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Falling for Love

Page 16

by Addison M. Conley

  They laughed and twirled until Emmy shouted, “Stop, silly. I’m dizzy.” Jordan gently put her down, and they both stumbled a bit. “Goofball, you’re even dizzy. Luckily, we didn’t end up on our arse.”

  Jordan smirked. “Oh, I think I can make that happen. I’m quite talented in that department.”

  Emmy swatted her arm. “Good thing I like how you think. Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  After returning from Washington DC late Sunday, Betty Jean insisted Emmy spend time at her house for the next several days. They cleaned the house top to bottom and Betty Jean told old family stories along with showing Emmy photos she had not previously seen. Tonight, Betty Jean had invited Jordan for dinner.

  Emmy shivered with delight when the doorbell rang. She opened the door and grabbed Jordan, laying a big kiss on her.

  Betty Jean cleared her throat. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Emmy, let her in and close the damn door before we all catch our death.”

  Jordan handed over a bag. “Dessert. You might want to put it in the fridge to chill.” She hung up her own coat while Emmy went off to the kitchen.

  “Thank you for inviting me.” She leaned over and hugged Betty Jean who patted her cheek with a devious smirk.

  “Good to see you. I was worried. You two spend so much time together, I figured you’d been hijacked by aliens. Now sit your weary bones down. It’s Wednesday movie night.”

  As Emmy correctly predicted, Betty Jean’s favorite, Casablanca, started to play. Popcorn bowls and water were already on the table in front of them.

  Shortly after the movie began, Betty Jean hit the pause button and looked over at them with a frown. “Are you two going to sit like bumps on a log when this is the most romantic movie of all times? You’re making me uptight. At least scoot closer together and hold hands. Relax and enjoy.”

  Betty Jean was never one for mincing words. Emmy snickered and cuddled into Jordan’s neck and laced their fingers together. Jordan wrapped her arms around Emmy and kissed the top of her head.

  Betty Jean smiled. “That’s better.”

  When the movie ended, Betty Jean’s eyes were moist.

  Emmy rushed to her side. “What’s wrong Auntie?”

  “It’s been nice to have you around, and I promise not to be demanding after tonight.” She patted Emmy’s hand. “To tell the truth, I hope you don’t move to DC. You should live here. I’m sure Jordan would agree with me.”

  “Actually, the DC job is not going to work out. For better or worse, it looks like this town is stuck with me for the time being.”

  Betty Jean blew her nose. “Are you spending the night?”

  “Of course—”

  “Yes, dear. I was talking about Jordan. Now, what time should I wake you two for breakfast?” She cracked a grin.

  Jordan tried to make an excuse and pointed out she had no change of clothes or pajamas. Emmy’s heart fluttered as she watched Jordan’s shy side. Although Jordan was tripping over her tongue, Betty Jean wasn’t buying any of it.

  Betty Jean stood and put her hands on her hips and cocked one eyebrow. “You’re spending the night. And don’t worry, I sleep like a rock, and Emmy’s room is down the hall. So, you two won’t bother me if you’re the rowdy type. Now, what time should I wake you up for breakfast? I’ve been looking forward to having company.”

  Jordan was speechless and Emmy managed to sneak out the words between giggles. “Auntie, dear. We can wake ourselves up. I promise we will be down by seven thirty.”

  “Very well.” She kissed them good night. Climbing the stairs with a slight limp, she murmured, “God damn arthritis.” Midway up, she stopped. “You don’t need any pajamas. You two are a lovely, wonderful couple. And as many nights as Emmy has slept at your house, I’m sure you’ve gone through the lesbian Kama Sutra several times.” She continued up the stairs as if it was any other typical statement.

  Emmy burst out laughing as Jordan stood in shock. Her face was a deep crimson. “Oh my God, she’s got a set of balls on her.”

  Emmy hugged Jordan, and her deep laughter became small little snickers. “Let’s get to bed.” She pulled Jordan up the stairs.

  They took turns in the hallway bathroom. When Emmy came out, Jordan was dressed in a nightshirt and sitting on the bed.

  “Don’t tell me you’re shy because I know better. Take off that damn shirt and crawl under the covers and keep me warm. We’ve come a long way since the night when we hit the deer.”

  “Yes, but we slept in old T-shirts, and we didn’t do anything.”

  “But we did caress and cuddle.”

  “Yeah but that’s not the same as your aunt pointing out the Kama Sutra!” Jordan said in a whispered yell.

  She dropped her robe, and Jordan swallowed. Emmy could see the excitement build as Jordan’s eyes caressed every inch of her body. Sliding under the sheets, she patted the bed, and Jordan relented, slipping off the shirt. When Jordan started to say something else, she put her index finger up to Jordan’s lips to shush her and began caressing and kissing her face and neck.

  “I can take a little more without being too loud.”

  Emmy licked Jordan’s lower lip and sucked it in. “Oh, I promise you’ll get more, and we’ll see how much you can control your volume.” Her hand slipped between Jordan’s legs. She kissed her and intensified the rhythm but stopped. “You do like to moan rather loudly.”

  “I know. This is a bad idea.”

  “Uh-huh. Can’t fool me, bad girl.” Emmy threw back the bed coverings and adjusted her body atop Jordan in the opposite direction and took her in with slow circles.

  “Oh my God. Are you crazy?”

  Moans soon replaced Jordan’s words, and Emmy picked up the pace. She loved pleasing her girlfriend, and when Jordan nestled into her, the mixture of tender strokes and nips combined with flicking the tip of each other’s engorged clit drove them both on. With each quiver, mouths and tongues moved faster and harder. Now it was Emmy who moaned, and she pressed her pelvis down to meet Jordan’s mouth. Control shifted when Jordan squeezed and kneaded her ass while taking her fully. Although lightheadedness from blood flowing to her core overtook her, she didn’t stop lavishing Jordan. The uncontrollable pleasure of muscles tingling and contracting gave way to the explosions that rolled through their bodies.

  Intoxicated with love and in utter bliss, they lay still for several seconds before Emmy repositioned and pulled the sheet and blanket over their bodies. She rested her head on Jordan’s chest, closing her eyes. She loved the feel and sound of Jordan’s heart thumping as her own beat wildly. Their labored breathing took time to taper down. Delicately, Jordan ran her fingertips over her shoulder.

  “So, was that an excellent way to muffle the sound?”

  “Yes. You surprised me. I…” Jordan seemed to struggle for words.

  “You seemed to enjoy yourself. Was there something I could have done to make you feel better?”

  “It was awesome. I’ve just never done that before.”

  Emmy sprang up on one elbow. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah, seriously. Jesus, that was intense. Thank you.” Jordan kissed her forehead.

  Emmy kissed Jordan’s chest above her heart. “You know, you are wearing my favorite Jordan lopsided mischievous grin right now.”

  “You’ve got a favorite grin, huh?”

  “Yes.” Emmy took her lips long and hard.

  “You make me happy, Em. I’ve slept more soundly since we’ve been together and have never been more at peace than I am now.”

  “Me too. By the way, this is the first time you’ve called me Em. I love it, sweetheart.”

  “Just don’t call me honey. My mom does that all the time and it drives me nuts.”

  Emmy laughed. “Just don’t call me babe or baby or I’ll likely smack you.”


  The next day, Emmy shopped for Jordan’s birthday present in between chores for Betty Jean. She had found the perfect b
irthday gift, a leather-bound journal that would go perfectly with the necklace she already had wrapped at the house. The journal would be given at the party. The necklace would be in private. It was a simple white gold design with a fine teardrop-shaped amethyst surrounded by small diamonds. She had personally picked the small high-quality diamonds. Smiling, she imagined the design highlighting Jordan’s luscious mocha-colored skin.

  Her cell phone rang. Thinking it was Jordan calling after the lunch service, she enthusiastically answered. “Hey there, gorgeous. What’s up?”

  “Well, hello to you too, pretty one. I see that the American lingo has already firmly snatched you.”


  “Yes, Lassie.”

  “What’s wrong?”


  “Calvin. You never call without a reason. Your detailed review was completed not long ago. The daily checks done by the computer software haven’t caused any alerts. Your positions remain good. So why are you calling?”

  “Ah, you got me. I’ve run across some opportunities, and I’d like to consider some major trades.”

  Emmy rolled her eyes. “What do you mean by major? Your portfolio is stable right now and is averaging slightly above the indices. Besides, you agreed to long-term growth without impulsive adjustments. What’s going on?”

  “I’d prefer not to tell you over the phone. So, how about flying to Scotland this weekend?”

  She stopped all of a sudden, and a man who was walking behind her bumped into her. They each mumbled sorry.

  “What’s that, Lassie?”

  Emmy crisply replied, “No.”

  “Excuse me?”

  She swallowed hard. Calvin Thornton was her number one client. He was extremely wealthy, kind, and generous. Few people had the clout to tell him no. She could not afford to lose him after quitting the bank.

  “I’m sorry, Calvin. I’ve got plans that I cannot break.”

  “What possibly could keep you in West Virginia? It better be great sex because I pay you well, my dear.”

  She smiled. “I could fly out in a couple of weeks, but I cannot stay long, four days max. Will that work?”

  “Must be sex. Sure, my Lassie. I’ll make arrangements. In the meantime, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Oh, and I expect to hear all about your new love interest.” Laughing, he hung up without waiting for her reply.

  When she had departed the London investment firm for the bank, she’d planned to manage only Becca’s account. Calvin surprised her by insisting she continue as his personal financial advisor and trader. He was ridiculously wealthy and could open doors for her. She needed him now more than ever. His influence could help her expand her client base. Now, she had to tell Jordan about this Scotland trip.


  It was a couple of hours before the dinner crowd when one of the waitresses grabbed Jordan’s arm. The girl was pale, her eyes were wide, and her grip was tight.

  “There’s a guy out front with a gun on his hip. He looks creepy and scares the shit out of me.”

  Jordan’s stomach dropped. She had a good guess who the man was.

  “How many customers and where are they sitting?”

  “Two tables on the right. He’s alone on the left. A few at the bar.”

  Jordan rubbed the girl’s arm. She was only right out of high school. “I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry. Stay in the kitchen.”

  Jo overheard and was now standing next to them. “I’ll call the sheriff.”

  “It’s not illegal unless he refuses to leave.”

  “It’s still a good idea.”

  Jordan shook her head. “Just give me a few minutes to talk to him.” It was the last thing she wanted to do. Yet, she couldn’t jump to conclusions.

  From the minute she stepped into the dining room, she recognized him from the long shaggy hair. Her strides were slow and measured. She didn’t want to alarm anyone nor did she want him to see her apprehension even though her heart was about to jump out of her chest. As she approached, he turned, wearing the same goddamn sunglasses. What’s with this jerk? Today, he wore a sleeveless drab olive-green shirt showing off his well-defined biceps.

  She stopped and met his gaze with a firm face. At least his hands were in view on the table. In a low voice, she said, “Excuse me, sir. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”


  “You’re carrying a weapon.”

  “It’s perfectly within my legal right.”

  There was something about him, yet Jordan couldn’t figure it out. “Yes, except when a sign is posted. That makes it my legal right to ask you to leave. If you refuse, then it’s against the law. I don’t want any trouble. You’re welcome to come back when you’re not carrying.”

  “Guess I didn’t see it.”

  “It’s new but in plain sight of the front door.”

  He didn’t budge and instead hung his head and removed the sunglasses. Her stomach lurched when he spat on the lenses and used the corner of his shirt to wipe them off. Without looking up, he said, “Okay. Can we talk for a few minutes?”

  What the fuck is this guy’s problem? “Sir—”

  Jordan’s mouth dropped when he raised his head. His gray-blue eyes bore into her, and he didn’t blink. The right eye, the one with the iris that was partially brown. She felt dizzy and nauseated.

  “It’s been a long time, Jordan.”

  His presence sucked the air out of her lungs, and her body trembled. She hoped it didn’t show. “Please leave now, Darrell.”

  She didn’t flinch despite his eyes piercing through her. She didn’t want to appear weak.

  “I believe the lady asked you to leave.” Sheriff Johnson put his hand on Jordan’s shoulder. “I’ll take it from here.”

  Jordan never heard the sheriff come in. Swallowing, she willed her body to move out of the way.

  “Come on, son. If you don’t leave now, I’ll have to arrest you.”

  “No problem, sir.” Darrell stood.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him casually take a long swig of his drink before moving toward the door.

  “See you around, Jordan. We’ve got a lot to catch up on,” he shouted on his way out, making all heads turn.

  After he had left, the sheriff came over and softly whispered, “Looks like there might be a problem after all. Maybe we ought to go back to your office.”

  Jordan wet her lips. She couldn’t look him in the eye. Her breathing was shallow, and she thought she might faint any minute. “No, sir. We just didn’t get along very well in high school. I’m sure what he wanted to talk about was nothing.” She tried to give a smile and then turned and walked away.

  She practically knocked over Jo when she walked into the kitchen.

  “Damn, Jordan. That was intense.”

  She trudged toward her office. “Jo take over. I don’t want to be disturbed.”

  Closing and locking the door, she collapsed in the chair with her hand over her mouth to muffle the sobs. It didn’t help much, and she flipped on the radio. No one has seen him for years. Why couldn’t he just stay away?

  Her thoughts turned to Emmy. Things were going fantastic. She even suspected she was falling in love. God, what am I going to tell her? I’ve never told anyone outside the therapist in Spain.

  She moved over to the futon, curled up tight with a pillow, and grabbed a handful of tissues. Her body shook, and she was helpless to fight off the memories.


  She became enamored with her friend Karen in their junior year of high school and would never forget the day things changed. The rain pelted the windows like pebbles, the wind howled, and the lights were out. They were huddled under a blanket in the basement of Karen’s house, studying by candlelight and eating mac and cheese.

  No one else was expected home until later in the evening. With a mischievous smile, Karen grabbed a flashlight, disappeared into the dark corner, and brought back wine. Soon t
hey were mildly inebriated.

  As they giggled, hands mingled, and with each sip, inhibitions slipped away. She didn’t hear half of what Karen said then perked up when the topic of kissing was mentioned. Karen described her encounters as harsh and gross, especially with her ex-boyfriend, Tommy—a jerk Jordan couldn’t stand and who Karen had fortunately dumped.

  “Instead of nice, warm, and gentle, it’s like they’re pigs at the trough. For once, I’d like a soft kiss. How about you? Have you ever kissed anyone?”

  Jordan’s smile faded as Karen looked deep into her eyes. She wanted to kiss Karen so badly, yet the haze of booze also brought fear and hesitation.

  “You look sad right now. Are you okay?”

  Jordan sat there taking in the beauty of Karen’s face as her pulse raced and her body tingled. Caught up in the moment, she kissed Karen. Pulling away slightly, Jordan looked for a reaction. She saw a mixture of surprise and bewilderment, though Karen didn’t push Jordan away nor did she avert her gaze. After several long seconds, Jordan kissed her again, and to her amazement, Karen returned her kiss. Jordan’s emotions roared as their tongues explored and arms tightened around each other. The sensation was amazing, like no other she had experienced. Her heart pounded, and she felt light headed. When Karen moaned, Jordan deepened the kiss with intense hunger.

  “You girls down in the basement?” Karen’s mom yelled from the top of the stairs.

  Bungling in panic, they jumped up and hid the evidence of booze. They popped some gum into their mouths before Karen’s mom rounded the corner with a large bright lantern.

  “Goodness gracious, I’m relieved to be home out of that weather.” She hugged them both. Smiling, she looked down at the empty bowls of mac and cheese and the candles. “Looks like you two made out okay.”

  Oh, you have no idea, Jordan thought. Out of the corner of her eye, Karen was grinning.


  After what seemed like forever, she stopped crying. Her nasal passages were swollen, and she couldn’t breathe well. That glorious year together with Karen had changed her life in many ways, but the hole of losing Karen had never healed. It wasn’t my fault. No matter the logic and facts, Jordan felt responsible. The guilt that she had tucked away in every crack and crevice came roaring forward.


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