chris, Bruce wanted to be sinking into her tight channel again. Was Chris feeling the same way?

  “Will you get me the supplies?” Bruce asked, knowing Chris understood. Bruce needed a few good sex toys given he planned to show Melissa everything.

  “I phoned them through while you were fucking Melissa,” Chris told him.

  “I want you to be ready, too” Bruce told him.

  “Ready for what?”

  “Ready to help me fuck my wife, to give her complete, absolute pleasure. I want her to accept all the kinds of pleasure open to her and know that she can trust me.” Bruce watched the arousal intensify in his friends eyes. Chris would be the perfect man to help him bring out Melissa’s sexual side.

  “I’ll keep my phone with me at all times.”

  Bruce nodded, planning their next move in his mind. Half an hour later, Melissa came down, keeping her eyes averted from Chris. A blush remained stained to her cheeks.

  Chapter Two

  Melissa kept glancing out the window, wishing for anything to do but think about where Bruce had taken her this morning. Her pussy creamed at the thought of how domineering he’d been. Of how he’d fucked her, not made love delicately, but fucked her hard and rough. Bruce was in control, telling her what to do. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. In fact, she couldn’t remember a time when her thoughts were so consumed with sex. Even in the early days with Bruce, sex had been wonderfully nice, but it never consumed every waking thought.

  She was obsessed.

  If her mother could see her now, Melissa would be in serious trouble. The sudden thought of her mother was like an ice cold shower. They’d never had the best relationship. The hatred inside Melissa had been close to consuming her until Bruce came and took her away. Bruce was the one who showed her love, life and freedom.

  Feeling the familiar spiral of depression, Melissa welcomed the ringing of the telephone, anything to direct her thoughts elsewhere and stop the vicious circle her mother created.

  “Hello.” She spoke clear and confident, praying it wasn’t her mother. She wished she had the guts to tell the woman to leave her alone.

  “I want to fuck you,” Bruce said.

  Melissa gasped in shock, all thoughts of her mother disappearing as the voice on the other end of the line took centre stage in her thoughts. Never before had a conversation started out like this and her trying to stem the flow of arousal was now useless. Bruce and sex devoured her thoughts. She welcomed the relief.


  “I want to lick your pussy until it’s creamy and your juices drip onto my tongue. I want to spread your legs wide, I want you to watch as I fuck you, sliding my cock in and out of your pussy. Fucking you so hard and deep, you’re screaming for me to fuck you harder and faster.” Melissa listened to him talk, rolling off each of the deliciously sinful things he wanted to do. Her hand went to the hem of her skirt, lifting it up, her actions almost natural. A compulsion. “You’re about to play with yourself? I can hear your skirt rustling. Are your hands shaking?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she moaned, listening to him. Bruce knew her so well. He knew her better than she knew herself. Her fingers ran beneath her panties and over her plump, wet lips. “Stop.” His harsh command shocked her and stilled her hand.

  Melissa moaned into the phone. Why would he make her stop?

  “I said stop,” he growled, his tone leaving no room for argument.

  Melissa stopped what she was doing, moving her hand to her side, her desire so great, she was tempted to sit on her own hand.

  “I’m going to tell you what I want you to do. You will follow these instructions clearly or you’ll face a punishment when I get home. Are you ready for your instructions?”

  “Yes, I’m ready.” Melissa was more than ready.

  “I want you to come to my office for lunch. And take those ridiculous panties off. I want to see you flush and naked wear nothing but a jacket. I want to see those gorgeous legs. Do you understand?” he asked.

  “You want me naked. All of me?”

  “Yes, baby. I want you naked and wet for me.”

  “I’ll be ready,” she agreed.


  Melissa looked at the phone. He’d hung up. Her breasts were big and blushing, so sensitive rubbing against her cotton top. Without a moment of hesitation, Melissa rushed to her bedroom, taking her clothes off and her horrible panties which she decided to throw straight into the garb
age. She put on a coat and left the house immediately. Melissa wanted to know what Bruce had planned for her and she couldn’t give herself time to change her mind.

  Realizing she didn’t want to get stopped by the police wearing nothing more than a coat, Melissa tried very hard to obey the posted speed limits. The idea of being completely naked beneath the scratchy fabric appealed to her where Bruce was concerned, but not with a stranger. It took her twenty minutes to get to his office building but it felt like hours. Moisture dripped between her legs and she tried to get out of her car as lady like as she could but it didn’t matter. She was sure she’d flashed someone, somewhere. Walking as fast as her legs could carry her, she smiled at the few people she encountered until she opened her husband's office door. Seeing Bruce behind his desk, she turned and locked the door.


  Bruce watched her lock the door. Melissa looked so flustered and demented, his little willing sex slave. He could see the lovely length of her legs peeking from beneath the hem of her coat. His cock sprang to life and then an idea came to him. So far Melissa had been doing as she was told. He wondered how far he could push her.

  “Did I tell you to lock the door?” he asked. He watched as she hesitated, unsure what to do as she stayed still by the door.

  “Unlock the door,” he told her.

  “But people...” She began to argue with him.

  “I said unlock the door,” Bruce cur her off, waiting until she flicked the lock open. “Come here.” His cock was so frigging hard. Watching her do everything he instructed was such a turn on.

  Bruce watched her walk to his desk, her legs exposed for him. The coat would gap a little as she moved, giving him a tantalizing view of what he'd find underneath. He hoped she had nothing on. Hoped she trusted him enough. He'd never do anything to hurt her.

  “Drop the jacket,” he ordered.

  The jacket fell to the floor.

  His cock pulsed, a drop of pre-cum wetting his pants. His Melissa, his adorable, shy wife, stood gloriously naked before him. Her body was one for him to worship.

  “Open your legs wide,” he instructed as she stood near his desk. Bruce leaned back pressing his fingers together, looking calm and relaxed.

  Her compliance shocked him and he loved the trust she was showing him. Bruce pointed for her to come and stand by his chair and Melissa moved slowly round his desk until she stood by his side. Bruce turned in his chair, running his hands along her ass, moving between her legs. Melissa was so fucking beautiful.

  Getting up out of his chair, he picked her up and sat her in front of him on his desk, opening her legs wider, her flesh open for his eyes alone. She had a such a pretty cunt, swollen, fresh and juicy. Her hair nicely trimmed, she knew how to take care of herself and now Bruce was going to show her how he could take care of her as well.

  “You’re so beautiful. I’ve been thinking about you all morning. I started to get hungry and I wondered what I wanted for lunch then I realized I wanted your pussy.” His thumb stroked her centre. “I’m going to lick your pussy till you’re screaming and begging for me to fuck you then I’m going to do just that on my desk. When you scream, anyone will be able to hear you.”

  “Tell me to suck your pussy,” he told her.

  “Bruce?” she asked nervously, seemingly unsure.

  “I love you, Melissa, so completely. I love everything about you. You’re a passionate woman and this is right, we both want this, we both need this. This is about me and you,” he reassured her.

  “Lick my pussy, Bruce,” she asked, her voice shaking ever so slightly.

  Bruce watched the persistence in her eyes, the spark of angry arousal laced with determination to have what she wanted and enjoy it. He was so proud of her. He loved her more now than ever. Melissa was finally fighting for what she wanted, proving her love by being exactly who she was supposed to be. Confident and loving, she was taking what she wanted and accepting what he could give.

  “I love you so much,” he told her.

  His tongue licked from her entrance all the way up to her clit, circling around the puffy tissue. She tasted so sweet and juicy, like a ripe peach.

  “Oh God, Bruce, suck my clit harder.” She grabbed a fistful of his hair, rubbing her cunt against his lips.

  Bruce worked his finger inside her, her vagina so tight he teased her with his fingers getting her pussy to stretch around him, her juices flowing out of her and onto his hand.


  Melissa gasped as he fucked her with his fingers. She was so turned on, her body tense, aching with the need to cum. Her body begged her for more, harder, deeper. This is what she needed, the intense, the unknown. She couldn’t believe last night she’d

  faked her orgasm and this morning she’d cum all over her husband’s cock while he fucked her against their kitchen counter. Then she sucked his cock with both of their cum dripping from his still hard shaft.

  Her orgasm was building, her body getting tighter, her pussy tightening, the pleasure consuming her.

  “I’m going to cum,” she cried seconds before her entire body convulsed, her creamy essence seeping out of her cunt into Bruce’s waiting mouth. Melissa couldn’t stop the intensity or her screaming. She needed him so much.

  “You taste so beautiful. Best lunch I’ve ever had,” he told her, standing up. He unzipped his jeans, his cock springing out, hard and thick and slick. Bruce growled as he stood looking down at her spread out on his desk.


  Bruce was so hot his cock felt like it was going to explode. One of his fantasies come true, his wife was naked, legs spread, waiting to be fucked on his desk, her eyes begging for him, her legs shaking but opening wider so he could see all of her, see everything glistening with her cum.

  “You look so tempting, my wife, ready and waiting to be fucked.” He slid his cock over her pussy, hearing her moan, watching her cunt cream as he worked his cock over her pulsing clit. Sliding his cock to her entrance, he looked up into her eyes, seeing them flare and widen and then he looked down at where they were connected.

  “You want my cock?” he asked.

  Melissa nodded, her head moving with apparent desperation. He teased her, sliding inside her ever so gently for a few more strokes, loving her reaction. When she was completely distracted by his teasing, he thrust hard into her pussy and she screamed her pleasure. Pleasure poured out of her body, open and ready for him, her huge breasts heaving with her breaths, her stomach quivering with need.

  “Please, Bruce,” she begged her voice croaky, needy.

  “You want me, baby?”

  “Fuck me, Bruce. Fuck me hard!” She screamed as he took over, thrusting inside her tight channel. He gave her everything, not leaving her a moment to think about what she was doing or who could hear.


  Melissa forgot the world beyond her husband and the fact he was fucking her hard and fast on his office desk.

  “Watch us, baby. Watch me fuck you,” he demanded.

  Entranced, she followed his eyes, his hard cock gliding smoothly in and out of her creamy cunt. He was covered and dripping from her juices. She should be embarrassed, she usually was embarrassed, but right now she fucking loved it. The feelings he created, the passion so intense and powerful. Between the freedom to feel and do whatever she wanted and knowing he wasn’t disgusted by her, Melissa was on fire. She screamed, thrusting up harder against his cock, her body taking over completely.

  Melissa couldn’t believe how amazing and liberating it was embracing her own desires. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt before in her life. Melissa wanted to be dirty, to have her husband go crazy from the sight of her. Pushing and grinding on his hard cock, Melissa panted with renewed excitement. The desire to have him climax inside her, to be able to surround his cock while he pulsed deep inside, was driving her to the edge. Melissa looked down to watch as Bruce’s cock disappeared between her pussy and one look was all it took. She heard his growl of release fill the roo
m moments before she felt his seed shoot deep into her pussy as she convulsed around him.

  Perspiration covered them both.

  “I love you, Bruce,” she told him, emotion filling her voice. He looked up. “I love you too, Melissa. You're my world.” He held her in his arms, stroking her hair.

  Melissa had never felt so loved in all her life.

  Bruce helped her dress and she enjoyed the loving touches and slight caresses as he did so. Melissa would love and care for him no matter what.

  “I’ll be home in time for dinner,” he said.

  She nodded, not wanting to say anything. For the first time in her life, she’d let go with all abandon on her husband’s desk with the door unlocked and instead of feeling terrified and embarrassed, Melissa felt free. Bruce didn’t look at her with disgust but intense lust and love. He accepted her. It was the greatest feeling she’d ever experienced.

  Chapter Three

  Bruce worked as fast as he could, hoping to get everything finished so he could get home as quickly as possible. His mind however, kept wandering to this afternoon, seeing Melissa naked and spread across his desk. She was so beautiful, so full of passion, his cock throbbed, begging for him to relieve himself. Bruce gently stroked himself through his trousers but stopped after a few seconds. He didn’t want release from his own hand. Bruce wanted the warm, tempting body of his wife.

  At five o’clock he decided to give up. Work could wait until after the weekend. He would spend it all with his wife, exploring their new found heat with each other. Chris walked in just as he was finishing gathering his things.


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