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Falling for Love

Page 13

by Addison M. Conley

  “Sis, another piece of cake?”

  “No, thank you, Carter, but I think Gerry could use a big piece.” Smeared all over his face, Jordan thought as she glowered in Gerry’s direction.

  Emmy leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Let it go. It’s not worth it, and he hasn’t a clue.”

  Carter continued to divert the conversation. “You know, Mom, this dinner was the best, and I am so happy for the two of you. Let’s have another toast.” He picked up his coffee cup. “Oops, we need more coffee too. Angie, why don’t you help me?” He jabbered away about the upcoming basketball season as he poured. Thank God, it worked.

  Eventually, things died down, and the night drew to a close. Emmy nudged Jordan and whispered in her ear, “Be nice. Wipe that look of shock off your face. Their bliss is no different than us deserving happiness.”

  Jordan swallowed. Emmy was right. They were the last to leave. Jordan finally broke into a big smile and hugged them both tight. “I wish you both all the best. You surprised me. Dave, you seem like a great guy, and I know Mom has excellent judgment in people, so welcome to the family.” She stuck her hand out for a shake, but he grabbed her and drew her in for a bear hug.

  “Your mom will always be your mom, and you kids will always come first.” He pulled Jordan away at arm’s length with his hand gently on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll treat her right. This woman deserves the utmost love and respect.”


  Outside, Jordan handed Emmy the keys. “Please, drive. My brain is fuzzy, and I’m beat.”

  Jordan was quiet most of the way home. Emmy occasionally reached out to squeeze her leg.

  Finally, Jordan spoke. “I’m happy for her. I am. I had no freaking clue. And…I admit it’s my mother. They’re both adults, and it’s none of my business, but the idea of my mom…you know.”

  Emmy laughed. “Yes. You know human beings are never too old to enjoy a happy and healthy sex life. I’m sure everyone would be talking if they had flaunted their courting. They both strike me as private people. I’m sure they wanted to enjoy each other’s company without everyone gossiping and judging. Just like we want to explore our relationship in private.”

  “Yeah, I know.” She let out a huff. “And Gerry was his usual ass.”

  “Yes. When are you planning on getting barefoot and pregnant?”

  “Christ, that’s all he thinks about. It’s like I’m nothing without a man to take care of me.”

  “He’s not going to change. Smile and ignore him. It’s your life.”

  “I try, but it’s so uncomfortable around him. I hate it when he’s preaching his brand. If it wasn’t for Grammy and Poppa and Carter, I’d probably have killed him before now. Mom’s too soft on him, but that’s another story.”

  They rode in silence a little longer. “You’re good with your nieces and nephews. How do you feel about children?” Emmy asked.

  Without warning, Emmy slammed on the brakes. They weren’t going fast, only about thirty-five mph down the backwoods county road. The headlights shone on three does and two fawns off to the side and dangerously close to the road. The deer stared at them as if to scold Jordan and Emmy for interrupting their evening before moseying across. Finally, their white tails pointed up, and they dashed into the meadow.

  “Sorry. I figured you wouldn’t want your new SUV to hit another deer. I caught them out of the corner of my eye.”

  Jordan’s pulse was up a few notches. “Yeah. Beautiful creatures. Too damn bad they aim for my vehicle all the time.”

  Emmy pulled over on the shoulder and put the vehicle in park. Her movements were slow. She unbuckled her seat belt then Jordan’s.

  “When Becca and I were talking the other day, she asked me about children.”

  Jordan furrowed her eyebrows. “I don’t follow.”

  “She bluntly pointed out that there might be issues between you and me.”

  “Now, I’m lost.”

  “I know our relationship is new, but you’re young enough to have a child. Have you ever wanted to start a family?”

  Jordan’s eyes popped. “Whoa! Didn’t see that coming. I’ve had almost one heart attack tonight. Are you pushing me off the edge?”

  “It’s a question couples discuss. That’s all. Jordan, I care for you. Deeply. I want to be your girlfriend. Not in the closet. Out and proud.”

  “I’m serious. I’m going to do it next month. No more hiding, I promise, but let’s get back to this family question thingy because I’m a little confused. Is this a condition for us to become official?”

  “No. I’ve seen what it’s done to Becca and Olivia and thought we should talk. Before my heart gets totally overcharged, I want to know if starting a family is important to you. Pushing the topic off until later—”

  “So, you think I want to have a baby?”

  “Do you? Ever?”

  Jordan puffed up her cheeks and blew out the air. “I thought about it once, a long time ago, but I enjoy my freedom too much. Even if I was out, I’m not sure dragging a kid through the bullying from others would be fair. And, I don’t relish the idea of my body going through all the hormonal changes let alone the physical stretching and God knows what.” She paused and swallowed. “Yet the more the years roll past, the answer looks like a firmer yes.” Jordan looked out the side window so Emmy could not see her face. When she couldn’t take Emmy’s silence anymore, she snickered. “Yes, I’ve thought long and hard. About getting a four-legged baby or two.” Cracking a smile, she leaned over and cupped Emmy’s face. “That’s as far as I’d go. Would you agree to a puppy? And only a puppy.”

  Emmy smacked her leg. “You freaking had me on edge there.”

  Jordan gave her a toe-tingling kiss. “So, what’s your answer?”

  “Yes, but let’s see how we handle the first puppy before considering a second.”

  “Agreed. Now let’s get home and start a fire. It’s freezing.”

  “Hmm. Like the sound of that. Home.”

  When they pulled into the driveway, it started snowing again.

  “Oh my God, not again. I move to America and all it does is snow.”

  Jordan glanced at the weather app on her phone as Emmy opened the garage and parked the Forester. She burst out laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “We’re supposed to get three to six inches.”

  Emmy looked stunned. “Bollocks. No way. That’s crazy.”

  Jordan shook her head as her grin grew wicked. “So, doesn’t look like you’re heading back to Betty Jean’s tonight.”

  “Let me see that.”

  When Emmy started to grab the phone, Jordan held it away and started to kiss Emmy’s neck.

  “Oh, you know how to drive me crazy. What else do you intend to do to me?” she said in a frisky tone.

  “I will be sure to wear you out first, and tomorrow we can make room in the closet for your clothes.”

  Emmy pulled Jordan’s face inches from hers. “Are you asking me to move in?”

  “Yes. Well, as many nights that you can spend without Betty Jean complaining.” Jordan rubbed their noses together before putting a peck on the tip. “You make me deliriously happy. Please say yes.”

  “Positively yes. Now, let’s go inside. I need wine and cuddling. Tomorrow we can rearrange my closet.”

  It took a second for Jordan to hear the words. “Your closet?”

  Emmy chuckled. “Our closet. God, I can’t resist teasing you, but I’ve got an idea.”


  “The one who falls asleep first tonight loses and gets less closet space.”

  “You’re on.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The morning light crept in through the crack of the drapes as they lay on their sides facing one another under a pile of soft blankets. Emmy’s hand drew lazy circles up and down Jordan’s arm.

  “Open your eyes and snuggle with me.”

  Jordan opened one eye. “You spent every l
ast drop of my energy last night. And, I’m not asleep. I’m relaxing and in deep thought.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  Jordan sat up. “I was thinking about a friend back in Spain. He was out, loud, and proud. A guy who never had an unkind word to say about anyone. He said I would find strength and my voice when the time was right. He also said that if I hesitated out of fear for too long, life would slip by. I’m not going to lose you, Emmy. You mean so much to me.” She rolled on top of Emmy and nuzzled her neck. Jordan’s hand wandered down Emmy’s silky skin.

  “That tickles.”

  Jordan laid kisses from her forehead down her body. “So soft.”

  “Feels good but this morning breath has to go, and it might be more fun with a little bathing foreplay.” Emmy ran her fingers through Jordan’s hair. “Come, take a long hot shower with me, and I’ll make it worth your effort.”

  Jordan bolted out of bed. After brushing teeth, they cuddled under the rain can.

  “Let’s take it nice and slow,” Emmy moaned.

  With the warm water rushing over them and the steam rising, they bathed one another, kissing and nipping every little spot with soft strokes as they lathered. Emmy inched it up a notch by gradually opening Jordan’s legs and soothingly rubbed the delicate folds. The smell of orange, white musk, and vanilla in the shower gel mixed with the scent of sex.

  Jordan replied through small gasps, “Don’t stop.”

  The massage drove Jordan close to the brink, and her hands roamed down squeezing Emmy’s ass. Her tongue darted in and out of Emmy’s mouth.

  Unable to take it any longer, Jordan groaned, “More.”

  Emmy turned off the shower. “I want you in bed, now.”

  They dripped water on the hardwood floor along the way. Jordan didn’t care. Her body’s temperature and pulse were escalating, her body tingled, and Emmy’s scent filled her. It was more than the smell of mouthwash and shower gel; it was sweet, and she could taste it in her kisses.

  “Lie back. Let me pleasure you,” Emmy whispered.

  Her mouth lavished Jordan’s body. Her fingers delicately roamed, unleashing a firestorm within Jordon on every spot she touched.

  “Please,” Jordan shouted.

  There were no more words, only moans as Emmy moved down to her core and took her hard and fast. A couple of fingers adeptly found Jordan’s G-spot, lightly applying pressure in small strokes as Emmy’s tongue nibbled Jordan’s upper body. Her nimble fingers began to move faster and deeper, and Jordan arched to meet every stroke.

  Emmy continued to pump Jordan, but the luscious assault of her mouth stopped, and she whispered, “Open your eyes. Look at me. I want to see you when you come.”

  Jordan’s heart thumped more as they locked eyes. She saw a look of desire, contentment, and love on Emmy’s face. Emmy’s hands thrust deeper, and Jordan quivered, unable to look away even as she cried out moments later when several waves crashed through her. Emmy did not stop as Jordan’s muscles tightened around fingers with each crescendo. Jordan’s eyes fluttered for a second.

  “Focus on me, sweetie.”

  Jordan again concentrated on Emmy’s eyes as she writhed about. The look of satisfaction on Emmy’s face pushed her over the final peak. When she felt her body go limp, Emmy slowly withdrew her hand. They maintained eye contact. Finally, Emmy kissed each breast and her mouth before leaning upward on one elbow.

  “Did I start your morning okay?”

  Swallowing and willing her breath to slow more, Jordan had never loved Emmy’s eyes as much as she did right then. They twinkled from the delightful ravage she had completed. “You’re welcome to start my morning like that any time you please,” Jordan said. She felt the gentle caress as Emmy’s fingers moved from her stomach and rested on her chest.

  “Your heart’s still pounding,” Emmy murmured.

  “I hope you don’t expect me to move anytime soon because you’ve drained my energy again.”

  “I thoroughly enjoyed being the source of your happiness, but this time, I’ll relax you.”

  Emmy’s fingers worked magic as they moved to massage circles in Jordan’s scalp and occasionally to rub her shoulders and back of her neck. Soon Jordan felt her entire body ease into a slower rhythm. She also relished in the softness of Emmy’s body lying partially on top of her.

  “What in the world did I ever do to deserve you?”

  “You’re pretty amazing yourself,” Emmy whispered into her ear. “Thank you for opening your eyes during sex. You know, they are the window to the soul and display more than lust.” Emmy rubbed the delicate cheekbone below Jordan’s eye with the thumb of her free hand. “There are scientific sexuality studies on how humans express themselves through their eyes. Did you know our pupils dilate during climax? At that moment, you gave yourself to me in complete trust. In fact, I believe it was your eyes that first revealed your interest in me.”

  “Ah-ha. You’re after my eyes and body. What about my intellect?”

  “Yes. Love the whole package, but it’s the eyes that never lie.”


  They made love again as morning blazed on. Afterward, they spoke of the future. They were happy.

  Midmorning, Jordan rose to cook breakfast. Emmy listened to her humming and watched her beat eggs, vanilla, and cinnamon together. As Jordan dipped the bread in the mixture and laid it onto the griddle, Emmy snatched a few berries from the nearby bowl.

  “Silly, you’re going to eat all the fruit. French toast isn’t as good without the berries.”

  Emmy put one large one between her teeth, leaned in, and Jordan’s mouth opened.

  “See, I share.” Emmy then cradled Jordan from behind.

  “I love hugs, but it’s hard to cook when you’re wrapped around me so tight.”

  “Umm. I don’t want to let you go.”

  Jordan flipped the toast, and without warning, she stopped and her muscles tensed. After a couple of seconds, Emmy spun her around.

  “What’s wrong?” She saw a look of terror on Jordan’s face. Jordan didn’t answer. It was like she was frozen. Emmy heard a low hum and felt a vibration. Then there was a loud scraping noise.

  Jordan swallowed, put down the spatula, and looked at the floor. “It’s a snow plow.”

  The roar of the truck and the scraping grew louder. Emmy didn’t recognize the woman in front of her. The laughter was gone, her face was ashen, and she wasn’t looking her in the eyes.

  “Who’s plowing your drive?”

  “It’s got to be my brother Carter. Let’s get dressed. I don’t want him to see us in robes.”

  Emmy’s body tightened as Jordan grabbed her by the hand and dragged them into the bedroom. Jordan frantically picked up their dispersed clothes off the floor and opened the armoire. She tossed clean clothes at Emmy. “Put these on.”

  Emmy loved the happy Jordan who accepted herself. The happy Jordan she made plans with. She didn’t like who she saw now. The smell of something burning interrupted her thoughts.

  Jordan finished pulling a sweater over her head. “What are you waiting for? Get dressed.”

  “The French toast. Did you forget?”

  “Oh, shit! It’s burning.”

  “How perceptive,” Emmy said with disdain.

  “Please just get dressed,” Jordan shouted over her shoulder.


  Jordan heard the honk as Carter finished. The thumping of his footsteps on the stairs. The knock on the door. The ear-splitting ding ding ding of the bell when she didn’t immediately answer. God, she wished she had never hung that cast iron bell. Carter was the last one she should be worried about. Still, Jordan felt like every valve in her heart was going to erupt and could hear and feel the rush of blood through her veins. She took three deep breaths.

  “I’m coming. Hold your horses.” She opened the door hoping she didn’t look as ghastly as she felt.

  “Hi, sis. I was wondering if you could cook up one of your famous omelets for you
r hungry little brother.” At six foot two inches, he towered over his tall sister. “Didn’t mean to disturb your peaceful morning.”

  She forced an embrace and smile and ushered him in.

  He wrinkled his nose. “What’s the burnt smell?”

  “I got preoccupied with something and burnt some French toast. Coffee?” She rarely botched a meal and certainly, never anything easy like French toast.

  “That’d be great. Mine went lukewarm a couple of hours ago.”

  “What drags you out so early?” she muttered.

  “I’m plowing for the county for some extra cash. Been out nearly six hours. Can I have hash browns, bacon, and toast too?” he asked, begging with puppy dog eyes.


  Jordan laid out three plates and poured three small glasses of orange juice. It was an awkward moment without an explanation. She didn’t know what to say. He picked up his cup and looked a couple of times between the place settings and her. Then his face turned bright red.

  “Sorry. Looks like I barged in on something.”

  Jordan’s face grew warm. They both tended to blush, but Carter’s skin tone was lighter than hers. He resembled the European Spanish side of grandfather Simón while Jordan had the slightly darker Costa Rican side of grandmother Simón. So for him to turn so deep only twisted her gut more.

  “Ah…no worries.” Jordan stiffly replied.

  Emmy entered the kitchen and gave Carter a hug. “Nice to see you again.”


  In a stilled voice, Jordan asked, “What do you want in your omelet?” She insisted they sit and enjoy themselves by the fire while she cooked.

  Carter took the suggestion. Jordan stole glimpses from the kitchen. Thank God, he relaxed as Emmy chatted and laughed. Everything was normal but Jordan’s behavior. Even when she called them for breakfast, she still could not shake the feeling. It was like she had two separate bodies and brains. Each contending for the fight-or-flight nerves to take over. She was cooking on autopilot. It wasn’t her best but not as bad as the French toast. At least, it didn’t look bad. She couldn’t remember if she used seasoning.


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