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moan for uncle 4

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by Towers, Terry

  Moan For Uncle 4:

  Skeletons In The Closet


  Terry Towers

  Moan For Uncle 4: Skeletons In The Closet

  Copyright 2011 by Terry Towers

  Cover by: Terry Towers

  All rights reserved. With the exception of brief quotes used for critical reviews and articles no part of this book may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the author Terry Towers. Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Terry Towers can be contacted via her website at

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via internet or other means, electronic or print without the author's permission. Criminal copyright infringement without monetary gain is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. ( Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors imagination and used fictitiously.

  Chapter 1

  "We're denied!" Nikki's blue eyes widened and her long chestnut brown hair, tied in a high ponytail swayed from side to side, as she shook her head. "You need to check that again. We are not denied."

  "Sweetie, calm down. It's a mistake." Grant slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her tight against him, placing a light kiss on the top of her head. Looking up, he gave the mousy middle-aged female clerk in the horn-rimmed glasses a friendly smile. "Can you double check on that for us? I'd be grateful if you would."

  The woman huffed and shot them an annoyed look over her glasses. "Alright. I'll see what I can find out." They watched as she stood and made her way to the back office.

  "What if it's the uncle-niece thing?" Nikki whispered, looking up at him and seeking his reassurance, that that wasn't the case.

  It had been a month since she and Grant had informed her parents of their engagement and although her parents had ultimately accepted that she and Grant were going to be getting married, there was still tension between the four of them.

  Her parents had asked that they did not ‘publically’ announce the engagement, at least not for a little while, until they got used to the idea themselves. So now when she and Grant visited Bar Harbor, they had to pretend to be nothing more than relatives. Having to lie about them being together to friends and other members of their family was beyond frustrating for Nikki. There was also the fact that the wedding was scheduled in two months’ time; if they waited much longer to announce the engagement, they'd be already married!

  "It's not. Remember that was all explained and sorted out when we applied. Nik, it's an administrative error.... That's all."

  Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the clerk heading back to the counter with a grim look on her face. Nikki winced and shot a worried glance at Grant.

  "Don't worry, I don't think she knows how to smile. You can't judge the result from the expression on her face."


  As she sat back down at her desk, the clerk glared at Grant. Frowning, Nikki looked up at Grant and then back to the clerk. "Is it straightened out?" she managed to squeak out, although by the disgusted look on the clerk's face she reasoned it wasn't.

  "Well, I would suggest to your fiancé, Miss Rivers, that if he wants to marry you he should consider divorcing his current wife."

  Nikki's mouth dropped as she eyed Grant's face, but his expression was unreadable. Oh-my-god!

  "Grant?" It had to be a mistake. Grant couldn't be married. He'd barely had time for a girlfriend for the most part of his life, let alone a wife!

  Grant chuckled and shook his head. "That's impossible. I'm not married, there must be some confusion."

  Nikki nodded. "Yes, it's a mistake." She let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. It was just one big, silly mistake and Grant was going to fix it now and then in two months’ time they'd be Mr And Mrs Grant Rivers. A smile touched her lips, yes it was a mistake, she was sure of it.

  The clerk heaved a loud sigh and even had the nerve to roll her eyes at Grant, before spewing off all of Grant's vitals, social security number, birthdate and so on. To each fact she recited Grant nodded the verification.

  "And you're married to a Mrs. Diana Rivers, maiden name Williams, licence issued and signed in the state of Virginia." she paused and shot him a smirk, "Oh, and look here, next Tuesday is your three year anniversary. Give your wife my congratulations will you, Mr. Rivers."

  "There must be some mistake," Nikki whispered more to herself than anyone else.

  The clerk gave Nikki a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry hun, this isn't the first time I've seen this happen. Young women coming in here, and not knowing their fiancés as well as they should..."

  Nikki shook her head and anger began to rise up within her. "No, he's my uncle for God's sake! I would think the family would know if Grant got married!"

  The clerk shot up straight in her chair, her mouth falling agape and Nikki heard a couple faint gasps coming from the line behind her.

  "Umm, Nikki.... sweetheart..."

  What she had just said out loud suddenly hit her and heat rushed up into her cheeks. This was turning out to be one of the most horrible days of her nineteen years. Looking up at Grant her heart sank to her stomach, the faint surprised look that had crossed his features was gone. She knew at that moment it was true. He was married.

  "How could you!" she spat. "Why?"

  "Nikki." He attempted to grasp her shoulders, but she shrugged off his touch.

  "How? I don't understand."

  He leaned into her and though she was tempted to shuffle away, pride kept herself rooted in the spot, and she was terrified to make more of a scene than she'd already caused.

  "We need to talk. Privately. I can explain this; it's just a big... misunderstanding. I can fix this."

  She crossed her arms over her chest and continued to glare at him. "Then fix it, now."

  Grant ran an unsteady hand through his dark hair, "It's not that simple." He grabbed her arm once more and this time she allowed the contact to happen. "Please, let's get out of here."

  She looked around them and noticed at least a dozen sets of eyes glued to her and Grant. Oh-my-god! This is humiliating. Nodding she conceded. "Alright, let's go."

  Five minutes later Nikki sat in the car with Grant, impatiently awaiting his explanation. How could he not know he was married? Did he just forget? How does one forget a detail like that, especially when they consider proposing to someone else? She had so many emotions rushing through her, her head felt as though it were spinning. Nikki thought she was going to cry so she grabbed onto the one emotion that wouldn't have her breaking down in tears and ran with it.

  "You had better have a damned good explanation for it!" she fumed, glaring at him from the passenger seat of her Lotus.

  Grant sighed loudly. "Well, Nikki, I was married."

  Without giving it any thought, Nikki slugged his shoulder - hard.

  "Ouch! Nikki, what the fuck!" Frowning, Grant rubbed his t-shirt clad shoulder.

  "So, didn't you think that would have been some information I'd have liked to have known, before now?"

  He sighed again. "Well, no. Not really."

  Not really! The anger within her bubbled and she slugged him a second time, nailing his shoulder in the exact spot as the first one.

  "Ouch! Nikki, will you calm down a minute, please. Look. It's complicated. It wasn't a real marriage."

"How in the hell could it not be a real marriage, according to the state of Virginia it sure is real. And still legitimate, Grant!"

  "Without getting into details..."

  "Of course - no details. I never get details about anything in your life!" Nikki interrupted.

  Choosing to ignore her interruption he continued. "The woman is Diana Williams. She was my partner for a case a few years ago. It was critical that everything looked as official as possible, in order to pull off what needed to be done, so we got married, all official like in Virginia. Once the case was finished, I signed the divorce papers and then the agency sent them to Diana to sign and make it an official divorce. I haven't seen her since the assignment was completed, over two years ago. The divorce should have been taken care of as soon as the case was complete. The agency assured me it was taken care of. So what we'll do is this... We go home, I'll contact the agency, and we'll get this all straightened out. It's nothing to worry about, sweetie."

  Reaching across the seat, Grant attempted to caress her cheek with the back of his hand, but she edged herself away.

  "Nikki, please..." the sound of his voice and the look in his eyes both coaxed her to be reasonable. She wanted to be reasonable, but reasonable didn't seem to be in her at that moment.

  "Did you fuck her?" She didn't know why the question came out, but there it was, jealousy personified over a woman of little to no significance to Grant - if what Grant told her was true.

  Confused by her unexpected question Grant let his hand drop and sat up straight in his seat, his grey eyes studying her vibrant blue ones for a moment. "What kind of question is that?"

  Crossing her arms over her chest, Nikki glared at him. "I want to know if you fucked her, Grant."

  "W-what does it even matter?" His tone rose slightly, as he was visibly holding onto the last ounce of his patience.

  "It matters to me."

  Shoving the key into the ignition he started the car. "You really want to know?" he asked not looking at her, but instead focusing on backing out of the parking slot.

  "Well, I asked didn't I?" Nikki had to bite back her sarcasm; she was just being plain nasty now, she knew this, but again she couldn't help it.

  Now out of the parking slot, Grant shoved the car into gear, stomped on the gas and sent the car jolting forward. "Yes, I fucked her. Are you happy now?" He didn't bother to look in her direction, instead keeping his focus on the traffic as he sped out onto the highway.

  With a huff, Nikki directed her attention straight ahead, watching as the car zipped in and out of traffic as they headed for home. "For the record, if we had a sofa in my apartment, you'd be on it tonight, buster!"

  If Nikki had turned her head to look at Grant, she would have noticed the amused smirk formed on his lips as he drove home at speeds in excess of those posted.


  It had been two days since they’d received the bad news about the marriage licence and as they sat in the jet plane waiting for it to take off on its way from Boston to San Francisco, California, in search of Diana Williams, Grant's patience with Nikki's attitude was wearing extremely thin.

  He had called the agency when they arrived home after receiving the bad news and from his understanding the agency had sent the divorce papers to her to sign, but she never did sign and return them so they could be properly processed. And they had 'forgotten' to inform Grant of that little hiccup in the plan.

  The agency sent a new set of papers for him and Diana to sign, but this time Grant didn't want any loose ends, he signed the papers and was going to be standing there watching Diana sign her name to them and file them personally. The agency assured him that they would see to it that the divorce went through quickly so he could carry on with his life with Nikki as planned.

  As the plane began to make its way down the runway, Grant heard Nikki's sharp intake of breath. This was her first time flying, and though she refused to admit it, she was evidently nervous. Reaching over he took her hand in his and gave it a little squeeze. Surprisingly, and to his relief, she didn't pull it out of his grasp like she'd been doing the past couple of days whenever he tried to initiate any type of physical contact.

  Thank heavens for small miracles, he thought as she clutched his hand.

  The way she'd been avoiding contact with him, he might as well have had the plague. What was even more shocking was the no sex. Nikki needed sex at least once a day when he was home, several times usually. She was determined to remain pissed; even if it deprived her of one of the things he knew she loved the most.

  Once the plane was in the air and flying at a nice steady pace, he felt a nudge in his side. When she realized she had his attention she leaned over to him so her mouth was almost touching his ear. A shiver ran down his spine at the feel of her warm breath caressing his ear and neck; his cock immediately took notice, rising to attention.

  "Give me a minute head start then join me in the bathroom," she whispered.

  "Huh?" Frowning, Grant pulled back and looked her square in the eye. "The bathroom of the plane? What for?"

  Nikki huffed and cocked her head, giving him her 'what do you think' look.

  "What? Does this mean you're over this whole anger bit you've been hanging onto the past couple of days?"

  "No it means I haven't done it in a plane before and since the flight isn't overly packed I want to do it now." She shrugged, "it's one of the things on my bucket list."

  "You're using me to scratch something off your bucket list?" He squared his shoulders and shot her a dirty look. "Maybe I'm not interested, ever think of that, honey?" Despite what he said, the bulge in his pants which Nikki was now eyeing gave him away.

  Damn it, Busted.

  Taking a second to ensure no one was looking, Nikki slipped her hand out of his, and slid it up his inner leg to his crotch and began to stroke the ridge of his cock over his pants. A low groan escaped his lips. Two days being near her without getting to feel her warm, moist pussy around his cock was just too long.

  With a self-satisfied smirk appearing on her face Nikki leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. "Thought so."

  Angry with himself for not being able to display the restraint that she seemed to have had over the past couple of days Grant growled, a low rumble in the back of his throat. "Fine. We'll do it, but be forewarned, once I come I'm done whether you've come or not. We clear? No holding back baby!" It crossed his mind momentarily that he was now acting as childishly as she had been recently.

  Although a grin hadn't crossed her lips, when he caught her eyes, they shone in amusement. As quickly as that, the tension that had been swirling around them since the whole marriage fiasco began seemed to fade away.

  "Count to sixty then come in, got it?" Nikki prompted, a smile finally breaking through and gracing her lips.

  Chuckling, Grant nodded. "Got it, now go on before someone needs to actually use it."

  "Right!" Taking a quick peek up and down the aisle to ensure that no one was paying attention to what was going on around them and that the flight attendants were occupied, Nikki jumped from her seat, hustled her way down the aisle and, seconds later, disappeared into the washroom.

  "58...59...60," Grant murmured with a slight chuckle before standing and making his way to the washroom to join her. This wasn't exactly his first choice of venues for a quick romp, but considering she'd cut him off the past couple of days he figured beggars couldn't be choosers. He was getting tired of taking care of business himself while she slept beside him each night.

  As he approached the door, he gave another look around, and was satisfied no one was paying attention to him. Everyone seemed engrossed in the movie that was currently on the screen. "Nik, it's me, open up," he whispered as he rapped his knuckles on the flimsy bathroom door.

  The door was immediately flung open. Grabbing his hand, Nikki anxiously pulled his large frame into the cramped bathroom with her, shutting the door behind him and locking it. To fit in with her so that they could even consider wh
at she had proposed, Grant positioned her back to his front, facing her towards the wall and straddling the toilet.

  "This certainly isn't the most romantic of situations," he grumbled frowning. Despite the less than ideal situation, his dick was hard and ready.

  "We have to work with what we have," Nikki whispered over her shoulder at him.

  Quickly he unzipped his jeans and pulled them - along with his boxers - down over his hips. Once done and his hard, thick shaft released, he slipped his hands up her outer thighs and under her pleated skirt. He was pleasantly surprised to find she'd already rid herself of her panties.

  "You came prepared?" he teased as he grabbed her shapely leg and urged her to place one foot on the toilet seat, making her pussy more accessible to him. "I thought you weren't interested?"

  "This was the exception. I'm horny and I need it before someone knocks on the door so let's hurry this along."

  Holding back the laughter that was forcing its way to the surface, he focused his concentration on her tight, nineteen year old ass, and the moan that came from her as he ran a finger between her wet folds.

  "Fuck me Grant. Fuck me now!" she whispered with urgency in her tone, as she planted the palms of her hands against the bathroom wall and bucked back against the hand stroking her.

  Knowing time was of the essence, Grant replaced his finger with his cock. He ran his shaft back and forth for a few passes until she was moaning louder than he felt comfortable with, and attempting to spear herself onto his cock.

  "You have to stay quiet," he chided. Before she had a chance to respond he pressed a hand to the small of her back and rammed his dick deep into her - to the hilt. A startled gasp sounded from her, but he was already lost in the sensations her hot, moist core was invoking within him as he began to thrust hard and fast into her.

  Her pussy clenched and gripped his cock as he withdrew and slammed into her a second time. He was fighting his own battle to remain quiet as the sensations became more intense, with his building need to release. Damn, he wished he could strip her naked and fondle every part of her beautiful, soft body.


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